MARCH 21, 192%, FRIDAY, A Builder from Childhood to Old Age DELCO- LIGHT The coriplete Electric Light and Power pisut fur every country home. W.C. CANNON 164 barrie Street. hone 1138J. a GENERAL INSURANCE. Hire, Plate Glass, Automobile, Ac- cident and Sickness, Burglary, Pub- lic Liability. Fidelity and Guarantee Bonds of all kiads. Negotiable Bonds and Securities when forwarded per registered mail. When coutemplating a trip, remem- ber to insure your baggage, and save wWurry. Let ms quote you rates on any line of insurance you may be interested "R. H. Waddell Phobos 326-896. 58 Broek St. -------- ---- ---- PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning, Repairing and Player Plano Adjusting. Norman H, Butcher, 27 Pine Street, PHONE 184. DR. A.W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON Corner of Johnsoa and Wellington. Streets. Telephone 363. nr em For Moving of FREIGAT, FURNITURE, SAFES, PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF ERY DESCRIPTION Co. EV Kingston Transfer PON WELLINGTON VSTRELy Dental Surgeon . . M DR. J. C. W. BRGD! Wellington and Brock Streets, Entrance: 150 Wellington St. Evenings by appointment. PHONE 679. WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington Street. Fresh Flowers and Plants daily. Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Residence 1137, {your3ervice HAE, by W.R. McRae & Co. Golden Lior Block COAL QUALITY You can be just as sure of the goodness of our coal as if you personally examined every lump of it. Try one ton, and you'll become one of our steady customers, BOOTH & CO. 'Phone 183. Grove Inn Yards AllWool Blankets Price $1.50 I. Cohen & Co. 267-275 ONTARIO STREET PHONES 836 and 837. o Floating Specks Before The Eyes Means Liver Trouble When specks start to float before the eyes, when everything seems to turn black for a few seconds and you feel as if 'you were going to faint, You can rest assured that your liver is not working properly. The essential thing to do in all "ases where the liver is slow, lazy or torpid, is to stir it up by the use of Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills and clear away the accumulated mass of Waste and poisonous matter from 'I the system. Mr. Chas. Ayland, Frankville, Ont., writes:--*"I used to be awfully bothered with floating specks before my eyes, headaches and sickness to my stomach. I took just half a vial of your Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills and evgr since I have felt as well as I ever did. Now I always keep them on hand." Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25¢. a vial at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Kin 77 V7 DR. 5. E. PORTER Corner Alfred and Johnson Streets Telephone 2071. THE DAI LY B RITISH WHIG KINGSTON ano VICINITY The First Robin A correspondent at Moscow writes | as follows: '"The first robin of the season was seen Thursday morning near Mor- ley Huffman's, at Moscow." -- Coming to Rockwood. Dr. George C. Kidd, of the Ontario hospital, Brockville, is being trans- ferred to Rockwood hogpital at King- ston, fers Brinkman-Minnie Wedding. In St. James' Square Presbyterian manse, Toronto, Fern, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Minnie, Acti- nolite, was married to William Brinkman, Havelock. Purchased Old Homestead The old O'Gorman homestead on Lower Montreal street has been pur- chased by Isaac Cohen. This is one of the old landmarks of the city. The O'Gorman family lived there for over sixty years. ---------- Venerables Were Married. Wesley Hawley and Mrs. Airhart, of Bancroft, were married at Tweed on Monday. The groom gave hig age as seventy years, and the bride is only a few months his junior. The "happy couple" are spending the honeymoon about Tweed. ------------ Engagement Announced, Mrs. Donald MacFarlane Fraser, Perth, announces the engagement of her daughter, Margaret McCallum Caldwell, to Warirg; Gerald Cosbie, M.B., son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henry Cosbie, Toronto. The mar- riage will take place quietly on April 2nd. ------------------------ Elected Mayor of Drumheller, Alta. At New Dublin, word has been received of the election of H. C. McConkey, son of Mrs. S. McCon- key, formerly of this place, as mayor of Drumheller, Alberta, in a four- cornered fiat Mr. McConkey is president of the Hy Grade Coal Mines at that place. Capture Waffle Shield, Perth Curlers have won the Waf- fle Shield, donated by S. BE. Waffle, Ottawa, for competition between Smith's Falls and Perth. The shield is to be played for for nine years, and both clubs have now won it four times, so next year's winners will have permanent possession of the trophy. Eganville Resident Dead. At Eganville the death occurred of an old and respected resident, Mrs. M. J. McCann, Deceased was sgventy years of age, and had but recently celebrated her golden wed- ding with her husband, M. J. Mec- Cann, who in early days was the first reeve of the district. Mrs. Me- Cann had lived in Eganville for SRNRERENEERNNNEEN Choice Western Meats GROCERIES AND FRESH VEGETABLES, 7 Best service, J. T. EVES 171 RAGLAN ROAD Phone 2580. Owing to the cabinet council hav- ing decided against it, the empire prize meeting mooted, by the Do- minion of Canada Rifle Association for 1925, has been declared off for the present. Don't just ask for McLaren's. WeLAREN NVINCIBLE JELLY POWDER MADE OF PURE FRUIT JUICES A delicious dessert---easily prepared YOUR GROCER CAN SUPPLY YOU _ Say McLaren's "Invincible." for McLaren's Invincible Olives, Quick Puddings and Flavoring Extracts Also ask Nature's finest Grape-Nuts have that delicious flavor. nT tha eir crispness es you chew t or the teeth. It is casily digested, soundly nourish. ing and economical, because each packag a great many helpings. - Serve it right from the Package--with cream or milk, Your grocer has it, Canadian Postum Cereal Co., Limited Head Office: Toronto Health is Practically | Everything to Everybody GGoop HEALTH -- that rare féeling of perfect physical fitness--is the most- sought-for blessing in the world. Itis - tically everything to everybody. It is so definitely related to the things we eat that certain foods are a boon to the healt} mankind, . ; 2 Sol Grape-Nuts is ong of these foods! For into Grape-Nuts goes all the nourishment of ' eat and barley. These horus for stren d I Ply Fhenphors | gol SenELl und vie Sp Fn at Moe Dakiog. tissues. 10 to poisons. to build and repair the body of toxic The tasty eat them. Factory: Windsor "There's a Reason" Made in Canada GRAPE-NUTS CLUSTERS 1 butter, cream or fy 2 at une sweetened chocolate. | Melt chocolate in double boiler, butter, cream an a spoon onto marble slab or oiled paper and let stand to harden. makes 12 to 13 " er \ forty-eight years, and . previous to! that had resided at Pembroke where she was born. | Montreal Conference. | The Montreal Methodist Confer- ence, annual session, will meet in Gananoque on June 6th, preceded by | the ministerial session Wednesday, | June 4th. According to present ar- | rangement Dr. Endicott leads the de- votional hour on Friday, and Dr.| W. T. Brown, Victoria College, on | Saturday and Mofday. i Address and Presentation. A very enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mack Burgess, | on the Newburgh road, near Nap- anee, when the neighbors and friends of Robert Cook gathered together | and presented the family with an! address and chair. The evening was spent in games and dancing. Mr. | and Mrs. Cook have left for their new home in Forest Mills. | | New Business Block. An ornate and imposing new busi- | ness block is to be erected in Pem- | broke by J. E. Wallace on the va-| cant lot just west of the Bank of | Nova Scotia. Plans show a structure | with a frontage of fifty feet on Pem- | broke street and a depth of 100 feet. | It will be of brick construction, two | storeys high, with two stores on the ground floor and offices above. One of the ground floor stores will be occupied by Wallace & Co.'s shoe | store. The new building will be an | attractive addition to main street's | business places, | nt -- Dewart's Double. According to the Winchester Press, A. Sweet, M. P. P. for Dun-| das county, finds a fly in the oint-| ment in his enjoyment as a mem- ber of the Ontario house in Toron- | to. It is his evident striking ye- semblance to Hartley Dewart, a late | leader of the Liberal party in the) Ontario house. Time and again, he says, parties come and address him as either Mr. Dewart or just Hart- ley. As long as it is men who thus approach him, Mr. Sweet can turn the joke and enjoy the fun, but when, like on the evening of the opening, several attractive ladies came rushing upon him with *'Oh, dear Mr. Dewart," he sald the situ- ation was one that even his long experience in handling difficult sit- uations was not equal to, and if it had not been altogether embarras- sing, he might have been inclined to allow the dear ladies to go on decelving themselves. On one occa- sion, Mr. Sweet says, when he was among a number of well-known Conservative members, a gentleman came over to him and slapping him on the back, said, "Well, Hartley, coming over to join us now?" For- tunately, Mr. Dewart is not a mem- ber of the legislature, otherwise the si\ation might become very complicated. AUTO SHOW AT PICTON Machine Gun Inspection--A Banquet Held Over a Wood Chopping Wager. Picton, March 19.--Thomas Hef- fernan {is in Kingston hospital, where he went last week for an op- eration. Mrs. Heffernan accompa- nied him to the city. Picton automobile dealers are making great preparations for their four days' auto show to be held in the Armouries, March 25th to 28th inclusive, The 1.O.D.E. are planning for a dance to be-held in thé armouries on Easter Monday night, D. L. Bongard is ill at his home, Barker street, having been stricken with paralysis on Wednesday night. The Mission Circle of the Metho- dist church gafe a New England dinner on Thursday evening. Din- ned was served from six to seven- thirty, after which-an excellent pro- gramme by local talent was enjoyed in the Sabbath school hall, A car load of horses arrived from the west on Saturday. They will be offered for sale by public auc- tion on Saturday. C. R. Parker, Hamilton, was in town on Wednesday. D. Robertson, Toronto, was in town this week. T. Farrell, Montreal, paid a fly- ing visit to Picton on business on Thursday. The inspection of machine guns and band concert held in the ar- mouries on Wednesday evening was attended by a large and interested crowd. The Hastings and Prince Edward Band furnished the musie. A good representation of men from Belleville, Madoc, Trenton, Stirling, Campbellford and Tweed arrived on the 7:30 train with Colonel By- water in command. The contest in the field-gun shooting was very close, Madoc and Picton being a tle, and it was only in the final contest that the Picton men won out. Dancing commenced at 9.30 and continued until an early hour. 'The banquet at the Royal hotel on Wednesday was pronounced the 8 : Concrete Floors and Dry Roofs protect our Scranton Coal. We take special pains to keep it clean and pure. S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Woodworking Factory, Coal and Lumber Yards. BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO. Tohéph e: Private Branch Exchange, No. 1571. THAT NEW SUIT For the Boy--Here it is and only *6.50 Sizes 26 to 34. Usually priced at $8.00 to $10.50. PREVOST'S Phone 508J. Gents' Furnishings and Clothing. B55 Brock St. Have the Hotpoint Electric Goods in your home. We have everything you may need to bring comfort -- Irons, Toasters, Heaters, etc, : Halliday Electric Co. PHONE 04. CORNER KING AND PRINCESS STS, GET THEM RUBBERS They fit well--they wear well-- For Dad and Brother-- For Mother and Daughter-- They fit well--they wear well-- Many styles to select from. The Sawyer Shoe Store Phone 159. Gourdier's For Furs A fine collection of skins of all kinds, small Furs and Fur Coats, 78 BROCK STREET Phone 700 TWEDDELL'S NEW SPRING STYLES ® me Suits and Topcoats $20.00, $22.00 $25.00, $28.00 | SPECIAL VALUE! INDIGO BLUE SERGE SUITS $25.00 - TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St.