LIFE BURDENED IT | in WOCCVD | AUCTION BRIDGE ANALYZED | [[THE Town erry | | Dvarcsman ET Author of the Authorative Book: "Auction Bridge for 1924." going to take the whole body of rate- Health and Happiness Came / | Payers of the municipality into its ¥ ron -, | confidence in order to solve its fin- # With "Fruit-a-tives" WHEN SHOULD DEALER'S PARTNER TAKE OUR LATTER'S NO ancial difficulties, 9 TRUMP BID? oP prions ANSWERS THIS > = Made From Fruit Juicss and Tonics QUESTION IN TO-DAY'S ARTICLE. . {| Wolfe Island will be getting jeal- "Fruit-a-tives", the wonderful There is still one point in auction that is undecided, one on which |Ous of tha notoriety that Kingston * 1a melicine Sade from the juts of the experts disagree and that is: When should the partner of the dealer [tOWnship is gaining. apples, oranges, figs and praues, is A t des® -- one . test means ol O% | take out the latter's no trump bid with a bid of two hearts or two spades" | , ; good that country of ours has | **¢ 1 hors ki id: "It is the thorniest question of, lat-|,. If Kingston's present hotels Were ever k b As one of my fellow authors has sald: dressed up" a little more, we might *Fruit-a-tives" is ing health | ter day bidding." Every writer on the game seems to have a different | no, hear so much about phe need of a to hundreds and hundreds o people | inion so that it is not surprising that the average player has difficulty | new hostelry. a th chronic Constipation, ; and ia. in deciding what to do In this situation. --- ; Mr. Frank Hall of Wrovale, Ont., The writer has frequently stated that in his opinion, partner should ly h is still a mystery why the On- ti pl purchased a box of *' Frui take out freely with any five card heart or spadé suit. Of course with any | Aura, those the sity ves i pogan the rosiment. | greater strength, the take out Is obligatory; for example, with six or more | pig sabiets wold Oe epens ls : of odyspepsia ceased to be the hearts or spades, all writers agree that a take out is obligatory. * bate for the Christian Endeavor so- mpi as it bd been, It players, however, agree with ome another to take out with any | cjeties. ion" nN . : 80¢. a box, 6 Ro 0, trial sive 256. | five card major suit, they will seldom come to grief. If the eriginal no -- : At or sent by Fruit-a-tives | trump bidder cannot help the major suit bid, he should either bid two! No doubt here will be soine for- getful ones among us who will ne- Limited, Ottawa, Ont. a no trump or show his own suit, if he has one; otherwise, he should pass rt d let Bi " t lo slot 1th the major sult bid glect to put their clocks an hour And le! 5:8 partner strutele alone w : ahead tonight, and walk into church EEN'S HOTEL The object of all bidding {s to find a bid that will.go game and the service Sunday an hour late. They | | best way to accomplish this purpose is to show a five card major suit say that the father of ey | i Tr hr Ti oRER-| whenever possible. . Experience has shown that a hand that will going in Kingston did that very thing rvice is assured. | game at no trump will nearly always go game if hearts or spades-. are the first year summer , time was in ohiettear °™ | trumps and there is a five card major suit in either hand. effect here. - PHONE 750. : -- On the other hand, kets are many hands that will sore Samy i The church unionists and the { hearts or spades that are fiot game hands in no trump. or these rather ,pii4 gave Ottawa a great waking up evident reasons the writer advocates free take outs?of partner's no trump | this week. The senators they say with any five card major suit. From then on it is up to the original no actyally took to cover. mg D hy trump bidder to use his Judgment as to whether he should try for game at| - ATION, There are 'people now ngaged people no engag direct pis : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ete, | | the major suit or go on with his no trump. drugs, Sold A TY ; fighting for their church who never BOX with our signature. bef i frEenes pe iret CRITICISM OF INFORMATORY DOUBLE. ore (avait more than a passing ' Can. Ciresler. nt : An English writer who doesn't believe in the American informatory. -~ a 4-7 doubles says that one way to settle the question of & take out ol partner's The quiet preacher is the most NOTICE no trump, Is to adopt the following convention: "When the take out is |effective after all.. A congregation WS are mow in our mew location, o7| from weakness, say: 'I bid two hearts' and when from strength, say: '1| Will listen more attent ively to the WELLINGTON STREET and ready to! yoyo jo two hearts." This is, of course, the English idea of humor and | Pulpit teacher than the boisterous SI the ery Best attention in Ladies' pi . 1 tticl Be int, 1 preacher. y 4 y nl ; more or se t : ' RE So a nF ey et Sevens = READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS don't approve of the double nor do they consider it a fair convention, Some time ago a noted preacher -- : L. WINSTON, Needless to sa 3 y, we will continue to believe in the informatory double and occupied a Kingston evangelical pul- ¥ | Phone ses. LADIES TanLON sie One who hurd him we wiied| | The Maker. Stands Behind His Trademark not adopt the English suggestion as t& the take out. what about the service impressed KI-MO] WEES i ERS The following is a good illustration of the value of the take out with Jor " Poti yom re- | a hand that most of the authorities would pas. ~ ference, but it was most touching"? h--J 86 3 2 There ig nothing in a service so im- For INDI 3; ESTION c--J 3 2 pressive as when a reference is made / { d--K 8 ¢ to the great multitude who have | 4 gon 8 4 "passed on." | COLDS. COUGHS | ; J Good meals served to your liking. On-Easter Sunday morning a very Impressive incident occurred in a ; Presbyterian church. The holy com- | ; od DENTIST munion was being celebrated and as! Th aly cte f : : Evenings by appointment. | the elements were being served, and | OMA THE VIC | ORIA CAFE 272 Princess Street. Phone 2045w. the minister stood with bowed head, oe the bell of the Roman Catholic cath- EC LECTRIC 354 King Street. Siug Lee and Gan Lee, Props. Telephone 762. 4 edral softly sounded, indicating that a \ ' h--A 10 4 the Host was being elevated before ; Fs Hard Wood c--A 10 5 4 the bowed congregation of the other . y Q church. To those who understood, 4 1093 it wag a solemn moment, 8--A 7 \ EVENING PARTIES given first class attention. . Choice Body Hardwood. s : -- vi ; _ Boft Mixed Wood. NO Score: Z dealt and bid one no trump and A passed. It Y bids two| The Watchman utilised 'Rik Hime : . e | ; before the service and during the ' | Ig on ] } ces : Hy by \ . Kindling and Slabs. ] offertory in a certain church of scan- ning the hymnal, and found that (Chas. Bedore 4 Son ' outside of Kipling's 'Recessional," 3 . . : | probably mot one other hymn writ- There has been a temporary cut in prices 840 NELSON STREET ' ten during th t fifty years was in- v : a oF the pest Jy Its was on Galvanized Corrugated Iron from $7.50 Phone 1746J. recent rhvision too. It would ap- ~~ Per square to ....q.:i.ieieiniei $6.25 per square h--9 8 3 « | pear that this age is neither produc- nine c--A QT 6 Ing great hymn nor musical writers. ; George Shingles froit' $9.65 to d--Q J 9786 - It aches and throbs with pain. The \ --A THE LITTLE HOUSE AND I. tonsils are so swollen hia hurts see eiviesie viene sienlelee $9.15 Per square ' Tda<¥. Th in New York Times. 0 swallow. And the chest feels get ai A outs or Ye Spent "as tight as a dram™ : Now J is the Hue 0 book your orders at these very low . 1 together, No score: Z dealt and bid one spade. What should A now bid with the The little house and I, in summe? these feel - foregoing hand? A has the choice of one of three bids: (1) an informa- weather Le & ney * tory double of one spade; (2) a bid of two diamonds; (3) a bid of one no Each spring. my feet the city pave- mmon ns 187 Prince ss § trump. It seems to the writer than an informatory double with this ments spurned \ v hand is bad practice. It is too strong'a hand to play at a minor suit and | And to this haven gratefully re- Absorbine Rot strong enough to play at hearts. For the same reason, the t dia- turned. Nd y y { strength tn pare. 18 81 rooms, unfinished, with wih ful mts Abscebine HE mond bid should not be made. It takes a great deal of strength in part- brown beams, ner's hand to make game in Wamonds but very little to make game pos- Have tn been the birthplace of sible in §o trump. The no trump bid seems the best bid with this hand my dreams. for its offers the best chance for game. Each spring this little cottage by (Copyright 1924 by The Bell Syndicate Inc.) the wood, In front of which a giant poplar stood, Coaxed out the woodbine that climb- ed everywhere About the porch, so that it #fight be fair And gracious in its grery curve and line To greet these city-weary eyes of mine, But now we have been rudely torn apart, g And at the thought of. it the quick ~~ 4 PAINT UP TIME From the standpoint of ecomomy it is much cheaper keep things in repair and looking well than' allow them to go waste, especially when a little fixing and a daub of paint do the trick. & Floglaze Finishes. | Valspar Varnish tears start. v Flat Wall Paints © | Carmote Finishes This year strange people 'enter at + BX é eorge | Alabastine we . A] »] ] by Tater dootstes ocho ou. 1a) aR Wall Finish | Granitine Varnish, = floor, IS i + = And alien hands are putting quite to : - INTO : rs : Familiar things and changing them | Ji ang Busiess 5 Stevenson & Hunter BE SAY "BAYER ASPIRIN" and INSIST! _ |: ma. men tous cr day And oh! it looked so pitiful, some Way: HAH a TTT TTT AAS eo The woodbine all uprooted, not a vn PP PPPOE NE trace Ls hi RL HEMLOCK ARK S F ARM grace; p : The poplar tall, that shaded the '2 BB front yard, : * y And, many seasons, over me stood A. H. FAI guard, g > A Had been cut down. With nothing _ Clean, pure milk from health cows. Not pasteurized or steril- The ral strangely naked an wa : So Fon ys been friend "Herd Tu i tested, ; : "o. Tod aad trun * Purveyors to the Kingston General Hospital, an institution tried and true-- | wonder i¢ tne house doesn't miss| #% which only buys the best. fd : Health of attendants, Sanitation, Sterilization, etc., under the A Mie ot Stvsttord sad Buby sonal supervision of Dr. Miller, Professor of Pathology, Queen's sought by Newsy Lalonde, pilot of nv: . ie Stakstoon Shisie 1g the West: We guarantee that every bottle is from our own stable, dawn over the waokeond ang oad tot + Delivery to all parts of the city. : : $ "PURE COTTON" Asay vat tha car a not gos $F TELEPHONE 1108. ; _ MEMLOOK PARK STOOK FARM (™ | : Jo ho oe to lay tor a shen Tear omouna to cured, but not | The earthen pot must. keep cas loses. his cow, the eyll name, the brass > : ; grt a ' : ! Adhd dd aa 4 4