THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG * SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 1924. nesday, April at h, bargain matinee ¢ 4 #4464069 0000000 { and night, The piece which is ine A i 'GRAND TO-NIGHT at 8.15 Last Time AMUSEMENTS | two acts and five scenes is entitled | 4 CAMBRIDGE WINS | . About "Bringing Up Father On Broad-|¢ FROM OXFORD SW. + A Film Story of the Sea in Seven Reels What We Prose Agus Say Vo Ee ho arora | 3 ROM. OX ORE E 29 . . | to even Maggie, who still has lofty | & Putney, England, April 5.-- "1 OVING LIES ~ social asperations, will appear in the | # Cambridge won the annual . : "LOVING LIES" AT GRAND. flesh. They will be impersonated by [4% boat race from Oxford in the Added Attraction--A 5 Reel Mack Sennett Comedy To-night affords the last oppor-|a carefully selected cast, augmented PS Thames today. The Oxford BEN TURPIN in "The Shriek f Araby" tunity to see a very fine bill of mo- | by & beauty chorus of twenty young !4 crew was heavier and more ex- e eK O tion pietures at the Grand Opera | Women. The latest chronjclings and | 4 perienced, but the libht blues PRICES .. AIRE ol TR A0e., 25¢., 85¢. Plus tax. House. "Loving Lies" is the big Banking "experience is not gained either easily or in a brief time. The trained banker is the result of years of practical, personal contact with banking problems, backed by the wide knowledge and experience of his predecessors. The knowledge and experience of many years makes for Safety. 'The Bankof Toronto has served the people of Canada for over 67 years with safety and efficiency, and has built up a strong organiza- tion with ample reserves and complete facilities to meet every contingency. « On its banking record and the strength. of its position, The Bank of Toronto confidently invites the deposit and busi- ness accounts of those who desire safety "and a courteous, efficient service. adventures of the Mahoney "Cian" |® crossed the mark by four and a pieture on the bills and those who | takes "The Gang' as Father" is | half lengths. It was the seven- have seen it are sti)l talking about | pleased to call them, to extreme | ty-sixth revival of the historic it with interest. Monte Blue, as the | portions of the globe; even as far 4 race from Putney to Mortlake tug captain, shows that the stories |as King Tut's Tomb. The fun is|4 and the result was a complete about his early life as a sallor are | kept at top speed throughout and | 4 surprise. not all "bunk" but that he knows |the song hits along with other sur-|g the smell of sea water and fears 1. | prises, features, novellies and laugh- |* PPP PCPLPPPIECEIOLYP not. The filming leaves nothing' to | compelling situations add to'the .gay- be desired and there is a storm scene |.ety of the occasion. that is wonderful. The plot is interesting. Tt is | STIRRING DRAMA IN woven about the young ses captain : "THE ETERNAL CITY" and his wife--of happiness and calm, A youth fighting desperately to |- 5 of sorrow and storms, the whole bring to ruin the yoman he loved | Seven , Bulldings, Including Geo. McManus' Celebrated Cartoons ' thing seeming to work In with the |---unaware of her identity. Bank Branch, Burned In oe 2444444040044 oe BARGAIN MATINEE AT 2.30. oth and Brand New Series of The Fun Show of the World. s a i VILLAGE IN FLAMES; CHUROH MENACED Maggie wan . Bargain Matinee: Children 25¢. Adults 50c. R8B8c., B0c., 75c., $1.00. Plus tax. Seat sale Monday | BERT LYTELL BARBARA LA MARR TAGQU LOVE endid Cast. MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY iggs digg moods of the sea itself. It is a good That is the strange situation about Arthabaska County, Que. gle Up FATHER On the same programme, as an | City," which opens a three days en. Mag entree, is found the Mack Sennett | gagement .at the Capitol theatre : . : a ¥ v4 five o'clock yesterday evening, fire - i Shrie aby." | M ay, revolves. \ sho Ydia five-reeler. "The Shriek of Araby fonday, revolves. It is the centrs broke eat 1b & store owned by Jo- vit it arribl ver written, d is f on Broadway this shetk stuff with 8 terrible | ever written, and is from the pen of Paul de Chester, Arthabaska county, 2 result is better than one eould pic- George Fitzmaurice produced the . The Musical Comedy ture. The programme will be offered | story in Italy, with a cast that in- bulging oY Seat ayn i . . cludes five players of stell -- | Ouses : for the last time to-night udes five players of stellar rank bank branch. At this hour the par- Of All. Times . Bert Lytell, Richard Bennett and [Ish church was also menaced, but Jiggs and Maggie To the millions of friends, admir-| : . antly to check the progress of the alive. It will bring __| picture has been pronounced the Joy to their little hearts. ers and Americans, who have follow Masterpiece of a decade. flames. ed the adventures of Jiggs Mahoney, Bert Lytell is cast as the youth No_- further communication has show see a doctor. the George HeManyy wis, wil be David Rosie, with Miss La Mare | Deen received, owing to the wires ; F pleased no doubt wi © AnNOUNCS" | oosaying the role of Donna Roma. | being down. " wi ng eserves, $7,000,000 ther: play will be the neXt aurac-|., yy, 4' yi; sweetheart, Roma, hag LATE ROMAIN MOSIER. Incorporated 1855 ~ | small village. Heart-broken, and Prominent Wolfe Island Resident, unable to learn of her whereabouts, Who Died on March 80th. he becomes a vagabond, wandéring rch Wolfe Island, April 5.--On Marc LYNDHURST of the girl. ' ts di < osier, passed away at the . " In Rome his discontent cause him omper Ltinnd ) Jo years. a Mos- 162 I wv) to join tite ranks of the Facist], fy 5 had been. ailing for some time, but 4 | the party in power. The chief ob- ture. He was born at | jective of their wrath is Baron Bo- 89 Sorigus 2 > i vicinity of Back To The Old Home, Cheese Factory Opened. | nelli (played by Lionel Barrymore) P Pleasant Valley, March 31.--Sug-| Sunbury, April 3, --Brother Fred- Grimsby, Ont., and moved with his f A ar-making operations are in full | erick, the Armenian missionary, de- , Loves : _ one. which the story of "The Eternal Victoriaville, Que., April 5.--At]| : Sennet n 3 e st gri ies Just imagine Mack nnett handling | off one of the most gripping stories seph Frechette, in: the village Hf St. yv ate. Th he 8 ovelist, Hal 3 Arabs and Beautiful women, etc e | that master novelist all Caine and quickly spread to adjoinifg SENSATION : : - .| Barbara La Marr, Lionel Barrymore, T the kiddies to see "BRINGING UP FATHER" COMING Montagu Love. This First National | the parishioners 'were striving vali- you can't laugh at this ment that a new "Bringing Up Fa- David rethirns from the great war ' ' jtaT, $5,000,000 Hon at Grand Opera House, Wed-| ,.., from her-home in a 4 BRANCHES KINGSTON LANSDOWNE | aimlessly about the country in search 30th, Romain Mosier, son of the lafe | then on' the verge of overthrowing his illness was not thought to be of : ~~ f au unscripulons war, profiteer whe father to Wolfe Island about seven- The Dancing' Morgans In the Latest Songs and =x: = AUCTION SALE Of Household Furniture at 668 North MecDon ma Street, on Tuesday, April Sth, 1924, at 1.00 o'clock Consisting of parlor suite, parlor 4 Geo , Fitzmaurice Production ETER CITY VA UDEVILLE ATTRACTIONS ---- Dances NAL Hope and Mantion Music--Mirth--Melody CREDIT SALE Farm, Far tock and Implements, on Wednesday, April 9th, at 12 o'¢lock at the Residence of James Brown, Wolfe Island, the farm containing 100 acres, west half of lot 3, Con. 6, north of base | was devbting his immense wealth to ! fighting the Facisti. common gossip that the | baron has a mistress--a &culptress. | When David learned that she had | executed a statue in honor { fallen war heroes he became so in- d'~nant that he gathered a squad of | former soldiers and destroyed | work of art. With the broken pieces | at his feet he looked upward £o a balcony of the castle and there he | Morgan Dancers | Gave $250,000 to Syracuse Univers | sity 50 Years Ago. Syracusg, N.Y., April 5.--Virtual- The denouement of this episode 1s will linger long in In conjunction with | regular programme | vaudeville acts will be presented. The are very clever dancers and sing the latest song hits. { Hope and Mantion, instrumentalists, have many musiesd novelties which will find Yavor with the patrons of E. REMINGTON DEAD AT 95. ty-three years ago, his mother hav- ing died at Grimsby when he was' a baby. - Mr. Mosier spent all his life upon the Island. He owned the best two hundred acres in the township. In his younger days he served the township as deputy reeve and later as commissioner. He was a staunch Conservative in politics, an able speaker and debater, and took an active part in all elections. Mr. Mos- fer's grandfather was one of the U. E. Loyalist's stock, having left the United' States after the independence was signed. In religion he was a Presbyterian, and his funeral sermon was preached by Rev. A. Russell, of the Union church. Mr: Mosier leaves to mourn his loss, three daughters: Mrs Franklin S, Walker, Black River, Nf Y.; Mrs. John Gray, Whitby, Ont, and Mrs. Harry R. Davis, Kingston; also four sons: Wallace R., Dewar Lake, Sask.; William M.., Ward F. and Wellington E., all of Wolfe Is- land.- His remains were placed in the vault at Marysville under the charge of the James Reid & Sons, undertakers. Interment will take place at Sandhill cemetery in thé near swing. A good season is reported. Watson Bros. have finished sawing wood in this vicinity. Mrs. Thomas Bradford has recovered from her re cent critical illness, Many are suffer ing from la grippe. Mrs. John A. Hughes was called to the bedside of her mother, Mrs. F. Walker, Har- rowsmith, who suffered a stroke this morning. Many attended the Dra, matic Club entertainment at Har rowsmith and Sydenham. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Watson arrived from Flint, Mich. Their many friends are glad to learn that they will again occupy their farm here after an ab- sence of nearly two years. George Hamilton has moved to the Hagle farm. The funeral of the late Miss Rose Collins, Toronto, was conducted from the residence of S. Reynolds. Service was held in the Free Methodist church, Rev. Mr. Crowder officiating thence to Syden- ham where the remains were laid to rest in the family plot. Our sym- pathy is extended to the befeaved ones. Mre. A. Manson hae peturned from a pleasant sojourn with friends at livered an address to the Orangemen in the. Union Church on 'Sunday morning. Sunbury, Battersea, In- verary and Elginburg lodges were represented. Harry Blacklock is shipping a large consignment of calves to the depot tomorrow. The cheese factory has commenced.opera- tions for another year," with W. E, Coopper in charge. The factory has been re-decorated and all the vats and woodwork painted. It presents a very fine appearance, . A. L. Sharpe's 'family is quaran- tined for scarlet fever, No new cases have developed as yet. W. BE. Coop- per has moved into Sunbury in the house recently vacatéd by John Mec- Bride, The regular meeting of the Woman's Institute took place at the home of Mrs. George Ritohfie, on. Thursday last. | The April meeting 1s" to be held at Mrs. Martin Sands' home the last Thursday in April. Mrs, Maynard Campbell is visiting friends in Bellevillg, Miss Gladys Moreland and Miss Margaret Shannon, Kingston Collegi- ate, spent the week-end at their re- spective homes. Mrs, Edward Hitch- cock entertained a few of her friends line, near the Village: span of Hares: ' tables, rocking chairs, dining room . 1H abl ant Ie, Kitahen cabinets. bed | 3 Soars old; Day mare 10 years old; rings and mattresses, dressers and| CR cows; double buggy, single big Spt Bis ot the range baby car-) Ey. wagon nearly new, double slei Tage, heater, ofl atove, ru i. linoleum. single sleigh, cutter, Frost & Wood pictures and kitchen utensils, and other pe new Deoping binges 8 articles 00 numerous to mention. T ormack rake: 0. Au Neer Spring tooth cultivator, nearly new; Phone 34377. " cto * seeder, disk harrow, plow, double and . single harness, faniing mill, grind- stone, horse fork rope and block, set farm gcales, canvass stack cover;iM. H. cream separator, 500 1bs.; 25 hens, § hen turkeys and gobbler, household articles. Terms: $1 ind under, cash; over that amount 7 months' credit approved notes. Interest 7% per annum. Terms Sand conditions for farm at time of sale.| WM. MURRA ly improverished by his philan- ® thropy toward Syracuse University, | future. The bearers were Braden Crosby. Miss Fleming has resumed to a dance on Thursday evening. it is intimated in an official ack-| Or Herbert Sluman, David Watts, | her duties as teacher. Mrs. George | "{ ° David Bustard, William Alum afd| Brash Westport, and Mrs. George A. = nowledment making mention of a ' return for his kindness, Eliphalet | Edgar Siville. Phillips, Smith's Falls, visited then The Prince and Popularity. The Prince does his duties so . I father; George repently, Misa Hon. aiden ---- as ver R. T. HARRISON DEAD Ada Botting is clnvdyghetng at her heartily and thoroughly, that his fel-. iversity, and donor of its first pro- * ? . home here. lowaabjecia Zuat be loth to $tudge perty here, is dead, after a year's 3 4 m s athletic pleasure. illness in a sanitarium at Herkimer, | At Bonga EHS Was & Man of Fize same time his life has a public value, % Benefactions by Remington and his| * &s a Re Poilowh and he has a public responsibility brother in favor of Syracuse Univer. ORgard 8, AD Hail Bg not {o risk it beyond reason. We an illness of some duration, Roswell cannot help feeling that his healthy A wee daughter arrived at the home of Thomas W. Kerr 'on Feb, 28th. Mrs. Thomas A. Watson is suf- fering 'as the result of a kick from sity totalled over a $250,000, com- a cow. Damon Youmans, Mountain ol ah be pleased to conduct Auction kiated or the County of Pe Ar nis oe "1 J. MUNRO, Auctioneer. Walter Cannem Tinsmith and Roofing Jobbing a specialty. Automobile Radiators repaired. 89 BAGOT ST. "PHONE 2158m. ingly rich men. : \ ing nearly half a century ago when | |: HAITison, passed away at his the Remingtons were rated exceed- The concern they founded for the manufacture of fire- arms was of world standing, after reverses they made an assign- ment of stock in favor of ¢reditors, the typewriter taking its name from them, coming too late to save their home at Bongard's, March 29th, at the age of sixty-two years. The fun- eral was held on Wednesday and was largely attended. After a short service at the home the body was conveyed by six of the deceased neigh- bors to Bongard"s church, where an impressive service was conducted by Rev. Mr, Brethen, after which the remains, followed by many sympa Grove, spent the week-end with friends here. Robert Watkins, Ar- doch, was a recent guest of Thomas H. H. Watson. SE ------------------ Jazon Rogers, publisher of the New York Globe before it was sold to Frank Munsey and merged with the Sun, is planning to issue another svening paper. spirits have carried him here a little over the border-line, and 'that he would add to his very great popular- ity if he let it be known that he was resolved to lessen his risks in future. --London Chronicle. § I ------. It is 'sald President Coolidge will have enough Republican delegates to make him the next Wesigentiar' can-' didate, Auctioneer, | Cernep Clarence and Ontaric Streets, CHATEAU Taxi Service P hone Big rasge of Wall Paper car. WE NEVER CLOSE ried In Stook.: Live or Dead. Storage vagrants for Searte's Paints and PHONE 316 || W. G. GODKIN'S LIVERY (eee For Livery, Bus and' Taxi Serviee. A Se ope Be Pasis ehurth Moving About at Consecon, thetic friends, were deposited in Cataraqui Lodge No. 10, 1.0.0.F, Condecon, April 4.--Mrs. 8. J. |Glenwood cemetery, Picton. toda Segar meeting athe. shots Maybee, who has been absent on a») Deceased was the second son of J. Sth, When the nd degree will bé| visit of over three months among |H: Harrison, who in his ninetieth exemplified, R..M. DOUGLAS, | Ber children, - returned home on | Year, survives. In early lite he mar- See. | Monday. She visited for sometime in [Tied Maud, only daughter of the late Niagara Fails, N.Y., Easton, Pa., and |J. D. Bongard, who, with one son, Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs, Spriggs | Allan, mourns the loss of a kind are vacating the Lazier house where (and-indulgent husband and father. A they have lived for the past year | brother, B. E. Harrison and two sis- and are moving into the house late- |ters, Mrs, E. A. Williams, and Mrs. D. 'ly occupied by OC. VanWart. Mr. |T. McCarnock, Picton, survive him. VanWart has moved into his new The late Mr. Harrison was s man home which was owned for a long |of fine character, good social quali- time by R{ Bedford. Halton Spencer, | ties and possessed exceptional me- Salem, was a visitor in the village, | chanical ability, the loss of which mn. Thursday, while Claude Wan-| will be greatly missed by the people aker, of the samie place, spent a {among whom he dwelt. short time in the village on busi-|" Mrs. A. Condie, Waupoos, died at ness on Monday afternoon. Epworth | her home on March 34th, after an ill- League was held last night at the | ness of nearly two years. Deceased Methodist church instead of its us- {leaves besides her husband, one son Mouse cleaning season. All work § |2 TEE ual time on Friday evening. It is|and one daughter. The funeral was nranteng, ' expected that 'Mr. French, a rela- hel on Thursday at Waupaos church, _ tive of C. French, at the Stone Miil, | buried at Glenwood cemetery, Pilc- { M.S. Gartland will become a resident of the vil-|ton. The service was conducted by Successor to D., A. Weese lage in the near future. |Rév. Mr. Brethen and, was largely 237 PRINCESS STREET attended. One Door Above At the Police Court, Mrs. Lok Harthany who _under- Ad Ah Owing io the "i of Magls-| wont a serious operation at Pieton trate Farre d. R. BE. Kent was on | Hog is Ha! ancisute used ivory u ony in the bench at ihe session session of the po- Tarai Drogresting favorably. to- the makin waste ase 1t on n lice sour gt Saturday morning. | gard is visiting relatives in Pleton. g utes. There was one case on the dock- P. Thurston and son have gone to et, that of a young man charged with . py disorderly conduct and ns was re We will be pleased to give you work, = ps i Before placing your order for - a Monument, or having Letter- ing done in cemetery SEE J. E.Mullen 387 Frontenac St., Kingston WY ry Come To The New Picture Store FOR PICTURES AND PICTURE FRAMING Special reduced prices' for Lieut.-Col. Theodore' A. Wrough-| ton, assistant. ¢ BE a Bo Sia Feslimation whi 2 Cite He be retired on 3% bansion. saTanen, Lah, I or Doh Choir Bon, Cakes and Pastry of all kinds.