~~ ees ee ------ ta fa er ------ ie Shiseet etree -- LIE DA AIL YBRITISH WH 11 a TUESDAY, APRmL 3, N REA DERS __ NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOME | 'Harmless Means a | LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE | Of Reducing Many fat people fear ordinary r reducing their welght, ordinary meth while ' Editor of Women's Pago, Teie« "phone 2618. Private 'pheome 857w. * SS = Capt. and Mrs. Howard Penhale srrivel in town today and are with ~ Prof. and Mrs. P. G. C. Campben, Queen's University, They will later £0 to "Densmere House." Capt. Penhale has been in Halitax tor some tinig taking « course at ' the + barracks, and Mrs. Penhale 'has Iat- terly been ir Sherbrooke with Col. "and Mrs. Penha's. J Capt. and Mrs. J._F. Preston re- tarned from Halita§ on Monday. Mra. J. C. Murchie, Wellington stree', left for Toronto on Monday "to visit her mother, Mrs, Alexander Kirkpatrick. , i Mrs. H. A. Lavel!, Earl stréet, has returged from Toronto. . » . Miss Alice Treadgold, Stuart Street, was the hostess of a jolly dance on Tuesday evening when her guests wereg some girls of the young- @r set and students of Queen's Uni- versity, At midnight when "April Was ushered in, great fun was de- tl 7 inns | The Editor Hears AN Ar rerun readin | ing "Hello, Girls" know to their | King Tutankhamen may have | been one of the Pharaohs of the Ex- odus was stateq by Prof. 8. A. B. Mercer, Toronto, in lecture before the Woman's Canadian Club. "That ihe green is to be one of the fa forite shades this spring. The pret- ty green ginghams ang ratines are most suitable and cool looking for | "summer wear and this is the time to bay (hem, not later, when the fine westher lures you into the country and the pile of unfinished sewing. lies heavy apon your confcience, z -- That a New York editor says the subtlést propaganda against, bobbed | hair yet disseminated Is the story of Now the Court Clerk in Akron, O., 'has ordered his female employees to bob! : . ton . That this is the day the small boy has looked forward to When he can Watch with "delight his elders pick Up a carefully wrapped parcel to which he has fastened a slender Or an old purse, fat with tissue 3 Savor instead of hundred dollar bills, The telephone 1s 4 great aid to the Carrying oat of the traditional Apri] Fool's Day jokes, ag the long-suffer: ple Application That © Dlssolves Blackheads | more squeezing and those unsighti . There is one simple, safe, ' Way to get them out, and that is to Aissoive hom. Got about two © Ounces o peroXine powder from your Aruggist--seprinkle a little on a hot, Wot clotherid briskly over the black. heads for o fow 8 ~~ wash the Darts, ang, avery. blackhead be gone. aarching and Sauieesing out blackheads m e large pores, d 'you C8Ayot get all of the blackheads out th; Way--while this simple applica- | tiofl of peroxine POWder and water djs. ed ha, and wo s es in their nat- urdl condition. . -- | because dieting or exerc clever 'April | mola Prescripty 0. exactly in accor served and (plotiy Prescription, reduce | steadily ang €82(1y, with no if effects. { Procure them from your dru st at one dollar for a box or » send price direct to the Mermola Co ny, 4612 Ward Avenug, Detroit, Shieh: rived from some Fools" Supper was dancing went on for a short time. * . - - Lady Macdonell,* the comman- | dant's quarters, Royal Military Col- | Vn lege, gave a smaill tea on Tuesday | : for Mrs. Melton 'Boulton, Toronto. | Winter. The "polry. Annas circle is ee» t B down town circle ahd the leaders nn "Hilton Holmes, who epent the [Aare planning ways of earning money week-end with' .irs. Charles McKay | to help others. The circles are and Lionel McKay, Garrett street, | all undenominationaj, The leaders has returned to Ottawa. | #76 members 'of the Lend-A-Hang a Se om circle of The King's Daughters. More Mrs. Charles Taylor, King street | circles wil organized. West, entertained the junior Mon- a -- THE COMMON TOUCH. T day Bridge Club this week. o . - - ("Dolls, dolls' furniture, coloured bricks, and other playthings from the comb of a little Roman girl of | the time of Tiberius have Just come | into the Possession of the Berlin Museum." pajry Paper.) Mrs. James Lawson and Miss Helen Lawson, "Who have been visit- ing Major and Mrs. Horace Lawson, Johnson street, returned to "Ridge- mere," Batrie, on Monday. Col. D. Douglas Young, New York, spent the week-end in town. Mrs Wurtele, North Gower, who | Little Was. the guest of Mrs. Donald Mas- Phall, King street, has returned home whispers mysterious, Bade them pe 800d and not make Any noise. x Surely you said at the end of your playtime, Waen Jou had kissed them ana 8 them to sleep, e quiet and walt til] the sorrow. -- That Toronto is to have a perfect OTgy of conventions in June and will welcome among: other women dele- 8 gates those sent by the International League of Women Voters, many of them fi m Europe, That the Marchioness of Abérdeen, Who is as enthusiastic over the wel- fare of children ang young peaple as ever, will support a scheme for a nursery for children at the British Empire Exhibition, ------------ MOTHERS | And Their Children "You must 7' da § Oh, the fon vigil you gave them to Kdeph y v Where are the rooms that once rang with your laughter? Where are the stairways echoed your fegt? Marble and bronze ana the sweet cedrine rafter-- All now are dust With the dust of the street. But in the darkness where some One. had laiq them, : Since they were 'yours and that Place was the best, . Time and his leaguers--whg else had betrayed them-- Shattered an empire but at rest, that left them Down the lotig road that begins with your story We have peered wistfully into the gloom, "| Watching the shadows of Rome and her glory, Hearing the echoes of triumph ana doom; Yet, with your bricks i les at bedtime; You with the games of your brief summer while, You are the bridge of the living ang dead time-- Clio kneels down to a smile, tet RADIO BROADOASTING. | and your-dol- First Aid, Qne Mother Says: y youngster . pushes any ob- rh up the nose, never try to poke it out, as you will only push it up farther. Compress one side of the nose while the child blows harq on' the other side. It this does not bring the object oat, let the cing' smell a little pepper. This i cause a good smeeze and will usaal- ly dislodge the obstruction. Ir falls, however, the next step is take the child at once to the doc- tor, ------------ TWO NEW CIRCLES oF : 'THE KING'S DAUGHTERS. Two juvenile circles of The King's Daugliters haye been organized re. cently by Mrs, M. R- Davis, the sec- | retary of The Kingston City Union of The: King's Daughters. The "Ever Ready" circle, which 1s an uptown _ circle, held their 'first sale on March 18th, and with part of the Proceeds ' will wool and knit scarfs for poor ohfidren for next Your toys with The\following is a li stati Plttaburgh, pa, 8 P.m.~--~Programme Arranged by the United Synagogue of America, 484---~WOC--Davenpore, In, . 12 noon---Chimes condert, 7 p.m. --~Hducationa} lecture. 8 pm~Organ recital, . B17 WWI--Detrott, Mich, 7 P-m.~Orchestra music, | 4SB-ORAC--M 4.30 Pm. ~Orchestra musie, - 260 WG L--Medford 7.30 p.m.--Health programme, ---- _| counter, asked Fat) means | TOMORROW'S MENU Breakfast :Stewed Dried Peachps Cereal med Dried Beet cont Toast Luncheon Baked Grapenuts Dish Wholewhea: Breaq = «Cocoa Celery: Jelly %. Dinner "\Cream "ot Pea Soup ~ * _ Veal Cutlet. Baked Potatoes Bfuseels Sprouts ee Raisin Ple Answered Letters Mrs. 1 W.: "Please tell me how to' clean ang polish a black walnut bedroom get, and also how to renew | | Wood with & mixture of equal parts and linseed of). As window shades--both kinds you mention--simpiy apply a flat coat of 800d household paint ana they will look like new. J. Mm. "Kindly ten me Grape Jelly can pe made with tine for use how molasses." Answer: In using gelatine it is not ave a reci f grape Jelly (sueh as One buys in the stores) and add to It enough boiling water to make one! pint of, liquid. Now goften tablespoon of granulat With a very Ifttle colq™ add this to the You have heated 7.30 p.m.--Weekly lecture, 8.40 P.M. --Brchestra music, 9.15 P.m.--Glee club. 546----KSD--s¢, Louis, Mo. 6.30 pm.--Concert, , vy ey 11 'P-m.--Dance musie> Complete 'radio Prograt¥mes sold ii Canada Radie. Stores. ------ "The Sickness That Destroyeth," Not long ago™a Dewspaper woman, in speaking of her day's work to Some friends, remarked that she 'had been at an isolation hospital, getting what ig called in Journalistie par- lance, *" 5 story." There were excla- mations of horror from some of the listeners, fang a distinct drawing away from her on the part of others. But the newspaper woman laughed. "Why," she said, "you and 1 and all of us are in far more danger every day of our ' lives, 8 80 about where all sorts of diseases are stalk. Ing round, without any Precautions being taken, than I was at the hos- pital, where there {s every safeguard against infection, A few days later One of her audience: was in a large butcher shop, ere all s rts of meats are displayed, when a girl, very evidently far gone in tu " sls; came in, aad going up to the fn a husky & piece of meat. As she did coughed unrestrainedly ove of the exposed meat, without, the precaution of putting either hand or handkerchief to her mouth, "This sort of thing 1s being dupli. cated all over the: . Much has been done in the Way of teach- ing people : to take precautionary Measures, but a very grest deal re- 80 she ® rest 380--WGY---Sch » N.Y. 6.30 Pm. --Adventure gory, ---- \ a 860--KQV--Pittsburgh, 9 p.m. --Musfoa programme. Now ls the time to plek yours ont, white te dts best. Nagy, Black or Sand. $25.00 and $35,00 BE nell oN | Boyish Models, Tailored Ef. i 08 WRAP ow York ony, 7 P.m.-- Synagogue sorviess, : -- ? * ~~Orohestra 8-p.m.--Orchestrs musie. 10 Pm.--Musical programme, | 237 Wht Mase. : : Hi § p.m.--Dinner concert, | 7 p.m.Humoroug 7.80 5m --Bedtims 'Wory ton ine 1H "kiddies. 2.40 P-m.~Orchestra mugle, - 3 p-- ih 10.45 P.m~--~Quartette | hour, {:. an -- 7.30 P.m.--Coneert, | Pm--Concert. Blzes 16 to 44. maine to be done. Unfortunately, carelessness is -to 'be foun gher ai the country than in the cities. It children were taught when very small never to - cough without putting the band or the handkerchief hefors the mouth, one | means of Off.--The Canadian if one just |- tor || Foe Cation on, rouid be | | ~ Stir a few minutes, then add sugar | it necessary suit individus) | taste) and 'strain through 3 fine- | meshed sieve Into a wet mold, to be | set In a cold place to stiffen. At | meajtime, sink the" mold up t rim in boiling water for 'Just © an instant, so as to loosen the jelly and | enable it to be turned out of the mold easily, : Baked -Beans with Molasses: Soak one quart of pea beans overnight in cold water to cover. In the morning 'wash them well and parbéil them with one-half teaspoon of soda in boiling water to cover; when! they are almost tender, drain off mest of the water and put the beans into i baking dish. Mix into them one- half cup of bacon drippings, a pinch of mustard, one tablespoon of salt, teaspéon of. black pep- one-fourth Cup of Barbadoes molasses, two tablespoons of minced Taw onion, and a very little canned tomato it liked. Take one-half pound of salt pork (which has been previously bolled by itself in a sauce- pan for an hour) and score this into little squares on one side; sink it into the baking dish, in the middle of the beans. Put a cover on ~ the dish and bake for #ix hours in a moderate oven, adding small quan- tities of hot water during the last two hours if.it becomes too dry. Tomorrow--Cap You Make Good Tea and Coffee? . ¥ j -------- All Inquiries addressed to Miss Kirkman in care of the "Efficient Housekeeping' departmen answered in these columns, ih thaly turn. This requires considerabls ume, however, owing to the graat aumber recsived: So if a personal oy | quicker reply is desired, a Sane! *d and self-addressed envelope must be enclosed with the question. Re] < YOUR fyll name, street COMING EVENTS ( Notice of future events, not tn- tended to raise money, 2¢. per word, infimum Bee; if held to ralse money, 4c. per word, minimum $1.00, Reception ang Personal Notices 2% words or less, $1.00 | | | YOUR STOP ROOFING TROUBLES Let us supply you with Shingles or Roof- ing that has a reputation for "Quality" remains long after "price" forgotten.- Io ALLAN LUMBER co. Victoria Street. will be. Ject to much abuse Aran is "_The worst thing about bein' at SE is "that folks w there's anything wrong © with when I'm righs sick." ---------------- Good feliowship, 1 notice, quality, 18 TET Ent WIN ERTS NG REE of hoe ALSO) EOE IT GALLAGHER mice 960 Bend a"tdol to market and a- foot he'll return, Wisdom Sometimegswalks jn cloyts 2't never believe : me 3 "\ is sub- } in this old worla, ( w NEW SPRING season's newest colors and styles from riety of colors'and styles, from ed shoes « . Set-- N SWEATERS J UST, ARRI VED sleevés--this With sleeves and no $3.95 wp KNITTED DRESSES Fashion's latest demands; in'a va- - - a "tone ang construction of these instrumen: Qrgan LEADS THE Womwp, 'MORE THAN 425000 | Made and sold truly commendable to the wondertal ts " E BEND FOR OUR CATALOGUE Terms and Prices, consideration, SLIGHTLY USED /ORGANS We have a splendid select on, worthy your