r SATURDAY, XPRIL 5, 1084. Sunday Services in Churches PPPOE PPPRPPIPEOISSEDS * 4 "THINK ON THESE THINGS" -- missionary Sunday, special ofterings. 11 a.m., "Facing the Cross"; 3 p.m., Sunday school and Bible class; 7 p.m., "The Joy of Jesus." A hearty THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Wh New System: of Fat Reduction Here's a new way for ill fal people to laugh together st that old bugaboo --Obesity. The saying that "there is nothing new under the sun" does not people any more. Worms that Dance on Waves Millionsrof tiny Worms that "dance" in at Are Puzzle to Science t the World Is 'Doin and Turns on Lights g welcome and helpful message. now apply to fat First Baptist Church, Sydenham and Johnson streets streets--Rev. J, the moonlight on the suriace of the sea during the egg-hatching season, and trans- form the waves into the appearance of > Finally, brethren, whatso- % ever things are true, . whatso- 4 ever things are honest, what- Here is something new for them -- a | new sensation, a new pleasure, a new | and graceful figure, easily found by anyone who is passing beyond the | Hmity of sttmness. # soever things are just, what # soever, things are lovely, what, 4% soever things are of good re- % port; if there be any virtue, # and if there be any praise, + think on these things.--The + Apostle Paul. > 5 COP 0990000%002 5 Y.W.0.A--~Miss O. W. Foster, of Durban, South Africa, will speak again at the Y. W. C. A, Sunday af- ternoon at 4.15. Public invited. St. Paul's--Morning Prayer, 11 o'clock. Preacher, Canon FitszGer- ald, M.A.; Sunday school, 3 o'clock. Evening prayer, 7 o'clock. Preacher, Canon FitzGerald, M.A. a Queen's University--The Bacca- laureate Sermon to the graduating class of Queen's Theological College will be delivered in Chalmers church at 11 a.m. by Rev, Dr, Sclater. -- Cooke's church, Brock street-- Rev. T. J. 8. Ferguson, minister. 11 am., "Nearing the Cross;" 3 p.m. Sunday school and Bible classes; 7 p.m., "Everyones Battle." Every- body welcome. - St. George's Cathedral---Fifth Sun- day in Lent. Passion Sunday. 8 a.nr., holy communion; 11 a.m., holy communion. Preacher, the Dean. 3 p.m., Sunday schools; - 4 p.m., holy baptism; 7 p.m., evensong. Preach er, Rev, W. B. Kidd, Sydenham street--R. H. Bell, min. ister. .Class, 9.46 a.m.; public wor- . ship and sermon, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. The minister will preach. Sunday school, 2.45 p.m.; Good Friday, 4 p.m. The choir will render Stainer's "Crucifixion." $e Pe4P0GO dene * St. Andrew's Preshyterian--Rev. John W. Stephen, minister, Services, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., conducted by the 8. LaFlalr, pastor. 10.30 a.m., pray- er service; 11 a.m. sermon theme, "Riches for AlL"" 2.45 p.m., Bible school; .7 p.m. sermon theme, "Dreams and Dréamérs." The ordi- nnance of the Lord's Supper will be observed at the close of the morning service, 2 St. James' church, corner Union and Barrie streets--T. W. Savary, rector, the rectory, 162 Barrie street. Fifth Sunday in Lent. 11 a.m., holy communion and sermon. Sermon subject, "The Forgiveness of Sins." 3 p.m., Sunday school. 7 p.m., even. ing prayer and sermon. Sermon sub- ject, "The Noble Army of Martyrs, Nicholas Ridley." Christian Science, First Church of Christ, Scientist, 95 Johnson street --Services, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sub- ject, "Unreality," Wednesday, 8 p.m. testimonial meeting. Public read- ing room open every afternoon ex- cept Sundays and holidays from 3 to 5 p.m. and on Thursday evenings from 7.30 to 9.30 p.m. All afs cor. dially invited to the services and to the reading room, - - Bethel church, corner Barrie and Johnson streets--Pastor, A. Sidney Duncan. Public worship, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.; communion of the Lord's Supper following the morning ser- {| vice; Sumday school, 3 p.m.; Christ- ian Endeavor, Monday 8 p.m.; prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 p.m. We have a-men"s Bible class where the deeper things of scriptural truth are discussed, Are you interested? If so, come, . Pentecostal Tabernacle, Queen street, between Barrie and Division --Services: Sunday, 11 a.m, 8, and 7.30 p.m.; Sunday school and Bible class, 2 p.m.; Tuesday, 8 p.m., evan- gelstic service; Thursday;-8 p.m. Divine Healing service; Sunday, 7.30 minister. Holy communion at morn- ing worship. Students, soldiers and strangers welcome at all the services. p.m., subject, "An Awful Calamity Soon Coming and How to Escape It." The quartette which is being do REV. G. A. BROWN, M.A., B.D. The new minister of Chalmers Pres- byterian church, Kingston. lutions, It should seek In every practicable way, by agitation and by its influence on public sentithent and on civic legislation; to improve the conditions of the toilers, It is too late In the day for the church to de- clare that ft "has nothing to do with men's bare backs and empty sto- 'machs;" that its mission is purely the salvation of men's souls. If the church: does not care for men's bo- dies, whith it has seen, how can it c for men's souls, which it has n seen? But in contending for the improv- ed conditions, ft need not necessar- ily stand for other organizations which are seeking to secure the same conditions, The church may work with any other society, in so far as their purposes are similar, but there can be no just criticism against the church if it declines to indorse the complete programme of the or- ganizatoin with which it is for the time being co-operating. *® . . The trades unionist has no more right to insist that the church shall help him support his organization, as such, than the church has a right to expect the trades unionist to stand for the church. If the trades unionist declares that the church must stand unequi- vocally for organized labor because the. union is contending for higher standards or morals and ethics, for better homes, better schools and : {lent to bring results--Iis but one dol- Tr. * Everyone has heard | of the Marmola Prescription: that] harmless combination of fat-defying elements perfected by one of the fore- most physicians. Now, from the same high authority, there comes idea--the {dea of condensing these same, pure, harmless Ingredients into 4 pleasant little tablet. Taken after eating and at bedtime, they help the stomach to dispose of all ds, convert solid flesh, muscle and energy, without d § or exercise. Marmola Prescrip- tion Tablets regulate the entire Sys- tem--do for you what bodily exertion, and self-denial cannot do, and the fat, once routéd, is gone for good: " You can prove all this at a trifling cost. Mar- mola Prescription Tablets are sold by all druggists or sent postpaid by the Marmola Company, 4612 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Mich. A box--guffi- the queen with a smile and a nod to the lecturer. The speaker pointed out that al- though Bellenden, 'a well-known Scottish historian, applied the title of "Prince of Scotland" to the King's eldest son as far back as 1100, it would appear doubtful whether the title existed legally before 1400. "While the prince became Prince of Wales by special creation," he said, "he became Prince of Scotland by right of birth as soon as his father became king." Dr. Seton suggested that it would create an outburst of loyal enthus- lasm in Scotland if, on' the occasion of- the visits of the prince to Scot- land, Scots were permitted to wel- come and drink the health of the "Prince of Scotland and' Wales," for which the . precedent of centuries could be claimed. BABY'S HEALTH IN THE SPRING . The Spring is a time of anxiety to mothers who have little ones in.the home. Conditions make it necessary to keep the baby indeors. is often confined to overheated, ly venti- lated rooms and catches colds which rack \is whole system. Po guard against this a box of Baby's Own Tablets should be kept in the house rais; tak vermicelli soup, have been observed off Samoa, the Antilles, and the coast of France. They appear at the first and last quarters of of May, September, October, ber only. estimated thet more than 1,000000 oc- cupy the space within the radius of a small! lantern. Police Learn Eyelid Talking Detectives in Canada are being taught a code by Jeans muniate with one another 'by dropping, and elso how to "talk" secretly by means of finger touches, by twisting of a cigar, fingering of a mustache and twiddling fingers behind the back. This is being done so that they, can transfer their thoughts when in the presence of orimi- als or prisoners. Tt is declared that com- munication with the eyelids can be as rapid as the ordinary mian typewrites. There are now 145,000 radio sets on the farms throughout ceive crop reports from 180 government wireless stations, according to recent esti- mates. A most convenient service is pro- vided by Canadian National Ralil- ways for all those who desire end at Easter, or to enjoy a more Grabbing Clutch Cure for moon and "1 the months , and Novem- They are so small that it is| * * =» to Balk the Criminal of which they can com- ing or other movements of the eyes, the * 5 = the country, which re- an 'Home For Easter." to e advantage of the long week- Then the strand is put on the hook, which can be done by an unsteady hand, and as grip is released the wire passes out of the needle eye, carrying the thread with it through the hole. : Removing Water from Mortar When mixing concrete it often oocurs that too much water is added, making the mixture too thin to work properly. Of course, more sand and cement can be added. but this is not dlways desirable, as then screwed into the threaded holes in the auxiliary plate until they project just ° a trifle; the ends are then hammered over to keep the bolt from unscrewing. Pres- sure applied on the pedal causes the dutch to take hold gradually, and all grabbing is eliminated. ss 0 Not much larger than a watch, 8 pl ph which can be slipped into pocket and has space for ten ian. The sound produced by the machine isaid to be so amplified when it is placed on a tumbler that the tiny instrument can be used to provide music for dancing, .. Necessity the Mother of Invention am extended holiday during \that pér- lod. Parents or relatives wishing to bring students or pupils at school, etc., home for the holidays can ar- range all details through the Rail- way Company. Any Canadian Na- tiqnal Agent will transmit to an parts of the System orders for the delivery of rail tickets, sleeping car berths or, parlor car seats, and it reqlifred a cagh payment for tra- much appreciated these = days. will better living in every other way, agin sing selections. Fail not to then the church has an exactly equal attend, .{ right to demand *that organized la- bor shall come out clearly and strongly for the church because it stands for the same things. In brief, the church may stand with organized labor as an organiza- tion on ll quéstions which h a moral and ethical -basis, but en and an occasional dose given the baby to keep his stomach and bowels work- ing regularly. This_ will prevent colds, constipation or colic and keep baby well. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, Er -------------- Queen Street Methodist Church Services at 11 am. and 7 pm, Preacher at both services. Rev. W. 8. Lennon, B.A, D.D, Sunday School, etc, at 8 p.m. Seats free, Men's' ghoral service by Gananoque Knights of Honour on Sunday even. ing, April 13th, Gospel Hall----Sunday afternoon at three o'clock, lantern views from the King's Cross to the Mansion House; address by Mr. Arthur Tay- lor. Sunday meeting at 7 p.m. will be in the Mission hell, corner -- Salvation Army Citadel, Princess street--7 a.m. campaign prayer meeting; 11 a.m., holiness meeting; 8'pm., praiee service; 7 p.m., re- 'vival meeting. Sunday school 10.16 am. and 2 p.m. Service will be con- ducted by Lieut. Kingdon. Every body welcome. Services conducted by Ensign and Mrs. Bosher. -- Seventh Day Adventist Church, coroner Union and Collingwood streets--8ervice Sunday at 7.30 p.m. Subpect, "What Will You do With This Man Jesus Who is Cali- ed Christ?" Hear this most inter- esting and' important subject by Evangelist Wesley B. Lindsay. Everybody fs cordially invited. [ _-- Uklvary Church '(the friendly Clergy and Princess streets. Ad- dresses by Dr. H. A. Boyce and Mr. Arthur Smith. This will be the last meeting held in that place. Next Wednesday meeting in Gospel Hall. Mr. Arthur Taylor and others will speak. Mr. Harry Thomas, the Welgh- man, will lead the singing at all meetings. Ne . Bt. Luke's Church, Nelson. street --Rev. J. dePencier Wright, M.A, B.D., rector, Fifth Bunday in Lent. 11 a.m. morning prayer and holy communion; 2.30 pm. Sunday school and Bible classes; 4 pm. holy baptism; 7 p.m. evening prayer. Music--Special music will ge rend- ered by the choir: Friday, 7.30 p.m., regular Lenten service will be held. Rev. W. Hilyard Smith, of St. John's Church, Portsmouth, will preach: Seats free. Strangers, visitors and church), corner of Bagot and Charles streets. Rev. Frank Sanders, © minister. Home soldiers cordially invited. - « Can the Church Support Organized Labor ? the question at issue is merely a mat- ter of expediency, of jurisdiction, of a recognition of the union or any similar matter, then the church must have the right to maintain a neutral position, just as the trades union would not be expected to take sides were the church to take up demomi- national differences, creeds or forms Of government. As individuals, we may think as we please about the affairs of the church or of labor, Every man must be given the right .to "join" or not to join. But We cannot assume to commit our or- ganization--elther church or labor-- to any system outside of their pecu- liar. province, a PLEA FOR REVIVAL Of Anciént Title "Prince of Wales of Scotland and Wales." London, March 19.--(By Mail)-- Qui Mary, sitting beside the Arch- bishdp of Canterbury in a crowded lect room at University College, listened with evident pleasure to an eloquent plea for the revival of the TURKS ARE FORBIDDEN To Attend Prayers at Christian Schools in Constantinople. . Constantinople, March 15.-- (By Mail)--Heads of American mission- ary schools in Constantinople have received the following . order from the Argos ministry of public in- struction: "It is learned that some foreign schools devote more time to religious exercises than to regular teaching, that they compel pupils to attend Christian services, and that they hang on the walls of class rooms and courtyards texts and placards dealing with religious matters. "Schools which are now engaging in religious activities of the above nature will be immediately closed. Consequently the following regula- tions are brought to the notice of the administration of these schools, which must conform strictly to them: "It is absolutely forbidden to allow Turkish students to participate in Christian services either compulsor- fly or voluntarily. No Turkish stu- dent shall be permitted to attend ma, wil to of Br Ral pat H., the! velling expenses, and will fully render any other service that offices or depots and everything possible will be done to contribute who may be entrusted to the care tive. For further particulars apply to J. P. Hanley, C.P. and T.A. C.N. 'Rly., Yor any Canadian ticket agent. The Johnston Brothers of Arden are Mountain Grove, April 4. -- Card lengthy stay in the west. Uncle Sam's domain, 'were brought here and funeral ser- vices were conducted by Rev. Mr. Cantrell, Sharbot Lake. cheer- y be desired. Personal attention 1 be given passengers at: ticket the comfort and safety of those a Canadian National Represeata- National OSBORNE PLACE SOLD The Purchasers. 8.' saw mill is running full blast. ph Godfrey has returned from a Much sym- hy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Garrett in the recent loss of ir infant child "while residing in The remains The burial Inventors are "born" as well "made", ff, into AE street, BO] desires. indicative of the m, is a mere stepping- stone to the foot of the born Inventor. owever we look at them, as sinister form or forms which ori; Salled into existence i wal socal the im psn ams La Sr oie e of the Fren A Ei bude nd portaged had! gone Crooked urdoc| Lake. - (A lake that only last year opened up by the Canadian Pacifie Bungalow Camp--above). Nosooner An Xavahtor has the sbiliy to stp br? 0 "take as it were, quote the man in the which more timid, or more Rhistichted folk, lack. A i i By tie Rav, . - anclent title "Prince of Scotland and Wales" for the Prince of Wales. The suggestion was made by Dr. Walter 'was in the Anglican cemetery here. A. Thompson has sold the farm, commonly known as the "Osborne prayers in connection with the reli- glon of the directors of Christian sschools. . i In the church's approach to labor, we must frankly face the problems of the poor. On this point thers can be no evasion and no compromise. What then should be the position of the church with regard to orga- Dized labor? Shall the church, and particularly the minister, accept all §8ton, who was jnsugurating a newly instituted lectureship in Scottish history, end was acknow by "Foreign schools may give relig- dous instruction-in a separate chapel but they may not conduct prayers |to Place" to the Johnston Bros, Ar- den. R. 'Béverly made a flying trip Kingston ' récently. The stork iH F was' very busy in this community | and last week left a tiny boy at C. Godfrey's and a girl at A. Godfrey's. ' Rev. Mr. Flindell visited Arden re- cently, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Thomp-| 80n are at A. Thompson's; Ross Par- ker is at J. Parker's; Mr. and Mrs. de Clair at W. Brown's. . t aleewhere or set up statues or sus- pend testy of a religious nature in class rooms or courtyards, = "A strict contro} of foreign schools is necessary in order to see that re- commendations of the ministry are carried out." _ This order preceded the recent de- all foreign schools on Sabbath, Jesus did not try to get away from the questions that were asked'by the peoble. He did not always answer | these questions tp their satistsction, because of their judice and their preconceived ideay, ut he never failed to lay down the principles 'which he would apply. the case un- der discussion. And must be the attitude of the church toward the w vEds § We may set it down as a funda- mental principle that the church can- . not advocate any vWords will never be wanting if you deal with a well-considered sub- social questions of the day. iis | men have a A Bo matter what it urch is purely a voluntary orga- nization, and is composed of all clas- ses, including. both employers aend| employees. | The t to disagree, and in which no dir may be. The | moral principle Is} ge £ bd, lsd fe H ject, il 38 i EH bd § Ee i i nines.» 1 ;