Call ond investigate our present low prices and our attractive arrangement for FREE STORAGE. Meaning Four Exclusive Lines in Tea Government to be the OE, delicate and refreshing--special Oeylon and India Teas. Ask SOUCHONG Tea. y you want a strong cFhione 279. Steel Beds, 2" posts, Walnut finish, $10.50. 'Specially priced. Brass Beds--2" posts, Satin, finish, $13.50 (5 | Robt. J. Reid Landing Undertaker Mattresses $6.50, $10, $15 to $30. | EXTENSION COUCHES Best made, Cotton Filled Mattresses, Chints r Denim coverdd. $12.75,"to $16. Springs . . .$4.50, $8.50 to $12.50. 4 bY Ambulance Phone 877. ------------------------------------ ---------------------- ------------------ R i |ternoon and were sonnsaasas § 50.20 otal Cash Value ..$1,420.22 sis a gain of ....8 417.82 servlet sana Lard Absolutely pure----20 1b. Pails srsesage anal ABMe, BOYS CHOR LEY a To Take Part In the On 0 Festival At | Musical Toronto. ---- Mr. Hill and his boys had a fiona! practice at Victoria school on arg nesday, and the few onlookers "felt | that whether the boy 'choir of Vic- toria school wor honors at the Oa- tario Musical Festival or not, thirty Kingston boys had learned to sing. The tone and phrasing was excellant and joys of Joys, the nasal twang that so often mars the singing of our" Canadian children had disap- peared the syllables were clearly enunciated, and altogether the choir {s ome Kingston may be proud of. The songs chosen to be sung at the festival are: "It was a Lover and His Lass" (Morley), set as a two- part song, in which the altos took their part splendidly, and "Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Winds" (Arne). These old Englith songs are by no means easy and the little lads who have so well surmounted their dif- ficulties deserve much credit. Mrs C. F. Gummer gccompanied them, and went to Toronto to-day to play) for them in Massey Hall on Friday. Mr. J. G. Ettinger spoke a word of encouragement to the boys, saying that the eyes of Kingston and thelr own school in particular were upon this, the firet boy choir to go away from home to uphold the homor of their city. Mr. Hill, Capt. Finnie and Mr. James Bews will be in charge of the lads. The boys left Kingston over the Canadian National Railway on the International Limited Thursday at- given a great send off by their parents apd friends. SAID ON THE SIDE Ald, Boyd says the firemen have too much speeding going to fires and wants the firefighters to slow up their trucks when responding to fire calls. The aldermen hag no com- plaint to make about the speed of the firemen while fighting fires, how- ever. 3 -- Daylight saving will go into effect in Kingston next Sunday. A very large number of citizens are strong- ly opposed to daylight saving and would like to see the city adhere to the old time the year round. The members of the city council are good baseball sports. Without one objecting voice, the "city fathers" voted $200 to make neces- sary repairs to the diamond at the fair grounds. ~With the shooting off of the biack- birds in the city parks it will now be in order to have Blackbirds bak- ed in a ple." Well! April is over and we did not get many showers. Peraaps May will be a wet ig Time to get off the storm doors and put on the screen doors--and he gure to make a good jab of it. DORLAND AND QUAKERS. Could Not Take Oath; Left Out of "" Parliament. T t lobe. "Philip Porisnd's troubles with the tirst Parliament of Upper Canada &re further explained by a reader signing himself "Osgoode Hall." It 'be recalled that Dorland was a r settler among the U. 8. | Loyalists at Adolphustown, on the Bay of Quinte, and he was unable to take his seat in parliament at Newark because of his inability to 'take the required oath. 'Osgoode Hall" writes: The Byetander at the Office Win- dow in this morning's Globe, speak- ing of Philip Dorland (the Quakar who had been, iu 1792, elected the first member for Prince Edward and hustown), says: *"'Colonel Mac- donell, the Spéaker. . ..after con- sf{deration of a statement presented by Dorland, declared the seat va- cant." This is not quite accurate. The facts are that on Wednesday, Sept. 19th, 1792, "on motion made snd seconded," the House of Assembly ordered that a statement signed by Dorland which had been laid before the House by the Secretary of the i e be read. It was read ace cordingly. 4¢, It appeared that in pursuance of a writ to send "one ght girt with a sword, the most fit and discreet to - represent the #4id county," Philip Dorland. had _at the Rotary Club luncheons, | RADIO BROADOASTING i The following is a list of the radio stations and their broadcasting pro | grammes which may be heard locally on Friday: ------ KDEA--Pittsburgh, Pa. 5 p.m.--Baseball scores. , 5.30 p.m.--Organ recital. "8 p.m. ~--Special fegpures. \ 3060--KQV---Pittsburgh Pa. 13 a.m.--Music, ha ~~Music. p.m.--Music. 9 p.m.--Concert, 880-~WGY-~8chenectady, N.Y* 5.30 p.m --Children's programme. 7.40 p.m.--Baseball scores, 7.45 p.m.---Musical programme. 337~=WBZ--Springfield, Mass, 6 p.m.--Baseball scores, : 6.30 p.m.--Bedtime stories children. - Miiiw-------- 288--WPAB---State College, Pa, 8 p.m.--~Musical programme. 8.45 p.m.--Addresses. 9 p.m.~~Music and news items. -------- 469--WRO--Washington, D.O. 3 p.m.----Fashions for women. 4 p.m.--Song recital. 6 p.m.--=8tories and songs tor chil- dren. for -- WIW--=New York City. 7.30 p,m.--~Concert, 492--WEAF--New York City, 4 p.m.~--8pecial programme. 455--WJZ~New York Oity. 8.45 p.m.--Talk 'and songs. 860---WGI---Medford, Hillside Mass, _ 8 p.m.--Vocal and instrumental music. B517--WWJ--Detroit, Mich. 5 p.m.--Basebal] scores. 7 p.m.~--Orchestra music. ® 480--CKAC--Montréal, 1.456 p.m.--Concert. 4.30 p.m.--Orchestra music. Complete radio programmes sold at Canada Radio Stores, Harold Singleton Takes Honors at Musical Festival Harold Singléton, a member of the Kingston Rotary Club; carried off the honors in his class of tenor soloists, and won a gold medal at the Ontario Musical festival, at Toronto, on Wed- nesday. Mr. Singleton is soloist in St. An- drew's church and for some time has taken a prominent part in musical '| eircles in the city. He also présides at the piano and acts as song leader His many friends in Kingston éxtend congratulations. I ¥. Call to Massena, N.Y., Church. Rev. W. J. Gratton, formerly rec- tor of the Anglican church at Carry» ihg Place, has accepted a call to the Episcopal church in Massena, N.Y., and occup! the pulpit for the. first time Sund§y. Mrs, Gratton and her daughter, Muriel, have also arrived and taken up their residence in the rectoty. Motor Car Stolen. Hazel Caswell, daughter of ) C.P.R. ticket agent, Smith's Falls, was the victim of an unfortunate experience om April 25th, when her recently purchased new Ford coupe was *tolen from the garage. It was found on Saturday badly damaged near Perth. No ar- F rests have as yet bebn made. ( 'Miss Mr. Caswell, To Picton By Water. Freight and passenger service, Str. Brockville leaves ferry wharf every Tuesday dnd Friday at 4 p.m., stan- dard time. A letter shows the man it is writ- ten by. pan a-------------------- | We can repair Your Tires REPAIRS | B BETTER--QUICKER--CHEAPER Our process is the best. Work 'absolutely guaranteed. | DOMINION AND FIRESTONE DEALERS | MOORE'S bud DRESS VOILES, 35c YD. 250 yards of beautiful Dress Voiles--this season's newest designs and colorings; in Navy, Brown, Copen and Sand --full 38 inches wide. On sale .... ..... Friday 35¢c. yard FRIDAY MADRAS, 25¢ YD. 300 yards of fine, imported Scotch Curtain Madras, full 36 inches wide, in a pretty range of new designs, in Cream and Ecru. Sold everywhere at 39. yard. On sale ......c.ceneninininies seas. Friday 25¢. yard Roller Towels. TOWELLING, 15¢ YD. Mill remnants of pure Linen Towelling--17 inches wide, in Grey with red border. Will make splendid Hand or Good, heavy weight. * 'On Sale Friday . .... 15¢. yard { WINDOW SHADES at Special Prices. Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE VR NEW TUG HERE SOON. Tp ---- Salyage Prince) Is On Her Way From ngland. The Salvahe Pr Prince, the new tug; which was built in England for the Pyke. Towing and Salvage Company of this city during the winter, was reported as having passed Father Point inward Thursday morning and is expected to reach her wharf at Montreal some time this evening. She will probably be in the city on Saturday. Capt. Pyke will meet the tug in Montreal and will bring her to the city. "The mew tug, which will be used here in'towing, wrecking and gen- eral work, is an up-to-date vessel, of large size and equipped with all that is latest in marine machinery and power. She cleared from England on April 10th, and is being brought over by a British crew which will be discharged after delivering her at Montreal, b National City Company Limited, In the current number of "Invest- ment Securities" tssued by The Na- tional City Company Limited, the attention of the reader is drawa to the extensive facilities that this in- vestment house commands which enable it to render a very complete investment service. -- When one considers that The Na- tional City Company Limited, through the extensive organizations of its affiliates, is in constant touch with economie, political and fin- ancial conditions the world and has at its disposal the advice of experts in every branch »f Invest- ment finance, it is only natural to expect that the buciness of this com- should show the rapid growth it in the last five years. . The powerful combination of fin. ancial and industrial interests re- Jreseuted by its Advisory Board is er factor responsible for the [Ayr this company has in the business world to-day. -------------- inspection by the or of the P.W.O.R. over' Exclusive Millinery at popular prices Parisian Shop 322 BROCK STREET TROUBLED WITH ECZEMA YEARS In Pimp les Between Knee and Ankle. Itched Badly. Cuticura Healed\ BUILDING IN KINGSTON SHOWS-GOOD INCREASE | The Records For April And| % Four Months of The * Year, -------- The records show that Kingston had a very active month as building permits during April, total amount being valued at $58: 249, as against $313,481, for the 1 same month a year ago. x For the four months of the yea= |" the building permits issued are val- ued at $656,831 and for the same period last year, $430, 291. Rain Was of Great Benefit, The warm rain which fell Wednes- day night and THUrsday morning was just what the farmers and gardeners needed and it did mot come to the citizens who have lawns and gardens, either. The soil 'Was ready for it, and the lawns and trees look much better after what is really Real Estate For Sale \A detached brick dwelling in | the downtown section with 8 li rooms, electric light amd im. | provements, can be bought for $5,000 If interested 'phome us and | we will call 'and show the ii property. J Houses to remt. Province of Ontario Bonds for sale. MULLIN] Phones: Office ....... B8Ow. Residence 2530w and BSOJ. | - PHONE 316 _GODKIN'S LIVERY, nd Taxi For Bus and Service. Bugxies™ Sri St se mi ny " on -------- TE 'The Weather Man was oH at all 'favorable to citizens who had to move onl Thursday. It was "Moving Day'* for many and loads of furni- ture were noticed going through the streets in the rain. A number of citizens moved on Wednesday night and ome very large load of furniture amiss | was noticed going along a street in the pouring rain, with not a bit of, covering over it. ee -- All things can corrupt perverted » fe their first spring bath. Warm wea- | minds 'ther for a spell now will work ae wonderful difference with vegetation, and soon the city and country wil)} be decked out in all the pring slory. : "~ More' have repented speech thon