10 . : . THE DAILY BRITISH MONDAY, APRIL \ Was Constipated For Several Years If you have suffered from consti- pation for years, tried all kinds ot remedies without getting relief, "if you have been subject to all the miseries associated with constipation, wouldn't you consider it a blessing to be able to keep the bowels regular and in a good healthy condition and prevent disease getting a foothold on your system? -- / Milburn"s Laxa-Liver Pills are in- dicated just for this purpose; their regular use relieving the worst cases »f constipation. Mr. M.| Hedlcan, Sudbury, Ont, writes: --"I have been troubled with gonstipation for several years. 1 pegan to use Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills and find them to be the best remedy I have ever used for regulat- ing the bowels and liver. I always keep them now and recommend them highly." Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25c. a vial at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. B is the cleaner. uum cleaner will for a few cents a week do the work that has been causing yours, wife to toll through drudger of the day. Iq) ATLEAST PHONE:423. 74 PRINCE S3T {runaway 'accident, is out again. o---------- Foolish fear doth double danger. From the Countryside Frontenac KEPLER. April 15.--' Bobbie" Donnell, who was badly hurt a few days ago, in'a E. P. Lawson is building an addition to his house. J. Wood is doing the carpenter work. George Putten- ham occupied the pulpit of the Meth- odist .churoh, last Sunday; his fa- ther, Rev. J. Puttenham, being Jil. Farmers report a very successful sugar season. Mrs. Casselman, Kingston, is with her sister, Mrs. Stuart Babcock. A. Hoppins, wife and daughter, Godfrey, were recent visitors at A. Orser's. Mrs. Percy Potter, Kingston, has returned home after spending a few days at R. D. Wartman's, Maynard Rinis, wife and family, Sydenham, spent yesterday at E, Donnell's. 8. A. Truscott, 1.P.8., visited the school today. MYERS CAVE. April 14.--House cleaning is the order of the day. The snow is almosy gone and the roads are in a very bad condition. Mr. and Mrs. Archie MacGregor have returned to Welland after selling their household affect: here. They will be greatly missed as we will have to get u mew butcher this summer. E." J. Perry has re- turned after spending a week in Centreville. The Marshall brothers f expect to start sawing the first of the week at E. J. Perry's. A num- ber from here attended the dance in the hall on Friday night. George Perry has returned from Nordegg, Alta., where he has spent the last two years. Miss Loulsa Head is at J. R. Perry's. Ebb Perry spent the week-end at J. McCausland's. MISSISSIPPL. April 14--Mrs. W. A. Geddes and little daughter, Alice, visited with friends in Kingston !ast week. Stan- Total Assets in Bucess of $450,000,000 due, Bank Victory Bond Cone } Wea Vien n Victory Bonds become depos Account in the Bank of Montreal, : where interest is paid posits of One Dollar and Upwards. Branches in all Important Centres in Canada Savings Departments in all Branches Established Over 100 Years' interest coupons it them in a Savings on all de of Montreal "Counteract Your Tendency toward Acid Mouth . . . By letting WRICLEY'S give relief, lasting joy and benefit. ? It removes the food particles that lodge in mentation R the teeth and cause fer- jon and decay. It WASHES the mouth and teeth, counteracting the acidity that does so much damage. LEY . after every meal prescribed by dentists and doctors. ys one dentist: "If chewing gum is used it will result in a noticeable u "substantial balance was ley Geddes, Montreal, is spending some time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Geddes. The éxtra gang, with Robert Gibson as forman, has commenced work on the C. P. R. Herbie Hanna, Cochrane, is visiv ing with friends in the village. Mrs. P. White is seriously {lL Mrs. Norman Morris, Appleton, at- tended the funeral of her grand- tather, Duncan Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Ferguson, Sharhot Lake, attended the funeral of the form- er's father, Duncan Ferguson. Thom- as Dowdell is visiting with his daughter, Mrs. J. H, Fair, Sharbot Lake. J od ---------------------- Leeds S$ LOOKS. April 17.--~The roads have Iim- proved very much since the recent rain. Lockmaster Fleming and as- sistant, E. Rowswell, are engaged at the usual repairs and work on the locks, for the beginning of naviga- tion, May 1st. Mrs. F. Etherington spent last week-end at Fettercalrn. James Lunday has left for Prescott for a few weeks, M. E. Garland and M. J. Brown, Boston, Mass., spent a few days of last week with Dr. Chamberlain, Mrs. Vincent Murphy and Mrs. Willlam Doyle are conva- lescing. 'The trappers report a good collection of fur during the past month. There is a good average at- tendance at the school since the many pupils recovered from whoop- ing cough. Mrs. F. Alford and lit- tle son spent the week-end at Napa- nee last week, Lennox & Addington BETHEL, April 165.--Spring is welcomed by all, especially by numerous farmers whose supply 'of hay is rupning out. A baby boy arrived at the home of Edgar Salsbury on Saturday. Arthur Middleton and family are leaving this week for Windsor, where they will reside for an unlimited time. Harold Huffman, wife and family, Napanee, at her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Galbraith, Miss Ethel Moore, Hartington, is spending this week at her aunt's, Mrs. Myrtie Mc- Williams. Mr. and Mrs. L. Salisbury spent a day recently at Napanee. AN ENTHUSIASTIC MEETING. Of the Ladies' Aid of 'St. Lawrence | Church. Pittsferry, April 19.--At one of the largest and most enthusiastic 'meetings held in the history of the Ladies' Aid of St. Lawrence church, reorganization took place at tha home o6f Mrs. Robert Brash. on April 9th. Mrs. Joseph Lane the retiring president was in the chair, A financial statement showing a presented by the treasurer, Mrs. Robert Ran- ons. The election of officers result- ed: President--Mrs. Joseph Lane, Vice-president--Mrs. H. Scott. Secretary--Mrs. G. Brash. > Treasurer--Mrs. W. Brash. Organist--Miss Bessie Lane, Directors--Mrs. R. Barclay ana Mrs. Cooper. A vote of thanks was extended to retiring officers for their splendil work. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. G. Maitland, on April 23rd. - The Pittsterry U. F. 0. and UT F. W."0. joint club held its - April mee:- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 3. A. McMaster, on April 16th. The president, G. Maitland, occupied the chair in his usual pleasing manner. After the general business was dis- pensed with and discussion held on the co-operative egg pool, the meet- ing adjourned to meet at the home ot A. Grant, on May 6th. The rest of a very pleasant evening was spent in playing progressive euchre. The ladies' prize being won by Mrs. H. McLean, the 'gentlemen's prize, by Percy Millions, the consolation prizes going to Miss Marjorie Wilson and W. Lane. The last part of the pro- gramme was serving all with an abundance of maple sugar, a real novelty. The many friends of J. L. MoMast- er are pleased to learn of his speedy recovery after so serious an accl- dent. Miss Emma Scott spent the week- end with Miss Maude Cooper, Gan. anoque. H. Jackson goeltt Suhaay at E. C. Grice's, Springtield. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Edgar, Calgary, Al- perta, are renewing old acquaint ances here. Mr. and Mrs. R. Bar clay at J. Spence's. G. Ranons at J. MoClement's the guest of G. Woods. Clifford Jackson and Vietor Ranons at Kingston. HAT BRIMS. 7 1 By ELEANOR GUNN v canny Ce soap. = one must admit that it adds interest to the prospect of shopping for a new hat to know that one is not con- fined to bell and mushroom shapes but can be lured by a sailor or in- trigue by a tricorne without being in danger of overstepping any re- strictions placed upon our heads. Crowns continue to be rather high and the base of much of the trim- ~ Belting ribbon continues to be of millin jmportance and interest- ing little feather novelties find them- selves responsible for a note of color at the side or front of a hat. Red underbrim , facings which show a cording of red at the brim edge or even more are another timely item tor while black hats lead by a large majority in fore exalted circles, a touch of color is not amiss. Among the feathers used one must not overlook ostrich that is made into bands sometimes bowed at the side into all manner of flat leaf and other effects to be appliqued on the hat. The most important use for ostrich is in boa form, there being a con- | certed effort on the part of the Os- trich industry to re-establish the os- trich boa, this ambitious achieve ment being fostered by the know- ledge : sdornment of one's neck are o 1 Devotees of Apples, PK «oc a: co = bush.' §2.50-83 - Ordinary soaps or washing pow- ders are too hard on the skin, making it rough and red. The ingredients in Lux are helpful-- to the hands and skin--the Lux that things which are for| pk ....80] before Lux and not be dishpan. suds if constantly used will kee the skin smooth as Nature intend- ed. You can doyourowndishes, hands, because they will never show that they have been in the -t i' ar » oy \ Dishiwashing--with dainty hands. ~ Nort possible, you say? Per- haps it wasn't, was discovered for dishwashing. But now, Lux, with its instant soapy suds, not only cleans your dishes thoroughly, but is as easy on the hands as the finest toilet ashamed of your Just a single teaspoonful is suffic- ient for your Maple Sugar, 1b.. «¢ eec.0.10-26 Lettuce, leaf, bunch Lettuce, head .. Celery, bunch.. Cabbage, head.. Caulifiower, head.. .. Onions, domestic, pK. 4....cc... 60 Potatoes, bag. .... $1.75 to $2.00 Potatoes, pk ..30 to 36 Butter, creamery, lb ..33-38 Butter, dairy, 1b., «« «sts ..33-35 Cheese, new, I1b.. ae s+.o +.23-26 Cheese, 0ld, 1b. ..ccccavscacen Eggs, fresh, doz .. «. «.-- Lard, 1b .. «¢ ve 2+ as Sugar, granulated, cwt $10.35-$10.50 Shorts, cwt.., .. EL Straw, baled, cwt. Wheat, western, bus. ..... ave Wheat, local, bus Bran, ton.. . Buckwheat, bu. « «4 +... Corn, feed, cwt..... ..$1.76-§2.00 Corn, car lots, cwt. /.. vara s + 31.88 + eee sobs se we v TANLAC GETABLE PILLS! Constipation NE Vi f breakfast or linch dishes--you may possibly have to use two teaspoonfuls dinner dishes. You will be so delighted that you will want to use it always. ls for your Thty it just once. Lux is economical for all dish-washing. One packet contains suf- «ficient for 54 dish-washings--nearly all the dishes for three rol LHX Lus is sold only in sealed packets--dustproof! Hay, baled cwt. es sinan Hay, loose, ton .. «..e oo $7-%12 Oats; western, Dus. ......i00...65 Oats, local, bus.. es eo oo op « 83 Beef: Roast Beef 1b eeiensld-23 Steak, porterhouse, 1b. ...... 23-25 Steak, round, Ib. . eee.18-20 Bolling cuts 1b. ee Stewing cuts, Ib. ....... een8-12% Beef, western, c¢Wt. ........10-14 Beef, hinds, cwt. Beef, local, 1b. Veal, 1b. .. Pork: Loin Roasts, 1b. ....... ved 20 Hogs, live weight, cwt... .. .$7.76 Chops, Ib. tee sss 183] Hogs, dressed, cwt...... + .$10-812 Bacon, breakfast, 30-45 Bacon, Pea-meal, Roast pork, sliced, 1b, . Ham, covked, 1b. .. «oc «0 © Ham, smoked, 1b. Picnic Ham, 1b.. 76 Pork sausages, 1b. .......... 20-28 Sausage, beef and pork, 1b. ..10-15 Lamb: Carcass, yearlings, 1b. Carcass, spring 1b. ....c.cs00..22-25 Hinus yearlings, 1b. ........15-20 Hinds, spring, 1D... ++ «o oo 25-30 Pe, Your hands will show ims provement at once. Keep a package of Lux handy on your kitchen shelf. Use 1 for all your dishes, Chickens, crate a: . = Forequarter, spring, 1b .. .. 20-38 Lamb chops .. «+ «+ os =e 30-33 Mutton chops, 1b .. «sve +o 18-20 Mutton ,carcass, 1b. ........12-18 Poultry: Fowl, 1b.. .. Chickens, 1b .. . on ve seen30-28 wt sens svssSiedy fatted, 1b ....30 Chickens, dressed, each ..90-31.50 Ducks, each +c «. +» .o «+ 75-8150 Hides, etc. Deacon skins, each Horse hides .. ....$2.00-83.00 Hides, ID... +2 ss ss os +4..056-08 Sheep skins, fresh, each $1.00-§1.50 Veal skins, ib.. se mwess10-12 Wool, washed, ib.. +o ae se..30 Wool, unwashed... .. { cess e2B Furs: Fox, each.. $12.00-314.00 Racoon, each .. .. «¢..$3.00-§5.00 Skunk, each .. +o sees +.:$1.00 Mink, each ... eweoee «.. $7-310 Muskrat, each ..-,. ..$1.50-§2.00 ..76-31.00 Chase's {oi and send 2c. stamp for postage. 600. Xx; all dealers or Edmanson, Limited, Toronto. : #0 £ ..$1.50:31.75 i nr ~~