es ag THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | VEN KEY [0020 beats vo vag saa ne GIVEN Kk = i TIRE REPAIRS MOORE'S TIRE REPAIRS | BY SIR ADAM BECK veniently arranged. * Bf | Open DOMINION and : Evenings FIRESTONE ~ 1IRES re White Rose The speaker pointed out that the The Best $35.00 SEE OUR LINE OF Gasoline | local plant had been signed up with | Opening' of New Offices of the | the hydro commission as a customer ' "RY MEN'S Boys Bicycles Hove 4v8 IN THE core SE Th Baseball Goods | Public Utilities mise Sheed than a co-partner. The com: Come in and see the new Balloon » Tires for Coupes and Sedans, mission was giving power under a sion on Friday. | MOORE'S contract price the best that could be 206-8 WELLINGTON STREET . Of Muskrat, Seal, Mole, Coney and Cara- cul. The season's lat- est designs. Your in- spection invited. | -- | given and the best possible service. | With the handing over of the key | Figures were given to show the sar. | to Manager C. C. Folger, by Sir|ing in rates and the end was npt |Adam Beck, chairman of the Ontario | Yet. In the near future there was | Hydro-Electric Commission, on Fri- | hope of other municipalities becom- { day afternoon, the new offices of the | ilg co-partners and a further reduc- | public utilities commission, on Queen | tion. With the development of more | street, were declared officially open- | POWer, there would be no reduction | ed- The ceremony was witnessed by | Of Power up to the full capacity in | quite a large number of prominent | this district. The speaker had hopes 7 ------------------ Er JOHN MCKAY Linited "The Fur House" | citizens, the attendance being excep- | tionally good, in view of the incle- ment weather. R. N. F. McFarlane, chairman of the utilities commigsion, presided, and introduced Sir Adam | that this city would become a co- partner, . Sir Adam congratulated Kingston {on its ability to finance their utili- | ties and said the people had reason ~ OUR STREET IS PAVED AND LOTS OF PARKING SPACE x Se g------ ASK US ABOUT 'DUNLOP BALLOON CORD TIRES Attwood & Dine Beck who gave .an address, at the | tO offer their gratitude to those who | close of which he handed over the | had 'adminidtered the work. And it key to Manager Folger and the latter | Was not always a matter of joy or made a most fitting reply. Sir Adam | Pleasure to serve the public. The REAL BARGAINS IN CONGOLEUM RUGS - made an inspection of the new build- | Speaker had faith in the People of Ing and 'was greatly pleased with the { Canada and especially the people in offices and thelr equipment. The | this district, building was thrown open to the pub- | At the close of his address, Sir lic between 4 and 5 o'clock on Fri-| Adam handed the key to Manager day afternoon, and quite a large | Folger and after a brief reply by Mr. number of citizens availed them-| Folger, the ceremonies were brought selves of the opportunity to make | to a close. an inspection, Mr. Folger stated that he would : do his best to justify the confidence Chalrnfan McFarlane Speaks. { placed in him and could assure the "Notwithstanding the criticism | Citizens, that he would put forth his | which I feel has been unjustly level- | best efforts to give the people the led at the local commjssion, it is in-| best possible service. deed a pleasure for me to-day, on Mayor Wilson, ot Gananoque, at- To-Night--Silk Hose 95¢ Broken lines in Women's Silk Hose -- Navy, Brown and Black--all sizes in Sand, Grey, the lot. Values to $1.50. To Clear To-night 95c. pair behalf of my fellow commissioners, | tended the opening of the new offices to welcome you to this beautiful and | With & party ofprominent residents spacious office, which we consider a| Of that place and also attended the credit and a valuable asset to the | meeling in the evening addressed by SILKS ON SALE MONDAY . rs 172m At prices that will make it worth your while to buy. City of Kingston," said Chairman R. | Sir, Adam Beck. Aces in Vuleanizing. 277 Bagot Street. Phone 902m. Italian Olive Arrived to-day from ¥F. Bertolli Lucca-Tuscany, Italy. This is the finest Oil Italy produees. Put up in 3 pints, pints, quarts, , 34 Salions and gallons, GET THE BEST. HENDERSON'S GROCER yr Phone Italian Warehouse 279. For Over Half a Century WE SERVE GOOD MEALS Good meals served to your liking. EVENING PARTIES given first class attention. HE VICTORIA CAFE © 854 King Street. Siug Lee and Gan Lee, Props. Telephone 762. ' ACTUAL RESULTS -- Ne The Mutual Life of Canada Of a 20 year Endowment Policy for $1,000 issued at age 35 in 1004, maturing in 1024: Premium $ 50.20 Total Cash Value .-$1,420.22 This is a gain of ....8 417.82 On Re basis of a $10,000.00 policy the gain above all pre- miums paid would be $4,178.20 Rates for this policy can be obtained from 5. ROUGHTON 60 Brock Street 'Phone 610 SATURDAY 10 lbs. Granulated for . , . C. 2 Ibs. 25¢, Table Syrup, 5 Ib. pail .. .89¢c. 1 Macaroni, 1 Tomatoes for 30c. Mathew's Pure Lard, Ib. . .17c. Pastry Flour, 7 Ib, bag ...20c. Heavy Weight Bananas, dozen 40c. Quaker Corn Flakes 8 for 28c. Strawberry and Raspberry, pure (4s.) 82c. 1 Can Plums, 1 Ib, Figs for 25¢, Prunes .'..g Ibs. 28¢, Hundreds of other Cash-Carry money savérs, Cullen's CASH AND CARRY $ EYEGLASS PROGRESS It is our policy abreast of the times; new to keep and vanced eyeglass features g are continually adde. stock, y 4 19, our Whether you need or are now weariig glasses, Surely be interested the eglass progress displa in our store. " Played Our glasses are fitted b. a experienced Optometrist, Yn ? usted. by an . clan, : aien Expert om S. ASSELSTINE, DS. KING STREET EYESIGHT SPECIALIST PHONE 1019w N. F. McFarlane, in opening his ad- dress. "When the question of consolida- tion was approached, there 'were some who felt that the offices should have been moved to the City Build- ings. This was impossible, because In the entire quarters of the. Bank of British North~ America, which we were requested to occupy, there was not in their whole building, nearly the floor space that there is on this ground floor alone. Hence, to occupy this portion of the city office was im- possible. "The question of expenditure has been raised, and on this point, let me say most emphatically, that this entire transaction not: only carries, but in a short time will pay for itself. The maintenance and up-keep of the two offices naturally increased our operating costs, and in this division alone, I point to the fact, with par. ticular Interest, when I say most de- finitely that by this amalgamation, we camhfrom now on, effect a saving of $1,500 per annum in office wages alone, 'As a municipal enterprise and as servants of the public, we realize that service in every departmend is most essential. Only by the united aid and co-operation of best individ- ual effort can ultimate success ever hope to be 'attained. We, as com- missioners, after careful investiga- tion, erected these offices with that thought in mind--to consolidate our entire working staff, executive, ac- counting, operation and distribution, so that all information is available under the one roof. "The commission has put forth its best efforts to furnish the citizens with an efficient up-to-the-minute service, made possible by the com- pletion of the new office which is greatly honored to-day by the pres- ence of Sir Adam Beck, the most | outstanding man in the hydro de- { velopment in the world to-day--one, | {ho by his untiring energy, vision and strong personality, has placed the province of Ontario in the envi- able position which it holds to-day, as a power producing country, equals led by few and excelled by none." Sir ASum Beck's Address. In his opening remarks, Sir Adam Beck stated that he considered it a great honor to be invitéd to come to Kingston, "It is the most important city we have business dealings with in connection with the hydro electric power project between Toronto and! Cornwall," he added. "I am glad to be able to be present at the opening | of this building, which must be a source of great pride to you. If there Is one thing that public ownership has done, it is to stimulate publie pride and efficiency in the various communities where these enterprises are located," Sir Adqn remarked that it was now eight" years since he had first had the honor of taking up the ques- tion of electrical power with the authorities in Kingston and here the speaker remarked that in all cases in which he was engaged in spreading propaganda for electrical supply, it had to undertake more or less of a controversal character. The qugstion was raised as to the ability of the organization to cope with the enter- prise and the ability of the organiza- tion to make predictions with the as- surance that they would materialize in time. The commission had been thoroughly investigated. The speak- er referred to the Gregory report. The commission had been justified in the expenditure of large sums of money. Everything in connection with the work of the commission had 'heen ald bare and not ome charge of wrong doing had been attached to any member of the association. ¥ Sir Adam stated that f 'was one for co! BANQUET TO At the Frontenac Hotel Was a Splen- did Event. | The dinner at the Hotel Fronté- nac on Friday evening tendered to Sir Adam Beck, was a splendid af- fair. Some one hundred sat down. The guests were largely composed of the members of the Utilities Com- | midsion, Board of Trade, city coun- { cil, board of education and similar bodies, including the officials of each. The mayors of Picton and Ga- Jnanoque were also present. A fine orchestra and a Scotch vocalist, Mr. Marshall, gave acceptable service. The menu, provided by Marie Host Hughes, was of the richest charac- ter. ~ It was the general opinion that | a finer spread had not been provided in years, and demonstrated that the hotel was capable of the choicest of service. The toast to "The King" was the only one offefed. The whole event . was a feast of delight. On hig arrival in the city on Fri- 'day dfternoonm, Sir Adam Beck was met hy Mayor Angrove and the members of the Public Utilities Com- mission and taken to the Utilities building, where he made 3 thorough inspection and expressed himself as being well leased. With the bullding and its equipment. r¥ hg Following: the inspection of the building, 8ir Adam. was taken to the Royal Military College, where he ~-made an inspection. Gen®ral Sir Archibald Macdonell had tea served in honor of the distinguished visitor, --- SIR ADAM. | # | = IN MARINE OIROLES { As soon as the wind dropped on Friday, a number of vessels which | were In shelter cleared. | The tug Russell, which had been at Crawford's wharf for two or three days, cleared for the canal with the barges Davie and Quebec. The steamer Jeska cleared for Oswego to load coal. The steamer Brantford cleared for Oswego. The steamer Buenna Vista cleared for Oswego to load coal. The schooner Susie Chipman clear- ed for Oswego. Cobourg's tax rate this year will be 43 mills, which is one mill more than in 1923. "The Hat Store" Hats for Men Hats for Ladies Hats for Children lation, | should be proud that the 100 yards of newest materials. CREPE 'AILEEN in Na soft, lustrous fifieh, Slondid wear ing quality. «vise aieiee. Monday $1.89 yard ile the lot lasts vy and Black only, Nice, One of the season's NATURAL PONGEE SILK--full 34 inches wide and from dressing--suitable for Childr en's Wear, Men's Shirts or Wo- men's Dresses. Regular price $1.00. . . free Sale Monday 69c. yd. "se ee have them all 54 inch ALL-WOOL FLAN NEL in San Navy, Almond Green, Jade, 1stecs aletate aiatntle's no 0%sCe sina d, Copen, Pearl Henn a and | other good shades. Grey, We . Monday $1.50 yard sure and see them. a £7 If needing a iew RUG here is the place to bu on all Tapestry, Brussels, Axminster and Wilton Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY, STORE 3 ~~ RADIO BROADCASTING | The following is a list of radio stations and their broadcasting pro- grammes which may be heard lo- cally on Sunday and Monday: SUNDAY. Ladies' Glee Club and Liberty WGY (880) Schenectady, N-Y. 9.30 a.m.--Mothers' day service of the Broadway Methodist Episcopal Church, x 2.30 p.m.--WGY Symphony Or-: chestra, assisted by Kolin Hager, baritone. 7 p.m.~Services of the Broadway : Methodist Episcopal Church. WCAP (469) Washington, D.C. 6.20 p.m.-"Musical programme di- rect from the Capitol Theatre, New York City, by courtesy of the Capi- tol Theatre management and S. 1, Rothafel (Roxy). 8.15-10 p.m.--Special programme under the auspices of the Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New |' York. WBZ (887) Springfield, Mass. 9.45 a.m.--Church services trans- mitted from the Church of the Unity, Rev. Charles A. Wing, pastor; music by the Philharmonic male quartette and Miss Adele Graves, harpist; Ray- mond C. Hodge, first tenor; Howard 1. Smith, second tenor; William H, 'Lippmann, baritone; George B. Dowd, bass; Robert W. Field, organ- ist and director, 5.30 p.m.--Sunday vespers on the Springfield municipal chime, trans- dnitted rect from the Campanile, Ernest Newtop Bagg, chime ri hy 7 p.m.--Programme from gen- eral conference of the Methodist Bpiseopal Church. : Sn MONDAY, a--WGY (880) Schenectady, N.Y. 1pm Muse and homsehoid 7.40 9.m.-- Baseball results. 7.45 p.m.--Programme by Kalina Belt ssn. 8 pai HA of _-- Pm.--Concert by the games, ent Janguages as presented Stet. son Humphrey Studio. 3 hy hn 4 She Ls WBZ 7.30 pm.--Concert in five ditter Clearing Sale Of ; MILLINERY | Parisian Shop 832 BROCK STREET PHONE 316 _GODKIN'S LIVERY For Dus and Taxi Se Buggies : And sad le - starts for Cataraqul cemet on ¥: April 20th, at 1.48 ra Queen St, opposite St, Paul's 5.30 pom.--Organ recital by How- ard R. Webb, Ritz Motion Picture Theatre, Pittsburgh. _ 6 p.m.--Baseball scores; concert continued. 6.45 p.m.--N'cws bulletins. 7 p.m.--Baseball scores. Radio Girl Scout meeting conducted by Laura Holland, director of Gin Scouts. 8 p.m.---Programme of the con- vention conceft of the American Guild of Banjoists, Mandolinists and Guitarists, from the Carnegie Musi: Hall, Pittsburgh. WOC (500) Davenport, Ia. 11 a.m~--Weather and river fore- cast. © 12 noon--Chimes concert. 1 p.m.--~Closing stocks and mar- kets. : : 5.45 p.m--Chimes concert. 6.30 p.m.--Sandman's visit. 6.50 p.m.--Sport news and weath- er forecast. Sniffling Catarrh 'Goes Away Quickly is the time when the germ of h is very prevalent. Your best protection 4s . CATARRHOZONE. With & speed almost incredible, the fumes of this healing -killer will spread all through the nose, throat and bromchial tubes. They clear sore crusts out of the nostrils; they Stop that nasty discharge, and allow you to breathe freely again. For Catarrh in nose or throat, the quickest remedy is Catarrhozone. Carry the inhaler in your purse or vest pocket. it. Special prices ugs and Mats, Be is: curch | ---- WWJ (517) Detroit, Mich. 3.835 pm.--Market reports and baseball scores. ry 7 p.m. ~The Detroit "News" or- chestra; Herbert E. Blythe, baritone; Mme. Fedora Kurban, Soprano. -------- Complete radio programmes sold at Canada Radio Stores. -------- Greeted by Sir Adam. Sir Aadam Beck," while on his visit here on Friday, warmly greet- ed B G. Barrett, 'city editor of the British Whig. Mr. Barrett was on.' the London Free Press when Sir Adam was mayor of London, Ont. and reported the city hall doings, which bright him daily Into contact with the man who later became Can- ada's great hydro power developer. ' ---------- P.W.O.R. Presentations. After the return of the P.W.O.R.' to the armouries on Monday evening next the annual presentst'on of I