SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1924. NEWS OF LEADERS IN AUTOMOBILE WORLD | George F. Pike, founder of the Pike Auto and Trailer Works, Los * Angédles, died recently at his home in Los Angeleg after an illnéss of 10 years. Mr. Pike. came to Los An-| goles from Massachusetts in 1896, and established the business which still bears his name. 1 0. R. So silvery-tongued and forveful orator, whose speaking tours fn the past have accomplished won- ders for the Goodyear Tire and Rub- ber Co., 1s now manager of the re- tall development division of the Chevrolet Motor Company, and was a Member of the party of Chevrolet officials which attended the Fiesta | banquet of the Chevrolet Motor Company of California, recently. C. HE. Dawson, genera] gales manager; R. H. Grant, assistant to the presi- dent, and former general manager of Delco Products Company, and F. N. Coats, regional sales manager, were present and addressed the Southern Californla Chevrolet dea- lors, who attended in large numbers. The event celebrated the passing of the most successful year in Chevro- let history. | Willlam D. McJunkin, president of the McJunkin Advertising Agency, Chicago, an organization which handles many automobile accounts, ia a Los Angeles visitor. Mr. Mec- Junkin says that ~ advertising .has been responsible for California suc- cess. He points to advertising as the creating and sustaining of a fa- vorable mental attitude for a pro- duct, for a city or a state, and says 'that is just what California has done, He. says that success has come to 4. user's viewpaint, They California, through organised and. systematically focusing of the world's attention to Califordia and its climatic attractions and business possibilities generally. G. H. Hannum, president and gen- éral manager, and C. J. Nephler, general sales manager of the Oak- land Motor Car .Company, Pontiae, Mich.,, have been on the Pacific Coast for some time studying the automotive situation and seeking the state that in giving [the public' what it wants they have found the basis of a sue- cessful sales campalgn. Mr. Han- num is a genius at analyzing public sentiment, having arisen from the Tanks by sheer ability. The Oakland Conipany is launching on a greatly increased schedule, having réached this decision after a careful study of national conditions. ------ "Cannon Ball" Baker has made sixty-eight transcontinental trips as publicity stunts. He has been fn Los Angeles just about that number of times, and then some. He has shown what each and every car could do after the stunt just pulled. He has never been caught speeding-- that is not caught until that last trip he made with a Gardner sedan. Now it so happens that a police ser- geant, A. T. Kanther, had cherished an ambition to get Baker and no one else. So it happened that when Kanther saw a "Cannon Ball" com- ing down the Alameda Road at, so he averred, 60 miles per hour, he just naturally revived that ambition and let it out. When the great open spaces came into view he added some to the speed of his motorcycle, and at 64 miles per hour caught the quarry. His statement "I gotcher" showed that the trick had been turn- ed with a great deal of satistaction. And Baker smiled. The Car That Tackles . Every Job When a man needs a car for many jobs he turns instinct to the Ford touring car. Primarily, the Ford tour- ing is a family car and as such has estab- lished a splendid reputation for every job that cars have ever been used for--mak- ing the quick run to town on urgent produce to market and supplies back home-- doing everything, in fact, that a util ity car ie called \ { THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG THE AUTOMOBILE WORLD George H. Bryant, former 'publi- city agent and manager of Ford ex- hibitions for the Ford Moter Com- pany, has been appointed director of sales for the Willlam L. Hughson Companf, Ford distributors st San Frantisco, with branches/is Los An- geles, Oakland, Portland/and Seattle, Clarence A. Black, one of the ori- ginal owners of the Cadillac Auto- mobile Company, a retired muiltl- millionaire philanthropist, died at Santa Barbara, Cal, recently. He was prominent in Detroit in days of old, and in Seattle in later years. Ward H. Keller, veteran of the automotive industry, who gave up a position as special sales representa- tive of the Lexington Motor Car Company some years ago to remove to Los Angeles, is now in the real estate business. Mr. Keller essayed the role of manufacturers' sales re- presentative, but real estate finally won him, as was the csse with so many othér Eastern men former members of the automotive fraterni- ty. Mr. Keller is connected with the Cook-Woodley Company, Arca- dia, Cal, handling & sub-division which was a part of the Lucky Bald- win ranch. Louls Geyler, the Chicago automo- bile distributor; is in California with Mrs. Geyler. Im the past this Chica- go merchant scored a huge success with the Hudson and Bssex distribu- tion, and upon yielding that took on the Dort for retail and wholesale dis- tripution. He relinquished retail selling, leased hig main and branch sale Os at considerable annual bop vo himself on the leases, and started to take life much easier, In the early days of the bicycle Mr. Geyler 'was an advertising solicitor Yor old Bicycling World, and prior to that was prominént in Philadel- phia cycling affairs and in amatear racing. - Charles 8. Howard, president of the Howard Automobile Company, distributors of Bulck cars om the Pacific Coast, with his two sons, has salled for Europe. The Howard party will be gone several months, time undetermined, as the trip is purely for pleasure, Trafic Tricks. When stopping at a crossing, keep your breaks oa tight until the car be- hind you comes to a dead stop. Should (the car to thé rear skid or not be stopped properly it'might push your car ahead, causing you to run into a pedestrian crossing the streef Better take a chance on having\ gas tank punctured than have an accident. Where there are no pedes- trians/ crossing in froat of your car, however, just reverse this sugges- tion. : It your car Is one of three ap- proaching a crossing at the same time, one car being to your right and the third to the right of this one, {the car approaching you has the | right of way. While the car to your w¥ght has a prior right to cross be- | fore you, it is a traffic economy for you to go right ahead &nd cross as the third car crosses, leaving the car to your right to the last. This car | to your right cannot cross while the | third car is crossing, but you can. So | why not? | In passing a street car where the streets are not in good order there is great danger of being caught in a rut that will prevent you from keeping a safe distance from the car. If the man behind you is sounding his horn and urging you to lef"him pass, just tiirn over into the tracks behind the street car and'let him try his luck. More power to him. He may need it. ------------------ Make Up Your Mind. Elaborating upon the theory that the only constant of existence is vitally needed reform in automobile driving is a change in changeabie- ness, It is shown upon good authority that too many collisions and acel- dents are the direct result of inde- | cision, and that there must be an effort made to stand by one's decis- fons with cars, turning, parking, stopping and starting. . t The driver who slowly, but delfdb- erately, drives through a line of pe- destrians who won't obey the trafllc officer, is much less likely to injure them than the driver who starts to assume his right and then changes his mind, Boon as indecision enters the mind of the party of the first part the same mental attitude {s found in | the mind of the party of the second part. 'There is confusion, and finally an accident, . The automobile driver who is not sure just what he intends doing na- turally gives no warning to others of his intentions. Thus, anything that he does is Hkely to be a complete surprise for others, and perhaps a complete shock, physical as well as mental. pi : a Success doesn't turp a man's head---if hé has a very sift neck. A flying crow 'always catches something. : The vile are only vain, the great are proud. Eliminating The "Vidration ing the vibration which their engin and balancing movi srankshafts, equaliz V4 ALBERT L.CLOUGH.. The Vibration Damper Periods" of Long Crankshafts THIS SEASON, manufacturers are making a special 'feature of reduc es 8ét up. In addition to lightening parts, employing stiffer and more rigidly supported combustion-chamber volumes, securing better gas distribution both as to quality and quantity and the like, not a few change, one might add that the most | regard to passing other, ® 1 compare all with Cologne compare Al eo ~h as' They automobiles wi Mclaug hlin Buick | Distributors: Angroye's Auto Sales, Ny service and de- pendability. "But its useful- .. ness does not end a Fou vil erie abate zou find the-Ford Sapo touring doing: ""invice P.O. B. Ford, Ontario $445. Taxes extra. Etre darting and Bghting cquismint $85 extra. See Any Authorized Ford Dealer upon to do. And it does them all quickly, eco nomically 'and eatisfactorily. A real car for work and recreation. ' SEE US FOR NEW LOW PRICES ON GOODYEAR TIRES (Guaranteed) 30x34 Wingfoot Fabric . . rivigisieiss 311025 30x3} All Weather Fabric . .......$13.15 30x33 Wingfoot Cord ......... $13.75 30x33} All Weather Cord ..........$16.75 -. SPECIAL! ' 30x3} Pathfinder--not guaranteed $8.95 VANLOVEN BROS, Ford Dealers us ma FROSTS Phone 26 I AUTOMOBILE PAINTING / y Tg For Automobile repair work of all kinds and service, call OTT & WILLIAMSON TeLSFHONE toss. es of them are adopting means for dampening such vibration as results, sven when all precautions have been taken. A good six-cylinder engine, being in almost perfect balance, runs very smoothly but there is usually its necessarily rather long of" its erank-arms and go through period of vibration of the shaft, twisting is once started, the elast - one and perhaps more speeds at which vibration due to the twisting of crankshaft becomes objectionable. almost incredible that such a massive actually twist like a spiral spring, thus varying the angular relation It seems thing as a crankshaft should this twisting motion, in alternating directions many times each second; but this actually occurs when the twisting forces act at just the right intérvals to accord with the natural omce such high-rate vibratory When bid ) 2 favor its continuance and it Toros ete ata To ee -- ; this form of vibration, the Lanchester vibration-damper is being adopted consists of a small auxiliary flywheel, |#ploning by using a very viscous and roby transmission lubricant, but this absorbs a I ; /spark-plug holes of lowing the liquid to time and then running the k g a Hi Eg i i 7 Be AILWAY crossings, stony roads, curb bumps, sadden braking and steep down-grade are typical of the numberless punishments that cause internal heat so destructive to both rubber and cords. ; In Dominion Cord Tires you Have al had th d I oat col ay Save alway Se reatant pea friction and heat caused by cross e Our new Sprayed Rubber process increases the elastici 35d swreugth of the reads and lo walls, because Sprayed Ruby e rubber e t is used exclusi in Dominion Royal Cord and Urcord Tires in Conte vely jn The extra mileage and dependability of these new féatures in Dominion Cord Tice are 4-perdaniity of OF aoe road tests. They mean no increase 1m the price of Dori