0 TAURSDAY, MAY 1, 1924 » ___ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Sarsaparilla . .$1.00 Blood Purifier $1.00 Herb Tablets..$1.00 Hypop hosphites 50c. ond $1.00 Wampole's Wine $1.00 Benedictine Wine $1.50 Beef, Iron and Wine $1 'Blaud Pills 100: for 25c. L. T. Best Druggist _ Open Sundays FOR SALE $3200--Frame, @ rooms, improve- ments. Lot 099x132. $5000 -- Brick, 7 rooms, all im. provements. $7000---Brick, ® rooms, all modern, hw. floors. $5,000--Brick, 6 rooms, modern im- provements, garage. $8,000 Brick, 9 rooms; all im- provements, garage, large gar- den, fruit and flowers, good location. 58,500 Hcick, ® rooms; all modern; $2800 Frans. semi-detached, North Optical Supplies We carry a well-filled stock of anything you might need in the Optical line. --Lenses. --Frames, all styles. --Lorgnettes. --Reading Glasses. --Opera Glasses. --Field Glasses. --Eye Glass Chains, But- tons, etc. We are well equipped to fill Oculist's Prescriptions | or replace broken lenses | very promptly. { end, 7 rooms, electric light, 2 piece bath. Montreal Street. $3000 -- 6 rooms, Semi- Bungalow; improvements. FURNISHED HOUSES TO RENT. Bateman's Real Estate 111) BROCK S8T., KINGSTON Telephono 1925F. j|moves the TWO THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND A coat of Brandram Henderson B. H. English Paint will keep your property in good condition. It is good insurance, as it protects the Woudworl against decay. Paint early-and have your worries over at once. Every quart bears a guarantee. ELECTRIC RANGES Cook by electricity. It is the cleanest and cheapest way of cooking. McClary's Ranges have the protected elements and the seamless ovens. Absolutely safe and durable. See the samples at our store. We will tell you about them and their installation. McKelvey & Birch, Limited Contractors, Heating Specialists, Steam Fitters and Plumbers, Plumbers' and Gas-Fitters' Supplies, Staves, Shelf, Heavy * Hutuaiing Harquarh Too. Ofis, Be: : Supplies, Sheet Metal 3 Electrie work; ating and Pa Hanging. Special all kinds undertaken. . We: realize that people requiring WALL PAPERS want them NOW, g5 we have de- cided to open our BIG F IRE SALE By selling WALL PAPERS ONLY on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday YOUR CHANCE to Save MONEY * Sale Hours 9 to 12 and2te 5, Terms cash and no returns. Office removed to'new Prepess] Dept. Bring your room sizes with you. Our paper stock was in - 'our lower store, while the fire was confined to the main ee ---- ee eo wt, pe Ss | A DEMOCRATIC JUDGE i St. Thomas Times-Journal Herbert Macdonald Mowat; better known as Honorable Mr. Justice Mowat of the Supreme Court of On- | tario, and credited with being the most democratic high court judge in Canada, is presiding here this week at the non-jury assizes. A nephew of the late Sir Oliver Mowat, Premier of Ontario, 1872-1896, his unique justices ever seen in this city and by this nothing discour:- eous is meant. While the dignity of the court is maintained at all times by his lordship, it is never overdone. He is not the pompous, arbitrary individual who enthrones himself in beetle-browed solemnity and ap- pears to take delight in lording It over all and making poor, suffering court attendants continually opea and close windows. Nor is he given to reprimanding legal men for some trivial breach of court etiquette in tones that make their offenses as- sume the aspects of heinous crimes. The moment his lordship steps into a courtroom, one sort of has a sixtn sense that here {is not a 'supreme court judge who has permitted his office to "go to his head." His greet- ing is, commonplace. In this city, it was "Good afternoon, gents!" Look- ing over the array of legal talent be- fore him, his lordship's sharp eyes lighted on Mayor Miller of Aylmer. "Ah, my friend' Mr. Miller," he remarked "It's some time since we met last, Mr. Miller." Possessed of a keen sense pf humor, his lordship seems to find relief in interjecting little witti- cisms into the proceedings when they threaten to become heavily serious. When he addresses a wit- ness, it is in conyersational tones. He gets a witness to talk freely, re- nervousness that the average man in the box usually feels toward the great personage looming over him. And his lord- ship .also is ome of those rare" in- dividuals who is able to enjoy a joke on himself. There was evidence of this Wea- nesday afternoon when a rather free-and-easy witness in the Aylmer explosion case was being examined. The witness was telling the court about sealing the joints of tile drain laid '2 Aylmer 'on prevent the roots of trees from growing into the tile. "But no roots grow in quick- sand,' corrected his lordship. "There ain't eh?" retorted the witness, almost in tones of dis- gust. "Huh! Well, I gliess there are!" : "Oh, my his lordship, the situation. quicksand." Yes, his lordship is unusual, pleasingly so. He is for all the world like some character who has stepped out of cne of the works of the late Charl:s Dickens. mistake!" apologized thoroughly enjoying "Roots do grow in John R. Clynes, House leader of the Labor government, who admitted in the House of Commons that no government in Britain would hope to im- pose a capital levy without the full consent of the elec- torate. STRANGE SEA MONSTER. Harvard Experts to View Queer Fish at Boston. : Boston, May 1.--Experts at Har- vard University will be asked to clas. sify a strange sea monster brought to the South Boston pier by a traw- ler. The fish, having the lower jaw and tail of a shark, has a strangely- shaped head, the like of which no one along the waterfront who viewed the monster recalled. 5 The creature, 11 feet jong and weighing 650 pounds, and having a curiously "stove-in or dented" head, became entangled in the trawler's lines off Cape Cod, and was captured and killed after a struggle. Fisher- men assume the creature's habitat is in southern waters and was brought north in the Gulf stream. The Gentlemen Opposite, Milverton Sun. Agues MacPhaill, M.P., says it's tough enough to have a Took at the 'faces of some of the members with. out having gargoyles in the architee- | ture confronting one at every turn. A mere man couldn't have said that with half as much effect.--Toronto Star. lordship is perhaps one of the most | LATE DR. R. A. KEONARD. Napanee Mourns the Passing of a J] Prominent Citizen. Napanee, May 1.~--The late Dr. R. A. Leonard, postmaster of Nap-|3} AEB anee, who died Tuesday night 1n Kingston General Hospital, was born at Odessa and had been a life-long resident in the County of Lennox and Addington. He graduated In medicine from Queen's University. In 1878, forty-six years ago, he] commenced the practice of his pro- fession here and: was always noted for his genial manner and for the excellence of his skill as a physician and surgeon. He (was a lover of outdoor-life and sports, and greatly enjoyed curling and golf. Dr. Leonard was an all-round good citizen and always did what he could for the good and advance- mgnt of the town. He served in thf town touncil and was mayor for sefleral terms. He was a member of thd Church of St. Mawy Magdalens, antl his voice will be'missed in the choir. The funeral services will take place in the Church of 8t. Mary. Mag- dalene on Friday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. The funeral services for the late Frank C. 'Bogart were conducted at the residence of the deceased; Rob- inson street, yesterday afternoon, by Rural Dean Rev. J. H. H. Coleman, M.A., vicar of the Church of St. Mary Magdalene. The funeral was private, only; immediate friends and relatives being present. The pall- bearers were: Mark Trumpour, Ar- thur Bogart, Reade Roblin, Cyrus Buck, William Connell and George Bull. Interment at the Napanee ce- metery. It is reported that the owner and former proprietor of the Paisley House will in a short time resume the management of that well-known hostelry. 3 Mrs. Hattie Elizabeth Sheldon, aged seventy-six, wife of William Sheldon, North Martinsburg, N.Y, died Sunday following a paralytic stroke. She was born in Elizabeth- town township, Leeds county. Banker's Wife Advises Kingston People "I had stomach trouble so bad everything I ate soured and formed gas. Was miserable until I tried Ad- lerika. This' helped the first day." Most medicines act only on lower bowel but'Adlerika acts on BOTH up- per and lower bowel and removes all gasses and poisons. Brings out mat- ter you never thought was in your system. Helps any case gas on the stomach in TEN minutes. T. H. Sargent. PICOT EDGING & PLEATING MRS. H. J. SHALES National Oleaners Phone 2106. Bagot and William Streets Choice Body Hardwood. Soft Mixed Wood. Kindling and Slabs. Chas. Bedore & Son 840 NELSON STREET Phone 1746J. Hemsley & Son * WATCHMAKERS Try Us for Watch 'and Clock Repairs 109 BROCK STREET Phone 2066w. " ITED PROBS: --Frida ay, some scattered showers, moatly . fair and cool. Friday Courtesy Da THE PROLOGUE ess Sng To Seay Our Annual Sale starts Saturday with the greatest array of bargains of the Spring season. We invite you to compare our values with all others for quality, then price--all things being equal, Kingstonians should patronize their own stores and buy at home |! : If the wage-earners of this community expect prosperity, then their first duty is to help build up the city that gives them their living, and the most practical way is'to keep their money v FRIDAY Double Discount Stamps You Save 10% On all regular cash purchases made here to-morrow. Take full advantage of this special Bargain feature--all departments are represented at this great store-wide sale. As this is one of the few extra stamp-giving days of the sold son, you can buy with the confidence that Double Discount' Stamps is the limit of extra stam p-giving for the year | ' Ey e. a