{ MONDAY, APRIL 14, wn 3 ey THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG : 3 Spring Medicines Take Yours Now. Sarsaparilla ..$1.00 Blood Purifier $1.00 Herb Tablets ..$1.00 Hypophosphites Ty he and $1.00 Wampole's Wine $1.00 Benedictine Wine $1.50 Beef, Iron and Wine $1 Blaud Pills 100 for 25c. L.T. Bes gist Drug Open Sundays FOR SALE $3000--Frame, 7 rooms, improve- ments. . $3200--Frame, 6 rooms, improve ! ments. Lot 900x132. $5200-- Brick, ' 7 rooms, provements, '$7000 » ® rooms, all modern, h.w. fidors. $5,000--Brick, 8 rooms, modern im- provements, garage. $8,000--Brick, § rooms; all im- provements, garage, large gar- den, fruit and flowers, good location. $8,500--Brick, 9 rooms; all modern; central. FURNISHED HOUSES TO RENT. Bateman's Real Estate 111% BROCK ST., KINGSTON Telephone 1925F. Attractive ® { Bar Pin 'is always one of ~the most appreci- ated of gifts. We have many to choose from. Some Beautiful Dia- mond and Plati- num Designgi-- Others set with Pearls or Sap- phires. There are also many very attractive Rhine- | stone copies of Platinum | Bars well worth seeing. ah im. NEEDEDAT THIS TIME, OF YEAR FurBoxes .......... .i.v....4:$8.00 Refrigerators . .......$15, $18, $22, $28 Alabastine or Muresco . .......65c. pkg. ~ Paint (colors) ............ $1.50 quart Varnish... ....... «cnn 31.75 quart Rakes ...... «ceo oo..75c to $1.5Q each * Spadess....... «viene vennnss $31.25 each © Tue INTERNATIONAL SYNDICATE. HELIUM RESERVE NO. I~ President Coolidge has se? aside 7,100 acres of gas bearin wri) be known as Helium Reserve Ho. /. y. 4 fan valuable deposits of helium, ine non-inflemmable arigibles, of which the United States has a practical mongol land in Utah whieh 73 belreved fo som, EFFICIENT | HOUSEKEEPING By Laura A. Kirkman. St 2 | . Dishes in This Week's Menus, | Kidney Stew: (Requested by Mrs. W.): Cut two pounds of beef kidneys In small pieces, wash well, and put in a stew pan covered with boiling water; let boil for 16 minutes, then drain off the water and pour cold | water over the kidneys to remove the strong taste. -Put back in al sauecpan, cover with either soup' stock or canned consomme, season with one teaspoon of salt, a dash of pepper, a few whole cloves, two large onions peeled and chopped, a little lemon rind, a very little all-! spice and a bit of bay leaf. Let boil till the kidneys are very tender, then thicken slightly with three tablespoons of flour rubbed to a paste in a little cold water. Serve hot. Lemon Bread Pudding: (Reques- ted by "Constant Reader"): Put into a bowl one-half cup of granulated sugar and stir into this the beaten yolks of four eggs, the grated rind of one lemon, and one quart of milk; 1 mix thoroughly then add two cups of soft breadcrumbs; turn the mix- ture mto a baking dish, and bake for 30 to 40 minutes in a quick tven. When done spread over the top a meringue made of the four egg-whiteg stiffly beaten and sweet- ened with two tablespoons of sugar and flavored with the juice of one- Balt lemon. Return dish to a mod- erate oven for a few minutes, till meringye has browned. Serve cold. Soak cup of dried red kidney beans / ght in water to cover well, and in the morning drain and stew in water containing a pinch of soda; when tender, serve on a plat- ter surrounded by spaghetti which you have separately cooked as fol- lows: Boil one cupful of spaghetti, broken small, in boiling salted water till tender, then make a sauce to man's pipe but it takes some time to get established. For beauty nothing can excel! the purple clematis and some citizens want it named As the city flower, There is no better all-round insec- ticide for the garden than tobacco- dust, - tobacco juice diluted with water. Set is good also and acts as a fertilizer, Do not allow a fine tree to be re- moved from the front of your house without a protest. Under the recent tree-planting act, urged by horticul- turalists, you have acquired an ownership. . Join the local horticultural society and obtain a prize list for the show. Possibly you may not obtain a prize but you will be helping to beautify the community surroundings and will be an example to your neighbor. The members of the society are pleased to give any information they may have acquired. ----a---- Going to Gotham ? Try This, On and .after April 27th the tra- velling public will have the oppor- tunity of travelling to New York City on a train which, besides afford- ing typical "Canadian National" equipment and service, will cover the route in fast time, via Canadian National-Lehigh Valley . Railways. The new train : will leave Toronto dally at 5.30 p.m. and sland its pass- engers at the magnificent and cen- trally located Pennsylvania depot at 8.26 a.m. next morning. Besides the usual sleeping car equipment, there will be a drawing- room-compartment car and excep- tional dining car service. | The return trip should, of course, be made on the corresponding New York-Toronto train, which will leave the 'metropolis' daily at 6.15 p.m. Red Kidney Beans with Spaghetti: \arriving Toronto 8.53 a.m. For further particulars apply to J. P. Hanley, C.B. & T.A,, CN. Ry. Kingston, Ont. THE FEEDING OF CHILDREN, | Better Method Revealed to Mothers at Hartington. Hartington, April 10.--The fun- PROBS: --Tuesday, easterly winds, partly cloudy and rather cold. == i ALL THIS WEEK A SPECIAL SELLING NewEaster " Below we enumerate two special groups of Suits that are of exceptional value. They represent a distinct saving for all those who are interested in a new Suit for Spring. See the win- dow displays ! AT 1695 100 smartly Tailored Suits in box and tailored styles, The box suits are made of All Wool Tricotine and Poiret Twill. The colors are Navy, Black, Brown and Sand -- lined with Striped Satinette and trimmed with Braid. ; ~~, " ; The tailored or boyish models are de- * veloped in Donegal and Fiskin Tweeds in single and double-breasted styles, in a broad variety of colorings. Sizes 14 to 40. add to it. Sauce for the Spaghetti: | eral of the twin son of Mr. and Mrs. Put two tablespoons of bacon fat | James Wallace was held on Tuesday in a saucepan and when melted add | from their residence. Mrs. Daniel two tablespoons of raw minced onion ! Freeman has accepted thé position and let cook till the onion is sof- 8s pianist in the Methodist church, tened, then stir in one tablespoon of Ethel Moore resigning. Miss Qgrr- flour, and one and one-hait cups of A Harris, school nurse, visited the tomato jhice (from either canned, school, testing tie children, and gave or freshly-stewed tomatoes) and let an address to mothers on the better Digging Forks . .. CRI .$1.50 each Gas Ranges, 3 Burner .......... $22.00 Electric Ranges, 3 hole .....$78 and $98. bubble up a moment till thickened before turning it over the cooked spaghettl. A few crisply-fried slices mode of feeding children. Hawley Grant and little daughter spent the week-end in the city, Mrs. McKelvey & Birch, Limited and House Furnishing Hardware, Tools, Ofis, Be: : Supplies, Sheet Metal ork; Electric work) Paiating and Paper Hanging. Special of bacon make a pretty and tempt- | Grant being in the general hospital ing garnish for this dish. for treatment. Edgar Ryan spent a Scotch Short Bread: Rub the fol- | couple of days at home before sail- lowing ingredients together with the! ing on the Keywest for the season. hands till well blended: Four "cups! Mrs. Howell has returned from Ro- MAKE YOUR WORK EASY Have the Hotpoint Electric Goods in your home. We have everything you may need to bring comfort -- Irons, Toasters, Heaters, etc, Halliday Electric Co. PHONE 04. CORNER KING AND PRINCESS STS. The Ever Popular . . CANDIES in ; of pastry flour, twe cups of butter, ! | three-fourths of a cup of powdered | sugar and one-fourth teaspoon of ground nutmeg. Pack the mixture one-half inch deep in shallow pans lined with oiled paper and bake in & moderate oven till browned -- about 30 minutes. Just before 1t is done, cut, into squares. i Tomorrow--Answered Letters. By the Kingston Horti- cultural Society. April is the great garden plédnning- and planting mobth. Almost every- thing ept the tender plants--to- mat 'cucumbers, melons, etc., may go inty the ground this month, Plant sweet peas as soon as the ground ked. climbing roses remove nothing but the dead branches. Richmond and Gruss-an-Teplits are two grand varieties of the ever'blooming bush ti rs 3 5? 5% g i i k 3 { 5 chester, N.Y. Bert Patterson has gone to Kingston for some time. "Houbigant powder." Gibson's." Mrs. 'W. H. McClure, Violet, Ont., with her daughter, Doris, and son, Stewart, left for Hamilton on March 29th. Charles McClure left the following week for Oshawa. "Easter Huyler's." Gibson's. Easter week, Napanee residents will be canvassed for funds to carry on the work of the Victorian Order. 60 Novelty and-O'Rossen Tail- ored Suits -- the season's leading numbers. \3 It's the tailoring, fit and finish, plus the figest all wool fabrics and silk linings that make these won- derful Suits extraordinary values at this extra special price. 9 | "The materials include linported English Pencil Stripes, French Tricotines and Poiret Twills, Scotch Tweeds and Nov- elty Broadcloth Flannels. : / In colors there are Navys, Blacks, Browns, Rookies and Novelty combinations. Sizes 14 to 42. r . * These are absolutely outstanding values in the trade--and we would suggest for first choice. Come to-morrow ! Tr