APRIL 10, 1924, ee ------ A Bullder from vhildhood to Old Age DELCO- LIGHT The complete Electric Light and Power plant for every country home. 'W.C. CANNON 164 vwrrie Bireet. Phone 1138J. FOR SALE Vinage of Portsmouth, Ont. Stone Store with barn and outbuild- ings. Also 8 room Sesigetife ad join- ing. Lot 66 x 264. stone Cottage, 6 rooms, electric : ht, large lot. gt, Ia House, corner King and Main Streets, 10 rooms, hot air fur- nace, electric light. For terms and particulars re above apply: -- R. H.- Waddell Phones 326, 506. 56 Brock Street. PIANO TUNING Piano Tuning, Repairing and Player Piano Adjusting. Norman 'H, Butcher, 27 Pine Street. r PHONE 134. FOR 15 YEARS WAS TROUBLED WITH ECZEMA There is no other remedy like Bur- { dock Blood Bitters that can possibly | give such relief to all sufferers from | eczema, salt rheum and all other dis- eases of the blood for-the reason that this old and well tried remedy goes right to the seat of the troubl& and | completely and. permanently drives] these diseases out of the system by cleansing the blood and making it pure and rich. Mr. F. W. H. Schultz, Pembroke; Ont., writes:--"Having been troubled with eczema for fifteen years, during which time I tried everything I could think of, including doctors, but with- out getting anything to do me much good I finally decided to take Bur- dock Blood Bitters, and I was certain- ly surprised to find that two weeks after I had started to take it I was relieved of my trouble. That was nine months ago, and I have not-had | a sign of it since. I surely wish to| thank you for this wonderful medi- cine and strongly recommend it to anyone suffering from the same trouble as I had." B.B.B. is manufactured only by DR. A.W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON Corner of Johnsoa and Wellington. | _ Btreets. Telephone 363. lS For Moving o FREIGAT, FURNITORE, SAFES, PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF Kingston Transfer Co. = 377. EVENINGS 2231. PHONG WELLINGTON STREET IDR. S. E. PORTER Corner Alfred and Johpson Streets Telephone 2071. NOTICE We are mow in our mew location, 97 WELLINGTON STREET and ready to give the very best attention in Ladies' Spring Suits. Suits made wp from $15 to $20. L. WINSTON, "Phone 993. LADIES TAILOR Dental Surgeon DR. J. C. W. BROOM L.D.S., D.D.S. lington and Brock Streets. Welllaston 150 Wellington St. | Evemings by sppeintment. PHONE 670. -- en, mss HEMSTITCHING, PICOT EDGING & PLEATING MRS. H. J. SHALES National Cleaners Phone 2166. Bagot and William Streets * WAITS ) People's Florist 177 Wellington Street. Fresh Flowers and Plants daily. Funeral designs, and - wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1768. Residence 1187, W.R. McRae & Co. Golden Lion Block COAL Remember us with an order when your bin is empty, and you'll remember us with grati- tude all the time it is being emptied again. BOOTH & CO. Phone 188. Grove Inn Yards AlWoolBlankets Price $1.50 L Cohen & Co. 267-273 ONTARIO STREET | PHONES 836 and 837. QUEEN'S HOTEL Fias been taken over by M. J. BER- RIGAN,. late of the Whitney Hotel. First class Hotel Service is assured. Good yard and stables in connection. Your patronage is solicited. 11» BROCK ST. - - - PHONE 750. ANNOUNCEMENT Dr. H. A. Stewart, Dentist, wishes to Announce that Dr. Alex. M. Clark will carry om his practice during his absence from his office, 84 Brock Street. Dr. Vincent A. Martin DENTIST Evenings by appointment. 273 Princess Street. Phone 2045w. Dr. W. O. Vrooman DENTAL SURGEON Corner of Princesa and Barrie Streets. e Entrance: 314 Barrie Street. PHONE Z404J. Office Hours: 5.30 a.m. te 6 p.m. YT REPLATING your Auto parts, refinishing brass work, silverware, etc. "Phone 880 for prices or call PARTRIDGE WIRE AND IRON WORKS King Street West Manufacturers of everything in the 'Wire Fence line. FOR SALE $3,700 Brick, 7 rooms, 8 bed- rooms, 8 p. B., electric lights, hot air furnace, hardwood floors. $8,800---Frame, 9 rooms, 5 bed- rooms, 8 p. B., electric and gas, fur- nace, Verandah,' stable and drive house. Colborne Street. $4,600 -- Brick, 7 rooms, 8 bed- rooms, 8 p. B., electric and gas, furnace and gas heater for bath. South. $5,200-- Brick, E. L. MARTIN 237 BAGOT STREET Office Telephone ............ 2239 6 rooms, 8 bedrooms, lights, APRIL STOCK REDUCING SALE A clean-up of winter stock at prices that will please you. HOT WATER BOTTLES 50c., 89c. and $1.19 EACH EVER READY RAZOR FREE with each purchase of Blades. Etc, etc., ete. See Our Windows ! | M.R. McColl 'Prescription Druggist, + Phone $2 - Cars were grawn on parallel rails in England as early as | the sixteenth century, The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toron- | Residence ........ 2260J--1150w. | KINGSTON AD \ VICINITY 11 in Calgary. Mrs. W. E. Shorts, Napanee, re- | ceived the news that her sister, Mrs, | Websdale, was dangerously ill in the Holy Cross hospital, Calgary, Alta. Has Left for Winnipeg. Mrs. John D. Morse, who has been spending three months with her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Daly, Napanee, has left for Win- nipeg. Sale of Farm and Purchase, Nelson Hart, Croyden, has sold | his farm to James Milligan, Tam- | worth, and Mr. Hart has purchased Mrs. Hawley's farm, on the New- burgh Road, near Napanee, Dance Hall Question. Canadian Freeman: Kingston city council has decided to close all pub- lic dance halls at 11.45. The only way 'this could -be improved upon would be by closing them entirely. A Gift for a Couple. A number of friends.and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs.'J. P. Cuthill, Anderson, and presented them "with an oak rocker, prior to their departure for their new home at Hawley, lately purchas- ed from 'D. Anderson. Engagement Ahnounced. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sheats, Gan- anoque, announce the engagement {of their daughter, Miss Luella, to Wilfred Charlton, Mrs. A. Charlton, Syracuse, N.Y. The marriage will take place on April 19th. ren em Brockville Rotary Officers. C. E. Bissell was elected president of the Rotary Club for the ensuing yer, with A. S. Allaster as vice-pre- sident and the following as direc- tors: F. I. Ritchie, Dr. A. E. Shaver, W. H. Comstock, J. R. McCullough, and D. A. Cummings. -------- May Visit Kingston. Donald Fraser, formerly of Perth, and Kingston, is the oldest member of the Daily Colonist staff, Victoria, B.C. Mr. Fraser is a commissioner to the Presbyterian General Assem- bly which is to meet in Owen Sound in June and it is possible he will afterwards visit Kingstdn. ---- Two Factories To Work Together. W. H. Bénson, opening a new canning factory in Pictom, has had considerable experience in the can- ning business, having been a mem- ber of the firm of Boulter & Ben- son, manufacturers of the well- known Household brand of canned ds, Mr, B 'S evaporator is not far from the site of the new factory. He handles many thou- son of Mr. and' sands of bushels of apples at his eva- porator each year. When the fac- tory season closes he proposes to re- tain his help for the evaporator. The two plants will work well together, Wanted to Get Tidings. In the Niagara Spectator of Jan. 28th, 1819, there is a story of 3 missing tierce, containing glass, crockery and some articles of hard- ware, which had been forwarded to the head of the dake, being suppos- ed to belong to William Kent, Salt- fleet, who declined receiving it. In- formation about the tierce was de- sired by Willlam Mitchell, Kingston: Cornwall's Growth Shown, Cornwall's assessor, William A. Craig, has completed his annual tour of the town, making the assessment and taking the census for 1924. His report, compiled shows the popula- tion to be 8,401, which is an increase of 489 over a year ago, when the figures were 7,912. There are 1,- 740 assessable dwellings in town. The largest assessment is for $890,- 800. To Put in Meters, At a meeting of the Napanee pub- lic "utilities commission it was de- cided to install water raeters in sev- eral of the business places of the town. ' The following will be metered after May 1st Hotels (over ten rooms) public garages, where cars are washed, creameries, dairies, and 'laundries. It also. decided to reduce the rates tharged for taps in the business section, which are used for window washing, from $6.05 to $2 net per year, Entered Into Partnership, Delmer Tice has entered imto partnership with George Allen in the sash and door factory at Picton. Mr.. Tice formerly lived in Picton, but for some years he has been a resident of Saskatchewan. He is an excellent carpenter and the new firm will be able to take care of the in- creasing business. The firm will be known as the Allen sash and door factory. ~ The factory is working on an order of 500 hot bed sash for the Dominion Canners for their factories at Picton and Wellington. Ee ---------- Huff-Galbraith Wedding. A wedding of very much interest took place at Napanee, when Rev. W. R. Tanton united in marriage Miss Beatrice Galbraith, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Galbraith, Colebrook, and Clinton Huff, only son of Mr. and Mrs. William Huff, Wilton, Miss Dorothy Redden, Yar- ker, first cousin of the groom, was bridesmaid, Clifford Hufr, Wilton, first cousin of. the groom, acted as best map. After the ceremony the THE GOOD WOMEN CAN MAKE BREAD This Is the View a Stella Core respondent Takes-- Island News. Stella, April 8.--The "Bay of Quinte is rapidly being cleared of ice. No mail reached the Island last week, from Tuesday until Saturday. Considerable ferrying has been done by motor boat between Emerald and Bath, and the foot of the sland and Kipgston, . - We notice by reports In "the pap er that the people of Wolfe Island Were getting very short of King- Germs of Catarrh Make Sore Throat Sore Crusts in Nose Quickly Healed in Breathing Relief comes at one" when you breathe in the soothing ¥ or of CA- TARRHOZONE. Once its'bealing, piney essences strike the brinchial tubes, you realize that a pow.rful treatment is at work. Irritation ca.'t live in the throat of a person inhaling Catarrhozone. It is so soothing, so warming, so full of concentrated healing power that you get telief at once. Catarrhozone strengthens the 'weak throat, stops the cough, re- moves all necessity to clear the throat makes even the chronic sufferer real- ize that at last he has discovered a real friend. For coughs, colds, ca- tarrh and winter ills, nothing in the family could be better than the com- plete dollar outfit. Small size 50c. All dealers, or by mail from The Dr. Hamilton Pill Co., m Notre Dame 'West, Montreal. Gas On Stomach May Cause Appendicitis Conétant gas causes inflammation which may involve the appendix. Sim- ple glycerine, buckthorn bark, etc., as mixed in Adlerika helps any case gas on the stomach in TEN minutes. Most but Adlerika 'acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel and removes all gas and poisons. «for obstinate constipation and to guard against ap- pendicitis. T. - H. Sargent, md medicines act only on lower bowel |? ston bakers' bread. That is eome- thing that the people of Amherst Island do not hawe to depend on as the women here can bake bread and the very best at that. 8. Blakey, butcher, Kingston, was over the Island last week and purchased a large number of veal calves. Mrs. 8. J. Morrow, Emerald, has been under the doctor's care. A. N. Hitchins, and R. Instant have been getting a splendid run of sap, and are turning out large quantities of syrup. Stella cheese factory com- menced operation on April 3rd, with Jr Bateman again in charge. ...... ~W. J. Hill {nd Miss Eva Glenn at- tended the Grand Lodge, L.O.L. and L.O.B.A., held recently in Peter- boro. A number of our sailors have taken their departure for the upper lakes, A VERY SUDDEN DEATH. Wis That of Mrs. Peter Lombardy, in Smith's Falls. ' Lombardy, April' 8.--Death came with startling suddenness to Mrs. Peter Armstrong, who passed away (in Smith's Falls, on Thursday last, 'whither she had gone to consult = doctor as she had not been feeling very well for a few days previous. She was taken suddenly ill on the street "afd expired immediately af- ter entering one of the local doe- tor's offices, acute indigestion being the cause of her sudden demise. Deceased was the adopted daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. William Moore- house, and was married some years ago to Mr. Armstrong, who survives along with two daughters and one son, who, needless to say, are heart- broken at the loss of a loving wife and mother. Kind hearted and most unselfish, the late Mrs. Armstrong was a friend of every one and her sudden death Jas cast a 'gloom over the com- muadity. The remains were brought Smith's Fills on Friday ana the funeral took place. ed the remains to Trinity church where the funeral ' sermon was preached by Rev. Mr. Coad, Smith's Falls, after which the body was placed in the cemetery adjoining. Miss Stella Kennedy, Philips- ville, spent last week with Mr. and happy couple left for Toronto and | Utterson, amid showers of confetti. Upper Canada Tract Society's Activities. In entering upon fits fifty-sixth | consecutive year of sailor welfare | work this society earnestly invites the sympathetic co-operation of the | citizens of Kingston and "district. Gifts of suitable books and maga- | zines for distribution on vessels and | the James S. Potter memorial lib-| rary sent to lighthouse keepers, will | be called Yor. Phone 1144). Par-. ticulars,of this growing work from George D. Pound, sailors' missionary in eastern territory for seventeen years. ---------- The Dog Show. The local dog fanciers are look- ing forward with a great deal of in- terest to the show, which is to be held by the Kingston Kennel Club at the armipuries. The -dog show held in connection with the King- ston Industrial Exhibition last Sep- tember was such a success that the exhibition to be held at the armou- ries should be bigger and better than ever. The secretary-treasurer announces that he has secured sixty-four special prizes {gr compe- tition, Canadian 'Pacific. Shingles We specially recommend B. C. Vertical Grain Red Cedar Shingles, 5X quality. These Shingles are quarter sawn, specially selected," of good thickness, five bundles to the thousand and will lay flat on the roof. No curling, warping or twisting. With galvanizéd nails, they will last a lifetime. > S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Woodworking Factory, Coal and Lumber Yards. BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO.' Telephone: Private Branch Exchange, No, 1571. XxX City ticket office, 180 Wellington | street, report the following drrivals of their steamships: Empress of Canada, from Bata- via, due Manila, April 11th, Montlaurier, from Liverpool, St. John, April 12th, Melita, from Antwerp, Southamp- ton and Cherbourg, due St. John, April 12th, Metagama, from St. John, sgow, April 14th. Marburn, from Glasgow, and Bel- fast, due St. John, April 13th, Marloch, from Glasgow and Loch Boisdale, arrived St. Johm, April Tth. Empress of Australia, from Van- couver, due Hong Kong, April 10th, Empress of Russia, from Hong Kong, due Vancouver, April 21st. due Premier Breeds Fine Hogs. One of the interesting points in Mr. Martin's speech in the legislature was his statement" that from the prime minister's farm two litters of hogs were taken recently to market, and he understood, proceeded Mr. Martin, that they were quite the finest put on the market in Eastern Ontario. ' These hogs were all grade selects, he said, and the ' average weight was 208 pounds. Their "re- cord age" was five months and twen- ty-one days, "and any of you know you've got to go some to bring them up to 200 pounds in six months. It simply shows what can be done." he + patrons of Lombardy cheese factory was held on Saturday evening, 29th inst. Mrs. Edwin Leeder, Brockville, spent a few days here last week with relatives. Mrs. Joseph Jordan was a recent visitor with friends in Brockville. Misses Etta and Louise Klyne spent last week in Smith's Falls. DOD SIL ER ESTABLISHED 1871. HANLEY'S AGENCY F ox ALL STEAMSHIP LINES Special att ¢ or friends ion a as the Old Country. Passports arranged. For full particulars dpply or write SE Y,C.P. & T.A, C. N. R'y Canadian National Rail Station, corner Johnson and Ontaria Ont. and logon, " ten NEUTRODYNE AND SUPER-HETRODYNE RADIO RECEIVING Bullt to your specific jor S613 when they are built by us, you get a guarantee of en satisfaction or money refunded. Drop in for prices. oats evenings. CANADA RADIO STORES Radio 1s our ONLY Business--NOT a Sideline. due | athieu's SYRUP oF TAR 8 Have the Hotpoint Electric Goeds in your home. We have everything you may need to bring comfort -- Irons, Toasters, Heaters, etc,' Halliday Electric Co. CORNER KING AND PRINCESS STS. W. F. Gourdier 78 BROCK STREET 'Phone 700. NEW SPRING STYLES Suits and Topcoats $20.00, $22.00 $25.00, $28.00 SPECIAL VALUE! INDIGO BLUE SERGE SUITS $25.00 TWEDDELL'S which the teacher lulis his puplis i DB