THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1024, THE DAILY BRI TISH WHIG FOR 15 YEARS WAS TROUBLED WITH ECZEMA There is no other remedy like Bur- dock Blood Bitters that can possibly give such rellef to all sufferers from eczema, salt rheum and all other dis- eases of the blood for the reason that this old and well tried remedy goes right to the seat of the trouble and completely and permanently drives these diseases out of the system by cleansing the blood and making ft pure and rich, Mr. F. W. H. Schultz, Pembroke, Ont., writes: -- 'Having been troubled with eczema for fifteen years, during which time I tried everything I could think of, including doctors, but with- out getting anything to do me much good I finally decided to take Bur- dock Blood Bitters, and I was certain- ly surprised to find that two weeks after I had started to take it I was relieved of my trouble. That was nine months ago, and I have not had a sign of it since, I surely wish to thank you for this wonderful medi- cine and strongly recommend it to anyone suffering from the same trouble as I had." B.B.B. is manufactured only by Them Milburn Co., Limited, Toron- 0, Ont. Hard Wood Choice Body Hardwood. Soft Mixed Wood. Kindling and Slabs. Chas. Bedore & Son 840 NELSON STREET Phone 1746J. GRAYS SYRUP RED Sie. GUM ae Better than a musterd plaster WOMEN FROM eral 3 i He Es 1a Paeitd £ 1 i w g LETTERS To The Editor Re the -- Kingston, March 12.--(To the Editor): With your permission I wish to say a few words in favor of those jealous advocates of God's law, whose letters I have read with inter- est from time to time, I could not but believe that each writer is up- holding what he believes to be right. W. B. Lindsay stands four-square for the ten commandments, the law which is called moral, which God wrote Himself. Exodus 20:1-31:18. So far in his letters he has not con- fused this law with the law of Moses, which is called the ceremonial law, the law which Moses wrote in a book. Deut. 31:9, 24, 26. I admire the way Mr. Lindsay makes the distine- tion between those different coven- ants, and shows the reader clearly what he is talking about. In the texts which I wish to con- trast, I will show still further that the law which God wrote Himself on Mount Sinai will stand fast for ever and ever. Psalms III:7,8. God de- clares that He would never alter this covenant. Pgalms 89:34. And Moses shows what covenant this is, the ten commandments. Deut. 4:13. This is the law that is upheld in such a clear way by W. B. Lindsay. To transgress this law Is sin. I John 8:4; James 2:10-12. Now the law referred to so often by Mr. Lake and by which he endeavors to show that Mr. Lindsay is endeavoring to obey, is not a part in any way of the moral law of ten commandments, which I refer to in the texts just quoted. The ceremonial law which Moses wrote in a book was added because of trans- gression of God's law. The cere- monial law with all its rites and cere- monies ceased to exist when Jesus died on Calvary's cross, Col. 2:14, 16; Eph. 2:15. "The Two Systems of Law." There is one law which deals only with moral duties, Exodus 20. The other law is wholly ceremonial. 10. The moral law is contained in the ten commandments. This law was spoken by the Lord Himself, Deut. 4:12, 13. The ceremonial law related to the rites and ceremonies of the sacrificial system given to the Jews, and this was spoken by Moses. The moral law of ten commandments was written by God. Exddus 31:18. The ceremonial law, relating to the priesthood, the sacrifices and the of- ferings, was written by Moses. Deut. 31:9,24. The moral law was engrav- ed by God upon stone. Deut. 4:13. The ceremonial law was written by Moses in a book. Deut, 31:24. The moral law, on stone, was placed in the ark. Deut. 10.5. The ceremon- ial law, in a book, was placed in the side of the ark. Deut. 31:26. There was a law which was "right," "true," and "good." Neh. 9:13. There was another law which was "not good." Ezek. 20:25. There ure either two different laws spoken of in those texts or else the Bible that we take as our platform is filled with contradictions, and who would accuse the all wise and power. ful God of contradicting Himself? It could not be the people that up- hold His law and teach it to the people, that hands it down to lost humanity, in the same way, that it was given at Sinai. 'There are still further. proofs for this truth. There was a law "which, if a man do, he shall even live in it." Ezek. 20:11. There was another law whereby a man should "not live." Ezek. 20:25, One law was "perfect." Psalms 19: 7. The other '"'made nothing per- fect." Heb. 7:19. One law Christ sald He,dld not come to destroy. Matt. 5:17. The other He abolished. Eph. 2:15. The moral law will en- 1 Heb. 9:4 dure while heaven and earth stand. Matt. 5:18. The other has been taken out of the way by Christ. 'Col. 2:14. Of one law Chp¥ist said who- ever should break one of its least precepts should be condemned. Matt. 5:19. 'Of the other law the apostles sajd they "gave no such command- ment," that Christians "should keep the law." Acts 15:24, Jesu# was talking about the law of ten com- mandments, - (Matt, 5:17-19), while the apostles were speaking of the law of circumcision. One law is '""The law of liberty." James 2:12. The other is a "yoke of bondage." Gal. 5:1. Do you think two things so entirely opposite could be the same thing? One law Paul says he took "delight" in. Rom. 7: 22. The other was a yoke which was unbearable. Acts 15:10. One law is established by faith in Ch¥ist. Rom. 3:31. The other was abolish- ed by the cross of Christ. Eph. 2: 15. To confuse those two laws, and show the texts that mention the ceremonial law, such as Col. 2:14 and Eph. 2:15, to prove that God's law of ten commandments closed at the cross must look terrible in the sight of God. One law is "spiritual." Romans 7:14. The other is '"'cornal." Heb. 7:16. Why do men fight against keeping and teaching this spiritual law? We will let Paul answer the question, Romans 8:6-7. One law is "holy, just and good." Rom. 7: 12. The other law is spoken of as "the emnity." "That was against us, which was contrary to us." Col. 2: 14. The moral law contains "the whole duty of man." Eccles. 12:13. The other "stood - only in meats and drinks, and divers washings, and carnal ordinances," Heb. 9:10. The moral law of ten commandments was by nature written in the hearts of the Gentiles. Rom. 2:14. The cere- monial law became a wall of parti- tion between Jews and Gentiles. Eph. 2:14, 15. The ten command- ment is called "the royal law," James 2:8. The other is the law of Moses. Acts 15:10. .The moral law Jesus came to make honorable and magnify. Isa. 42:21. The other law He disannulled. Heb. 7:18. The moral law is that by which the world will be judged. James 2:12. The other law, called the ceremonial law, will judge no man, Col. 2:16, be- cause it ceased to be binding an men after Christ died. God's law of ten commandments has the same force that they had when they were written by God on Mount Sinal. "The seventh day Sab- bath included. James 1:23. James likens this law of God to a looking- glass, men use a looking-glass, and it shows them in need of cleansing. So the law of God to-day as it al- ways did, stands out as a great sin detector. We look into it and see our sin. And when It points out some cherished sim, let us not try to abolish the law for showing us our true condition, but rather come to Christ. He will not only forgive us for our past transgressions but he will write His law in our hearts, and we will not want to break it any- more. This is His promise, John 1:12; I John 1:9, 'Those people who claim that God's law is not binding in order to dodge the Sabbath truth stand on danger- ous ground. I agree with Mr. Lake, that Christ kept the law while on earth with all its ceremonies, but the ceremonies are not binding since Christ died and fulfilled them. But the law of God points out sin to-day just the same as it did in the begin- ning. Christ kept the ten command- ments and commanded us to follow his example. John 15:10. John says He that saith I know Him and keep- eth not His commandments, is a liar and the truth is not in him. I Johm 2:4. In the days when Ahab led Israel they sinned against God, they broke His law and went into idolatry. God punished them, by sending a a EXHAUSTED WOMEN "WIN NEW STRENGTH END NERVE POWEK Quickly Renew Body Vitality by a Home Treatment Costing Few Cents a Pay What makes the glowing beauty of womanhood? Red blood. Rich, red blood is the driving force of life. If the blood is weak, watery, impure we know nothing of the joys of success and accomplishment "that come with abundant strength and nerve power. Red blood feeds the body tissues, nourishes the nerves, makes our systems tingle with the pulsing of life. Those women, and men as well, sleep fitfully and awake unrefreshed, who have not the vital nerve force to succeed and who must have new en- ergy, should think first of their blood. Nourish the blood. Enrich it. Get from your.druggist to-day a generous size bottle of Wincarnis, the blood builder. Start the Wincarnis home treatment at once. It costs less than ten cents a day. No need to be pale, weak, haggard. Wincarnis will quickly give vou mew strength, vi- tality, nerve force. a famine in the land and after He sent Elijah with a message of reform. On seeing Elijah, Ahab said, art thou he that troubleth Israel? Elijah answered, I have not troubled Israel but thou and thy father's house, in that ye have forsaken the command. ments of God, and followed Baalem, even have forsaken the God of heav- en to-day in turning their backs on His law. Jesus says: In vain do they wor- ship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men, Matt. 15:1- 9; Mark 7:7-13. And just like the days of Elijah, there are many that say those. people that uphold God's law as Elffah did are troublers in Israel. They are upsetting the estab- lished order of things. But the re- cord says that Elijah was translated. II Kings 2:11, 12, So will those who teach God's commandments to-day be translated bi, Jesus comes for His people. John 14:15; 15:14; I Thess. 4:16; Rev. 22:14. There is going to be a people that keep God's law Just as it reads. When Christ comes He says: here are they that keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus. Rev, 14:12. Could Christ say this to a people that was not keeping God's commandments? God 1s calling for men to-day and for women who will stand for His law and teach it to a sin-sick and dying world. God says He has a con- troversy with nations. Why should God have a controversy with the na- tions? Let the Rrophet of God ans- wer. Isa. 24:5. The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants there- of; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant. God's everlasting covenant has been broken and God is calling. for a re- formation. Bee Isa. 68:1, 13. God declared He would never change the covenant, Psalms 89:34. When men say an endeavor to prove that the seventh day Sabbath has been abolished and the first day taken its place, they are trying to prove some- thing that cannet be substantiated by the scriptures of truth. We have to go outside of the Bible for this change. God sal@ that a power would arise and attempt to change His law, Dan' 7:26. History proves that this prophecy was fulfilled, but not by any means at the resurrection of Christ, but rather by Constantine 321 A.D.,, and other decrees, both civil and ecclesiastical, issued by the Roman power in the early centuries VARSITY LADIES INTERO OLLEGIATE CHAMPIONS. (ro a i---_.]}]. i Ale RL These young ladies who carried the blue and white to vietory of Queen's University of Kingston and McGill University of Montreal, in the competition for the Inter- collegiate .hockey championship, are: Top row, left to right: Miss D. Ri Miss Flora Nicol; Miss Spencer, Miss Thomas, Miss M. Donaldson. Bottom row: Miss Hilliard, Miss Mulvihill, Miss M. Ross, Miss Fenwick afd Miss Mcliroy, of the Christian era. "In a little work called '"The Abridgement of Christian Doctrine," page 58, an au- thentic Roman Catholic, work, of course. We are told in plain English that Protestants fondly contradict themselves, by keep Sunday strict- ly and breaking most other feasts commanded® by the same church. Now to be honest with the Sabbath, I believe it would-be more pleasing in the sight of God to be a good con- sistafit Roman Catholie, living up to the laws as taught by the chureh, and keeping Sunday as handed down by the church to her followers, than to be a Protestant who claims to be guided by the Bible alone and pre- tends to denounce those things that pertain to the ecclesiastical power of Rome, and at the same time have to swallow all those statements such as who are quickly exhausted, nervous, | the above quoted from "The Abridgement of Christian Doctrine." The Protestant that takes this stand hasn't got either Bible or traditiom, | and must be classed in church by | themselves. --ROBERT ELLIOTT WALSH. 261 Colbourn street. . i Mrs. Asa G. Gandler, wife of the aged Coca Cola magnate, appeared in an Atlanta, Georgia, police court recently, to answer charges as the result . . ., of her arrest in a police raid SYDENHAM TIDINGS a-------- The Bachelors Hold A Ball--Bunial of Daniel Moore Sydenham, March 8.--The play en- titled "Valley Farm," which was pre- sented a week ago by the young peo- ple of St. Paul's church in the in- terests of the church, was repeated on Tuesday evening for the benefit of the public library. The funeral of the late George Kavaner was-con- ducted at the Methodist church by Rev. C. Hollingsworth on Friday, Feb. 29th. Mrs. Brooks, who suf- fered a long illness, died at the home of her brother-in-law, George Segsworth, on Saturday, March 1st. Albert Roushorn and family have moved to the farm which he purchas- ed recently from William Conway. Mr. and Mrs. Conway have gone td New York to live. The monthly meeting of the Wo- men's Missionary Society was held at the parsonage on Wednesday, Dr. and Mrs. Tovell were in Ottawa last week for the opening of parliament. They also visited Rev, and Mrs. Stafford at Aylmer. The body of the late Daniel Moore, Chicago, arrived here on Thursday for burial. Deceased was a former resident of this place. Mr. Creery, Uxbridge, spent the week-end here with his sister, Miss Creery, of the high school staff. The bachelor's ball, held in the town hall orn Friday evening, was well attended. Normile"s orchestra from Napanee, provided the music. MR. G. FARLEY. On His Feet Again After 37 Years Suffering | pd Dreco Helps Mr. Farley's Weakened System Despite His 59 Years and the Long Standing Nature of His Troubles. Mr. G. Farley, of 428 Gunns Road, Toronto, had scarcely known a well day fqr thirty-seven years. To-day he is a different man, thanks to Dreco. "For the past 37 years," says Mr. Farley, "I have sufferedfrom the effects of pleurisy. temporary benefit. never géemed to refresh me. This trouble has kept my system run down. I tried many remedies right along, but the best I ever received from them was . I always felt weak and tired out and my rest at night "Dreco has benefitted me wonderfully. My system in general is much stronger. 1 sleep better and feel greatly refreshed in the morn« ings. I no longer have that tired out feeling and feel more energetic than for years. Dreco is the best general builder for the system I have ever heard of and I do not hesitate to recommend it." Dreco regulates and restores the weakens' ed organs so that they properly digest the food, retaining all the nourishing values to up-build the body. blood. Dreco also purifies the It contains no mercury, potash. or habit forming drugs, being a thoroughly re- lable remedy of purely vegetable content: Dreco Is being specially introduced in Kingston by Ma= hood's Drug Store. It is also sold as follows: Napanee, W lace & Co.; Gananoque, W. E. Austin; and by a good drugg everywhere. . Tidings of Rockfield. Rockfield, March 10.--The mild weather of the past few days has re- duced our snow banks considerably and is gradually revealing the crush- ed stones on the road. R. Webster is rushing the wood-sawing which was somewhat delayed owing to his hav- ing the misfortune to break his en- gine. ¢ " Mrs. Wesley Warren spent a few days in Brockville last week. School re-opened this morning after being closed a couple of weeks owing to the illness of the teacher. Mrs, Har- old Warren an® son, Donald, spent' 'ast week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Dickey, Yonge Mills. Mrs. J. Grier . returned to M. Grier's, Tiilv, after spending some time at W. H. Warren's. : Miss A. Magee, Silisville, is visit- ing her cousin, Mrs. Leslie Warren. Messrs, L. Herbison and L. War- ren weré in Brockville on Saturday. All are glad to hear that Mrs. Hubert Scott is gaining after her recent operation in the General Hospital, Brockville, A new taxicab in Paris accommo- dates a single person in a seat-- about 28 inches wide--and charges half the price of an ordinary taxi. A Fine Play Presented, Tichborne, March 10.--The mers are making good use of the snow hauling logs and wood, as March sun is making the re slushy and bare In places. Qufte number from here took in the at Bert Cornwall's, on Tuesday 1 The play put on by the young ple of Murvale, on Tuesday an was well attended and enjoyed all. The farmers are making rea for spring In their sugar bushes, the sap weather is here. 8. A. Tru cott paid a visit to our schools thi week. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. TH mas Sweetman, Burridge, at Alons{ Kennedy's, Jr.; Thomas Myres and David Kennedy at Willlam Steelé's! Miss G. and Miss M. Swerbrick Miss Annie Frpam's; Edward K nedy at William Allison's; Will McKeever is spending the week-en in Belleville; Mr. and Mrs. A. K nedy, Jr., at J. A. Kennedy's; art McEwen at John La Polm Thomas Robinson and George at John Kennedy's; Abb McEwen and Delbert Shaw, Bolingbrook, af George Lunn's, 4 -------- i There is more than 4,000,000 horse power avaflable from the water power resources of New Zealand, i? 8s esssssesassacen, =k