Founded 1847 Special Purchase Manufacturer's Clearance 782 High Class Shirts Made by Cluett Peabody & Co., and the Forsythe Company--all high grade Shirts guaranteed. On sale while they last for '1 98 PAJAMAS Odd lines to clear--regular $3.00 -- $3.50 *1.98 LIVINGSTON'S || not more passes. "If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" Retail Market Phones 458-459. Business Office 365. ROUND STEAKS Per pound - - 18 New pack--in oil --|Raspberry and Buy it in bulk and save the difference. ® Pickled Pork GURD'S SHELLED Aromatic Ginger Ale Wholesale Department 1767. Cut from Western Steer and 5 for 25¢. Strawberry-- (4s) Hersley blend-- Blue Bonnet For boiling with Cabbage--.. 1 9 C BEVERAGES WALNUTS Plain Soda Water. Spesial purchase--1,200 pounds--. i 75-79 BROCK STREET Ovalty--Larger Market Servic Tuesday and Wednesday Heifer Beef, government inspected. Regular 95¢. for79¢ Black Tea ™ ¢vaiisnns as 3%] blend .......08. 'handy cuts - Fresh shipment Dry Ginger Ale. Sugar Cured). » Si 0s Ty aus .28c.| By the piece ...25e. - ENJOY A BOILED DINNER 1! Pickled Hoc Sweet Pickle Cure--per Ib. Sweet Pickled Rolls--for Se _By the piece . vast al oan vs + 18CiTHs 7c THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG TUESDAY, MARCH 4, CADET NOW MAKES REPL (Continu@d from Page 1.) | capable of inflicting pain and that | its punishment was more mental; than physical" F. That the boy instituted this | system of discipline when~ his turn | | came to bé a senior and was the first | { to inflict this punishment on re c¢ruits. g G. That the boy had $140 with | | him when he left, H. That you could imagine no rea- son for his action other than that he | of his | brooded over the indignity | punishment and left in a fit of des- | pondency. I. It has been stated further that {the state, [the boy "lost his sepiotity," the in- | ference being that he was incapable | {or unworthy, this statement came from yourself), Replying to the Above (I do not gather that has been jest of life insurance. [INSURANCE MEN TO MAKE CANVASS OF CITY | And Ask for Signatures for [a Reduction In Income Taxes. | At a large meeting .f the life in- surance men of the city, which was held in the Board of Trade rooms | Monday n'ght, .t was decided to thoroughly canvass- the city in conm- | nection with a petition which is be- ing forwarded to. the minister of finance asking for a ~eduction in con- nection with income (axes. For some time it has been felt | { that, as lite insurance is a bénefit to | those paying premiums | should be relieved to some extent. | During the last fifty years pauperism | reduced i. the United | States by 33 1-3 per cent. as the re- | The benefits | of insurance to the state are recog- | A: 1 believe that the maximum | nized in Great Britain and there al | punishment that may be awarded by | man is relieved from paying income | the B.S.M. is three defaulters drills. The punishment in this case was: 1. A flogging of twenty strokes, not | twelve. 2. His leaye to be stopped | | indefinitely. 3. Fourteen days con- | inement to flat (Flat C.B.) | He had only been able to receive some five leaves since entering the | | college and had been forced from | time to time to give fictitious reasons | to his relatives such as being on] | duty and he could not see the possi- { bility of continuing to do this. On| | the Sunday after the hockey match | | he was told by the senior cadets that | his pass, already granted, was can-| celled and that he was to telephone and say he was detailed for guard. | Then it was decided that Burley had better do the talking. Burley did | telephone to that effect. B. Lying, so far as being regard- ed as a crime by the student body, | is encouraged and compelled by the | seniors. [ C. "Trial oosia ia in being taken before the B. S. M. in his own room. He had the Bl sheet al- ready filled out and before a word was said he had the punishment written in and had changed the re- | striction of the pass from three weeks to--until further orders. ! D.. When he was a class sen- for, Fair and McLeod told the class J nei they had relatives in Kingston and would be glad to have names of | members of the class Included in | their invitations. He further obtain- ed permission from his grandmoth- er to invite Hodgson, who was .un- able to go home on acéount of a broken leg for the Christmas holi- days. The fact of his having rela- tives was known to the seniors. This inference, I take it, is entirely uncalled for and dbsolutely unwar- ranted by the facts and further, I take it that your information was obtained from some senior who gave it to cover the fact that the boy had "Swagger Stick Panishment, E. A swagger stick is admirably suited to inflict the most severe bodily pains especially when laid on in this case till the bamboo cane frayed and cracked from end to end. It was a refinement of punish- ment to send the boy to fetch the cane, F. This is absolutely untrue. He was appointed senior at the begin- ning of the term and he was in- structed by the B.S.M. Crowe ana other seniors to "fan' the class at) his discretion and on the only oc- casion that he did this he gave six strokes and did not shatter the cane to three out of four boys--under 'direct instruction from seniors. le gave the punishment in the presence of six seniors of his own class. He did not punish the fourth boy as he did not think he had done anything te deserve it. Elliott, when senior, told the class than anyone '"'soaked" for any reason by a professor; would get ten strokes from the B.S.M. and ten strokes from himself. You will note that this occasion was early .n the term and the boy new to the school and trying to live up to the traditions of the college and to carry out its old established customs. If you felt justified in saying that he was a stern disciplin- arian that was surely to his credit. G. I do not know where you got { this information. Mr. Blake Thomp- | son informs me that when asked he | told you that the boy could have no | more than a very small balance of { his pocket money with him, cert- ainly less than $5. H. This statement is obvioys- ly attributed to the fact that you ¥ were misinformed or uninformed by those you trusted. I. The boy was definitely and categorically informed, together with Osler, by Major Greenwood, staff adjutant, that the appointment "ot Odlum and Hodgson as class sen- iors was in no way a reflection on {them or on the way they had afs- charged their duties but was made in conformity with a syrtem newly established. This 1 think, covers' the points raised by your interview. The poy sald nothing until after this was made public, and most certainly has my sanction in demanding the full- est retraction or the fullest and most open investigation. I am sure you do not know this condition as it is but I am equally sure it is high time you did. . : Yours Sincerely, » ,_. G. G. ARNOLD, . . Albert J. Hunt, String" k. Cornwall, passed Away oh Sunday after an illness of {two months. Mr. Hunt moved to | Cornwall five years ago from Gil-| {bert Plains' Man. "In case of sickness" always re- member Gibson's Drug Store is open | from 3 a.m. 10 21 pum, manager of the to tax on premiums paid for life insur- | ance up to one-sixth of his income. { The insurance men divided them-| sleves 'into sever teams with a cap-| tain for each team, "and; in order to | save duplication of work, are divid- ing the'city into wards so that each | elector may be called upon for his| or her signature to the- petition dtr- "- | {ing the next few days. | | | | I At Queen's University * } | | Last week Queen's were success- | ful in their debating teams both -at | home and away. The final debate against Loyala College, the winners 0° the other group, will be held at Convocation Hall on Thursday even- ing March 6th, Queen's being repre- sented by Messrs Sinclair and Sisco, victors at Montreal last Thursday against McGill. The tean. to repre- sent Loyala will be Messrs Kennedy and Scott, who will support the af- firmative side of "Resolved that the activities of the League of Natiods Justify its ntinued Existence." Dr. O. D. Skelton, Dr. McNeill and Prof. Matheson will attend a meeét- ing of the matriculation conference at Toronto Univefsity on Thursday. As to-morrow is Ash Wednesday Queen's University will be closed. PORTSMOUTH COUNCIL. Appoint Thomas F. Graham Assessor --Mowat Hospital Drain Portsmouth Council held its monthly meeting Monday evening with all the members present. Tho- mas F. Graham was appointeq as- sessor for the current year, with six. ty dollars set as the payment for his services. There were two other ap- plications. A resolution was passed endors- ing the St. Lawrence river power de- velopment project, the same to be forwarded to the premier. The secretary was instructed to write the minister of public works, urging, on behalf of the council, im- mediate action in regard to the Mowat hospital drain, It was de- cided to open up all the drains in the village at once, in case of a sud- den thaw and the resulting flood. Concert at St. John's Church. St. James' church conpert party provideq the entertainment Monday evening in the parish hall of St. John's church, Portsmouth, when two plays were offered, one entitled 'Long' Distance' and the second one | "Snooks vs. Foozle," the latter be- | ing a very funny matrimonial tan- gle in the course of being settled in court. Both plays were very much enjoyed and well produced. In the intermission, the ladies of the par- ish of 8t. John's sold home-made candy, and at the end of the perfor- mance provided excellent refresh- ments for the entertainers, Ald. Laturney's Report. * At the meeting of the city coun- | cil held on Monday night, Ald, bat- | urney presenteq a report regarding | the meeting he attended in Toronto | recently of various municipalities in| regard to having the government | give the municipalities a percentage | of the money collected in amuse- | ment tax and Zor motor vehicle i) censes, Opening Water Tables, | The Board of Works department | is looking forward to the snow dis- | appearing very rapidly and bas a! gang of men busy opening up the | water tables and making drains to | relieve the water, The death occurred at Cannes, France, on Sunday, -of Mrs. Allan Ronald Macdonald. Before her mar- riage, in 1892, she was Miss Helen Margaret Ryan, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ryan, Brockville. "Go to Gibson's Drug Store" for cough syrups. The death took place at Watford, on Saturday, of a former resident of Brockville, in the person of Mrs. Esther Shirley. She was born near Newboro, a daughter of the late Robert Bell. "Go to Gibson's Drug Store" for high class sweets.' Mrs, Sarah K. Fennell, widow of John Fennell, passed away at the residence of her only daughter, Mrs. Bella Scace, Brockville, on Sunday, after a long i} "Yardley Bath Salt" a King- ston at Gibson's Dn ee ------ K Smart Model ~ colored - stitchings on bottom and "Canton Crepe. A Coat; that will give excellent service and one -that you willbe proud of. + * STYLE BEAUTY SMARTNESS Wraps Coats & Suits : That are very much in Vodtic Many interpretations of the smartest styles of "two continents, . - ~ Paris designed them, New York's smartest women are wearing them. Our assortment is so varied that Madame or Mademoiselle may find with ease the very model made for her in- dividually. New Spring Coats Artistically uy from fab- rics that are beautiful as well as of 7 high quality. They are unques- tionably correct in style. An assortment of smart Checks, Stripes, Overplaids and Velours, in Belted and Beltless styles. Every one of these models is a new Spring creation in itself and is worthy of your inspection. Priced $15.00, $19.50, $21.50 $25. 00, $30. 00 and up a Exclusive $37.50 $50.00 A very smart Coat 'of' | A charming wrap- ,» Camel Hair with self around model of strip- ed Flamingo Cloth. Entirely new and will Lined throughout with be = fashionable this Spring. Lined "with Canton Crepe. Comes in'an attractive Sand shade. > sleeves. T v N THE VOGUE OF THE Tailored Suit Fashion has demanded that the Tailored Suit be worn this Spring and her demand has been acceeded to. We are now showing the smart- est models in Twill Cord and Tri- cotine--faultlessly tailored. These are the styles that the Canadian woman will follow this Spring. $35. 00 to $60.00