Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Apr 1924, p. 5

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: Only a few Blankets SATURDAY, APRIL 19, 1924. TH E DAILY BRITISH . WHIG ee A Builder from «hlidhood to Old Age --- DELCO-LIGHT The complete Electric Light and Power plant for every country wW.C.CANNO 164 Murre Street. Phone 1139J. FOR SALE Vusage of Portsmouth, Ont. Stone Store with barn and outbuild- ings. Also 8 room residence adjoin- jug. Lot 66 x 264. stone Cottage, 6 rooms, electric 'lignt, large lot. stone House, corner King and Maun Streets, 10 rooms, hot air fur- nace, electric light. For terms anu particulars re above apply i= - R. H.Waddell Phones 836, dv¥. 54 Brock Street. Pre PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning, Repairing agd Player Plano Adjusting. Norm H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. PHONE 134. DR. A.W. WINNEIT DENTAL SURGEON Corner of Johnson and Wellington. Streets. Telephons 863. ~ ' For Moving of FURNITURE, SAFES, TAGE sad STORAGE OF EVERY DESCRIFTION Kingston Transfer Co. LON & 377. EVENINGS 2231. PHO Ee "WELLINGTON STREET Dental Surgeon OR. J. C. W. BROOM L.D.S, D.D.S. Wellington and Brock Streets. Entrance: 160 Welllugton st. by appointment. PHONE #79. e-- Nr WATTS "People's ~Forist Fresh Flowers and Plants daily. Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Residence 11387. ER GAME BACK Since Taking The Fruit Treatment in *"Fruit-a-tives" Read this letter from Mrs. J. M. Pennington of New Rockland, P.Q. "In 1919, I was taken with Bron- chial Asthma and no one knows what 1 suffered during the winter. 'I began haying choking spells and would just gasp for breath and could not speak. he doctor said he could do nothing for me. In the spring of 1920, I started taking "Fruit-a-tives" and soon the choking spells became easier and I have not had one since May 7th, 1920. It is such a ralief to be able to go to bed and have no thought of having to get up in the night for an hour or more as I did all that winter, but never have to now, all because I take a "Fruit-a-tives" tablet every night. 25¢c. and 50c. a box--at all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont, VITA 1/7/00 COLDS * BURNS - BRUISES ---- a + rm i. DR. §. E. PORTER Corner Alfred and Johnson Streets Telephone 2071. JAR. [IE QUICK RELIEF For INDIGESTION NOTICE We are mow in our new location, 97 WELLINGTON STREET and ready to Eive .the very best attention in Ladies' Spring Suits. Suits made up from $15 to $20. L. WINSTON, "Phone 993. LADIES' TAILOR mmr HEMSTITCHING, PICOT EDGING & PLEATING MRS. H. J. SHALES National Cleaners Phone 2166. Bagot and William Streets QUEEN'S HOTEL Has been taken over by M. J. BER- RIGAN, Iate of the Whitney Hotel. First class Hotel Service is assured. Goud yard and stables in connection. Your patronage is solicited. MP» BROCK ST. « « - PHONE 750. a a a a a a a i a a] W.R. McRae & Co. Golden Lion Block COAL Remember us with an order when your bin is empty, and you'd remember us with grati- tude all the time it is being emptied again. BOOTH & CO. 'Phone 188. Grove Inn Yards ESTABLISHED 1871. HANLEY'S AGEN FOR OC STEAMSHIP LINES Special attention given you family going to or returning from or friends we Old Country. arranged. For-tull particulars a; P. HANLEY, CP. & A Canadian National Railway corner Jonson aud Outatie Kin nt. n night. 99 and Tess." J and Dr. Vincent A. Martin DENTIST Evenings by appointment. 272 Princess Street. Phone 2045w. Dr. W. O. Virooman DENTAL SURGEON Corner of Princess and Barrie treets. Entrance: 314 Barrie PHONE Z494J. Office Hours: 8.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Street. ~~ # left. Will clear at : $2.25 a pair. 267.2753 ONTARIO STREET | PHONES 830 and 837. AIS ETEERENES Esse KARE RANA 1,, DXOOOOOOOOOOOON RRS RK DON'T FORGET WE MAKE FENCES for every purpose as well as Plating, in Nickle, Copper and Silver. Partridge Wire & Iron Works King Street West, Opposite Hospital. FOR SALE ~ $8,000--Brick, 6 rooms, 8 bedrooms, toilet, electric and gas, verandah and good barn. John street. $3200--DBrick, 8 rooms, 5 bedrooms, "8 p. B., electric and gas, furnace, hardwood floors and large barn. Montreal Street. $3400--Double frame, 6 rooms, 8 : bedrooms, electric and gas. Ste. } phen Street. $8000--Frame Bungalow----4q 8 p. B,, elec. light, sun prior aad | Road. large garden. York $8000 Double brick, D~rooms, 8 p. ., elec. and. and sh By gas large shed. Office Telephode ............ 229 Residence ......,.., 2260J--1150w. Developing Excellent results and quick service has ever increased our Photographic trade. ° Leave your Film to-day and your prints will be ready to- Juorrow. night... ... 0. CT if We solicit out-of-town trade. Mail us your Film and we will return' it posiage free. : Buy your Films here and then Jet us fin.sh them for you. : Nn i. Councils 'do not lessea evils, but often increase them . , » KINGSTON AND VICINITY Complete Recovery. Mervin, the young son of Mr. ahd Mrs. A. L. Malcolm, Campbeliford, who displaced a vertebrae in his néck, while at play, has made a com- plete recovery. Late Crossing Last Year. It was the 19th of April, 1923, be- fore the steamer Wolfe Islander crossed the harbor to the island. Navigation opened this year over two weeks earlier, To Represent Council. Dr. Spankie, reeve of Wolfe Is- land, is going to. Toronto, on Mon- day, to attend the school trustees' convention at the Ontario Education- al Association and representing Frontenac county council, * Pastors Appointed. The Northern New York confer- ence of the Methodist Episcopal church has made these appoint- ments: Cape Vincent, E. H. Bailey; Thousand Island Park, E. Pratt; Watertown, Asbury church, W. M. Hydon. Here's Something to Think About. "No sugar; No eggs; .No extras to use, Prepared in five minutes, It's DU-KO I choose." For delicious puddings and pies. Your choice of three flavors; Lemon Chocolate and Maple Cream. For sale by all grocers. Constable Is Appointed, A -prexincial constable is to be stationed at Bancroft. The man se- lected is P. McCoy, Madoc, who ex- pects to take up residence in that village the latter part of the month. Mr. McCoy has leased Charles Kelu- sky's residence on Hastings street. Protestant Federation, A Protestant Women's Confedqra- tion League is being organized in Smith's Falls this week, adding an- other to the long list of local orga- nizations. The Catholic Women's League has been organized there for some years. Engagement Announced. The engagement is .announced of Hilda Irene, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Dougherty, Pem- Doesn't hurt one bit! Drop a little "Freezone" on an aching corn, in- stantly that corn stops hurting, then shortly you lift it right off with fing- ers. Your druggist gells a tiny bottle of 'Freezone' for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the foot calluses, without soreness or ir- ritation. | "in Toronto on April 21st, 22nd and Hived field in on a fir broke, to John Charles Wright, son} of Mr, d Mrs. Osborne Wright, Westmeath. The marriage is to take place the latter part of the month. Low Veal Prices. The farniers are very much dis- satisfied with the prices that they are receiving for their products. Veal is only bringing 4s cents a pound. During the war the price of veal was about 27 cents a pound. The Late Mrs. Maitland. Mrs. John Maitland, an old and very highly respected resident of Smith's Falls, died suddenly at her home, where she had not been en- joying the best of health for some time.- To mourn. her passing are two daughters and two sons, Mrs. (Dr.) Easton, and Miss Clara Gould, of Smith's Falls are daughters, De- ceased was twice married. y To Attend Convention. Already 1,000 delegates have re- gigtered for the annual convention of the Ontario School Trustees' and Ratepayers' Association to be held 23rd. It is expected 1,300 will be in attendance. Mesérs, J. B. Cooke, J. G. Elliott and Canon Jones will represent the Kingston Board of Ed- ucation. Belleville Motor Club. The Belleville Motor Club elect- ed these officers at its annuel meet- ing: a Hon. president--Col. S. 8S. Lazer. President--H. W. Ackerman. 1st vice-president--F. B. Smith. 2nd vice-president--Major A. S. Pratt. Secretary-treasurer--J. O. Herity. Board of directors--W. B. Riggs, Mackenzie Robertson, T. D. Ruston, F. E. O'Flynn, 8. J. Fisher, J. W. Lill. The Cause for Crossing Streets. H. C. Nickle, manager of the street railway, is hoping, with the new equipment which it is proposed to add, that the cars will stop at the near crossing on the streets, a system followed in nearly all Can- adian cities. With the two motor cars, in winter, it is hard to climb the hills and Princess street is quite an incline. The pbwer is increased to get over the street intersections, | and this helps a lot in getting the | cars started again. The manager is hoping to have four motor cars some of these days. Prevention Is Better Than Cure, The changing of the seasons, and particularly from winter to spring, invariably means the signal for dis- ease of many kinds. The best pre- vention to be adopted is for the general public to both eat and drink only what they are convinced is ab- solutely pure. Milk is one of these most important diets. J. J. Wil- mot, Pittsburg, takes this opportu- rity of advising the public that the milk sold by him is under the most sanitary conditions, being tho- roughly tested and possessing all the richness of quality' desirablé. The people of Kingston can rest assured that for quality, value, service and satisfaction, I. I. Wilmot ensures all patrons of reliability. Phone 2360, R14 for any information, and orders received are guaranteed prompt at- tention. ¥ Price of Cheese, A Leeds county cheese maker, when speaking to a representative of the Whig on Thursday afternoon, stated that the farmers who supply milk to his factory had been paid at the rate of 95 cents a hundred pounds for the month of March. The patrons were not at all satisfied with the price, but they realize that the reduction is general, so they will have to put up with it for the time being. When asked how the price compared with the war prices, he stated that the highest price paid was $57 per hundred, which was also three times as much as at the present time. The 'cheese maker stated that March cheese had sold at 12 1-2 per pound, which is con- sidered very low; in fact the lowest that it has = been for about ten years. KIWANIS ACTIVITIES. A big event is on for the Kiwanis Chub luncheon at the Frontenae hotel on Monday when the first meeting of an Intercity exchange with Belle- ville will be held. Governor Tan- guay, of the Ontario-Quebec district. set aside the week beginning April 21st as intercity visiting week, and arrangements have heen made by the executive for the exchange with the Belleville club. The return visit is to be in Tuesday at Belleville and all the members of the local branch are urged to be present on both oc- casions. His Honour Judge H. A. Lavell, of Frontenac, will be the speaker at Monday's meeting and will take as his subject "Some Popu- lar Misconceptions of Common Laws." That should attract and hold the intercity of any group of men and an interesting discourse is expected. Monday at the Frontenac hotel, Kingston; Tuesday at the New Queen's hotel, Belleville, Every- body on deck both days. Hastings Resident Dead. Belleville, April 19.--T. Afthur MacFarlane, one of tiie leading agri- culturists and public men in Hast- ings, died at his home near Shannon- ville after a lingering illness. He was born in Ticonderoga sixty-two years ago, and spent his entire life in the township, where he engaged in farming. He was for years secre- tary of the Shannonville fair board, and only retired on account of ill- health, He was high in the counsels of the Conservative party, and was meritioned as a candidate in the last election for the riding of East Hast- ings, He was an elder In the Pres- byterian church at Shannonville, and had been a deputy and reeve: for many years in the township, He re- tired from municipal lite after he had spent one year in the chair as warden of the county of Hastings. He leaves his wife and one son. A Son of Kingston, Dr. Stuart Thomson, who is pro- posed for U.S. minister to China, and U.S. senator. from Jersey is a son of Kingston. Dr. Thomson's mother was the talented Elizabeth Ferris, of Kingston. His grandmother (on her third marriage to brother of Sir John Macdonald) Mrs. Mary Mae- donald of Kingston and Sydenham, for 83 years. His mater- nal dfather, John Ryder, of Black River, (Watertown, N.Y.), was one of the chief founders of King- ston and its first crown surveyor, lay- ing out much of the city and Wolfg island. ary Oil Fields to Be Worked. The Wainwright-Fabyan-Irmha oll berta province is being put are on operations and a busy season is assured. There was a blow out of the Imperial well and oil and gas flowed incessantly until the well was capped. A sample taken by Richard Akyroyd, president of Wainwright Board of Trade, to Dr. Kelso, of the University of Alberta, Edmonton, was provet in ana.ysis to contain 16 pef vent. kerosene, 3 per cent. sediment and impurities, be- tween 2 and § Der cent. gasoline and the rest bottoms, from which are taken lubricating olls. Mr. Aykroyd, who fs handling the ofl fields, is a brother of Dr. Aykroyd of Kingston. Seven companies] | Floating Specks Before The Eyes 'Means Liver Trouble When specks start to float before the eyes, when everything seems to turn black for a few seconds and you feel as if you were going to faint, you can rest assured that your liver is not working properly. The essential thing to do in all cases where the liver is slow, lazy or torpid, is to stir it up by the use of Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills and clear away the accumulated mass of waste and poisonous matter from the system. Mr. Chas. Ayland, Frankville, Ont., writes:--*I used to be awfully bothered with floating specks before my eyes, headaches and kness to my stomach. I took just half a vial of your Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills and ever since I have felt as well as 1 ever did. Now I always keep them on hand." Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25c. a vial at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price By The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. AWOUNDIS AN OPEN DOOR Absorbine Jr. enables you to shut * the door quickly. The skin is Nature's own protection against germs. When it is bruised, broken or cut, that protection is with- drawn. The door is open. As quickly as possible Nature closes it by forming what we call a scab and renders you comparatively safe against intectiont wound, even until the wound A few drops of Rbsorbion Joe meh: and help nature to heal the wound. As Bat this scab sometimes takes da 19. form and until it has fully sealed the' bas thoroughly healed again you must fur- nish t water will give you an antiseptic wash that will all possibility of infection well as a very powerful i Absorbine Jr. will draw out the inflam: an Hardwood Flooring Birch, Maple, Plain Oak and Quartered Oak, smoothly finished, the best in manu- facture and finish. * " We carry it in a dry, steam-heated ware- house, which preserves it, in a fit-to-lay kiln-dried condition. S. ANGEIN CO. LIMITED Woodworking Factory, Coal and Lumber Yards. BAY" AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO. Telephone: Private Branch Exchange, No. 1571. Hang This Near Your 'Phone. RADIO 1207; Canada Radio Stores: ' 2691¢ PRINCESS STREET KINGSTON, ONTARIO If you live outside of Kingston, fill out and send \_this Coupon. Don't forget, 'We prepay all mail orders. Send me your Radio Ld. terature from time to time. Phone us--whatever your Radio wants--day or night. Baseball Scores Every Night. 4 RADIO ATLASES-- 10c. in stamps. Mark here if you want one .......o WE SERVE GOOD MEALS Good meals served to your liking. EVENING PARTIES given first class attention. THE VICTORIA CAFE 854 King Street. Sing Lee anid Gan Leg, Props. Telephone 762. W. F. Gourdier . 78 BROCK STREET 'Phone 700. TWEDDELL'S NEW SPRING STYLES Suits and Topcoats 20.00, $22.00 $25.00, $28.00 ; SPECIAL VALUE ! INDIGO BLUE SERGE SUITS ~~ TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. His heart cannot be pare whose Covelousness ls (he bunger which tongue is not clean. comes from esting. J ag

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