FRIDAY, MARCH 14, THE D 213 Princess Street. George VanHorne's Men's New Spring Hats | See Van Horne's Windéw ° for the latest in new Fedora and Hard Hats. Phone 362w. A Person Who Sees Well cannot be blamed for believing that he does not need Glasses. But with APPARENTLY per- fect sight he cannot be sure about the matter. Where the error of vision is not excessive the muscles of the eyes are of- ten able to overcome it, but the strain in doing so 1s very great. Bo even these folks who see perfectly MAY need our ser- vices. W. D. Graham, R.0. Buccessor to J. J. Stewart Registered Optometrist 140 Wellington St Opp. Post Office Dr. Waugh DENTIST ~-- CHATEAU Taxi Service 800 Phone WE NEVER CLOSE 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. Live or Dead Storage The estate of the late B. C. Whit- ney, Ottawa, is valued at $2,800,000. Trade In Watch Sale Trade in your old watch on a new one, Many people ara carryjng an old model watch or one that Is unsat- isfactory and unreliable. We invite you to bring in Your old Watch and trade it in on a new one, Either a thin model pocket watch or a new style ribbon watch. Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELERS, Princess Street, Kingston the amount 'BOARD OF EDUCATION ADOPTED 1S SUDGET (Continued from Page 1.) Increased trom 21,015 to 21 659, 3.06 per cent The amount of the city taxes has increased from $230,- 000 to $568,000, or 146.96 per paid to publie schools, increased from 50,700 to 115, or 128 per 'cent.; the z unt, paid to the Collegiate, rased from or 700 114,200 to 43,700 or 207.70 per cent The interest and debenture debt for | the public schools increased $9,600 to $19,700 or 105.20 cent., and for the Collegiate has creased from $5,700 to $%,600, a crease of 20 per cent "The cost of the education Collegiate and Public Schools 1913 was $80,200 or 35.74 per cent of the city taxes, and the 'cost in 1923 was 183,700 or 32.34 per cent, of the city taxes, a decrease Of 3.4, per cent. "In going over the budget { will find that the total estimated ex- penditure for the Collegiate and Public Schools for 1924 will be $184,029.07. Of this amount the uncontrollable expenditure is $173,- from 'per de- for diture is $10,825, which includes all amounts to be expended for repairs, contingencies, art, manual training, and domestic science, supplies, aso supplementary reading, vacation school and playgrounds, ---- The 1914 Adolescent Act, "In the population of at the public schools way 2,424. 1 1919 the population of the, city 23,737 and the attendance at the public schools was 2,382, but in 1 1927 the population of the city' had decreased tc 21,659 and the atten- dance at the public schools had in- creased to 2,748, due no doubt the Adolescent Act, the clation by the citizens of the general advantages of education, and the | being the majority of those leaving. "In reading a recent copy of the | Brantford Expositor I noticed the | report of the Board { They had abolished all salary { creases in the collegiate institute "The Gift Shop" ~~ = s» ForCirls SCOTTS (YVR Y[e] | Fire destroyed ° the Agencies garage at the Soo, loss of $350,000, L 4 == A Strength giving E UN i A Algoma with a mmm FD Not Meee Thee § Do Not Miss This PLAIN PORCELAIN-- Cups and Saucers . ..... . $1.20 dozen Dinner Plates . ...........$1.50 dozen Soup or Cereal Plates . . DECORATED CHINA -- .TeaPlates ...... All sales for cash and not less than { dozen. These are English goods and good quality. "Phone orders filled C.O.D., but no exchanges, § Robertson's Limited ...$1.50 dozen ..$1.20 Dozen see ve ve 73 Princess St. 3 NENNENENEERNNENANNENERANEE ENR ARD Nerd cin ' Rubber | - For Men, Women and Children Boots ! GIRL 'GUIDE AND BOY SCOUT --~RUBBERS-- Be prepared for sloppy, wet Spring weather "| 3 { g and public schools and those who | had reached 'the maximum salary ' "The population of Kingston has cent. | de- in| | yon 204.07, and the controllable expen- | Pupils' | General the | | city was 21,015 and the attendance | In| was f to | School At- | tendance Act, and a greater appre- | fact that the decrease ir population | Is due to the young men of the city | of Education, | dm- | | vice | will be reduced from Sept. 1st at | the rate of $100 per year. | sult of 'this drastic wielding of the economy axe, j controllable expenditure for 1924 { has been reduced by $4,743 as com- | paredwith 1923 ! As a re- | 2 | appreciated the estimate for the | "I would also like to point out the | | cost of the specialist department of | { the public schools of his ctity for | the past year, | | | AILY BR 200.00 450.00 80.00 | 7,160.00 | é 400.00 | Playgrounds + wa 1,000.00 Music and Nu . 200.00 Domestic sci Supplemen $123,013.00 COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. Estimated Receipts. City Assessment -+. 50,045.57 Entrance 325.00! tion Government Cadet Corps... .. .... 50.00 General. . , 745.50 Pupils' fee: Leeds county Frontenac fees 700.00 | 550.00 | 7,600.00 $61,016.07 Estimated Expenditure, ....% 53,380.00 ing 100.00 Improve- { ,800.00 ,500.00 ,300.00 | 315.00 | 250.00 300.00 53.00 475.00 125.00 200.00 | ,000.00 218.07 | ments Contingencies Fuel. .\. . Water... .. Light ,. Supplie Insurance. . vin Supplies Printing... . Supplementary Examinations Bank Over reading $61,016.07 | a ---- GANANOQUE March 14.--Mrs. W. E. Rees ha; | left for Orange, New Jersey, to #isit her daughter, Mrs. Ira Kipp.r William Higgins, John street, called to Winona a few days age | owing to thé serious illness of his | sister. On Friday last his sister died. and on Monday his mother passed | away. Both mother and sister visi | Mr. and Mrs. Higgins here just recently. Miss Bairbrother is giving an or- gan recital in St. Andrew's church next Sunday after the usual services. | There will be unusually good ser- between Clayton annd: Gana- noque this coming season, Each boat | will make three trips per day, mean- | ing two more than formerly, which will be a se 'e that will be much | motorists. Mrs. M. B. Stack returned to town | to-day after spending a couple of days with friends in Kingston, | The parishoners on Howe Island have presented Rev. Father Ryan, | curat®Nof St. John's, with a hand- | some fur-lined coat, in recognition | of his faithful service in connection | was ed "The playgrounds department cost | with that portion of the parish. $626 for salaries and $437.04 for | et equipment. The music department cost $2,000 for salaries and $177.07 for equipment. ence department cost $1,370 for | salary and $211.75 for equipment. 31.900 for salary and $352.36 for | equipment, making a total of $7,- 074.21. > "Attention should be called to the | | The domestic sci- | | The manual training department cost | | stations with their broadcasting pro- | | amount proposed in these estimates | | | that there is a reduction in the fo be spent in support of public | schools of $2,550. This is explained by the fact that the grant from the city was supplemented last year by | the following items taken from cap- ital account: Balance Cataraqui School $3,226.43, balance Meek School, $92.07. "Amount re- celved from city during 1923, $115,- 767; amounts received from capital accoynt, $3,318.50; total, $119. 085.50; amount asked for in budget for- 1924, $116,634.88; balance, $2,.- 550.62. Instead, therefore, of there | being anjactual increase for 1924 of $900, te requirement 1s less by $2,- 1 550." Fajlowing are the estimates pre- sented to the board and adopted: PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Estimated Receipts. City Assessment .. ....$116,534.88 Government Grants .. General .. +. .. Certificates... .. Musie,. ... .. .. .. Kindergarten .. ., .. Lancasterian.. .. .. Cadet Corps. . vias Cadet Uniforms. . Inspection. . r+ Tan Manual Training and Domestic Science Model School. . . Broken Glass, Frontenac i Sehool.i.. 1... .. ' Pupils' fee for supplies . Pupils' fee, non-resident Balance from 1923.. ree en 30.00 120.00 300.00 350.00 25000 366.00 78.00 1,200.00 2,300.00 , 375.00 709.12 $123,013.00 Estimated Expenditure Deficit, 2933... .. Salaries. . Occasional teaching. ... Repairs and improve ments... ....0 0%) Contingencies ,... Fuel... .. f Water... .... .. [Light...c \... .. .} an. nln Remt..o. ou... .. Pupils' supplies.. .. .. Insurance.. '.,.../... General supplies... ,. .. Manual training.. .. .. Printing. . .. we a Cnn i 94,410.00 1,100.00 * 3,000.00 1,500.00 6,500.00 750.00 500.00 200.00 600.00 3,000.00 713.00 400.00 400.00 Robert | | | | | | "| their own. a Trenton mead RADIO BROADCASTING } The following is a list of the radio grammes which may be heard locally | on Saturday: 326--KDKA--Rast Pittsburg, Pa, 6.15 p.m.--Dinner concert. ' 8.30 p.m.--Concert. § 448--WJAZ--Chicago, 111. | "7710 p.m.--Programme of popular | musie. * | re [ 492--KGW---Portland, Ore. 3.30 p.m.--Children's programme. 10 p.m.--Dance music. 546--KSD--8t. Louis, 9 p.m.--Orchestra music. Mo. + 425--CKAC--Montreal, Que, 7 p.m.--Kiddies" stories in French. 7.30 p.m.--Orechestra music. 8.30 p.m.--Concert. 10.30 p.m.--Dance orchestra. 476--WFAA--Dallas, Tex. 8.30 p.m.--Piano recital, 11 p.m.--Dance music. 880--WGY--Schenectady, NY. 9.30 p.m.--Dance music. 484--WOC--Davenport, Ia. 12 noon--Chimes concert. : 9 p.m.--Orchestra programme. 448--WMAI--Chicago, IIL 8 p.m.--Gaelic music. 420--WSB---Atlanta, Ga. 8 p.m.--Concert. 10.45 p.m.--Special programme. 337--WBZ--Springfield, Mass. 7 p.m. --Dinner concert, 7.80 p.m.--Bedtime story. 7.40 p.m.--Piano recital, . 536---KYW---Chicago, Il 6.50 p.m.--Children's bedtime story. > 8 p.m.--Musical programme. 492--WEEF--New York Oity, 7.30 p.m.--Special programme. 395---KHJ--Los Angeles, Cal. 6.45 p.m.--Specias programme. § p.m. --Vocal selections. 10 p.m.--Orchestra music, : Fo . 360--WGI--Medfor: Hillside, Mass. | tee would | meating | consideration ft has nothing further operating expenses | | fund, | they would depend upon their ability to | | 'Hotel | would also 8 p.m.--Interesting talks on busi- ness and industry. Complete radio programmes sold at Canada Radio Stores. First Lord of the Admiralty Chelmsford says the only system of naval defence is ome in which the dominions possess 'Baval forces of The bankrupt law puts to sleep the oise to pay. % a ITISH WHIG HAS NO FURTHER HOTEL "PROPOSITION 10 OFF Civic Committee Makes an Explanation With Reference to United Hotel Company. mmnittee held a oon to consider what w done fur- ther after the action of the ruling body in referring the submitted pro- position back to the committee. Ald deters presided and there were also present Alds Howard Kelly, Harry Sargent, P. B. Chown T. A. Kidd, Mayor Angrove, H. C. | Nickle and I. Cohen, After all points had been consider. ed, it was decided that the commit- report' back to the next of council that after due to offer at present. ® The following was also submitted: "That as it is known that a great many ci have not the pr interpretation of the agreements ir regard to the new hotel the following is submitted: : $1. That the corporation would have a first mertgage on the site, building, furnishings and equipment, which would continue until the whole debt was discharged, "2. That the United Hotel Com- pany would be required to pay out of the earnings all maintenance and of every kind, insurance and a depreciation interest, and $10.000 a year to a sinking fund (this sinking fund zens taxes, | would pay the debt in thirty years), and then if any money was left it would be declared a dividend on the common stock, the United Hote] Company taking 51 per cent of it and city 49 per cent., and the amount would get out of the hotel] make the hotel earn. "The erroneous opinion has gone abroad that the United Hotel pany would receive 51 per ce the hotel, site, furnishings equipment immediately on nt and taking Com- | of | ---- ih Protect and insure your life by wearing good Rubbers. We offer you nothing but the best. Let us fit you to-day ? Abernethy's Shoe Store f------ HERS WAH over the operation of the hotel, when under the agreement the United Company would not own 51 per cent. until the whole debt on the hotel had been paid Then "again, the construction work would be un- der the control the city, which would call for tenders for all the d ferent kinds of trades and the city would let the contracts The city purchase the furniture and equipment and the United Hotel Company would not have anything to do with the hotel until - it was ready for operating, excepting give advice when asked. "The agreement with the Stevens Company does not say that the hote! would cost $400,000 but they guar- antee that if it costs more than this amount they would pay the differ- ence and if it cost less, say $350,000, the city would be the gainer and the company's commission would be in the actual cost." of ---------------------- John McRoberts Dead. Peterboro', March 14.--The death, took place of John McRoberts, in hi eighty<fifth year. The deceased was born in Cobourg, where much of his early life. He was a resident of Warkworth for nearly twenty-five years, and spent a few years in Norwood, where his predeceased him twelve years ago. He has been living in Peterboro' for the past eleven years, and had a large circle of friends, who will re- member him for his cheerful and large-hearted disposition. He was & Presbyterian in religion and in poli- ticsga Liberal. he spent | wife | KROEHLER DAVEN-O [7g SAVES SPACE, RENT AND FUEL In the average home to-day the quest is for space with economy. When | the day is over a slight pull transforms your "KROEHLER" into a real { BED--roomy, comfortable and sagless, P Mattress, Pillows, Sheets and extra Covers all made up into a sleep ine viting bed, unfold with astonishing ease. In the morning it is only a , minute's work to close the Kroehler and it again stands la lovely piece of The Leading Undertaker - . . Phone 147. | Nn as Sirs as o Es { BRICK, STONE, PLASTERING AND TILE SETTING | DOUGLAS & McILQUHAM CONTRACTORS JOBBING WORK A SPECIALTY. PHONES 2267F--928W. 400 ALBERT STREET A A ee eet | 2 larity delights cannot long sur- vive, | | Cream society sometimes resem- bles skim milk cheese. ~------ oy RE -------------- ------------ Em. Em were = EE a ----