THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG A Bullder from vhildhood to OId Age v DELCO-LIGHT The complete Electric Light and Power plant for every country home. -W.C. CANNON 184 Marrie dtreet. Phone 1130J. FOR SALE . 850 Stree! ©, a RE eon lot. o" TO LET, FURNISHED May to October, first class brick house in central location. Nor terms and particulars apply at office. GENERAL INSURANCE Five, Plate Glass, Automobile, Burglary, Liability, Guarantee Bonds. Bonds bought and sold. R. H.Waddell Phones 326, dus. 84 Breck Street. PIANO TUNING Piano Tuning, Repairing and Player Plano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street, PHONE 134. DR. A. W.WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON Corner of Johnson and Wellington. Streets. Telephone 863, For Moviag of I 08, C GE OF 'WVERY DESCRIFTION Transfer Co. : TT. EVENINGS 2231. FON WELLINGTON STREGT Dental Surgeon DR. J. C. W. BROOM L.D.S., D.D.S, /ellingte 1 ik St t Katranae: 100 Wellington se Evenings by appointment. PHONE #70. -- WATTS People's * Florist 177 Wellington Street. Kresh Flowers and Fiants J Funeral designs, w ng bouquets to order. Phone 1768. Anything You Like and Not Have HEARTBURN In all cases of heartburn there is a gnawing and burning pain in the | stomach attended by a disturbed dp- petite, as when too ymuch food is taken into the stomach it is liable to ferment and become extremely sour, vomiting occurs, and what is Ahtdwn up is generally sour and bit- ter. When you are in this condition you will find that Milbyrn's Laxa- Liver Pills will give you relief right away. - Mr. Joseph H. MacDonald, Christ- mas Island, N.S, writes:--" Two years ago I suffered all the time from heartburn. I took one vial of Mil- burn's Laxa-Liver Pills and have never been troubled since. It is very nice to be able to eat anything you like and not have heart- burn any more." Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 26c. & vial at all dealers, or mailed di- rect on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. -------- mm, TIRED FEET SKIN-IRRITATION, BRUISES JARS Joc. & 80. ~TUBES 30s, --At all Drug Stores Ira -------- DR. 5. E. PORTER Corner Alfred and Johnson Streets Telephone 2071. Rt Choice Western Meats GROCERIES AND FRESH VEGETABLES. Best service. J. T. EVES 171 RAGLAN ROAD Phone 2580. MRR ee ry. P. C. LAWSON KINGSTON'S "ADING LORIST Funeral designing and Wed. ding work our specialty. Corner of Brock and Welling. ton Streets. Residence 1137. W.R. McRae & Co. Golden Lion Block TELEPHONE 770. 272 Bagot Street Phone B42. Carpets Cleaned VACUUM RIDE Hyslop Bros. Bicycles Prices from $35.00 to $48.00 All Kinda of Repairs. ~ SMITHS Saturday Specials choice Seedless. .2 lbs. 25c. You can't tell good coal by the looks of it. All the safe- guard you have is the word of the man who sells it to you. We stand behind every ton we sell, with our personal guaran- tee--as good as gold. 'BOOTH & CO. 138. Grove Inn Yards ESTABLISHED 1871. HANLEY'S © AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN Ont. and night. Phones 99 rad Ton. Only a few Blankets left. Will clear at "| SUGAR, with ord Large, juicy Prunes .....% Ibs. 25c. Bananas, extra quality ....83c. dos. Oranges, sweet, Seedless . .19¢c. dok. Cheese, rich September . ...28c. Ib, 24 1b. Bags best Flour (Special) Bung enierys knee tise $1. Breakfast 'Bacon, sliced ....24c. Ib. Sodas, choice, crisp stock. Regular Seen Np Laut. 25c¢. 1b. Rice, good quality, special 4 lbs 25c¢. Ci ' ..81c. Ib, "++ .10 Ibs. 96c. SAVE the difference and buy a"Ford" TELEPHONE 1817. Barrie and, Colborne Meat Store Opp. Y.M.C.A. Phone 1876. TOMORROW'S It is poor comfort for one who has broken his leg that another has broken his neck. Th KINGSTON np DISTRICT Sold A Fine Residence. It is reported that W. Fortune has sold his fine brick residence on Reid street, Athens, to E. M. Fair, who resides east of Athens on the Giles homestead. i Lockmaster Retires, Captain Luke dePencler, lockmas- ter on the Rideau canal at Andrews- ville, near Kemptville, has beén sup- erannuated and will be succeeded by Mr. Davis, his assistant. Secured A Residence. C. G. Young, Trenton, who plans to resume publication of the Athens Reporter next month, has rented the | eastern half of the Duffield double | house, Prince street, where he will reside, Adopt Summer Time. By request of a majority 'of its employees, the Canada Starch Com- pany, Cardinal, this week adopted summer time. The men work from 6 am. to 5 p.m. on the day shift and from 5 p.m. to 6 a.m. on the night shift. Here's Something to Think About. "No sugar; No eggs; No extras to use, Prepared in five minutes, It's DU-KO I choose." For delicious puddings .and pies. Your choice of three flavors; Lem- on, Chocolate and Maple Cream. For sale by all grocers. EE ---------- On Bisley Team. Major J. Jeffrey; Kingston, Is a member of the Canadian Bisley team. The shooting will take part in the annual conipetitions of the Na- tional Rifle Association at Bisley, England, which commence on July 7th next, is officially announced by the Dominion of Canada Rifle As- sociation, To Hold Scout Camp. A tract of 65 acres of land on. the St. Lawrence at Taylor's Bay, near Brockville, has been leased by the Boy Scout executive of St. Law- rence County, N.Y., which will hold a camp from July 7th to August 4th. It is expected that approximate- ly 100 boys will be accommodated each week at "Camp Vigor." Improvements Being Made, The Baptist church in Athens is receiving repairs, among them being the tearing down of the outside en- trances to the sacred edifice, a large door being placed th the centre of the front and the stairs at each side leading to the auditorium built on the inside. A new granmolithic walk is also being laid. a pernesi-- Veteran of Riel Rebellion, Alexander Jamieson died in Pem- broke--aged seventy-five years, For fifty-three years he had lived there. He was a veteran of the Riel rebel- lion. He was in the carriage mak- ly forty years. His wite survives, four children pre-deceasing him. He was a Liberal and a Presbyterian. Mrs. A. Crosby, Roblin's Mills, Dead. Mrs. Albert Crosby, a well-known resident of Roblin's Mills, Prince Edward county, died in hospital on Tuesday. Deceased was forty-nine years of age and was born in Prince Edward county. Mrs. Crosby was a member of the Methodist church and was active in church and philanthro- ple work. In addition to the hus- band, five sons and a daughter sur- vive. Thrown From a Load. George Howle, Napanee, met with an dafortunate accident while mov- ing furniture. A culvert broke un- der the load, scaring hig team. The horses ran away, throwing Mr. Howie off. Besides being badly shook up, medical assistance was re- quired to close up a large gash in his forehead. The load of furniture was somewhat damaged. Judgment for F. Newman, In a decision handed down Justice Riddell, Fred Newman, wholesale grocer, Picton, is granted Judgment of $6,000 against the firm of W. R. Browne & Sons, Picton. The question involved was whether or not a promissqry note given by the by. debt admittedly due was given as col- lateral or payment. The court finds that the note was given as collateral. Picton's Board of Trade Club, The Picton Board of Trade Club has marked the beginning of a new year and as customary, a new slate of officers was elected as follows: President--Dr. C. A. Publow. 1st vice-president--W. J. Carter. 2nd vice-president--W. A. Wright. 3rd vice-president--Albert Powers. Secretary«treasurer--Arthur Steet. Entertainment committee--A. E. | Calnan, W. J. Carter, Dr. Frank, W. R. Adams, Robert Davison, Mayor Blakely. J Auditors--James F. GHlespie, Ro- bert Davison, \ The retiring president, | Purtelte, briefly expressed his appre- ciation of the support of the mem- bers during the past year. y © Te Music. James Hackett has not been in Clayton, N.Y, for any length of time since 1919 and the word that he is to spend practically the entire summer here is pleasing to his friends. These friends say that the great actor will probably devote much of his time to composing music. Playing entire- ing business and carried on for near-|' defendant and the plaintiff for a composed weird airs which have at- tracted considerable attention. Some- of this music has been used in Mr. Hackett's Shakespeare productions and has won great success. G. C. Bateman's Appointment. ¥The appointment of G. C. Bate- man, late manager of La Rose Mines Limited of Cobalt, as secretary- treasurer of the Ontario Mining As- sociation is announced. Mr. Bateman will assume the duties of his new office about June 1st. He graduat- ed from Queen's University in 1905, and has had a varied experience n the mining fields of Canada, the United States and Mexico. For tha past seven years he has been general manager and director of La Rose Mines. Mr. Bateman is the son of George A. Bateman, Kingston. Speculating as to Moderator. At this date there is always much speculation among Presbyterians as to who will be Moderator of the next General Assembly. Up to date four- teen presbyteries, including the Presbyteries of Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal, have nominated Rev. Clar- ence MacKinnon, Principal of Pine Hill College, Halifax, Dr. George C. Pidgeon, of Bloor street, Toronto, has been nominated by 'two Presby- teries, one of which is Honan. Dr. Scott, of Perth, and Dr. Drummond, of Hamilton, have each been nomi- nated by two Presbyteries, Dr. Fer- guson, of Calgary, has been nomin- ated by one. Death of Mrs. Henry Johnston. sed away one of the oldest and highly esteemed residents in the per- son of Alice Johnston, after a very short illness. She had been spend- "As A Stomach Medicine and Tonic-- Tanlac Is Certainly Wonderful," 8ays Brock- ville Lady ' Adding her voice to the thousands who are praising Tanlac for the re- covery of their health and strength, Mrs. Margaret Cranker, 84 Louis St., Brockville, Ont., says: "Tanlac is such a grand, good medicine and has done so much for me that I will praise it. Following a spell of typhoid fever, two years ago, I was just a shadow of myself and remained so weak I couldn't walk across the floor. Stomach pains | MRS. CRANKER GIVES TANLAC FULL CREDIT 4 ed me back to health and strength ing the"wintér with her daughter, | Mrs. W. J. Berry, Kingston Mills, | and had only very recently returned | to her home. | The late Mrs, Johnston was a wo- man of very fine character and dis- position and had a great' many | friends who learned with regret of | her sudden death. Had she Ifved ! till May 12th, she would have been | ninety-one years of age, but was ex- | ceedingly active in spite of her ad- | vanced age. | Owing to the absence of the rec- | tor, the Rev. V. O. Boyle, the Rev. | Mr. Morton, Lyndhurst, Rev. Mr. Winters, Lansdowne, di- rected the service to Oak Leaf | church after which the remains were | placed in the family plot. The pali- | bearers were Messrs. Wallace John- ston, Harold Webster and "he four | grandsons, Lloyd Green, Hilbert Johnston, Harry Webster and Hil- | lard Berry. | She leaves to mourn her loss three | daughters and two sons, Mrs. Or- | mond Green, Athens; Mrs. G. P. Chamberlain, Newburg, Ore.; Mrs. | W. J. Berry, Kingston Mills; A. W. | Johnston, Athens and Re¥. Hilliard , Johnston, Lawrenceburg, Tenn. A LUCKY PURCHASE. Of Men's and Young Men's Blue | Serge Suits At a Remarkable | \ Low Price. : We were fortunate to be able purchase a limited quantity of young | men's and men's blue serge suits witich we are going to pass on to you for $17.50. Sizes 36 to 42. At Athens, May 3rd, there pas-| These are a great bargain. The Lion | Clothing Co. No one can be caught in places he | doesn't visit. | and backache tortured me and I was almost frantic from nervousness. "My husband, who had used Tan- lac with fine results, persuaded me to try it, too, and it proved to be just what I needed. Six bottles help- and I also gained 12 pounds. That was two years ago and I have felt fine ever since. As a stomach medicine and tonic, Tanlac is certainly won- derful." Tanlac" is for sale by all good druggists. Accept no substitute. Over 40 million bottles sold. Tanlac Vegetable Pills for consti- assisted by | ~ For Fine Interior Finish We offer: B. C. Fir, Southern Yellow Pine, Cypress, California Redwood, Plain and Quartered Oak, etc. S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards, Coal Bins. BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO. Telephone: Private Branch Exchange, No. 1371. SALE OF MEN'S TROUSERS 1.75 - 2.00 - 2.50 Regular value $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 . PREVOST'S Phone 508J. Gents' Furnishings and Clothing. 55 Brock St. WHEN YO The exceptional tone quality in the Weber Piano appeals to the most ascethetic taste. HEAR FOR YOURSELF AND BE CONVINCED. AT C. W. LINDSAY'S Warerooms, ___ Princess Street pation, made and recommended by the manufacturers of Tanlac. across the Firth achrevements of the world, cular bridge adjacent fo if of Commons is adopled. © vue inrernarionat svnpicare. 8/6 BRIDGE PROJECT of forth, one of the. great engineering 15 To be supplemented by a veh fa 7 Zhe fort) Every Step Displays Your Footwear There never was a time when footwear was a more essential item of correct ap 1 than now. We had this fact in mind when we selected our beautiful Spring Shoes. Women who demand supreme style will be highly pleased with our perfect fitting Strap Shoes and Ox- fords. The Sawyer Shoe Store Phone 159. 184 Princess St. 7%e railroad bridge 0/8c now before The Mouse Is point 1s a mile wide. 4h ly by ear and not knowing one note from another the gifted actor has AN FISHER SKINS Just received some choice Fisher : Skins, suitable for one skin Choker. Large size. W.F. Gourdier 78 BROCK STREET "Phorie 700. 'TWEDDELL'S -Suits and Topcoats $20.00, $22.00 $25.00, $28.00 'SPECIAL VALUE ! INDIGO BLUE SERGE SUITS $25.00 TWEDDELL'S . 131 Princess St. » conscience, but first or last it was re- venged upom him for it.