THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG _ NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS ony 35¢ "Danderine" do Goes Wonders for Any Girl's Hair Girls! Try this! When combing By G. M. LE HAN Copyright by the RENOUF PUBLISHING CO.- of Moatreal. nm------------------------ ARTICLE VIL 158--This is 'the most difficult chapter to write, as in it I want to _|cléan up the confusion which now exists, and which is surely spoiling the game. One hears so often of peo- ple sitting down for, 'a game of "Mah Jongg" and being 'absolutely at variance as to the rules of the game. There is very good reason for this and to make it clear I think ths game of "Bridge" taken as a plrallel would make it easy to understand. In playing Bridge the players while governed by the actual rules of the game still have the option of the following: Not counting honors. Counting four in-one better. Counting all honors. ' Playing nullo (Misere), ete., eto. hand or | digol0CE) stead of cutting them. How would it strike you if you found in a Chin- ese book of rules of Bridge: "Before the pack of cards is given out, one to each person, one of the players bas to hit the pack on the top, It is difficult to understand what result this has, but the players all wait for this. ceremony. 183--Without any doubt this Is exactly what has happened in the case of "Mah Jongg." Non-essential side plays have by some accident been assumed to be rules. The rules of the game are not in any way at- fected by the customs which may prevail in different parts of China. For instance: In North China the bonus score for going "Mah Jongg" is twenty points instead of tem, but do not forget in some of the an] cult for a Chinese to explain, wers ling Clubs the bonus for going "Mah it would be all right. t the troub- le is that these people spread about their way of playing as being cor- rect, because. . . ."Didn't we have a Chinese teacher come up, and that was the way he said was 'all right." 167--As a matter of fact, what was the use of the teacher correct- ing their mistakes? 168--The Chinese do not care to have ome teach them "Mah Jongg." 169--Another point: If you are fortunate enough to find a good Chi- nese teacher, please remember how difficalt it is for him to explain In English the fine points of the game. (How would you like to explain to a'Chinese to whom cards were new, this "That finesse did not work!") 170--There is no doubt whatever that here we find cause of confusion in rules. The Chinese knows what he wants to explain, but he seldom has command of the language nec- essary. 170a--There is another source of much ¢Bnfusion. Just as in Bridge books, some are more complete than others--so in MAH JONGG you will find in some cages the. instructions more complete than in others. In some cases plays in the Chi- nese game have beem left out éntire- ly, quite likely through lack of de- finite information. In certain cases, 1 teel sure" that some of the intri- cate plays which are so very diffi- left out altogether for this very AMAZING RESULTS IN GOOD HEALTH FROM THE FRUIT TREATMENT Intensified Fruit Juices in the Form of '"'Fruit-a-tives" Promptly Relieves Many Diseases You have always known that Fruit is healthful. Doctors say '"'eat more fruit." Experts on food and diet urge the eating of fruit. But--{resh {fruit is expensive--and there is only a very small quantity of the medicinal or bealing principle in fruit. Now, a 500. box of "Fruit-a-tives" contains all the medicinal principle of dosens of oranges and apples and pounds of figs and prunes. By the wonderful discovery of a well known physician, it is possible to obtain the medicinal properties of the fresh juices of apples, oranges, figs and prunes 'snd intensified in a small tablet, with tonics added. This is "Fruit-a-tives"'--the Fruit Trestment--the PR fr Sani i Bb cpu ins : well, you Seams Almost a Miracle Just read this letter from Mrs. Clara Sloat, Perth Junction, N.B. "\ "For many years I was a great sufferer from Indigestion, Constipation and Chronic Rheumatism. My stomach was weak ad gave me constant distress, while the Rheumatism in my joints made me almost a cripple. Physicians and their reason. Hence many of the foreign- ers "adaptations"--the plays are covered according to what was un- derstood. But that is not MAH JONGG. and dressing your hair, just moisten your hair brush with a little_*"Dan- derine" and brush it through your hair. 'The effect is startling! You can do your hair up immediately and it will appear twice as thick and 'heavy~--a mass of gleamy r, sparkling with life and possesfing that incomparable softness, freshness and luxutiance. While beautifying the hair "Dan- derine" is also toning and stimulat- ing sor single hair grow thick, long and Hair stops falling ou and ruff disappears. Get a bottle of delightful, refreshing "Dan derine™ at any drug or toilet coun- 'ter and just see how healthy _and 159--There are various methods in the way of cutting for partners. Sometimes it is decided the two "high" play the two 'low"; some- times the two "reds" play the two "blacks." In some cases the player who has cut the lowest card is the tiret dealer, but in other instances the players cut again for deal. 160--To pursue this line of thought still further, the various bridge authorities have advancad certdin combinations in play: known as "conventions (such as the "Heart" convention, etc.) Jongg" is fifty points, or ever high- er, by Jrevious arrangement. 164--In playing "Mah Jongg" you have the option of playing with Flowers and Seasons, but beyond that there is really nothing left to the option"of the players, if they play according to rule. Of course, no rule can be laid down as to the stakes you play for, or the limit you decide upon. 166--There is one source of con- fusioft which is going to be very hard indeed to overcome. I will quote just one specific instance of medicines did me no good. - Finally, I was induced to try "PFruit-a-tives"" and at once this wonderful fruit medicine seemed to help me. Soon the Constipation and were relieved and the Rheumatiam began to go away sad, ia » few months, entirely disappeared." Well Known Resident of Portland, Malne Thanks Te "Frult-a-tives," Am Once Mere Well t Mr. Otis M. Bryant, of 40 Anderson Street, is most Mr. Honore Valiquebte, 1183 Notre Dame 58. West; entbusiastio about this famous fruit medicine, He writes Montreal, is deeply grateful to this famous fruit medicine. "I was troubled with Constipation ever since I can remem. She says, "I wish I could tell every sufferer in the world ber; as a result, I have suffered from distressing headaches what "Fruit-a-tives" have done for me. For three year, and pain in my left side. I tried many and variousgemedies I was much troubled by Bad Headaches, Nervous Dyspepsia for the Headaches and Constipation, without refeiving and Liver Trouble. Then I taking "Fruit-a- relief. About four months ago; I began the use of "'Fruit-a- tives." Very soon my condition improved, and now, thasks The point I am trying to make clear is that if you play the game as the Chinese' play, you will prob- ably tind that you will have quite enough to think about, you will not need any "freak" plays at all. 170a--If you ask me -the best way to learn "Mah Jongg," I tell you, "Go d watch Chinege play, if you 'can--go often, if you may." 171--When Bridge players as- your hair becomes. 161--Is it not concelvablé that to ne Children, To Oversee Their Following a discussion regarding '|a Chinese these various methods of playing Bridge might be mistaken for rules in the game? Is ft not con- Which I have definite knowledge: A Chinese teacher was engaged to teach certain people. Before the in- structions had gone very far, these semble for a game thé usual se- quence of arrangements is some- thing like this: tives." Since then, I have been free of Headaches, bowels to these wonderful tablets, I am énoe more entirely well" regular, no pain in my side, After the upe of several boxes Take 'Fruit-a-tives" and get well. 250 and 500 a box, of "Fruit-a-tives," I feeljustified in pror Luncing-thein a ¢ all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Decide the stakes (so muck point). ' Decide whether counting Honors. Decide whether pivot, or cut af- ter each rubber, or. double rubber. Cut for partners. Cut for deal. 172--This all seems so very READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS ample because we aro an nmi | Buy From. Merchants of Established Repute simple would it be to a Chinese rs a J the freedom permitted pupils of the Smith's Falls Collegiate Institute, Dr. B. H. Wickware, chairman of the board of education of that town, was, at the last meeting of the board instructed to form a committee to draft a circular letter to be distri- buted to the citizens of the town, calling their ajtention to the temps tations to which their children were exposed when out at night unaocom- celvable, that perhaps three differ- remedy of true and exceptional merit." Ottawa, Ont. - ent Chinese might each get part of these several methods of playing, and when endeavoring to explain the game of Bridge wofild assume people were contradicting the Chi- nese teacher, and telling him rules which they had edopted and which' they knew were right! The Chinese had nothing further te say, and that the way they had happened to|when asked for a ruling or an opin- see the game played was "The|ion he smiled and said very swee:- Way?" Ix: "Yoh know, you are right!" As It would only remaln for tne|it so happens, I kmow the Chiness same Chinese to each bring out, a|who is giving lessons, and many a Ta panied by parent or guardian, and asking their co-operation to better conditions in the town in this re- spect. 'When the guest is most in favor he will do well to quit, book of bridge rules, based on what they had picked up, and in very short order you would have the finest mix up started. % 162--Consider how often In a game of Bridge you have seeh a player just tap the pack of eards in- good game we have had togéther. He made me understand that the mis- takes and the unplayable plays these people would make wére utter con- fusion, and nothing whatever to do Mal Thales." 188----It the matter ended there, \ Why You Need a Tonic In the Springtime err 4 mes em | Kirst, Hamilton. learning the game? In a couple of words you decide in your BHdge game that you will: "pivot"; now Just figure out how much explaining you 'would have to do to convey the full idea of this means. 173---These nts are not rules in the game, they are just recogniz- ed conventions which are not evea always followed. 174--The 'same sort of arrange- ments must be followed in playing "Hah Jongg." You decide the stakes (so much a point). Decide the "limit." Decide whether withi Flowers ani Seasons, or not. ther you care to Introduce any of the other gambling features. 176--The point is that these are not rules, and should never be quoted as rules; they are just con- ventions, optional plays, as _Sirsady explained. Bigin, April 24.--R. G. Stanton is adding an ice cream parlor to his grocery. LE. A. Bryden left for: Kingston last week to accept a situ- ation on the great lakes for the summer season. Mrs. (Rev.) Mey- os, was the guest of Mrs. J. G. Delong, Mls ® Bot- Among the Haster visitors were noticed Miss Mary Halladay, To- | ronto; Master Howard Kelly, King- | ston; O. Coon, Kingston; H. Coon, Belleville; Miss Bella Morris, Ot- tawa; Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Peters, Kingston; Mr. and Mrs. H. 8. Knapp and children, Toronto; Tallman, Brockville; You can furthermore decide whe! A - x FREE TRIAL -- mail coupon today to Ellen J. Buckland, Graduate Nurse NOW~--AT EVERY WOMAN'S COMMAND Security, immaculacy, peace-of-mind under all circumstances-- at all times T LAST---gkience has solved what i all cil known as woman's oldest problem. ready beeft And solved it in an a t, in the better walks practical and delightfully fas way. Women have only to Me of Kotex td It is due to the perfection, ne the appreciate what it méans in a new safety, world-war, of a wonderful super-absorb- ~ pier and general convenience, t. 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