THE DAILY BR ITISH WHIG THURSDAY, NO MORE WEAK and DIZZY SPELLS Since She Used MILBURN'S Heart and Nerve Pills Miss Bertha Charrette, Regina, Sask., writes: "I baye had a lot of trouble lately, with what I thought was heart trouble, and after any un- wsual exertion I always felt sick. My doctor advised a complete rest and change, but this I was unable to take. I became interested in Milbarn's Heart and Nerve Pills, so started tak- ing them. I have now taken three boxes and am 80 much improved I can 80 about my daily work without feel- ing any after ill effects, and have not had any weak or dizzy spells for some time. Your medicine has done me more good than anything I have ever taken, and I will gladly recom- mend Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills to any woman who is weak and run down." Price 50c. per box at all dealers, or malled direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, nt. DR. S. E. PORTER Corner Alfred and Johnson Streets Telephone 2071. ACIDS IN STOMACH CAUSE INDIGESTION Create Gas, Sournéss and Pain How to Treat. Medical authorities state that near- ly nine-tenths of the cases of stom- ach trouble, indigestion, sourness, burning, gas, bloating, nausea, etc., are due to an excess of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and not as some believe to a lack of digestive juices. The delicate stomach lining is irri- tated, digestion is delayed and food sours, causing the disagreeable symp- toms which every stomach sufferer knows so well. Artificial digestents are not need- ed in such cases and may do real Try laying aside all digestive aids and instead get from any drug- gist a few ounces of Bisurated Mag- nesia and take a teaspoonful in a quarter glass of water right after eating. This sweetens the stomach, prevents the formation of excess acid and there is no sourness, gas or pain. Bisurated Magnesia (in powder or tablet form--never liquid or milk) is harmless to the stomach, inexpen- sive to take and is the most efficient form of magnesia for stomach purs Poses. It is wsed by thousands of people who enjoy their meals with no more fear of indigestion. pro, KER-CHEW! RAY'S SYRUP RUCE GUM ESTABLISHED 1871. HANLEY'S AGENCY STEAMSHIP LINES 2 Special attention given your fa 11. Or friends going to or returning vn the Old Country. Ramyorta arranged. full particulars apply or write HANLEY, CP. & T.A., C. N. Ry : Canadian National Railway} corner Johnson and Ontario Streets, on, Ont. Open day and night. Phones 99 and 1433. 30 ........ *Montroyal Montreal Mon n.. e. 13 ». Dr. Fred S. Flinn, of Washington, is'studying the power of certain chemicals to offset the toxic poisons produced by daily labor. He says in time we will be able to work indefi- nitely with no sign of fatigue H. J. M. Moore secured the largest portion of the pancake in the annual scramble: at Westminster School, England. He is shown displaying his trophy in a frying pan These two little fellows are not camera shy. Little Pedro, on top, stands guardian over his son, Little Chula, which won first prize in the Mexican Chihuahua class at a Brooklyn dog show ---- -------------------- J. B. ABRAMSON 257 Princess Street ee ---- Stock Disposal Sale Our Immense Stock Has Already Been Greatly Reduced by the Remarkable Bargain Sales That Have Been Offered EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD BY APRIL 15th, 1924 AS the store is already rented and must be vacated Prices are cut to pieces, Buy at your own price if our figures don't suit you. Everything must be sold. This is the greatest bargain event in the history of Kingston. Come in to-morrow and Saturday and see. ------------ eee eee eee: This model is sure to catch the fancy of the woman seeking originality in her headgear this spring. The hat is of black satin, with narrow brim, offset by a big osprey Miss Maggie Teyte, the well-known vocalist, who has been on a - flying visit to this continent, has r turned to England? Miss Teyte is shown on her arrival at Southampton Here's a house divided, but stil standing. A church in Cali fornia had to be ut in half in order that it could be moved. The building will be united and it is expected to be even stronger 3 3 blaze at the Newell brass factory, e King street west, caused by sparks setting fire to'a building used as a Blaze in Prescott Factory, Prescott, March 27.---~What might have proved a disastrous fire but for the prompt action of the fire depart- ment occurred on Tuesday when they were called out to'extinguish a storehouse. The blaze was speedily controlled and little damage result- ed. Water Belleville, Sold at Profit. March 27.--Profit on the operation of the local Water- works Department of the city total- led $17,772.92 during the past year, which is an increase over the pre- vious twelve months of $3,240.15. This civic utility has assets of $403,- 580.87. ~~ Called to Allsa e Brockville, March 27.--A" unani- mous call has been extended by the charge of Ailsa Craig and Carlisle, in the Presbytery of London, to Rev. A, W. Gardiner, of Lyn, Cain- town and Yonge Mills, in the Pres- bytery of Brockville. -------------------------- The death occurred In Toronto of a former resident of the township of Edwardsburg In Mrs, Allan McGan- non ,aged sixty-four years. NE ------ business trip to Harrowsmith. Quite a number from this vicinity attend- ed the dance given in Parham on March 17th. Visitors: Mrs. B. C. Atwood, at Mrs. John Dobney's: Mrs. R. Good, Mrs. Hester Hickey, Mrs. J. Dobney, Miss Cassle Fitz- gerald and Bruce Allison, at B. C. Atwood's; Hrs. T. P. Hickey, at James Hickey's. rn ce---- At New York, international bank- PN Moved to New Home, Bob's Lake, March 25.--The mild weather has melted the snow, so the farmers are looking to their wheeled conveyances. Sugar-mak- ing is 'mow in full swing. Miss Charlotte Hickey has gone to visit friends at Port Hope. Miss S:ella Kelly and little brother, Joseph, Jr., are at their grandmother's, Mrs. Len- non's, Godfrey. Mr. and Mrs. Ern- est Kennedy and baby have moved to their new home at Mud Bay. Miss|ers announced that the long discus- Julia Atwood is visiting friends at|sed German loan may be seen by Elgin. Daniel Fitzgerald made a May or June. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Davis and Their Son and Daughter. Whole Family Reaps Benefit Mr. and Mrs. Davis, 8on and Daughter, Rejoice in Discovery of Famous Herbal Medicine. Mrs. W. H. Davis, of 1 White Ave., Toronto, makes the following state- ment on behalf of her family of four, every one of whom is taking Dreco and improving in health. "My husband has suffered for ten years from stomach and lver trouble. He was chronically constipated, causing the constant use of laxa- tives. His food would not digest properly, it would sour and gas would form in a hard lump in his stomach. He also had dizzy spells, and severe headaches troubled him. In bending over, pains would shoot across his back. Nearly every joint in his body ached with rheumatic pains and it was impossible for him to even lace his shoes. "We spent hundreds of dollars in search of a good remedy that would give him good results. I then read of what Dreco was doing for so many people right in our own city and Mr. Davis and I decided to give it a trial. Truly, the results have been very pleasing. "His appetite is good, the pains through his back and joints are much improved. He no longer has that tired, pale, haggard look and doesn't mind his work as he feels much stronger and has more vitality. "I was so pleased with his growing improvement each day that I de- cided that Dreco was just what the children and my own system needed. As a result, their appetites have greatly improved and they seem to get the proper nourishment from their food, causing very noticeable benefits in their general condition. "My system is in a better condition than {it has been for many months. I can eat various foods now that I have been un- able to eat for a long time, because of indigestion and gastric spells. I also suffered from sick headaches, ner- vousness and dizzy spells, which have many times kept me in bed for two or three days and made it impossible for me to do my housework. These troubles have been entirely relieved by Dreco. "I am very happy over the benefit my family has derived from Dreco, and gladly do we recom- mend it. Its merits are surprising." Dreco is a reliable household remedy endorsed by thousands who have discovered its genuine merit. Compounded from the juices of medicinal herbs, roots, bark and leaves, it tones and regulates the whole system and quickly relieves indigestion, gastritis, sick headache, backache, pains in the limbs, constipation, biliousness and many other ailments. Bulld up your system with Dreco, the proven remedy that contains no mercury, potash or habit forming drugs. specially introduced in Kingston by Ma It is also sold as follows: Napanee, Wal- 0o.; Gananoque, W. E. Austin, and by a good drug gist evespwhere. MARCH 27, 1994. tL. xs" &