THURSDAY, APRIL. 10, 1924. GRAND TO-NIGHT, Fri, Sat. Matinee Daily at 2.30. Evening at 8.15. | A Picture With the Widest Appeal for Every Theatre Patron "A WOMAN'S WOMAN?" With MARY ALDEN and ALL STAR CAST Adapted From Mrs. Nalbro Bartley's Satur- "day Evening Post Story of the Same Title Added Attraction--The International Comedy Favorite MAX 'LINDER: in His Supreme Burlesque "THE THREE MUST-GET-THERES" 183 LAUGHS FOR ONK TICKET PRICES . . Matinee: Adults, 25¢.; Children 10e. Evg. 35c., 25c., 15¢ /, a 9 tertamment Now Showing -N EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION 0'Brien Sisters AND Co. IN A GALAXY .OF SYNCOPATION ll. RAMON NOVARRO BARBARA LA MARR PHONE 316 GODKIN'S LIVERY For Livery, Bus aad Taxi Service. Buggies and Saddle Horses. Queen Street, opposite St. Paul's church S-T-R-A-N-D - NOW SHOWING "Thunder Gate" With OWEN MOORE, SYLVIA BREAMER, Round 6 "Fighting Blood" . M, BOHAN, PROPRIETOR, KINGSTON. CHATEAU i 800 WE NEVER Live or Dead Storage HANDEL'S "MESSIAH" Kingston Choral Society GRANT HALL TUESDAY, 'APRIL 15th Chorus of 100 Voices. Orchestra of 25 Pleces. Tickets on sale at BEST's DRUG 'STORE from 'Thursday, April 10th. PRICES .. $1.00, 75c¢., and 80¢ Come To The "New Picture Store FOR PICTURES AND PICTURE FRAMING reduced for Specinl prices season. All work house suaranteed. M. S. Gartland Successor to D. A. Weese 237 PRINCESS STREET One Door Above Harrison's Walter Cannem Tinsmith and Roofing Jobbing a specialty. Automobile Radiators repaired. 2 69 BAGOT ST. 'PHONE 2158m. Ahhh Adah For Friday and Saturday WE OFFER Breakfast Bacon, sliced .....80e¢. 1b, vee. B Ibn. 2c, «.19¢. dosen veo o20e. pint Fresh BEEF and PORK at prices which will please you. R.R. WALLACE 100 STEPHEN STREET Winnipeg's ned Palmist and Psychologist, a RANDOLPH HOTEL April 11th and 12th Foes: $1 and $2. | passionate love, a background AMUSEMENTS What the Press Agents Say About Coming Attractions "THY NAME IS WOMAN" AND VAUDEVILLE AT CAPITOL | With a highly-charged story of | of | great scenic beauty, played by a cast { of stars and made by ong of the | industry's cleverest directors; "Thy | Name Is Woman,"which comes to the | Capitol Theatre for three days, be- | ginning today, promises to be one | of the most thrilling productions | of 'the year. The cast includes such | favorites as Ramon Novarro, Bar- bara La Marr, Edith Roberts, Wil- llam V. Mong, Wallace. MacDonald, | Robert Edeson and Claire MacDow- | ell, The picture is taken from Karl | Schoenherr's stage play, the Ameri-1 can version of which (by Benjamin! Glazer) had a very successful sig on Broadway last season, with Mary Nash and Jose Rubens in-the prin- | eipal 'roles. Advance reports on the | production declare it to be wonder- | fully effective in the power and dra- | matic scope of its various love in-| terests. The story is centred around | the beautiful young wife of an ol smuggler in the Spanish Pyrenees." A dashing young soldier is sent to | make love to her and thus find the | key that will lead to the capture of | the crafty bandit. The call of youth prevails and the officer and the wife actually fall in love, causing jeal- i id in the hearts of three other | cl#racters, The development from | this premise forms an absorbing! tale of révenge, thrilling action, and | final solution, that is said to keep spectators pop-eyed with excitement. An exceptionally good: act is prom- ised for the last half of the week | in the O'Brien Sisters and Company | three clever people who sing, dance | and present many musical novelties. | This act has the personal endorse- | ment of Manager Smithies who saw | it in Toronto, : "A WOMAN'S WOMAN" HAS SPLENDID CAST | Seldom do motion - picture en-| thusiasts find such an all-star cast as that in the Charles Giblyn pro- duction, ,"A Woman's Woman," which is announced as the feature attraction coming to the Grand to- night, Friday and Saturday, and cer- tain it is that theatre goers are in for a rare treat from the first to the very end of this photoplay. In the first place there: is Mary Alden in the leading feminine role. That in itself is almost enough, but when it is explained that Miss Al- den will be seen at her. very best in her very own type of character, the quality of the entertainment is made doubly certain. In her support are such widely known and popular film players as Louise Lee and Dorothy MacKail, ho portray the two young daugh- ers of the heroine? Holmes E. Her- bert and Albert Hackett, in ' the respective: roles of husband and son. Others in the cast are Rob La Rosque, Horace James and Cleo Madison. The last named is one of the real emotional stars of the screen, and in "A Woman's Wom- an" plays the role of the eloeution- ist-widow who so readily "under- stands" the rhilandering husband of the heroine who has reached what some people ter the "dangerous age of forty" and is doing his very best to conceal the fact from eve himself. Donald Hall and J. Barney Sherry are also - in the cast, the former in the role of gentlemanly | Bell Telephone } Imperial Oil. . villain and the latter as the digni- ed attraction, the international comedy favorite Max Linder in his supreme burlesque "The Three Must Get-Theres." -------- OWEN MOORE AT STRAND. How an American engineer mas- querading assan Oriental is mistaken through a strange case of resem- blance to a Chinese overlord and placed in the powerful positiongot the mandarin is being dramatically unfolded in the First National screen version of "Thundergate" at Strand theatre to-day. The plot reaches a highly' dra- matic pitch when the pretty slave- PHONE 1730. Note and asi Local and long distance giv. We will be pleased to give you estimates on the above work. Big range of Wall Paper car- ate So Sense' Paints and Varnishes. . " bride of the real Lord of Thunder- gate is brought before him and he learns that she is a white girl who has been abducted by the Chinese. He finds, however, a happy way of solving these problems. . Owen Moore plays the role of the masquerading engineer, while Vir- ginia Brown Faire is to be seen as the slave wife. G. R. Hornbeck George R. Hornbeck, a member of the provincial police force, who. was for some time stationed in Kingston, has resigned from the force. He was recently located at St. Catharines. * ------ Gets New Post. John Stoness, a member of the | provincial police force, who was for some timé located In this city, has been appointed lcense inspector for the Rainy River district. : . fi ea-------- * Rev, W. E. Kidd preached in Trin- ity chureh, Brofkville, on Wednes- "AUCTION SALE The balance of in the stove of Hed United States Senator. An add- 1 PMay .. the {- in the stock left on ¥ana STOCK MARKETS - (Reported 'by, Johnston & Ward, 86 Princess street, members qf the Montreal and Toronto Stock Ex- changes). 7 / rey ar eg ve Al uen 228% | ee i tol 363 Montreal. April 10--1.30 p.m.-- Abitibi Power .. Atlantic Sugar Brazil .. .. Brompton . * ahih ta Sa British Empire Steel Com .. British Empire Steel Ist pfd British Empire Steel 2nd pfd Can Converters .. an Can Cement Com ., Can Cement pfd Cuban Can Sugar Com . Cuban Can Sugar pfd Can Steamship Com Can Steamship pfd Dom Textile . Dom* Bridge Detroit United Montreal Power Mackay .... .... oto National Breweries Com ... National Brewerles/pfd .. ... Ogilvie .... .. Ottawa Power Penmans .e Price Bros .. Quebec Power .. ..., ... Spanish River Com ., .... Spanish River pfd .. Smelters .... Shawinigan .... Steel of Canada .... Toronto Rails ... Twin City Wayagamack ... "se se ee " ew es ee New York. ' | Aprili10 1.30 p.m. 71% oo 98% sxivree + 113% 54% 453% 34% 24% 53 14 62 36% | 67 143%, 106% 29% 79 37% 100% 17% 50% 47% 45% 293; 90 8913 631% 218 6014 37% 41% 96% 16% Amer Loco... Amer, Can.. Baldwin Loco.... B. &0O.. .. Chandler Motors. . Cosden Oil. . California Pete., ., .. .. . Crucible Steel Cuba Cane Sugar Com ... Cuban Cane Sugar Pid.. Gen. Asphalt. . B.S: Toe os oh Kelly Springfield.. .. eae Marine Ptd.. Mack Motors. . Marland Oil. . N.Y. 0... New Haven... vo oi os os Pacific Oil. ai. .. Pan. Amer. Pele, 5... ... Pan. Amer. Pete "B".. .. Producers & Refiners.. .. Studebaker. Sou. Pac.. Sou. Ry.. Sinclair Oil. . ve sue Standard Oil of Calif. Standard Oil of N. J. Texas Of)... pei vs saee + U.S Steely as v0 vo... WabaBh.. Bd oa 2a vas os EL m---- "es ee eno "ese es en " sesden ee oo» see Toronto. Mutual Oil J... .. .. 113% Bollinger fsine ome ud... W. Dome ... Goldale ... lorraln eose oo. Vipond .. CIOWR: 4 suevas ov os Pore. Crown .. New Ray Teck Hughes ,.. Wright Hargraves .... .... Shore .... Mcintyre prone app GRAIN QUOTATIONS ----- Serene ew we we te ses esraan Chicago Wheat MAY sons sennen sa Sassen July .. Sept . Corn-- May .... ss July. ... Oate-- ee ese ude cvsas 76 78 45% 43% "es ves se seca Jaly .... st Cass em - Wheat-- MAY cove toss coe se sree 983% JULY cone sone sane oe we 100% Oats-- ! . ve, 37% _ A Successful Sugar Social. Glenvale, April 7.--The 'Ladies' Aid of thé Methodist cMurch held a very successful sugar social, on Fri- day evening, when the Murvale Dra- matic Club presented its play "Coun- try Folks." The play was much en- Joyed. : } Owing to a misunderstanding of the hour of service, there was:no ser- vice in the Presbyterian church on Sunday. Miss Evelyn Ward, King- ston, spent the week-end at her aunt's, Mrs. R. J. Ellerbeck's. Miss Myrtle Clark spent a few days in the city recently. 2 Mr. and Mrs. Butterrill have re- turned to Smith's Falls, having spent some time with the latter's parents. Robert Blair is spending some time at Hosea Campsall's. Mr. and Mrs, Géorge McGowan, Adolphustown, at Joseph Cramer's. Mrs. Peters and Miss Jean Amey, Kingston, visited friends receatly. Miss Thelma Swain has returned MAY coon vase ov av we | INDOOR BASEBALL WILL | great battle for their money. RT rtly after the arrival of Arch- This photograph was taken sho bishops Hayes and Mundelein, now cardinals, in Rome, Italy. It shows Cardinal Mundelein, with his secretary, making a tour of inspection of the Coliseum : LOCAL NEWS TTENS Brief Items of Interest Picked Up by the Whig Re- * porters. | SPORT - BE LARGELY ATTENDED The indoor baseball match, ' be tween Ottawa Highland Regiment and the Frontenac Regiment of Xing- ston, billed for the Armouries on Saturday evening, should attract a large crowd. The Frontenacs won the local garrison championship af- ter a hard battle and when they went to Ottawa gave the Highlanders a Play- ing on their own floor they :hould make a great showing, and the 'Handel's . "Messiah," Choral Society, Grant 15th. Bank' clearings at Kingsten for the week ending April 10th, $647,- 921.78; corresponding week last year, $568,256.29. Mr. Swaine, 'piano tuner. Orders received at 100 Clergy street west, 'phone 564w. County Magistrate J. W. Brad- " shaw left on Thursday morning for visitors from the capital will have Arden, where he will preside at a to keep onthe move to win. A smok- case er for the teams will be held after [+ pp. evening a farewell dinner jhe Eek in the recreation room at in pe given in the Frontenac Club / * to H. A. Tofleld, leaving to assume the managership of the Bank of Montreal, Belleville. Queen Street ' Church cantata, "Bethany," by Rhys-Herbert, Thurs- day, April 10th, 8 p.m. Silver col- lection, Baker Bros. and J. J. Wilmot, Kingston, bought cattle at the auc- tion, sale of Holsteins in Belleville on Wednesday. . Two years in penitentiary was sentence passed upon Max Marshall, who broke into the New York Dress 8hop, Toronto. His "companion," one Weiner, was given a similar "term last week. : The Holstein Breeders' Associa- tion gale, which was held in the ity on Tuesday was a success. The prices obtained for the different animals were cghisidered very good. Willlam .| Murray acted as auctioneer, ward and John Payne, New York, are 4n the city wisiting thefr mother. They were called to Kings- ton owing to the illness of. their brother, Alfred Payne, who is in the Hotel Dieu, and who his friends are glad to know is improving. At a 'reunion in Kingston Hall, April Exhibition Basebal: At Chattanooga: R.H.BE. Cincinnati, Nat. vsvevsl0 10 3 Detroit, American 1 54 Batteries--Benton and Wingo; Stoner and Bassler, Woodall. At Tulsa, Okla.: St. Louis, American Tulsa (W.) Af Greensboro, N.C.: 'R.H.E. New York, American 91 Brooklyn, Nat. Batteries--Gaston, Shields and Schang, Hoffman; Ruether, Decateur and. Deberry, Gonzales. At New Orleans: R.H.E. Cleveland, American New Orleans (8) .%...... 6 10 3 C.E.F.,, Major-General Sir A. C. RHE. Macdonell, 8ir Arthur Currie, Brig.- Te oiGen. A. E. Ross and Major-General 2 Elmsley will be in attendance. Some 300 are expected to be present. a ---- At Atlanta, Ga.: St. Louis, Nat. .......... Atlanta (8.) (Five innings, rain), S-------------- ------------ HUGO STINNES' CONDITION We should go through life as the : traveler goes through the Swiss mountains. -A hasty word may bring down an avalanche--a misstep may plunge us over a precipice. 5 Men like women to reflect them, but the woman who can. only re- flect a man and is nothing in her- self, will never be of much service to him. Hon, Manning Doherty has resign- ed trom the board of directors of the Farmers' Publishing 'Company., Even silence itself has its prayers and its language. i | | | | | Is Now - Conmsidéred Hopeless--He Is Berlin, April 10.--The condition of Hugo Stinnes ,the great German industrialist, was looked upon, this afternoon, as hopeless, as a result of added complications in the nature of double pneumonia. He is said to be resigned to the impending end. Overcoats are being shed these fine days. a The Prinice of Wales is shown, Previous to his fall, going out to Belleville on | Good. Friday -of--the-Snd-- Batteitonm | PIVPLES ON FACE] CUTCURA HEALS Hard, Large and Scaled Over. .ltiched and Burned. cum are all you need for all uses. Bathe with Soap, soothe with Ointment, dust with Talcum. shaves without mug. FORMER PICTON LADY DIES IN CALIFORNIA | { | LArmstrong, Montreal; General J. Major-General Late Mrs. Harris--Qeorge Haddon to Erect a New Store at Picton. Picton, April 10.--W. A." Johti- son and his sister, Mrs. Gibson, re- ceived word on Monday morning of the death of their gister, Emma (Mrs. Harris). Mrs. Harris was a native of Prince Edward county and had lived here the most of her life until her marriage a few years ago, when she went with her husband to make their home in Oakland, Cal, where| she passed away.. She had many ' warm friends in and around Picton who will sincerely regret her early demise. No definite details re her last illness have been- received as yet, Buyers bf new Chevrolet cars in Picton recently are Messrs. Wallace Cole, Percy Minaker, Claude Kot. chapaw, Frank Welbanks, John Lo- ney, W. O. Hicks and Harry Leavitt. Word has been received of the severe illness of Edward Benson, | 8 ool inspector for Windsor and formerly of Picton. Delmer Tice of Saskatchewan has entered into partnership with George Allen in his sash and door factory. They are now filling a large order for hot bed sash for the Dos minfon Canners. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Palmer and daughter 'Emily, have returned from an extended trip to- Lawton, Okla, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Turnbull were agreeably surprised at their new home on Friday evening when a jolly party of young friends came in and took possession. They called It a hard times party and were dressed accordingly. Cards, contests and games were indulged in until nearly midnight when a delicious lunch was served. - George Haddon has started exca- vating for the foundation of a new store which he expects to erect om Bridge street. His business has outgrown his present premises. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Pearce ware in Toronfo early in the week. They are preparing to leave on a trip to England in Apri. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Vandusen, Chicago, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Vandusden"s mother, Mrs, Solo- mon Collier, Grove street. --Qotin--Hepburn--has-- bought from~ Mr. Slater the former home of Wal- lington Boultef on Main street east. Rev. Dr. Brown, Belleville, edlled on old friends in Picton last week when he came over with the funeral cortege of the late G. 8. Van Wort, © The 1.O.D.E. held their regular monthly meeting in the public libs rary on Monday last with the regent, Mrs. H. W. Bedell occupying' the chair. The main feature of business was the completing of arrangements for the dance to be held in the are mouries, Easter Monday night. KING AND QUEEN OF ROUMANIA IN PARIS Receive an Ovation--The Queen Is Dreased Like a Parisienne. Paris, April 10.--Wearing a.natty French blue toque and a handsome fur coat, Queen Marie of Roumania, Europe's youngest royal grandmos x ther, arrived with King Ferdinand this morning fora three days' visit of state. The queen was the object of an enthusiastic ovation as she trode down Champ Elysees beside Ma- dame Millerand, wife of the French President. A bevy of Roumanian girls presented the sovereigns with bouquets. The king had an ultra Balkan air, but Marie looked Parisienne to -her finger tips. 2 - Militia Heads Confer. 3 Ottawa, April 10.---Officers come manding the military distriets throughout Canada are in Ottawa at- tending the annual conference re- garding the administration of na tional defense. The officers attend- ing the conference are: Gemeral W. B. M. King, Londop; Col. A. H, Bor- dem, Toronto; Major-Gemersl J. H. Elmsley, Kingston; General C. J. P, Landry, ebec; C. Thacker, Halifax; Col. J. i ton, St. John; General H. D. B. Ketchen, Winnipeg} General J. M., Ross, Victoria; General D. M. Or« mond, Regina # Ben Turpin, movie comediag, is at St. Anne de Besupre, G shrine, with his wife, says the Ist is almost cured of her total 4 as