THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG AMUSEMENTS T i Poe a | SPORT Coming GOLF MATCHES. 1 Sport Dress of Individuality By ELEANOR GUNN ~ PICTON PERSONALS. Rev. John Lyons Attended Meetings in Kingston and Tamworth, Picton, May 9.--Rev. John Lyons attended a meeting of the executive committee of the Synod of the Dio- cese of Ontario at Kingston on Tues- On Thursday and Friday Mr. A Speed Story--Wilder Parties--Faster Jazz--High Fastest Motor Race ever Powered Motor Cars--the ctic Younger Set--full of screened. A Romance of He AT THE CAPITOL. n Racing For The Season Announced By The | a werd wr IOLIAT. GRTING WOW! A New Thrill! | | f thrills and spills and ruthless romance. { REGINALD <Q oot the rounge gil. Le uTH HARRY POLLARI hb ADDED ATTRACTION ---- THE LA MERTS Australian . Novelty Entertainers MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY S-T-R-A-N-D STARTS MONDAY ------ "KENNETH HARLAN and MILDRED DAVIS (Mrs. Harold Lloyd) "ATEMPORARY MARRIAGE" A Thrilling Sto 9 Catiraqui Lodge No. 10, L0.0.F. 1 of the above pr will ona WR evening, y 13th. General business; Initia- t Degree. Pa ALLORY, R. M. DOUGLAS, N. G. Ree. See, "NOTICE * Out of respect for the late Mr. Monk, president of McD: and Bchool Club, the in McDonald School Monday even- ing, will be postponed till further here notice. Removal Notice (AFTER MAY 1st Carter will 'be located at 326 MONTREAL STREET "Phone 34835. tN -- ---- CHATEAU ie 800 N cLoSE Live Anyhn Storage Kingston ntonbie Ci Servite Bulletin - Don't drive so fast, the I police don't like it. Office at Board of Trade. Join the Club now. Picture And = Picture Framing Choice assortment of new Pio- tures just arrived. Picture Framing given our careful attention. / cost a New York landlord $16. to address one of his tenants'as | | { "oy | KIWANIS ACTIVITIES. The regular meeting of the Ki- wanis Club is to be held on Monday at the Frontenac hotel at one o'clock. | The speaker for the occasion will be | well worth hearing and it wiH be { novel to have a Kingston member of the Ontario Boys' Parliament talking | to the Kiwanians. The junior M.P. | is Kilborn Upton. His subject will bs | "Boys' Work In . General." J. H. |Sutherland (goad shoes) is the booal- | er for Monday. {[ On Thursday next, the Kingston [wire have an invitation to the | anniversary meeting of the Belle- { ville Club which will be addressed by Governor Tanguay of the Ontario- Quebec district. They are also invited to a meeting of the Montreal Club on May 22nd, which will be address- ed by the International president, and one of the Toronto Club, ag In- tercity meet, on June 25th. Manager Albert Hughes of Phe Kiwanis Karni- val is looking for help from every member for the big event whica starts June 3rd. The secretary's new office is at 33 Brock street. < ---- Aged Resident Passes. There passed away at the Houss onald Home | of Providence on Friday, John Cot- public meeting | ter, an aged and highly respectea n of Kingston who had lived nearly all his life and had made many friends. The funeral took place Saturday morning to St. Mary's ca- thedral where the funeral mass was sung by the Rev. Father Coyle. The pall-bearers were John, James and Wiliam Sowards and John MeGall. Interment was made at St. Mary's cemetery. c Saturday was observed at "Tag Day" for the Salvation Army and in spite of the weather all the down- town streets were well manned and it is hoped that a good sum will be realized. Farmers and traders of Monaghan, Ireland, have decided to revive the annual Agricultural show, which has not been held since 1014, Samuel Show, Huntingdon town- ship, ia dead aged seventy-four years. He was an ex-councillor, A Mason, a Presbyterian and a Liberal. A widow and two sons survive, ° There were fourteen ex-mayors at the banquet in the Frontenac hotel Friday night. And the old fellows had a glorious re-union. > A smokey chimney and a scolding wife are two bad companions, There was no session of the police court Saturday morning. ~~ Industrial G Mason, . 's Portsmouth Penitentiary - ls Kingston Salary, $1080-81350, With Any Granted by Parliament. Uni Applications are invited from resi. dents of Kingston and District, DOsees~ sing. the necessary qualifications for above position. A licants must school fon and at years of | ence as a Ability to inst understand Prisoners. Physical fitness plicatla to be handed in to 32 Warden, Ports hd Peniten: tiary ,not later tham 23rd, 1924. ¢ Secretary, CYvil Yer 08 Commission ---- "ven. NOTICE. THE CENTRAL LAUNDRY, cor SATURDAY, MAY Bonus form, - open for business 10th. Foe SF Lats W. G. 314 BARRIE STREET Reginald Denny Is Starred I Romance "Sporting Youth." |# No production could have peen more Poerfectly timed to public favor, more smoothly tuned to popular sentiment than - "Sporting * Youth," Reginald Denny's new racing feature, at the Ca. pitol theatre starting Monday. | day. { Lyons attended Bay of Quinte C Tamworth. Percy Wannamaker of Kitchener was a week-end visitor in town. Archie Goldsmith, Oshawa, spent the week-end with his cousin, Mrs. & meeting of the lerical Union at It has the freshness of an ocean breeze tn a sultry afternoon, the vigor of a wonderful spirit of youth and the thrill of terrific adventure plunged into the middle of a dull Sunday, It has life, color, romance, danger and speed--plenty of speed, with the necessary punch of good acting to make Byron Morgan's story go over for all it is worth. The public has become inured to spectacles and costume plays 'as a re- sult are no longer the supreme attrac- tion. Filmdom has reeked with heavy drama. All have had their fling at the | public's taste. Now that they have de- | voured them placidly, perhaps seme | were even relished, for there have heen | some pretty entertaining pictures evol. ved of late, this picture of up to the minute life is welcome, But "Sporting Youth" is that which will not be placidly devoured. The pub- lic will "eat it up," if the public really | wants good entertainment. Here's a picture that keeps pace with | today's speed-crazed desires. where you see it. It's an era of speed. You must keep moving or be run down in the rush along life's highways. Father Time must grit his teeth and swing faster his scythe if he is to check the dash of this racing film. And he'll grin, perhaps, enjoying its youth- ful challenge and reckless spirit. In it Denny displays the same. strik- ing personality, the boyishly lovable characteristics which won him such a tremendous following in "The Leather Pushers." And this picture offers the | same human touches which marked the | direction of those fight classics, for Harry A. Pollard, who guided the film- ing of this feature. Too much cannot be said in favor of the big race. It is undoubtedly the most thrilling thing of its kind ever filmed. Its tempo seems to increase with every foot of film screened and it ends with a blaze of speed that lifts you out of your seat, Laura La Plant js charming and does excellent work in the supporting lead and the entire cast is worthy of the picture which is one of the best of its kind. The La Muts are the vaude- ville attraction and in them the patrons may look forward to another good act. ---- HARLAN AND DAVIS AT STRAND MONDAY. Two prime favorites of local movie- goers play the leading roles in "Tem- porary Marriage" which opens at the Strand on Monday for, a three-day's run. Kenneth Harlan, one of the screen's most popular young leading men, and Mildred Davis, wife of the famous comedian, Harold Lloyd, an actress of no mean ability herself, have roles admirably suited to their talents, while the story, dealing as it does with the ultra-modern jazz-seeking society set, is one of most powerful and inter- esting stories to reach the screen this year. See it by all means, it offers-the utmost in screen entertainment, -- een Word reached the U. §. congress on.Friday that the bo 'leggers union ting in solemn convention on May 1st, at New York, unanimously adopted a resolution Protesting against modifications of the Vol. stead act to legalize 2.75 per cent, beer. New green peas at Carnovsky's. Every-| | Nelson, Miller, Grove street. L. HT Golden is in Hamilton at- | of spring assembly clent and Accepted Scottish Right Masons, which is being held in their from Kitchener where he attended the funeral of his brother, the late Dr. Robert Whiteman, Winnipeg. The Methodist W.M.S. met on Wednesday afternoon with the pre- sident jp the chair. Reports were heard from all departments of the work and much' business was dis- posed of. Miss Elwa McKibbon was soloist for the afternoon and Miss last chapter of the study book, "Building The Nation." Many sig- nified thelr intention of going to Wellington to the district convention on Wednesday next. Fred Legge has been apponted night policeman to succeed Constable Jewell who retires. Mr. Legge took over his new duties on Wednesday night. Ed. Ackerman's many friends are sorry to learn of his serious iilness at his home, Bridge street. Miss Marie McLean has returned to her home on Barker street after spending the winter in Toronto and Western Ontario. She was accom- panied home by her friend, Miss Ew- ing; Toronto, who is her guest. Mrs. W. C. Scott, Napanee, and her daughter, Mrs. English, Edmon- ton, Alta. are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alva Scott, Queen street. Mrs. Jolin H. Allan has gone to Toronto after a visit with her father, W. H. Lake and Mrs. Lake. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hambly have returned to their home on the Bay Shore after spending the winter in Toronto. Face Serious A John Macdonald ,aged fifty years, and his son Jerome Macdonald ap- peared before County Magistrate J. W. Bradshaw Saturday morning ana were remanded to county jail. They have been living at Cataraqui with a friend and their arrest took place on Friday when Provincial Constable Clarke located them. The father Is charged with procuring a girl under sixteen years of age for immoral pur- "while his son is charged with seducing the girl. N rn To Appeal Decision. NE eph Smith of the boro, has decided to appeal the de- cision of County Magistrate Brad- sh&w in the case 'of ~ Smith vs. Green, which was recently heard and dismissed. The case arose over the trapping of muskrats. Smith contend- ed the Green brothers were tres- passing on his property when they caught the rats, a -- Still Unconscious. Oshawa, May 10.--No change In the condition of Lieut. William Sou- tham of Ottawa was reported by the hospital authorities here this morn- ing. Lieut. Southam, who was eri- tically injured in the accident at Dunbarton Wednesday night, is stilh unconscious, and physicians are in constant attention. ema nn THE HUMAN zoo Evelyn Gould gave a resume of the | on, acting for wm Township of Lough- | 5 Handicap Committee. The following are the Cataraqui { GoM Club matches for the season. President's team vs. Vice-presi- dent's team, Saturday, May 31st. The teams will dine together alte | the match. The Club Handicap. Entries to be The leopard is probably reconciled is v K. att to his fate, and surely no longer wants | pecial meeting to be held on SUNDAY to change his spots, since fashion sO thoroughly approves them. The zebra, 100, must feel rather set up, for his markings are acclaimed by the smart world, especially the portion interest. ed in sports, made by June 1st. | Mixed foresomes (2 ball). Entries | selected by draw. | * The Club Championship Qualifying round to be played August 2nd. The cathedral. t meter of women's tendencies. Dr. G. A. Whiteman has returned | best sixteen will play off by match | Bermingham Cup. | foun on August 30th. Best 32 net scores will oy off by match play | under handica | Ringer competition, 18 holes. This will commence as soon as the greens are in order and close Oct. 4th. | CITY BASEBALL LEAGUE. {Schedule of Junior Games Drawn Up on Friday Evening. At a City Baseball League meet- ing held in the Whig building on | Friday evening, the following scred- ule for the junior league was drawn up: May 19th--Shamrocks vs. Circle Six. May 24th--Circle Six vs. Victorias. May 29th--Victorias vs. rocks. | Qualifying | Sham- | One does not need to be athletic to mer ahead promises to be a banner year for sportswear, taking the South- ern and Californian resorts as a baro- Al- thouglr it was plaid which came in for all' the headlink gleaned from homecoming buyers as they came down the gangplank, we have been less active in following their advice than is usual, possibly because we became involved in intricate strip- ings which assumed all directions, and sometimes on the same gown. tending the | , | revel in sports clothes, and the sum- Moore Sovereign Consistory of An-| © Pe made by June 10th. Partners | May 31st--Circle Six vs. Sham- | rocks, June Six. June | torias. June [5 June torias. June | rocks. | June | rocks. | June Six. June 27th--Shamrocks torias. Julg, 3--Shamrocks vs. Circie Six. July 5th--Circle Six vs. Victorias. July 7th--Victorias vs. Shamrocks. July 10th--Circle Six vs. "ham- rocks. f July 12th--Victorias vs. Six. July 15th--Shamrocks torias." July 17th--Shamrocks vs. Circle Six. . { July 19th--Clircle Six torias. July 22nd--Victorias vs, rocks. July 26th--Circle 8i rocks. N July 28th--Vietorias vs. Circle ix. 2nd--Victorias vs. Circle 7th--S8hamrocks vs. Vie- 9th--Shamrocks vs, Circle Vie- 12th--Circle. Six vs. 16th--Victorias vs. Sham- 18th--Circle Six vs. Sham- 21st--Victorias vs. Circle vs. Vie- Circle vs. Vie- vs. Vie Sham- Xx _vs. Sham- July 31st--Shamrocks torias. vs. Vic- --es---- The committee in charge of the St. Lawrence Boys' camp is to be held at Hudson's Grove, five miles west of Brockville, trom July 1st to 12th in- clusive. Rev. John K. Curtis, King- ston, is on the promotion board and will forward the names of any Tuxis boys from this city who are able to | attend. Brockville merchants have decid- ed to keep their stores open on Vie- toria Day, Saturday, May 24th, and close on the Monday following. Victory at the polls Sunday is pre- dicted by Premier Poincare and his | supporters. SAA Ae mms By C. D. Batchelor ied # The model shown indicates a popu- lar preference in the matter of the di- rection of' stripes. While it is tradi- tional that horizontal stripes exagger- ate one's width, many of the smartest models this season dare the horizontal, and curiously enough, do not appear to emphasize. The reason for this is unquestionably because the eye is dis- tracted by some detail of the gown which interrupts the line. In nearly every arrangement in which stripes occur, they band the body below the hips and are vertical above. One of the most successful ev- ening gowns of the present season was a black satin and gold stripe affair, yet women who were almost in the sty- lish stout class wore this gown with considerable success. At the moment, stripes arc often mitered at front and back, the sharp angle which occurs from this arrange- | ment, producing points which are help. ful in elongating the lines of the fig- ure. A popular tunic in three alternat- ing stripes, which is typical, has the stripes sharply pointed at the center of the front and back. So much has already been written | * . IN rs in fashion stories | The members of Frontenac Counell, of C., are requested to a S AFTERNOON, MAY 11th, at 3.30 p.m. én the Council Rooms. Business of special importance. WwW. J. COYLE, Rec. Sec'ys Pubic Library Ballets Unwritten tistory- 3 Hamilton, Books and Men--aA. Repplier. oid Travels in Arabia Desert--C. M. Dough~ iy. i Swan Song, etc.--A. Tchekoft. Plays--A. Strinberg. ine Unknown--T. Mundy. ace--W. McKee. Bardeleys--R. Sabatini. Dan Barry's Daughter--M. Bran&. Red Lod V. Bitages, Desert's Price--W. M. Raine. Callahans and the Murphys--K. Riddle of Amber Ship--M. Hanshew, Without Gloves--J. B. Hendry. Passion Flower--E. W. Underwood. NOTICE leased to conduct Auction ngston or the County of Rates reasonable. Arrangements olin be made at my office. ™ J MUNRO, ; auctioneer, Corner Clarence and Ontarie Streeta Administrator's Notice to Creditors Estate of JAMES HAMILTON, of the Township of Pittsburgh, ¥ of Froantemae, Farmer, I will be Sales In Frontenac. In the Late in the Count Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act, R.8.0., 1914, Chapter 121, Section 56, that all panties having claims against the Estate of the above named James Hamilton, who died on or About the 28th day -of 1922, » 1924, vo prepaid to King & Smythe, 71 ence Street, Kingston, Ontario, Sollejt- ors for the Administrator, their name addresses and full particulars of thed claims, and the nature of th tles, if any, held by ter the last mentioned date, minfstrator of the said Estate wil istribute the estate among the ntitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of whi notice shall have been given, and that the sald Administrator will not be liable for the assets of the Estate or any part thereof to any person of whose claim notice has not been received as above required. DATED at Kingston this 1st day of 4. NG & SMYTHE, parties e May, AD. 19 KI 3 Solicitors for Administrator. Walter/Cannem Tinsmith and Roofing Jobbing a specialty. Automobile Radiators repaired. 69 BAGOT ST. 'PHONE 2158m. MONUMENTS Before placing your erder for a Monument, or having Letter. ing done in cemetery SER J. E.Mullen "Phone 1417. concerning the merits of flannel for. sportswear, that the theme is becom : ing threadbare, yet its importance can hardly be overestimated. The kfiitted dress in one or two sections still has many followers. Such things are very smart in loosely woven Shetland wool in wide stripes. 4 For sweaters, stripes of various widths are also liked, the stripes either covering the entire figure or bordering an otherwise plain slipon, in which case brush wool or angora is most often chosen. Austen Chamberlain, speaking be- fore the Birmingham Conservative Association Friday night, appeared for honest co-operation by men of like thought in the British House of Commons. AIN'S 257 Princess . + "Phone 1283m (Opposite the Strand Theatre) PRELIMINARY OPENING day, May10 i. " The Best at Lowest Possible Prices | LADIES' SILK HOSIERY--First = Black, White, Grey, Fawn, Prices Tre ras rasan quality and the latest shades. fr 70. oe, $1.45 to 82.75 assorted colors .....,.81.65 EEC SRS. to match-........... ..... S119 SHIRTS AND DRAWERS 40c. 49¢c. SEs sidm saan COMBINATIONS ............... 80120 TAR NAR Arvin Caran haa, Me. Bers 2 hbur ied akon havens analiie