i twa, Mre. Macpherson THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE Editor of Women's Page, Teier phone 2018. Private 'phone 867Tw. . » = Mrs. S. A. Stephens, Montreal, is 'with her father, Dr. Horton, Brock- "ville, and together they will motor to { Kingston on Wednesday to he convocation of Queen's Univer. ity at which Mrs. Stephens' uncle, Dr. 8S. A. Mitchell of the University f Virginia, will receive the degre * . . Miss Nora Macnee, who is the guest of Mrs. Douglas Anglin, has been much entertained in an infor- mal way during her stay in Mont- real. She is returning home 'early next 'week. * - » Mrs. A. P. Deroche, Ottawa, en- | tertained on Munday afternoon in honor of Miss Isobel Dowling, whosa marriage to Mr. Walter Davison, Montreal, will take place shortly. . - » Mrs. Hamilton Robents is enter- ining the R.M.C. Mah Jongg Club this afternoon. . . Dr. and Mrs. J. 8S. Kidd, Ottawa, who are in town for convocation, are with Mrs. W. G. Kidd and Miss Kidd, Barrie street. Among those who are at "Avon- more" for convocation are Mrs. J. R. | Douglas, Wallacetown, Miss Robert- son and Miss Alma Robertson, Ot- t and Mrs. 'Birks, Prescott, Miss Ruth Huffman, Brockville, and Miss Jessie Mac- pherson, Ottawa. . a's Mrs. E. H. Bickford was the host ess of a mah jongg of three tables at the Cataraqui Golf Club on Monday afternoon. A bright fire burned in the big fireplace and the pretty club room looked most inviting. Miss Me- Gill made tea at the tea hour, when the players were joined by some other guests. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hanson, 182 Bagot street, sail on May 10th from Montreal by the "Doris," White Star Se | Liner, on a visit to friends in tho north of Ireland and will be gone sixteen months. They also intend :o visit the British Exhibition. | Kidd and Mre. Kidd, Wellington | street. { Mr. and Mrs. William Hear1 and { Miss Norma Heard, St. Thomas, are { in town for the graduation of former's son, Mr. Chester Heard. a. | Queen's University, and are wit | Miss Bailey, University avenue. Rev. R. H. Spencer, Camden Bast Canon and Mrs. Dealtry Wood- | attend | cock, Brockville, are with Rev. W. K. | the | | i i | H | { | | is in town for the committee meer | ; ings being held in St. George's hall. | Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Kidd, Stuart | street, spent the week-end in To- | rento. x Dr. and Mrs. J. Mackintosh Bell, | Almonte, will be with Priacipal | Bruce Taylor, the Principal's Res). dence, while in town for convoca- tion. * . * Rev. W. and Mrs. Kanniwin, Hamilton, who are in town for con- vocation, are with Dr. and Mrs, W. G. Jordan, Barrie street. Rev. Wati Smith, Maxville, is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. W. Morgan, Barrie street, for the events at Queen's 'University. "Rev. C. F. 8. Radcliffe, Deser- | onto, is in town for the committee | meeting of the diocese of Ontario. Dr. Adam Shortt, Ottawh, will be in town for convocation. HEREVER you buy it and whenever you buy it, Magic Baking Powder is always entirely dependable, be- cause it contains no alum or adult- erants of any kind. | MADE IN CANADA EW.GILLETT WINNIPEG MONTREAL | The Editor Hears That the "bobhjng" craze has no age limit, The latest story we have heard is of a small maiden of five summers who had seen and admired the effect of the newly-bobbed locks of an-older girl and had taken the scissors determined to do the deed herself. The fair hair fell and the little maid when discovered by her mother, sald: "Now I will have my COLORED FROCKS CAPTIVATE - THE_ MISSES Flannel Frocks for Present 59 5 Wear : 9 Saucy, little Flannel Dresses for Misses in colors such as Jade, Copen, and Small Women, Mauve--daintily trimmed with - White Flannel Collars, Cuffs and Edgings. Sizes 16, 18, 20. French Wool Crepe Frocks Speciall 'y Priced at 514.95 12 only, of these ultra smart frocks--shown in shades of Copen, Hello, Grey, Jade, Mocha, Canary, Sand and Moss. Smartly finished in every respect. Just the style of a SIZES - 16, 18 AMSNABB Dress for present wear. and 20. Co. LTD. bu suppose are. examine them are Sainped with the fey "COWAN." Phen : 5 \ IF THEY'RE NOT COWANS THEY'RE NOT MAPLE BUDS what you le Buds, see that Hand the Dealer back his substitutes oy hair like Miss " The mother said not a word, but put her before & mirror. When she saw herself, the small delinquent gazed with horror at her reflection and then burst into tears, saying: "Oh, I am an ugly little girl now, no one will love me any more." She dislikes the ef- fect of her bobbed locks so much that she keeps them covered when poss- ible and is only comforted by the promise that if she is good and re- frains from- clipping them they will grow again. ' -- » That a New York ,note says: "Among the chic hats being worn to- day by young girls is one of shiny stik that Jooks a little like a man's derby. It is decorated with a wide band of grosgrain ribbon finished with a square cblonial buckle." That the woods are full of mystery and wonder now and have a charm not found later. Soft woolly leaves are pushing aside the brown earth and the dead leaves of last year to find their way to tne warmth of the sun; the lovely flowers of our Cana- dian woods fair and fragile are blooming and in the crevices of the rocks, baby ferns are uncurling the fronds which have lain in their hearts all winter, the buds of the trees are swelling and everywhere the story of the old earth's yearly resurrection to life and beauty is be- ing told. The birds, too, are coming back in larger numbers every day, and some birds who only stay a few days on their way north are geen in the meadows and woods and on th shores of the lakes. ------------ MOTHERS And Their Children " The Chatterer. One Mother Says: Never discourage a small child's "chattering." He is exercising with words to develop, just as he tries '}-walking. Do not: correct him very much at first, though he strings words together strangely and gets his grammer all mixed up. If he hears good grammer at home he will soon get straightened out, but if you cal his mistakes to his attention too of- ten he may become discouraged and lessén his efforts at learning the use of words. 2 I ---- ------------ WOMAN'S AUXILIARY. Of the Ontario Diocese Met on Mon. ¥At the monthly meeting of the dio cesan board of the Woman's Auxiic fary held in St. George's Hall on Monday, much of the business con- cerned the arrangement for the an- 'nual mebting 'to be held in Treaton on June 4th, 5th and 6th. Two resignations were received. those of Miss Edith Pense as sette tary of literature, and Mrs. Morti- ) .| paArtuery secretary. Mrs. Klugh, coa- vénor of the constitution committe, gave notice of motion regarding changes. "of sym- TOMORROW'S MENU Breakfast / pranges Cereal Boiled Eggs Toast Lunchegn : Baked Tomatoes Mexican Style Wholewheat Bread Tea Celery Jelly Dinner Creamed Sweetbreads Boiled Potatoes Spinach Fruit Salad Boiled Custard on Cake Slices Answered Letters, Mrs. V. W.: "Here is my recipe for {| Pork Fruit Cake, récently request- |ed: Put one pound of salt pork through a grinder, then add to it two cups of boiling water, two cups of sugar, one cup of molasses, two scant teaspoons of baking soda, one- half pound of currants, one pound of raisins, one pound of stoned and | chopped dates, one pound of walnuts, one teaspoon each of ground all- spice, nutmeg, and salt, two tea- spoons of . ground cinnamon and from six to seven cups of flour, or enough to make a stiff batter. Bake in three loaves for one hour and 40 minutes in a moderate oven. This is excellent and: keeps very well if wrapped in waxed paper." Answer: It was kind of you to send in this splendid recipe. So many other readers also responded td the request for this cake, as well as for the requests for potato pan- cakes and: Danish recipes. I have not published them all as yet, but shall as I can. It is lovely to fee! that we are a circle of housekeeping sisters who really care whether one of our number has some recipe for hich she longs. It is tremendously interesting to have so many varia- tions for a' certain dish, so that we can try the different methods of making it and select the one we per- sonally like best. | | Coffee | | pathy had been sent to Mrs. Leonard Rees, London, Eng. (formerly Mary McLeod Moore, of Toronte Saturday Night) oh the death of her mother, Mrs, McLeod Moore, then of Prescott, one of the first Secretaries of the diocesian W. A letter has been received from Rees, at whose home Mrs. McLeod died, say- ing her mother retained her interest in the W. A. till the end and read th» Living Message with interest. The letter enclosed a cheque for $25 fo: the W.A. The Dorcas secretary had received a letter from Mrs. Harper, Sault Ste. Marie, (formerly Miss Stella Chap- man of St. James' evening branch of the W.A.) enclosing $10 which $269.97 have to the Six bales valued at peéen sent from the diocese [Sug ywak Homes, the Peigan . | Scheel, Alert Bay School and Lac le Ronge. The 'special speakers at the an- nual meeting will be Migs Shaw, Japan, and Miss Rabajotti, India. gy | AVOMAN'S INSTITUTE. J PITTSBURG. 'Through the kind invitation of the Pittsburgh women, the members of the Westbrook Women's Institute journeyed to Barriefield to the home of Mrs. J. 8. Crossfield, on Friday last to organize a Women's Institute for that township. The ladies turned out in large numbers, and a keen in- terest was shown. The meeting was opened by the Institute. "Ode" fol- lowed by the Lord's prayer with Mrs. A. Smith as accompaniest. The vice- president, Mrs. J. L.. F. Sproule, very ably took charge of the meeting and in a few well chosen remarks told many good points pertaining to In. stitute 'work. The Secretary, Mrs. J. Morley, gave a brief sketch on "Ways and Means of Raising Money for the Institute." Mrs. F, Gates spoke ox the short course available for In- stitute members namely "Domestic Science," "First Aid and Home Nursing," and the "Dressmaking Course." This 'was followed by a talk on "programme planning" by Mrs. E. Sproule, Mrs, A. Hegadora gave a few brief remirks as to the "social evenings" held during the past winter in the interests of the In- stitute. During the afternoon Mrs. P. - Wright and Miss Wrsila Sprouls Sack sang a solo in their usual fine style. The election of officers then toox place as treasurer, Mrs. J. English; district director, Mrs. Sitbitt. The Pittsburg ladies moved a vbte of thank to tae Westbrook Institute for their kind much indebted to Ms. Crosstield for the kindness shown by opening her home for such a gathering. Com- munity singing was enjoyed by an. God Save the King closed the mee!- ing. A social half hour was spent during which very dainiy refresh- meéats were served by the hostess. | P.D.: 'How do restaurants get that red color on their stewed ap ples, prunes, fruit jellies, etcetera?" Answer: Some restaurants use the little red candies called Cinnamon Drops when stewing fruits. Per- haps this is what you mean? Just put five or six of the candies into a saucepan 'with the fruit. You can also use them with baked apples. | Do you take the Teapot to the Kettle? LIPTONS 15 1b. 38c Thos. J. Lipton 5 Tea Planter 11b. 75¢ ¥ E Ceylon Sometimes, too, restaurants use the ! red vegetable coloring matter for | such cooking. L.G.: "I cannot eat egg plant fried other way?" N\ a medium-sized egg plant for 15 min- | Then remove, drain, and cut a slice | from the top. Remove the interior | | of thé egg-plant with a spoon, taking ' | care not to work too near the skin. | Chop this interior pulp and add to it one cup of soft, wholewheat-bread crumbs. Now melt two tablespoons of butter (or use bacon fat) and mix with this fat one half raw onion finely minced. Add this seasoning to the | chopped pulp and bread, then season to taste with salt and pepper. Put| this mixture over the fire in a sauce- pan, moistening it with one-half cup of canned clear soup; let cook five minutes, then cool and add a beaten egg. Refill the egg-plant with this forcemeat and bake for one-haif hour in a hot oven, Sefve hot. Tomorrow--Canning Your Aspara-| gus. All inquiries addressed to Miss Kirkman ik care of the 'Efficient Hougekeeping™ department will he answered in these columns in thair turn. This requires considerable time, however, owing to the great aumber recsived. So if a personal or quicker reply is desired, a stamp- »d and self-addressed envelope must be enclosed with the question. Be sure to us: YOUR full name, street number, and the names of your city was sent through her former branch: and state. The ladies dispersed, long to re- member the hospitality accorded them during their afternoon's visit in Pittsburg. The Westbrook Wo- men's Institute is the "Mother In- stitute" it being the oldest branch in the county. AUNT HET "When Pa acts kind o' indiffer- | as I am troubled with indigestion. |{ Can you téll mie how to cook it some | lf ll home. We have everything you may need to Answer: Stuffed Egg Plant: Cook | |i Buy the RED LABEL, Alaminam Package. * MAKE Y EASY . 4 Have the Hotpoint Electric Goods in your bring comfort -- Irons, Toasters, Heaters, etc, . Halliday Electric Co. PHONE 94. CORNER KING AND PRINCESS 78. FRAME HOUSFE--Barn and Hen House; good d leaving the city. $1,000. sii FRAME HOUSE--7 rooms, bath lights and . Good lot, with plum and apple trees. Johnson s : 600.00, i" \ JBUNGALOW--6 rooms and 3 bedrooms, lights, oak floors and a good cellar--8$3,000.00. M. B. TRUMPOUR 'Phone 704 or 2072w - . - 270 PRINCESS STREET Owner - 3 piece bath, ent and natural, I know he is happy = For the Spring Bride - Beautiful Linens We are showing 'an immense va- riety of pure Irish Linens, imported di- rect from the best manufacturers. / "~ Matched Sets in Table Cloths and Napkins. be Lunch Cloths and Sets, Towels, Runners, Tray, Cloths and many other useful articles at prices that are most attractive. W. N. Linton & Co. Phone 191, The Waldron Store, and loves me; but When he gits right polite, I know he is feelin' abusaa and I go right out and kill a chicken fo' supper." ' No Trouble to Keep 8kin Free From Halrs (The Modern Beauty) There is no need fof any woman to countenance superfluous hairs, be- cause with a paste made by mixing some powdered delatone with water it Is easy to get rid of them. Mix fresh as wanted. The paste is ap- plied for about 3 minutes, then rub- bed off and the skin washed. See that you get real delatone. Ask for it in the original package and ac- capt fio substitute. \ There is simple, safe; and sure way that never fails to get rid of black- heads, that'is to dissolve them. To do ive assistance. All the ladies felt very a MADE IN KINGSTON-- PLAYED EVERYWHERE " WEBER PIANO is ah instrument of exceedingly good comstruction, pos-' sesses a tone of extreme beauty and is considered by those who know to be one of the leaders of the Plano industry. There is nothing about the Weber you need not know, even to the actual manufacture, which may be viewed by interested parties through ourselves. _ Let us demonstrate this wonderful Plano.to you. It will be a pleasure. > TH "1118 MUSIC CENTRE OF KINGSTON" 121 PRINCESS STREET KINGSTON _