THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1004. ---- - ---- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG - Te ---- ------ 3 ",/ S mt) I: a ° - === Tomorrow Morning a Sh Ee mE Jr ------------We have--_ Just Received Direct from Ireland One Case of Linen Nifty, New Spring Hats $3.50 Late John McCallum. i A lite-long resident of the district | | passed away on Wednesday in the! { person of John McCallum, who died | | at his brother's résidence at Sun- | | bury at the age of eighty-four years. | | Mr. McCallum was the seqpnd last | | survivor of a family of ten, only his TIE re prey Late Isabella Counter, : Isabella Counter, daughter of the late George Counter; passed away in the General Hospital on Wednesday at the age of eighty years. The de- ceased lady was well known to many of the older generation of the city and .her passing will be regretted. { The funeral took place Thursday af- | ternoon at four o'clock from R. J: | Reid's undertaking parlors to Cat- ! araqui cemetery. Rev. T. W, Savary conducted the last services. AMERICANS PURCHASE | LAND AT DEVIL LAKE Easter--New Clothes LTVINGSTON'S | -- And Will Erect Summer Cot- | tages--The District Is a , . . . = . Fishing Paradise. you are certain to be satisfied here--an elegant showing of new Suits, Shiny Tara and the styles we are showing for Spring are certainly dandies, many An evidence that many American citizens intend to spend their sum- Easter comes soon--you want new clothes--see our display-- | | | with Two Pair Trousers. $20.00 to *30.00 SPRING TOPCOATS Nothing we have ever had equals these in pat- terns, weaves and styles, and we are offering a great deal for A Select your Suit or Top Coat now, and we will make altera- tions and hold it for you until required for a small deposit. LIVINGSTON'S 75-79 BROCK STREET "If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" NEW SPRING $25.00 NEW SPRING NECKWEAR SPECIAL $1.35 {mer vacations in the vicinity of the lakes in the county of Frontenac is {shown in the numbet of real estate | deals which have taken place recent- [1y. On Thursday morning it was [learned that considerable land in the vicinity of Devil Lake had been | bought and it was the intention of | the~Americans who have purchased | the property to erect cottages to be | used this coming summer. Some of those who have purchased | Property have fished on the lakes in | the county and have been so taken {up with the good angling that they | have got others interested, with the {result that real estate deals have been closed. Devil Lake is located in the town- ship of Bedford and is either reached | by road or by the Canadian National Railway. It is about seven miles trom Perth Road and runs from | Tett's Mills, which are close to the village of Newboro. Devil Lake is noted for salmon and bass fishing. For years a number of Americans ! | have been spending their summer | months in that vicinily. A number of log houses have been turned into {Summer homes, and there are homes ~~ PROF. SANDWELL SPEAKS, Quality--Larger Market--Service TELEPHONES: Retail Wholesale . Accountaat's Office . Now featuring daily "our own' mild cured HAMS and BACON Also several cuts more reasonable in price though just the same mild, sweet cure. Select from the following list of our own special cure. You will be delighted with the quality and goodness. Smoked Sugar Cured Picnic Hams, 1b. 18c. Smoked Sugar Cured Cottage Rolls, Ib 22¢. Smoked Sugar Cured Hams, whole or half, Ib. ...-...: cen i 28a. Smoked Sugar Cured Hams, sliced, Ib. 35¢. Smoked Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon, voliced, dbs.,...... .. | Smoked Sugar Cured Breakfast by the doce, Ib... ....... 00.0 ole Sweet Pickled Bacon, sliced, Ib... | . .25¢. Sweet Pickled Bacon, by the piece, Ib. 23c. Peamealed Back Bacon to fry or boil, Ib 32¢ Smoked Windsor Bacon, sliced, 1b. . .35¢. Smoked Windsor Bacon, by the piece, 'ese. acon, *. 5 ss eee 20 enan 8:8. "8 a0 due NOTE.--Special display at both Main and Branéh Stores. wp X You will enjoy crisp and hot Limerick brand "All - Pork" SAUSAGE for Breakfast, Dinner or Supper. Lb, .25¢, CORNED BEEF AND CABBAGE Corned Shouldet Cuts, bi.....iiieil Se to 100. Special, per Ib. ..... 12%e¢c. Local Grown Cabbage, Fresh Caught Whitefish, Salmon Trout ; -. and Pike ; Direct delivery from Prince Edward 'fishing stations insures Sea and I ake Fish in gre variety for. an e Fish in great variety for the Before the Royal Arch Masons' Chapter at Belleville, Belleville Ontario. One of the most remarkable ad- dresses ever delivered in Belleville was that given on Tuesday night by Prof. F. K. Sandwell, head of the department of English literature at Queen's University, at the annual "English" night of Quinte Friend- ship Chapter, Royal Aréh Masons. Prof. Sandwell ig easily one of the most gifted "after-dinner speakers in Ontario. His" irresistible humor, his pungent wit and his mildly sat- irical sallies at the expense of his fellow-countrymen brought forth volleys of laughter and Ib. ,.7c. from the thoroughly amused and de- lighted audience, The address was one of those ex-! traordinary efforts that must ~ be heard to be appreciated and any reproduction in cold type would give it only a sadly distorted impression. He divided the English, from the physical characteristics, into two classes, the big, blonde type and the 'smaller sized, dark type. The for- mer class made up the lauded gen- try, the aristocracy --: in brief, the men who had ruled and dominated England. until within the last few years, The small, dark class had Dow come to rule England and was composed of the industrialists and workers, | The four outstanding characteris- tics of the Englishman, according to 11, wéré his passion for privacy, his respect for property, his external modesty combined with in- ternal pride and his extreme sen- sitiveness. The development of his theme along these lines gave the speaker rare opportunity for the ex- pression of his genius for humor, . wit, and satire, "A tremendous outburst of cheer- ing and applause marked the con- clusion of the address. applause' 1 On some of the islands, Buck Lake is about two miles closer to Perth Road than Devil} Lake, and is looked upon as being one of the best fishing locations mn the county. On several occasions the Loughboro township touncil has | received requests from Americans] who were anxious to get locations in Buck Lake, but land cannqgt be pur- chased so readily. Kingston Petition in Behalf, Of Murderer Sidney Murrell An Ottawa despatch late Wednes- day afternoon said: "A petition, largely signed by residents of Kingston and district, asking for a reprieve of the death sentence on Sidney E. Murrell, whose execution is set for tomorrow at London, Ont., was to-day forward- ed to the minister of justice. The petition was circulated by W. NH. Compton, of Kingston, a former magistrate, who for years has been opposed to capital punishment and the inflicting of the death sentence." Attended Toronto Banquet. - While in Toronto on Monday even- ing, L. E. Palmer, jocal manager of A. Martin Ltd., attended a banque: at the King Edward hotel in honor of J. A. Nelson, president of the re- tall stores of the company. Mr. Nel- Son was presented with a beautiful gold watch by A. McAuslan on be- half of the managers, of whom about seventy-five were present. Opening Season of. Navigation. The Rockport Navigation Co., Ld., will open season of navigation between Kingston, Ont., and Cape Vincent, N.Y. commencing Friday, April 11th, 1924, daily, except Sun- day, leaving Kingston'$ a.m., return- ing leave Cape Vincent 2.30 p.m. Close coanections at Cape Vincent with N.Y.C. lines for all-New York points. 'Phone 2195, r---------- A Fine Performance. \ "Bringing Up Father on Broad- & way," was presented before two ca- ool Club will : jee Home and Sch bold a tea an sale of homemade cook. on Friday, April 11th, 3 to 6. Ad- }PpuAl tea and sale of the Ladies' Baptist Friday afternoon, April 1ith, from to 6. ¥ Concert from 8-10. | Table Cloths ~ Napkins 1 Some of these have small imperfec- tions--no holes --only a slight raise in thread or a very small stain. The flaws are hardly discernible, and for general, all round use they are excep- tional values. . 'Various Patterns including Round & Square Designs Cloths are 2x2 yds. 2x275 yds. & 2x3 yds. Napkins are-all 22" sq. Sale Price $2.95 $3.00 $3.75 $3.95 $4.25 $4.50 $5.00 $5.50 $5.95 $6.25 $7.25 $7.50 $8.00 Reg. Price $4.25 $4.50 $5.75 $6.25 $6.50 $6.75 $7.50 $8.50 $8.95 $9.50 $10.00 $11.50 : $12.00 ' ES