-------- . Protect Your Valuable Furs. Telephone 603 Our Fur Van- Will Call. Joie Mlter Limbed er [THE CHORAL SOCIETY N no longer hampered with the tram. mels of words. pr Other oratorios may be compar- ed one with another; the 'Messiah' stands alome, a majestic morument to the memory of the composer, an imperishable record of the noblest sentiments of human nature and the highest aspirations of man. The "Messiah" will be produced v by the Kingston Choral Society in The "Messiah" represents the rip- | Grant Hall on Tuesday, April 15th ened product of Handels genius, and | Tickets are on sale at Best's drug reflects the' noblest aspirations and | %tore, 50c, 75c and $1.00. Among all dis. oratories it Tecaies SLIM WILLIAMS BACK IN THE PENITENTIARY | its original freshness, vigor, ana | beauty in the highest degree, in that it appeals to the loftiest sentiment He Arrived at Portsmouth on Saturday Afternoon After Escaping the Gallows, | and to universal religious devotion, -- "Slim" Williams is back in Ports- 10 SING "NESSUAE"" A Spleridid Local Attraction Is in nt Hall Tomorrow ' Night. J : A trial will convince you. Suits and - Topcoats _ FOR"TWO WEEKS ONLY Now is the time to'buy your Easter Toggery ~--new Style Shirts, newest in Collars, the latest thing in Neckwear. IF IT'S NEW WE HAVE IT. May we have the pleasure of showing you ? Louis Abramson 336 Princess Street Phone 1098.. - PHONE 316 GODKIN"S LIVERY Fer Liverys Bus apd Taxi Service. AR Tit Prats Hssen, ea MAPLE SYRUP This is the last shipment of this fine quality Syrup. Qt. ~B80c, Gallon $1.75. Potatoes Just arrived to-day some more of those White Mealy Spuds. Per peck"..... 80c. Baking Powder This is onr own pure Cream Powder, in large size tins, "(Tuesday sale), tin... Tea Hundreds of new customers are using this Tea. Try a pound B5c w= WE KNOW HOW MAHOQOD Drug Co. Ltd. CASH AND CARRY New Hats New Shirts Ready for Easter Hats (They outwear two Hats of any other make) . We are making a won- derful showing of these cele- hrated Hats, and they're' Smart styles every one of them, The best Hats from Eng- land, Italy and the "M in-Canada" 'kinds are here. Ours ave all that fine Shirts ought to be--they look well-- Bt well--wear well---and our values are the best in' Kingston. Bur Wo Eo Eni Nw 1 CAMPBELL BROS. New Ties |'and is based upon.the most harmon- mouth penitentiary again, after es- | ious, symmetrical, and enduring forms of the art. | The "Messiah' was commenced on | the 22nd day of August 1741. The rst part was concluded August 28th The second, September 6th, the '| third, September 12th, and the in. ae, Sete September 14th. It is | caping the gallows at London. He arrived at the big prison on Saturday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock, in the custody of Governor Byron L. Daw- son, of the London jail, and High Constable Arthur Wharton. No trouble whatever was exper- lenced with Williams. He was very |an illustration of Handel's almost | superhuman capacity for work, that thankful for having escaped from the gallows. | at the age of fifty-six he should have Monday morning he was given his written his master-plece in twenty- | 61x days. 'The first public perform. | ance took place on Tuesday, April | 13th, 1742, The oratorio is divided into three | parts. The first illustrates the long- | ing of the world for the Messiah, prophecies his coming, and an-|old job back again in the carpenters' nounces his birth; the second part | shop, where he has been employed is devoted to the sufferings, death, | during all the time he has spent and exaltation of Christ, while the | the penitentiary, Two other prison- third is occupied with the declara- ers, convicted of minor offences, tion of the highest truths of doctrine, were brought down from London ~--faith in the existence of God, the with Williams. {surety of immortal life, the resur- "The twelve hours previous to the rection, and the attainment of an | time I &ot word that I have been eternity of happiness. given a reprieve were the 'worst I The first part opens with an over. | ever put in my life," sald Williams ture, or rather orchestral prelude, | to the prison authorities. This was lot majestic chords, leading. to ¢ | the only comment he had to make, short fugue, and preparing the way On his arrival at the penitentiary, for the accompanied recitative, | Williams was attired in the same "Comfort ye My People," and the | dark suit and overcoat he wore aria for tenor, "Every Valley Shall | When he was taken to London for be Exalted," which in turn leads to | his trial on Feb. 2nd. The same dark the full, strong chours, "And the |¢ap covered his mop of black hair. Glory of the Lord Shall be Reveal | He made mo visible sign of unwill- ed." The prophecy is then announc- | {ngness to begin his life sentence. ed, only to be followed by the human | Regarding his removal, the Lon- apprehension in the great aria for | don Free Press of Saturday had the bass, "But who may abide the Day | following: ~ of His coming." Once more the an-| "Both Rev. G. Quinten Warner, who had attended 'Slim' es spiritual adviser when the pall of the death €entence hung over him, along with the 'other two prisoners who suffer- ed the death 'penalty on Thursday, and J. M. Donahue, 'Slim's' former solicitor, were allowed to visit him nouncement is made, "Behold a Vir- gin Bhall Conceive," followed by the in his cell on Friday, Rev. Mr. Warn- er spent considerable time with alto solo, "O Thou that Tellest," Which preludes & chorus in the same tempo. The next-aris, "The People that Walked in Darkness," leads to one of the most graphic fuged chor- uses in the whole work, "For Unto us & Child is Born," characterised by its sublime announcements of the | him." ! names of the Messiah in full harmony and with the strongest choral power. The grand burst of sound dies away, there is a significant pause, and then follows a short but exquisite pastor- al symphony, which with the four succeeding short of recitatives tells the message of the Angels to the shepherds on the plains of Bethle- hem. Suddenly follows the chorus of the heavenly hosts, "Glory to God," and the lovely aria for alto and soprano, "He Shall Feed His Flock," brings the end of the tirst part, The second part is the most im- pressive portion of the work. It be- gine 'with a majestic and solemn chorus, "Behold the Imamb of God,' which is followed by the aris for 3 i ---- The Late Samuel Alexander Patter. son, On Friday, March 28th, after one week's illness; without suffering, 8. A. Patterson, in his eighty-third year, died at his home, 169 Dela- ware avenue, Toronto; where he had been living with hig daughter, Mrs, E. J. Wagar, since last August. Mrs. Wagar accompanied the remains to the home of W. J. Patterson, Mos- cow, only brother of the deceased, where the funeral service was con- ducted on March 30th, by Rev. Mr. Merriam, Enterprise, interment tak- ing place in the family plot at Centreville cemetery, : Mr. Patterson was' the eldest son of the late John.and Agnes Boyd Patterson, Moscow. He was born at Sillsville on June 15th, 1841. Soon after his parents moved to Moscow and settled on What is now the P4t- terson homestead, where his early Years were spent, He was married on--his- birthday sixty yours ago to Annie Stewart, daughter of the late Allen and Rachel Heaslip Stewart. His wife predeceased him in 1917. Four children blessed this union, two having predeceased him, Robert Allan and Alma. He leaves Wel- lesley, Alberta, and Jean, (Mrs. E. J. Wagar), Toronto; also four grandchildren, William A. and John G. Patterson, Viceroy, Sask., and Marion and Constance Wagar, To- ronto, "He Was Dgspised,"--one nf t most pathetic and deeply expressiv: songs ever written, in which the very keynote of sorrow is struck. Twas choruses-- 'Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs,' 'and "With His Stripes We Are Healed," lead to the spirit- ed and interesting chorus, "All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray," clos- ing with an adagio of great beauty, 'And the -Lord- Hath Tafd on Him " This ig-followed by several short numbers---a choral fugue "He Trust- ed in God," in the epirit of mockery and derision, a Recitative, "Thy Re- buke Hath Broken His Heart," a pathetic air for tenor, "Behold and see if there be any sorrow," an aria for soprano, "But Thou Didst not Leave His Soul in Hell,"--al] of which are remarkable instances of the musical expression of sorrow and PUY ae numbers lead to a tric| MI. Patterson united with the umphal shout in the chorus, "Lift up Your Heads, O ye Gates," which reaches a climax of magnificient power. We then have another past- oral aria of great beauty, "How beautiful are the feet." This is fol. lowed by a powerfully descriptive chorus, "Their Sound is Gone Out'; 8 massive aria for bass, "Why do the Nations"; the chorus, "Let ug break their bonds asunder," end the aris, "Thou Shalt Break Them," leading directly to the great "Hal. lelujah" chorus which is' the tri- | umph of the work and its real climax. This grand chorus has never been excelled, not only in musical skill, but also in grandeur and sub- Hmity. . If the oratorio had closed at this point it would still have been the greatest ever written, but Handel carried it into a third part with undiminished interest, ®t with that sublime b haang of faith, "I Know that My Redeemer Liveth," an aria which lost. It is followed by choruses, "Sin 00 Death," "By Man : Resurrection," * as in Die," "Even so in Christ," the effects 'of com forcibly brought ou! Ege i MEN'S HATS §e " £ nibs Eef i i ih il £ ii I ) THE DAILY BRITISH WHI MONDAY, APRIL 14, 1024. G A ---- BASEBALL-GET READY BOYS We have ope of the choicest stocks Our prices are very reasonable. Special attention given to the Little Fellows' needs. Our line of "Reach" Gloves, Bats, Balls for the big leagues is very complete. . JUST COME IN AND LOGK OUR LINE OVER. © M OORE' low prices. now here. DRESS UP THE HOME NEW DRAPERIES THAT ARE : PLEASINGLY DIFFERENT... A complete r They come colorings are wonderful. NEW STAIR CARPETS in all widths. of Baseball goods in the city. S SPORTING GOODS FOR EASTER e in all the newest materials and at pop- ular prices. If it's new and desirable we have it! NEW CARPET RUGS-- i Wilton, Axminster, Brussels and Tapestry; new designs and colorings in all sizes. Also Mats to match. Special Her-- CONGOLEUM AND LINOLEUM RUGS-- The new patterns in Congoleum and Linoletim Rugs are in all sizes up to 9 x 15 feet. The "a widths from LINOLEUM A nice new Linoleum Floor will FLOOR OILCLOTHS-- . A splendid rarige lto 2 pearance of your house. We show all yards. Priced 95c¢, square yard up. WINDOW SHADES--to fit all windows. Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY ST i Methodist church, continuing to be a member until his death. He was an. honorary member of the Centre ville Orange lodge, and in politics a staunch Conservative, Surviving bim are two sisters, Mrs. E. J. Cambridge, Yarker, and Mrs. M. BE. Parks, Napanee, and a brother, W. J. Patterson, Moscow. -------------------- QUEEN STREET CHURCH Educational Sermon in Morn- ing--A Men's Choral Ser- vice in the Evening. ------ The congregation of Queen street Methodist church was treated on Sunday to two services of very high order. In the morning Rev. Dr. J. W. Graham, general secretary of education of the Methodist church, gave the congregation an eloquent sermon on the work of this depart- ment, while a solo by Miss Craig wag listened to with great appreci- A Grand Display of Easter Hats ~ The new Spring Hats were in big demand on Saturday, despite the unseasonable weather, We sell Easter "Hats for all the fam. ly," with three large Hat departments filled with a grand array for Men, Lad- fes and Children. Choose early thi week and avoid the Saturday rush. L LADIES' HATS - Everybody remarks on the very large assortment of both Trimmed and Tallored choose d rate, and all Hats are marked in plain figures--one price to all, You will find it easy to and the prices are mode- Silk Hats, Soft Hats, SUS Hats, foi Caps--all kinds are here ready for Ens- ah Easter Millinery Hats that are different. ' Prices that are right. | Parisian Shop : 823 BROCK STREET ORE form of an allimen choral in which 'all the singing was led by to the Knights of Honor clase Grace Methodist church, Gananoque, of which Mr. Clifford Sine is the very successful teacher, Prof. Harry Thomas, orfanist of Grace church, sical gifts added much to the 1im- pressiveness of the service, his vol- untaries being listened to with great attention. Donald LaFrance also helped to make the instrumental part of the service memorable. Three choruses were given by the men's choir, and, in addition, J. Beresford and James Lawson sang a duet, while Messrs. W. Clow, J. Lawson, G. Orser and J. Case rendered a very inspiring quartette. The sermon was preached by Rev. Dr. Lednon, his remarks being based upon Ephesians, Chap. IV, verses 11 to 14. During the service a reso- lution very strongly urging the pas- | sage of the Church Union Bill by , the Parliament of Canhda was un- ||| Following the service the visitors were given light refreshments in the lecture hall and brief resses were , given by Judge H. A. Lavell (répre- senting the officials of Queen street church, Rev. J. W. Graham, D.D., ; C. Bine and Prof. Thomas. -- ---- "Flower Jf Bagdad perfume," Fontanis, Paris, sold only at Gib- son's. The Lansdowne cheese and butter factory re-opened on Thursday with Walter Campbell as cheesemaker, ; and Robert Running as "Beautiful French perfumes" sold at Gibson's. Mrs. James Moore, Brockville, Txafaday. aged eighty-four lived in Brockville sixty-four years. "English soaps," Yardley and .Brotinley, sold in Kingston at Gib- 's. George Bass and family, who havd been living on the farm for the past couple of "years, have moved into Cardinal, "Gibson's Easter delivery." Huy- ler's. . The patrons of the Bishops Mills 'factory have decided | for ation. The evening service took the | [I 4 choir of over fifty men belonging !/f of | i presided at the organ, and his mu- || f new patterns and colorings in all yards, in the best quality. 60c, sq. yd. New patterns in STAIR OILCLOTHS--all widths, 4 al greatly improve the ap- widths from | to 4 For Real Estate In- vestors' this offer will appeal To Close An] Five small rented, together with ten bullding lots, well located, Will ll be sold in block or separately. lf No reasonable offer will be re. fused. If interested 'phone or call at office and our cars will take you to the property, | Houses to rent. Money to Loan, lf Cor. Division and Johnson Sts. li Phones: Office ....... 58ow. Residence 2520w and 3897. a mr Aged Man Taken Ili; ' Went to Police Station ---- One half the world does not know how the other half lives: Sunday afternoon, en aged max walked into the police station and asked permission to stay at the station, stating that he was very ill. He appeared to have no friends and stated that he was in great pain. He said that if allowed to remain at the police - station until Monday morning. he wofild then be able to eee a doctor. The police directed the aged man to a local doctor, not wishing to keep him when he was 111. . Fontanis (Paris) powders and perfumes sold only st Gibson's drug store. . Walter Stoque, aged seventeen, son of Mr. and Mfs. John Stoque, Pembroke, was drowned ip the Musk- rat river on Thursday when a canbe in which he was sitting cap- siseg, §