' 'SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 1924. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG "THE WRATH . TO COME , By E. PHILLIPS OPPENHEIM Master Fictionist, who predicted the world war. What Does America Do in 1950 ? An enthralling secret service plot. Price $2.00. ) Ah » "R. Uglow & Co. Keep Jack Frost Away WITH AN ELEC TRIC HEATER ROSARIES Made in finest quality gold filled, with beautiful stone mountings--Amethyst, Pearl, Jet, Sapphire. An appropriate gift for this season, and they range in price $1.00 to $10.00 == Kinnear & d'Esteire FR ohion "The Gift Shop" » Only the best in stock --Westinghouse, Ma- Jestic, National, Equator, --_-- Graham Electric Princess St. Phone 1944 | Dr. Waugh DENTIST 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. BRICK, STONE, PLASTERING AND TILE SETTING . DOUGLAS & McILQUHAM CONTRACTORS , JOBBING WORK A SPECIALTY. 3 PHONES 2267F---928W, o 400 ALBERT STREET ' The Greatest Sale! ever in Kingston of REAL OLD ENGLISH CHINA--the kind everyone would like to have. NOW is YOUR chance. / We are offering 3 Gold Live, 3 Gold Line and Celeste Blue Band, 3/ Gold Line and Pink Band at the unheard price of 25 cents * This includes Cups and Savéers, Plates 5", 'Plates 6", Plates 7", Open Sugars, Creams. Make up a 5 o'clock Tea or Breakfast set. Come and see this fable. GOOD, ENGLISH 7.HINA--not a sub- stitute. Get the real ting when you have a HINA GLASS CROCKER Robertson's Limited -s : could more completely harmen- the light, airy character of Spring SESSION OF NAPANEE HISTORICAL SOCIETY Addressed by Prof. P. GQ. GC. Campbell, Kingston, and Miss Gwen Lazier. Napanee, April' 26.--The last lecture of the Lennox and Adding- {ton Historical Society series for the {season was delivered in Historical Hall last night by Professor P. G. C. Campbell, one of Queen's most in- teresting and instructive lecturers. In the opinion of a large number of his hearers the lecture was the best yet delivered. His splendid exposi- tion of scenes, life habits, customs, etc., regarding students and __ pro- fessors in the middle ages, was most attractive. Through his vivid word-pictures, ran a vein of quiet humor, or perhaps the Scottish word, "pawky" better describes his | attitude towards his subject, | "Medieval University." The first of university life tad its beginning at Paris and Oxford and his lecture covered a period of 300 years from 1150 to 1450. The students for the n.ost part came from the poorer {families and many hardships had to be endured fn the pursuit of know- ledge. In many things there was a (great different between then anid {now, and again {in many things | there was great similarity. Fine | lantern slides were a help in the {story Professor Campbell told so {well. It is hoped that at mo distant | date he will come back and give us a little more from his vast store- house of knowledge. The annual reports of the Society |for the past year were given by the | President, W. 8S. Herrington, K.C., | F.R.S.C., and the secretary, Rev. A. [3 Wilson, B.A., B.D.,, which were | highly satisfactory, except for tha {tact that the society has not as large a membership as it shoud {have. No doubt this defect will be |remedied in the year just begun. {The new publication, just issued. "Papers and Records Vol. XI, The North American" was distributed {to members. The present officers of the Society were re-elected by ac- clamation. A pleasant episode of this meet- ing was the presence of and an d- dress by Miss Gwendolen Lazler the "||| Courier, who is travelling on horse- | back from Belleville, Ont., to Wash- ington, D.C., carrying with her the {Invitation of Mayor W. C. Mikel, K.C., to the president of the United States to attend the celebration of the 140th anniversary of the set- tlement of Upper Canadq, which commences June 16th next at the City of Belleville. Musical Comedy Booked. D. P. Brannigan, manager of'the Grand Opera House, received a tele- gram .on Friday announcing the booking for Kingston on Saturday, May 3rd, of the "Cameo Revue" a bright musical Sole. 4 He who does not know how to em- ploy leisure makes more of a busi- ness of it than there is in business itsell. Had Sore Back for Last Ten Years Then Mr. Ed. Newton Tried Dodd's Kidney Pills. Quebec Man is One of the Many Who Tell Why He Recommends Dodd's Kidney Pills. Campbell's Bay, Que., April 2358. (Special )--'I cannot recommend your Dodd's Kidney Pills enough. 1 had a terribly sore back for the last ten years, so I tried Dodd's Kidney Pills. 1 used six boxes and found great relief. I do not find any pain now. I recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills to all people who suffer with their back.. I would never be with- out Dodd's Kidney Pills myself." This statement comes from Mr. Ed. Newton, a well-known resident of S| this place. That Mr. Newton's trouble was caused by the kidneys is evi- denced by the immediate relief he sot. Weak kidneys are not confined to grown people. They are tod often found in children, sowing the seeds ot future ills unless the kidneys are strengthened and put in condition to do their full work. SAVED BABY'S LIFE Mrs. Alfred Tranchemontagne, St. Michel des Saints, Que., writes:-- "Baby's Own Tablets are an excellent medicine: 'They saved my baby's life and I cad highly recommend them to all mothers." Mrs. Tranchemon- tagne's experience is that of thou- sands of other mothers who have test- ed the worth of Baby's Own Tablets. The Tablets are a sure and safe medi- cine for little ones and never fail to regulate theobowels and stomach, thus relieving all the minor flis from which children suffer, They are sold by medicine dealers or-by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. GANANOQUE April 26.--Miss Fraser, Toronto, is the guest of Miss Lydia Abbott for a few days. Miss Gretta Beresford is spending the week-end with Miss Ivy Billings, 'Kingston. a Edward Delaney, who has finished at Queen's for this year's session, will shortly leave for Brockville, where he has been engaged to pitch for the baseball team of that town. Judging from his past'record in this vicinity he should prove a strong acquisition to the Brockville team. The 'young people of Grace Metho- dist church motored to Freeman Shipman's, Ivy Lea, last evening and enjoyed a sugaring off. Rev. A. J. Hanley spent yesterday in Kingston. v Frank LaQue returned today from Queen's and will leave shortly for New Britain, Conn., where he has obtained a position with the Stan- ley works of that eity. Louis Lalonde is visiting his bro- ther in Sarnia. Mrs. Jack Thompson, Jr, and baby are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Thompson, Victoria avenue, Roy Leigh, who spent the Easter holidays at his home in Chapleau, has returned to the Rexall store, = The Daughters of Rebekah held an enjoyable euchre in their hall last eyening. Twenty tables were in play and the royal prizes were in by Miss Josephine Ford and Leslie Andrews. James Round, Princess street, has left to accept a position-in Philadel- phia. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Laughton and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gray motored to Kingston last evening for "Phe Dumbells." W. V. D. Earle and Robert Craig, Brockville, motored to Gemanoque yesterday and spent a few hours in town. Wilfrid Ellis spent yesterday with Kingston friends. Mrs. Coleman, mother of Mrs. Lil- lian Taylor, passed away Thursday evening. Interment will take place at Lyndhurst Jada. Mrs, Coleman " ea! had been in falling th for some time and only recently returned to Gananoque after spending"the win- ter in Chicago. Edwin Higgins, Charles WMeggs, Misses Ada Mills and Freda Sinclair motored to Kingston last evening for "The Dumbells." Miss Violet Amo of the Hote! Dieu staff, Kingston, is spending a two weeks' holiday at her aome here, prior to her graduation next month. Mrs. C. Howard, Miss Keyworth and Mrs. Henry LaFrance were in Kingston on Thursday last. The Citizens' band will celebrate the 24th of May here and are mak- ing preparations for a big day of sport. YOUNG MEN NEED HELP. ns An Appeal Made to' Politicians and Oapitalists. The following letter, which ap- peared on Tuesday last in the Mont- real Star, is from the pen of a form- er Kingston boy, and voices a need that is felt by many a boy and man in the larger cities: --- The Editor, Montreal Daily Star: 8ir,--I em a Canadian, born and raised in the old Limestone City. I lost both my parents before I was eight years old. I received a good bringing-up at an orphans home. At the age of 12, I went Into a new home but my new guardians failed to interest me. I was made very un- comfortable by elty.. At the age of 15 I ran a , going to the Queen City, where I knocked about for three years. In the fall of 1922 I went to Detroit, sold shoes in a de- partment store for a time, and then returned to Canada. Last fall I went |' to New York City, returning to Mont- real just before Christmas. " Here am I, a boy now 21 years this fall, in a bing dishes, at E, were from 11 a.m. to 2 am, day In and day out, Sunday and all. When I lost my position because of the pl hands, I had a very money. Since th this city, east \ AT 3g bint chance to make good--helping them- selves and helping their country at the same time. I1'speak, of course, for thousands of others who are in a condition similar to mine. --RAY 'R. SMITH. 19 Plateau street, Moxtreal, ------------ oils Flirtation. Two idle eyes one time I know, As tender as the heaven's blue; Idle, so far as I could see, Save when their glances fell on mb, {And there was lots for them to do. They were so soft, so sweet, so true, I worshipped them, of course, and You; To idolize. You let me flirt and gently woo; You let 'me supplicate and sue; But when I set my passion free, And vowed my love on bended knee, All that you said was: '""Those are two Too idle lies." --Felix Carmen. When Black Is Read. Black: "Why does de Stuyvesant look so rough?" White: "Because his suit was just filed in court." v --Mary F. Kingston. One touch of scandal makes the whole world chin. Advice to the Lovelorn. - Be punctual in every endeavor, But 'specially when you've 'got a date"-- In business, truly "better late than never'; late. --Reginald Wright Kauffman. ------ A girl never screams at the second kiss, Noted On Censorship. It is a strange thing that in the prevaling censorship of letters and the stage no one has seen fit to note the corruptive, perverting, and im- moral nature of the classic "Mother Goose." The book contains much that is damaging to the young: It derides marriage; "Needles and' pins, needles and pins, when a man marries, his trouble begins." It encourages ignorance: "Old Mother Goose when she want- ed to wander, would ride through the air ona very fine « gander." It sanctions too much om : "Wee Willle Winkle runs through the town, upstairs and down- stairs, in his nightgown." It' encourages theft--to say nothing of poor grammar: "Tom, Tom, the piper's son, stole a pig and away he ran." It doesn't tell the truth: , "Uphill and down dale, butter is made in every vale." It is disrespectful to old age and thus encouraged bad conduct: 2 "Young lambs to sell! Young lambs to sell! Hear the old man shout and yell!" It encourages actions which lead to poor health: : "Handy, Spandy, Jack-a-Dandy, loves plum cakes and sugar candy." » A Fast Worker. She: "Men have no hearts." He: "Yes, they have; but when they meet you they lose them." ' ~--Rollo Shephard. Woman. Bride (to fish dealer): "What sort of fish, do you think Mr, Braun, goes best with a blue and white luncheon set." -B. G. D. TH 6 attempt to start some thing. Tryst: Something started. Readers are requested to contri- bute.. All humor: e; igrams (or humorous mottoes), To es, anec- dotes, poetry, burlesques, es, and bright sayings of children, must be original and unpublished. Ac- pted material will be paid for at 1.00 to $10.00 per contribution; 26c.-to § ;% per line for try ing to the racter an ue contribution, as dete ned by the Editor of "The n Shop." All manuscripts must be written on one side of the per only, should bear name of this newspaper, and should be addre. to Fun' Sho Heaquaners. ie est 40th Stree Uni ted contri butions cannot be returned. 1 Death of W. McDougall, Ompah, April 24.--~The weather Maple syrup run is over once mo has ¢ for Easter holidays and Miss G. Laughton, teacher, has gone to her home at London, On Dougall has returned' | ern region after spending a few | weeks. with relatives, in the death of William McDougall, which occur- red recently at Lavant, Lavani Js lost one of its most respected citi- gens. He had been ill for a con- 'siderable time. He was a life 'resident of Ompah where he progressive farmer. The eral took place from the resid: of his daughter, Mrs. Wil Sproule, Lavant./ Interment place in Ompah cemetery. o A dearer girl there could not be] In loving, better never, sir, than seems very much like spring here, | - took | Shoes were footwear. Abernethy's $5.00 to Are Your Feet ProperlyDressed! never prettier than this year. Years of experi- ence of shoemaking are giving you a wonderful choice of pretty Patents, Suedes, Satins and fine grade of Kid in Straps of every description -- for Ladies wanting the best. Shoe Store REALIZING HOW BABY'S sleep--more than Baby, durable, drop side atonly ... oun... A SIMMONS' Crib does not rattle nor SIMMONS CRIB UNITS Built for Sleep IMPORTANT OF , CARE No member/of the family needs the kindly help of SIMMONS---makers quiver and vibrate. Strong and with mattress -- one of the 12 Simmons' Specials For e Week-end Cholce Canned Pears In heavy 273% Ellis Street. Phone 2522w. Record Ale Cargoes. Prescott, April 25.--Five record- breaking cargoes of Canadian ale, five valuable machines and one man, were captured near Malone, N.Y. The arrested man gave his name as 'Brown, of Saratoga. 'Two Cana- dians who were with him claimed they were helping him' get his ma- chine out of the mud. KINGSTON'S LEADING FLORIST Funeral designing and Wed-. ding work our specialty, Corner of Brock and Welling. ton Streets. " TELEPHONE 770. Grass Fire Destroys Farmhouse. Brockville, April 26.-- A frame dwelling owned by Frank Grant on. the main travelled highway, three miles west of Brockville, was total- ly destroyed by fire yesterday, to gether with part of its contents. Some ~ insurance was carried. A grass fire near the premises, fanned by a sud- den strong wind, was the cause. fl V Smoke 10 Eun The Tobacco-of Qua ey N which heeps the tobacco ge 15° in its original condition also in Jolb. tins Imperial Tobacco Company of Canade Limited