THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG "o NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS Mrs. Herman Macdonald, LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE Maris lion street west Prot' P. G. C left Campbell, Queen' s | ved | Mr. ana Mrs. R. A" Bell and Miss Sditor of Women's Page, Teie- " phome 2618. Private 'phone 837w. * 's = w® The last meeting of the Mother's Club of St. George's parish was heli | in the hall on Thursday evening and took the form of a social gathering. Rev. W. BE. Kidd congratulated the goclety and complimented Mrs. J. C. Ponsford, the president and the sec- potdry, Miss Jean Matthews, on the Success of the season's work. He #lso referred to the assistance given Dy Mrs. Kearney Jones, Mrs. Her-| bart Robinson and Mrs. H. P. Lowe. On bebalf of the club, he presented Mrs. Ponsford, the beloved prasi- dent, with a silver-mounted broad Ardy and Miss Matthews with a box of sweets. During the evening Mrs. Robinson played and the members of the club sang, everyone thoroughly "enjoying themselves. Supper, includ. ing ice cream and candy, as well as | thé usual tea and cake, was a fea- ture of this pleasant evening. thé members adjourned until some | festivity in the summer brings thewr| together again . > . Miss Gwen Lazier courier to Washington, was on Wednesday met oh the Lowville-Copenhsgen high- way by Constant W. Nohle, presi-| dent of Lowville, N.Y., Glenn W. Smith, president of the Chamber of Commerce and State Troopers Dem- | ing and Gilson, who escorted. her to | the home-of Mr. and Mrs. R.™ J.| Green, Shady avenue, where she | was entertained during her stay. Mr. and Mrs. Green entertained a few at dinner in the evening in hon-| or of Miss Lazier and opened tha't | home at night for an informal re- ception when mally of the local club women called to greet the courie® who 1s a charming young lady Se a daughter of one of Canada's oldest famflfes. i" i *~s Miss Bdith Allen, University avehle, was the hostess of a pleas-| ant party which took the form of 4 kitéhen shower in honor of Miss | Doris Hartrick, one of this week's brides. A fine array of useful articles + were piled into a clothes basket and . presented to the bride elect. Supper Was served at a table set under a big w white bell and centred with a | ceived by Miss Hartrick w and Lgyests, many of them old fr in France and Evelyn, wintering in Balle reese ener . y Switzerland are expected ( COMING EVENTS Yiiuieriene re Jove, ------------ |. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bedford and; ese | Me. McNaughton, Kingston, motor- | {ed to Campbelliford and spent the (day with Mr. and Mrs. Charlés Bed- { ford. Mrs, Ramsay Duff has been elect- ad a councillor of the Provincial {Chapter of the YO.D.E., recently [meeting in Hamilton gn . . . sgn Mrs: Archibald Strachan, King street, entertained at the tea hour on Thursday for Mrs. Maitland Haa- naford, Montreal. MOTHERS And Their Children Notice of future events, not if- tended to raise money, 2¢. per word, minimum &0c.; if held to raise money, 4c. per word, minimum $1.00, {} Reception and Personal Notices 4 words or less, $1.00 ~----m rn a pride gowned in tulle. Dainty placa] cards also held a hint of the coming event. Many good were re- mar: i wishes riage takek place on - - - y | 31 Mil bridze ifier- 1) Que- players other uds of Mrs. Smith who'réémber her in! her girlhood days in Kingstan. Mra. Eric Greenwood tary College, entertain and mah jongg on Thursda; noon for Mrs. Harcourt Smit) bec. At the tea hour the were joined by a number of » - - Miss Shearer, St. with Mrs. Bruce street | Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Berming- | ham, "Otterburn," sail for England this week. Miss Macpherson and Miss Edith Macpherson, Ottawa, are at the Y. | W. €. A, Johnson street. Mr. and Mrs. D. @. Laidlaw, Earl street, who spent the 'winter in California, returned to town on | Thursday. * Miss Marguerite Bellhous2, who has been with Mrs. W. A. Bell- house, University Apartments, left for Montreal on Thursday. Mrs. BE. J. Adams has taken rooms at the Y. W. C. A. for the present. Catharines, 13 Hopkins, King A Time Saver. One Mother Says: In making sleeves with turn-back cuffs on my little girl's summer dresses, 1 save myself time by not cutting out separate cuffs. I simply cut the sleeves long enough to make a wide hem and turn this back for the cuff. Mrs. Jeremy Taylor has returned from Toronto and taken up residence in her King streét house. Mrs. Maitland Hannaford, who has beén with Mrs. Bruce Hopkins, King street, returned to Montreal to-day. Mrs. Alexander Laird is again at the Y. W. C. A. Dr. and Mrs. Archibald Browa, Colborne, are the guests of Mr. and Provincial 1.O.D.E. Annual. Inspiring and comprehensive was the report of the warm memorial pic- tures subcommitfee, as presented: by Miss Gordon, of Kingston. At the provincial meeting in Windsor, after the welcome news had been received that the provincial government would frame the war memorial pictures for Ontario schools, the subcommittee Finally found health in K ~~ afior suffering long pation, --two ui, Kellogg cases, with every meal. cleans and purifies the intestines. It rids thém of the dangerous poisons that lead to other diseases. It is anteed-to bring results, or your grocer will return your money. writes that his problem." Kelloges lem of constipation-- Stes clef when, ll reli a because Kello £2, Bran Nothing but but A bran Jot cine efiective. , Read ' bled, #8 delicious with milk or cream. You will like its nut-like flavor--so different sufferer from what brane. Cook it with hot cereals. Kellogg's Bran muffins, griddle and many other sven won the package. bled, is Ph in Toronto, Canada and is served by the leading hotels and clubs - | everywhere. of which Miss Gordon is convener was appointed to arrange the details of the distribution. Miss Gordon out- lined the hiktory ot the war memor- ial work, and read a few of the let- ters of appreciation received from teachers in schools in small and ob- soure communities. "When you look upon these pictures," said Miss Gor- don," you will remember the noble deeds of Canadians who served their King and country in the army, navy or air force, or as chaplains, doctors, nurses, railwaymen or lumbermen '|in the great war. These pictures, copied from the originals in the Na- tional gallery, ~"Ottawa, have . been framed by the Ontario government, Jane are presented by the Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire.-- Hamilton 8pectator. ¢ -------------------- Standard gold contains 22 carats of fine gold and two carats of alloy. 's Bran constipation 's Bran regularly daily--in chronic It sweeps, is gudr- Kellogg's Bran, cooked and krum- ordinary, one Sprinkle it over the cereals. Eat it in from wonderful recipes s Bran, cooked and krum- It is sold by all | grocers. E Another Shipment of FRENCH WOOL FROCKS a Entire Stock of Navy and Black Dress Coats. + Beautifully taflored garments of Tricotine and Satin Finished Poiret Twill Coats that were fashfoned by - expert workmanship. Each little detail has had the most careful attention. Thus they are superior Coats, in style, quality and workmanship to the average Dress Coats. The styles represent the most recent of fashion's fancies--the long, slender, youthful lines predominating. Linings of Canton Crepe and guaranteed Satin. Sizes 16 to 43. r ALL SUITS Specially Priced for -- $15.75 to $29.75 Including Boyish M Tailored, Models, Semi-Taflored Models and Fancy Suits. 216 Un- | Truly Economical because "SAL AD "TE A draws so richly in the teapot. The flavor is ysuperb -- Try it. for England to-day i Hele | Mabel Dt noted actress, who in private life is Mrs. Hilton Philipson, woman member of parliament, has resolved to resign in order to devote all her time to the care of her three children. Her husband is likely to succeed her in the House of Commons " | + The Editor Hears That nearly all the church organ- izations have had their annual Eas- | ter teas. The next outbreak of such festivities will be the June straw- berry festivals. asked. 'Why, yes, I have very little difficulty," she replied. 'One does- n't hdve to be assertive apd to pound the table to convey one's ideas." And she added, with im- meénse sagacity: "You let them think the idea comes from them." [ --and so young a woman?" ghe was That the Roanoak ' Times says: the company AUNT HET "A man is judged by a family by its Mah Jongg | , he keeps; set." ---- That the parasol will be revived this year and will be as much a part of the costume as the hat and gloves which it will match. That in answer to the question, "Why are the lever intellectual girls less likely to marry," a college wo- man gives the answer: "A stupid wo- man has all the stupid men in the world from which to select a hus- band but a clever girl will marry only her intellectual equal. There- fore her possible choice is narrowed down to three or four of her men fri 2 ¢ i Fiands sy "I, never was 'kissed by Pa until That three hundred delegates and |W Was married, but I was by two a gates {other hoys he didn't know about." | provincial officers of the [.0.D.E. are met together in Hamilton to decide | | important issues in connection with If you can't solve the problem of the work of their order. Many let-| life, go to your druggist. He can ters of thanks from teachers who had | 2lways give you some kind of solu- received the war pictures were read | tidh. 'and some were most touching in their A farce comedy that fails to make ; gratitade and delight at the vision a hit is vo laughing matter. + opened up to children in the far cor-| It's easy for a woman to fool a ners of our province. man who Hinks he can fool her. -- That Sophia Kerr, the American novelist, declares: "I have always be- lieved there would be no unhappy | anarriages, or.almost none, if every| day the husband would tell his wife | that he loved her; it she wquld say to him, some time within the twenty={ four hours, 'You know, dear, I do| care for you!" | That the Cataraqui Golf and Coun- try Club is already open and several gaieties which wili'take place there are planned for next week. | i -- HOLDS A MAN'S JOB. The Toronto Star says of a re- cent visitor to the city: '"Miss Helen Sutton, efficiency expert on pneuma- tic tube systems, is one of the five women in Anierica who are experts in her present calling. She began at a salary of tem dollars a week, and she now makes $4,500 a year exclu- sive of living and travelling expens- es. So that her value to her firm is some $7,000 a year. Miss Sut- ton's job is to go from department store to department store across the face of America tuning up the vari- ous pneuniatic systems. She can disarticulate 'the mechanism at any point and put it together again; she can play on a set of vacuum tubes as though they were a pipe organ} she can read a blue print like - a first-grade primer. She is a tn SERVICE uncommon young woman, "She sees to it that the compres- sion is adjusted so that the carriers containing "money and biiis flow from the various parts of the store with the maximum of speed and IT ST HIRT GALLAGHER'S service 960 PAY 4 AND NiGRT You'll Get Rid of Blackheads Sure There is one simple, safe and sure way that never falls to get rid of black- heads, that is to dissolve them. To do Another lot of those good Shoes for sale SATURDAY Girls' and Boys" Oxfords in Patent, Brown and Black. Size || to 2 Size 8,9 10 $2.98 $2.48 | $2.25 and .. . ,. V Children's Feet carefully fitted. LOCKETT'S FOR SATURDAY WOMEN'S LISLE THREAD HOSE--- With ribbed tops, extra value. Col- ors Black, Brown and Grey, for 50c. a pair. CURTAIN SCRIMS-- In Cream, Ecru and White. Very -special at 12}c., 15¢. and 19c¢. yard. DRAPERY CHINTZ In a great variety of new patterns and colors at.30c. and 35¢. a yard. WOMEN'S SPRING UNDERWEAR VESTS 'And Bloomers and Combinations --all sizes and styles at attractive prices, < 'W. N. Linton & Co. Phone 191, The Waldron Store. smoothness, and that the employees who are handling change do it with the minimum of time and motion. Her business is really to analyse the whole income-receiving mechanism the store, and to work it up fo that dizzy peak of perfection which modern commercial establishments demand. "Do you find that executives are "willing to take advice from a woman Co., Lp.' this, get two ounces of peroxine powder from any drug store-sprinkle a little on a hot, wet vloth -- rub over the blackheads briskly--~wash the parts and you will be surprised how the black- heads have d red. Big black- heads. little where they are. disappear. Blac of dirt and dust and secretions that form in the Sores of the akin. The roxine pow * Ww r S- FeTve the oder and the wash right out, Jesving the pores and MADE IN KINGSTON-- PLAYED EVERYWHERE WEBER PIANO ingly good construction, pos- ty and is considered by those leaders of the Plano industry. fs an instrument of exec sesses a tone of extreme b who know to be one of th There is nothing about the Weber you need not know, even to the actual manufacture, which maybe - viewed by interested parties through ourselves. Let us demonstrate this wonderful Piano to you It will be a. pleasure. . "10k MUSIC CENTRE OF KINGSTON" 121 'PRINCESS STREET . KINGSTON clean and in their matursl condition. i ------------------------