THE BAILY. BRITISH WHIG Fa . ~ Lf TUESDAY, 10m, Custom Tailors Dress Up Tor Spring Suits TAILORED TO MEASURE Nowhere in Kingston' will you find such a wonderful display of new Spring Suitings. or' Our own importations from Eng- land and Scotland -- all the new pat- terns, designs and colorings. Also West of England Botany Yarn Worsteds i in Navy Blue and Grey, OUR CUSTOM DEPARTMENT has made a low price on our very at- tractive Spring Suitings. Come and see what you think about it. LIVINGSTON'S 75-79 BROCK STREET "If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" [}|ot the Youngs People's Society : Princess street Methodist Churcu : entertained the Wembers of the Young People's Society of Chalmers == | Presbyterian, €hurch au? the occas- FOREIGNERS LOOKING | Agents There Were Lots of Jobs In Canada, | ow | W. A. Stroud, the local represent- ative of the Ontario Government | to the Whig on Tuésday morning, Vstated that it was a very difficult | problem to know what to do with | the number of men who arrive in the | city in search of work. During the |'past few weeks, Mr. Stroud has been { waited upon by "men who have re- | cently arrived in Canada and are ! anxious to get work. As much as'the | farmers are in need of help, they | would not give any. of these men | work, in view of the fact that they | are not 'experienced farm laborers. There. are some men who have had { some farm 'experience in the old | country, but at this season of the year the local farmers do not like | the idea of training these men to | the Canadian way of doing-things. | On Monday, when a represeenta' tive of the Whig was in the em- | ployment office, two fine looking { Young men walked in, and one of them asked. Mr. Stroud if there was { any work in sight. One of the men was a recent arrival from Denmark a word of English, came out from Sweden about three months ago. The Dane, when speaking to the Whig, stated that he had been advised by a representative of a steamboat com- |.pany to come to Canada as he said | theke was all kinds of work and the pay was real good. Not knowing much about conditions, he took the advice of the steamboat represénta tive and came to Canada only "to find that the jobs which were spok- en of were a minus quantity, This man claimed he was told that when | he arrived in Canada there would be men waiting to give him a pos:- tion. Although not abfe to speak u word of English when he left the steamer at St. Jehn, he made hh, way to Montreal and was later able to secure a position with a -paper mill and remained there for a short time until the work gave out. He came to Kingston with théshope oi getting work on some .of the lake steamers and was quite hopeful that he would. Although In Canada just three months this Dane could talk English fairly well. SPENT PROFITABLE EVENING. Young People Entertained at Prin cess Street Methodist Chygch. On Monday evening, the members of ERSON Quality--Larger Market-- Service Main Market---Cor. Princess and Division. Branch Store--338 Princess Street. " TELEPHONES: Retail .... 2600, Wholesale ....1767. Accountant's Office . ...... ...... 365). Manager's Office ...............365w. ~ PRUNES are now tho. choanest feuit--one of the heaped of all foods. We offer tH8 better prunes, selected, graded and most carefully prepared for home use. Sold in bulk or 25-1b- boxes. Make these delicious, juicy Prunes your habit-fruit at breakfast, for their energizing nutriment, food-iron and vitamines. Your - physician will recommend them. But get them mainly for their luscious- flavor. ' BEST WAY TO COOK BREAKFAST PRUNES Yirst, soak them overnight or for several hours at least; second, cook slowly until tender in the water it which they were soaked; third, ude plenty of water so the fruit will be loose; fourth, do not cook them too long, as they will become too soft. Flavor with cinnamon, sliced lemon or orange Yuice. Sugar to "taste. ; 3 sizes. Small, Ib. .......12%c. 2,000 pounds. « Large, 1b. senees 2000 ORANGES 2,000 dozen, Kiddies' size. Dozen igo i 2000) Sous regular 35c., fore........29. ; Nature has made splendid Oranges this year, but smaller than usual in size, and being smaller, of - course, they sell for less. But they are twice a bar- 'gain, for they are just as "good" as any larger fruit you ever ate. Rich in juice for breakfast. - Tender segments that slice easily for Salads and Desserts. - Easy' to peel and eat whole. - But two dozen, there- fore, where you've bought but one before, : -or buy m by the box or halt box. fon was a most pleasant one, for all who attended. Members of the Prin- cess street society engaged in a most interesting debate, 'Resolved that an electric washer fis ore beneficial than a Victrola." The de- cision was given in favor of the af- firmitive. The judges were Rev. G. A. Brown, Lyman McCallum and Miss Quirt. The affirmative was tak- en by Mr. Murphy and Mr. Berry and the negative,by Mf. Bruce and Mr. Parkhouse. . During the evenis' prayer was offered by Mrs. Curtis and Rev. G. A. Brown and a duet, "In the Gard- en," was rendéred by Mrs. Shepherd and Miss Peters, Following the-pro- gramme, Rev. Mr. Brown gave u short address, refreshments were served and a social hour was spent. At Calvary Congregational. @A very pleasant time was spent at Calvary Congregational churcl Monday evening when the Christ fan Endeavor held their quarterly social. Azout fifty young people gathered and spent a "Gouple of hours playing games and in contests. Dur- the evening, Fred Wilson brought his méving picture machine and showed some Ontario Government films and also a short comedy. These were very much enjoyed. About ten o'clock refreshments were served, after which the meeting was brought to a close with a short sing song. Much of tlie success of the evening was dué to George Allen as convenor of the social committee. STEACY'S ROSE DAY Medium, Ib. ......15¢c. Many Kingston People Secured the Beautiful 'Flowers, Tuesday morning was 'Rose Morning" at the big store of Steacy's Limited, in connection with the 43rd anniversary sale. - The rose idea was inaugurated last year and was such a big success that -it was repeated again this season. One thousand beautiful' roses were arrayed on a long counter at the entrance with a sign- displayed inviting each custo- mer io "Take One." The store was filled with shoppers and busy at nine o'clock, and all the roses had de-| parted before moon. Princess street had a gala appearance, with nearly every shopper wearing 'a beautiful bloom. The management expressed themselves as delighted - with the success of their annual novelty. Funeral of A. W. Pickering. The funeral of the late Albert W. Pickering was held from the home i of his mother, 26 Dufferin street, on Monday afternoon to Cataraqui cemetery, in hatye of Joha Cor- nelius. Rev W. E. Kidd conducted FOR WORK IN (NGSTOn g ure and regret that Kingston people | Dane: Told by - Steamship | employment bureau, when speaking | while the other, who could not speak | "possibly be done next year and if + J. O'BRIEN PROMOTED, | To The Imperial's Ottawa Oftfice-- | Jack Hutchison New Manager, i It is with mixed feelings of pieas- | 'hear of the transfer to Ottawa of | W. J. O'Bri¢n, Joca) manager for the | Imperial Tobacco Company, who has ! received a big promotion and took | charge of the Ottawa office of the | company on Tuesday. He will be! succeeded in Kingston by "Jack" | Hutchison, the ° well-known local | salesman, who has hitherto been his | assistant. Double congratulations are therefore in order. "W.J." as he was familiarly known throughout the district, has been here for some years as the 'menage: for the Imperial. Hé 'has been, bs sides an energetic and popula manager, a booster for local agd- vances and a keen follower of sport. In Knights of Columbus work he has been especially active and has rend ered fine service as lecturer of the local Council, 'which = approximates the duties of convénor of social ana entertainment committees. . Everybody extends best wishes to both "W.J." and "Jack for the very best of success in their new positions, MASS MEETING OF TAXPAYERS Wednesday, = April 2nd, « Ontario Hall, Nearly $50,000 saved in taxes and light" was accomplished by the at- tendance of taxpayers at the mass meetings. Property owners on the line of the street railway from King and Brock streets to King and West streets will save money by attending this meefing. Do you know you are being charged for the street rail- way's portion of pavements? By- laws illegally passed have cost many thousands of dollars. - Come early to be sure of a seat. 8 pm, KINGSTON WILL BENEFIT It It Gets Percentage of Amusement and Auto Taxes. At the meeting of the city coun- cil held on Monday night, Ald. Lat: urney, who was in Toronto recently, and with representatives of other municipalities, had a conference with Premier Ferguson and made a request "that the various municipa- lities be given a share of the money collected by the province for the amusement tax and automobile li- censes, give a report this most important, matter. Premier Fergu- son, he said, could not promise that any action would be taken this year, but intimated that something would 'this action is taken it will mean a big thing for Kingston, as-- Ald. Laturney pointed out. Statistics showed that handsome sums were being collected in amusement tax and auto licepses. For Kingston alone, it was shown that in one year over $10,000 was collected in amusement tax and $45,000 for auto licenses. , Ald. Laturney has great hopes of the matter going through next year and providing it does, it will mean that a neat sum: of money will be realized by Kingston. Late Mrs. Brightman. The remains of the late Mrs. Victor Brightman were taken oun Tuesday morning from her late resi- dence on Brock street to the C. P. R. station, and conveyed to her father's home at Tichborne. J, Cornelius had charge of the funeral, and Rev. Govg A. Bell offered prayer in the house. By request of the deceased, Rev. Mr. Bell will preach the funeral sermon, and take charge of the burial service at Tichborie on Wednesday after- "noon at 2.30 o'clock. Many beauti- ful offerings were received. Jolly Birthday Party. On Monday , a double birthday party was held at the home of Mrs. Jolin Potter, James street, in hooor of Clarence Vandewalker and Walter Potter. Forty people were in at- tendance and a merry time was spent in dancing until a late hour, music being furnished by the Cheerio or- chestra. , Refreshments were served at the close, and Mrs. Potter 'was tendered a hearty vote of thanks fcr her kind hospitality. Dr. BR: A. Leonard's Condition. Enquiry at the General Hospital Tuesday 'morning elicted the infor- mation that Dr. R. A. Leonard, post- master of Napanee, was in about the same condition, Dr. Leonard 'Was brotight here for treatment and was in critical condition, so much so that a necessary operation had to be pogtponed. His many friends are anxiously awaiting news of .his pro- gress. Going on Trip Abroad. .At the meeting of the city cous- cil on Monday, night a motion ot Alds. Sargent and Peters was passe'l granting Jofin Ballantyne, caretaker and messenger at the city buildiags, 'three months leave of absence, with salary, in order that he mignt take a trip abroad. Struck by Lightning. 'A barn owned by A. M. Shortell, Brewer's Mills; was struck by lght- ning duribg the storm on Saturday night and suffered slight famagds Linking the Fashion Features of , New York with Incomparable Laidlaw Values With a 'Magic Mixture of Youth, Spring and 'Newest Fashion ECL BS. Soft fabrics and col- ors, combined with new uses of ornamen- tation give them an air of smart distinction, This collection contains cleverly de- signed Dresses that will appeal to you. Satin' Faced Crepe, Crepe de Chene and Canton Crepe are used in Sand, Cowboy, Brown, Navy and Black shades. : Chic styles with self girdles, tier : flouncings, side panels and trimmed with piping. © $25 Beautiful Models If milady wants a truly New York model she will find it here. - SHADES: Reseda, Honey, Navy, Brown, Cowboy, Sand, Zinc and Cocoa, FABRICS: Canton Crepe, Jacuuard, Crepe, Flat Crepe and Gondura Wool Crepe. The delightful trimmings include Hand Drawn work, Lace Collars, Pleated Sides, Self Girdles, Draped sides, Rhinestone Buckles, Long or Short Sleeves, 1929.5 0 bi 4 Every Dress in this assortment is distinguished by the richness of ma- terials and deft workmanship. -, Materials such as Vella Vella, Can- ton Crepe, Jacquard Crepe and Georg- ette in Grey, Brown, Navy, Cocoa and Black are used. 2 Some of the Sainty finishing touch- es include Lace Collars and Cuffs, 'Hand Embroidery and Beads with new Tallned or Draped effects. i