THE DAILY BR BRITISH WHIG FRIDAY, MARCH Founded 1847 V. 3 3 NEW ya Spring Shirts "Vv. SPRING Presenting the season's » . HATS newest offerings in a HATS SPECIAL wide range of pauerns; SPECIAL $3.50 featured at 2. £3.50 Spring Top Coats and Suits YOU'LL soon be thinking about Spring Clothes. Why not be forehanded and take your pick while everything is at its best ? There's a knack in the making of Men's Clothes -- the result of the "knack" is "smartness" and smartness is the combina- tion of good fabric, pattern, style and tailor- ing. Such are the Clothes you'll find here right now ! SUITS AND TOP COATS $20 to $35 LIVINGSTON'S 75-79 BROCK STREET NECKWEAR HOSIERY As choice an array of fine « Reinforced where most of Neckwear as we've shown in the wear comes; special val- months. + ues offered. $1.00 75c¢. "If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk' ANDERSON'S Quality--Larger Market--Service Our new, improved Telephone Service Call--Two Six Hundred--2-600 For Retail Market, Wholesale Market, Mr. Anderson' s Office, Accountant's Office. 3 BIG SPECIALS 5,000 Ibs. Western Steer and Heifer (Government Inspected) B : f Sewing Sue, wu vi. Bey eer I rt... = Creamery Butter i" 45¢ CHEESE Prime, new ... 24c. Rich, old . ... 32c. FRESH PORK Shoulder Roasts 123c.. Leg Roasts 19c. Granulated Sugar °4* 54c ORANGES * California Navels, large size. Doz. . . 29¢. Peck .......75¢c. Case..... $4.00 NEW VEGETABLES 25¢. | Caulifiower,. 1b. . | Gréen Peppers" 1b, 1 80c, New Cabbage, 1h, | 13¢. | Mond Lettuce, 1b. Runech Onfons -. .......... Bunch Carrots ..........10c. Bunch Parsley ...........10¢. Bunch Lettuee a 1 WANTED----CHICKENS AND FOWL Will pay good prices Saturday. Customers, kindly note hours for, delivery: 8-10 a.m., 2-4 p.m. * . Barriefield--one delivery--8 a.m. vitsinbuth--iwo deliveries, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. LARGER CROWDS THAN EVER, Gather for the Christian Alli= ance Services--Now Held in Cooke's Church. | Cooke's church was crowded to the doors on Thursday evening at thé services of the Christian and Missionary Alliance. Rev. A. W. | Roffe,. Toronto, who presided, saiu that they had been forced by the large number attending to come to] la larger church, and he wanted to thank the pastor and came forward to offer the use of | their edifice. | The alliance colored quintetta | were again present and sang five or six selections that contain in them- selves a sermon. Never in the his- tory of Kingston has a group of evangelistic singers been more ap- preciated than the alliance colored quintette. { Miss Nellie Jones, Kuel Ling, China, continued her address on the | idols of China and was Ifstened to { with much interest. "To the Chi- inese," said Miss Jones, "the most real of all beings is the devil. They firmly declare they = see demons. They fear thls person above all oth- ers, therefore they worship him in the Dragon Parade, that they might appease his wrath and escape pun- ishment. They talk of him in his | hearing so that hearing his name he might flee. They believe in judge- ment after death. In the head {dress of all brides and children a mirror is placed so that the devil {might see his own face and depart. !In most temples you wii find three idols. The first one is wearing san- | dals in readiness to go quickly to | secure departed spirits. s&tond one [1s a recording angel who is supposed [to record the good deeds done in [this life. Third one is a man stand- ling with a large club in his hand, the end of which has large teeth. This is their god of jidgment. | Forms in the temple also reveal Lo them judgment of death. But we are glad that we can take to | them the gospel message that Jesus came to destroy -the works of the devil and to save them." Rev. Oswald J. Smith, Toronto, |and who, by the way, was born in | the village of Odessa, gave his fourth discourse on "Eternal Life." Many | people," said Mr. Smith, "attempt to | get eternal life by reformation, that |is by turning over a new leaf. "You me drop some ink on the page of a book, but turning over the page does {rot remove the blot. It looks all, right from the outside, but it is still there. You may turn over a new leaf but unless you get the past | sins forgiven they are still there and God may later turn them back on you. Painting a pump may make it look nicer, but it will not purity the water that comes from it. Its an inside matter and no touches on the outside will remedy it. Education, social service and reformation have all failed in trying to give eternal life. We can only get that from Christ for we are dead in trespasses and sin and he has to quicken the dead body and impart life first. Christ says, 'I say unto thee arise.' It is new life, to a dead body, and only by being born again can we obtain eternal life. The issue is be- tween you and Jesus Christ." On Saturday afternoon and even- Ing Miss Nellie Jones will tell of her experiences with Chinese bandits. -- eee Given Permanent Rank tawa advices are to the effect that William R. Hughson has been | Service Commission as instrument man in the department of railways and canals at Cornwall. Mr. Hugh- ston, and an arts and science gradu- ate of Queen's. Tag and Poppy Days. At its meeting on Thursday night the civic finance gave the G. W. V A. permission to hold a "poppy day" on November 8th; the Sailers' Home and Friendly Mission permission to hold & "tag day" on March 29th: permission to the Kingston Tuber- culosis Association to hold a "tag day" on September 20th. Death of Civic Employee The death took place on Wednes- day evening at Toronto of James Chisholm, a former member for six- teen years of the property and waterworks department of the city hall, and a brother of the present commjssioner of property. He was born in Kingston, - -------- A Wonderful Bargain. Men's Headlight smocks only bankrupt price $2 a pair, The Lion Clothing House. -------- Mill At Robertsville Burned. McManus Mill, at Robertsviile, was burned down on Wednesday night. The cause of the fire is un- known, There was no insurance. The mill had been working for the last two weeks and this leaves quite a lot of men idle. We understand Mr. McManus will rebuild. ------ .. Here We Are Again, W. another week's supply of 15¢ oranges, buy plenty and buy early as they are Sunkist Brand, sweet. juley and _ seedless at Car- novsky's. ---------------- board of | {Cooke's church who .so generously] A Cornwall paper reports that Ot- | granted permanent rank by the Civil | son is son of J. H. Hughson, King- | LOCAL NEWS. | 1 fr Items of Int Jaterest Picked Up by the Whig Re= | porters. Mr. Swain, plano tuner. Orders received at 100 Clergy street west 'phone 564w. "In the appellate division, Osgoode Hall, judgment was reserved in the appeal case of Cohen vs. Godkin. Prot. Earl, Queen's. Uniyersity, | gave a lecture in the Norwood high school on "The Trend of the Human Race." Col. F. 8. Ferguson, Inverary, has | gone to Toronto to attend the On- | tarifo Milk Producers' Association, | of which he is a director. | A report from Ottawa is that the | postal employees' bonus, which was | voted for 1923, and which expires | at the end of the present mouth, is to be cut off. It is said that Prince Hirohito, regent of Japan, broke all pre- cedents in his recent marriage by following the dictates of his heart against the desire of the "elder statesmen' and marry- ing Princess Nagako Kuni GERMANY PREPARING FOR WAR OF REVENGE | Opinion Expressed by General Mangin at a Luncheon in Paris. Paris, March 14.--'Germany Is | | peparing for a war of revenge. The moderates of Germany who believe in a republic and want reconcilia- | tion with the rest of the world are | losing power rapidly, and it looks as if it would not be long before wa are faced withla Germany which had repudiated the Treaty of Versailles and is ready to take the conse- quences," \ This is the opinion of General | Mangin, delivered yesterday at tne | American Club's luncheon. Close Dance Halls Early. Hamilton, March 13.--Proprietors | of local dance halls will comply with strict regulations if they expect to retain their licenses, according to an | | amended by-law governing such ! | places, passed by the Police Com- | mission yesterday afternoon. | The by-law stipulates that no person known to be of immoral char- acters hall be admitted to any dance | halls. Those who do not deport! themselves properly shall, 'not be | allowed to remain. Every girl shall | | have an escort before being admit- | ted. No girl of sixteen years or! under shall be permitted to enter | a dance hall. Dance .halls shal, close at 11.45 o'clock at"night. | May Cost Man His Eye. Chatham, March 14.--Stanley Smith of Port Alma is in the pablic) General Hospital, suffering from a peculiar accident. Several cays ago, | after, completing some work, Smith | threw down his pen on his desk. The | pen rebounded, the point penetrat- | ing the left eye. It is feared he will l0.e the sight cf the eye. Early Opening in Sight. Quebec, Marchy 14.--The Bras d,0r Navigatio; pany announc- ed this evening that the SS. Guide would leave from this port on Mon- day for the North Shore. This will be a record for an early spring sailing. Last year the first steamship left on! the 7th of April, and the earliest date for such a journey waf said to | have been the 20th of March, ac- cording to Captain Fournier of the Guide. v Hiram Nichol, Toledo, celebrated his ninetieth birthday on March 6th, with his friends. He is hale, hearty and in poskession of all hig faculties. { John Hess, ex-reeve of Sidney, | and Chris Jeffrey, who have both] been under the care of Dr. Johnson,' Trenton, are improving. The death took place at Dows, | Towa, on March 3rd, of William Henry Beach, who was born at Lyn, on May 27th, 1842. | John Barr, aged twenty-seven years, was killed at the Torcnto iron' works when he was crushed by huge steel plates. New York policewomen of the masher squad are to'be taught jiu. Jitsu, : DAILY MEMORANDUM. Band at the Palace Rink to-night. Mary Verson, aged four, playing|" with a young brother on, the road- way at Point Anne, near Belleville, died' ainiost imstantly after being Tun over by wheel of loaded wagon on Friday. : The church uaion bill was passed legislature "on 7 uf Special Tomorrow Porch Frocks Smart'and pretty styles. Attractively trimmed. Ginghams and Chambrays in as- sorted Checks and plain shades. Pleasing shades of Orchid, Tan- gerine, Sky, Grey, Reseda, Brown, Black and White. Sizes 36 to 51. See our windows to-night and to- morrow. . | "These Dresses are without an equal for value at this very special price. Special' 2.6 9 | 1060 Yds. Gingham Big value is offered in these Cana- dian and Scotch Ginghams. Assorted Check patterns in fast colors--Blue, Mauve, Navy, Black, Green, Pink. Width 32 inches. Regular 35c¢. and 40c. qualities. Special 2 9; d | 200 Yds. Wool Crepe A glance at our low price on this fabric will at once urge you to see it. A splendid, all-wool Crepe -- 38 "inches wide--in shades of Mist, Zinc, Ipool, Henna, Navy, Black and a'1.48,. Special ® yd. "oh LAIDLAY L SON LIMITED A a A a a a IN