Vv % > | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG : SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1026. NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS LC | | | ie Vair sang, and some of the memb=rs cones mie. seins Some Men Guess and Trust to Luck daughter. The afternoon was an ex- ove. ox moos wn oii Others Think and Trust to Judgment train on Saturday morning for Mont- real, where they will sail on the SS. 0) % Metagama for England to visit their i AL SID | old home and the British Empire Exhibition. Mr. Lomax will also of- ficially represent Bethel Sunday ' +... | school at the World's Sunday school Editor of Women's Pago, Tele-| received a gift in recognition of her TORO a Coe Te, in Glenburnie church. Phone 2618. Private 'phone 857w.| service to the Home and School rh ; $s... club. ct If You A , x a & ee - . Mrs. John H. Molson is in charges ' . ou Are In Your Twenties or Your Sixties, Why Lag Behind Others ? A pleasant dance was held in 0. of the entertainment which tie iittle The Editor Hears Your Housework a Burden--Your Job a Bore? Feel as Good, Look as Graot Hall after the graduation of Amidst the tooting of motor horns. | ging of Group 5, of Trinity Memo- Well and Be as Active as Nature Intended, Through New Natural Gentine the nurees of the Kingston General | ringing of bells, and other demon- Church, Montreal, are giviag this That Julia Hoyt makes the follow- SAN : Hospital on Friday evening. The strations of regard, Miss Frances lal Chun Bh the Te -- het rg ps ing pertinent remarks about that ex- Pmphotud Nerve Hloud aad Bouy Bullding Tonte, | Guests were received by Mrs. R. J.| Pollock, one of the most popular o'clock. The éntertainment is entit- ceedingly tiresome and unchristian ot Guesswork, But Judgment. ; © Carson, who wore black crepe, heav-| young ladies ever attached to the led "Mayflowers." person, the discontented woman: I | Weakness, Fatigue, Run Down, casionally. If you're & man you gene dly beaded, Mrs. G. W. Mylks In|staff of the Mowat sanatoriup: !sft «ss have said that I do not believe that | Coughs, Colds Mean Loss erally swear or at least feel like it. White crepe, Mrs. Frederick Tay-|last evening for Ottawa, whore she Mrs. Clarence Weagant, Pem- there is any good excuse for any wo- of Nerve Strength. : Tou my, IE ike a2 brace me u You must remember man being habitually discontented. e - pt Your brain is the central power house | building health and strength is a nate By that I do not mean that many of of your nerv " v S ural process. In Phospho-Cod has been us have everything that we. desire, eal a. Sysiami Tnousands of Diode together a vital combination y S. ) y "1 Of elements needed to assist perfect nor do I mean that many of us have SAges--the energy. Your muscles do| nutrition ang\create a superior builds not passed through the periods of | ine work. But you're not one whit| ing tonic containing the vital hypophos- phites of Lime--Manganese--Potass lor, handsomely gowned in black|iz t;, be married in the very pear brooke street, entertained at bridge | georgette, beaded, Mrs. Harold Davis, | [+.ure. Members of the staff dacorat- on Thursday evening when the win- frocked in jade green beaded With |ed her motor car in most lavish style ner-of the pretty prize was Mrs. F. 'white, and Miss Fairful, wearing her with varied colored streamers and R. Mabee. form and carrying an armful of flowers, together with various signs, no +s owers. Supper was served in - the | notifying onc and all the object of . : discontent with ourselves and our | stron h , 54 v , ' i Th e oyal Militar 2 onger. than your nerves -- they| gium---se 1 ors cafeteria where the decorations were Miss Pollock's journey. At vo time Core ies Of ihe Ro) a ay i 3 lots. That is quite a different thing | are the source of ail Yr sengearsmm i auinive and_Strychnie - | red and white, the colors of K. G.|is the position of dietitian a sinecurs aes y Arthur Currie Sat from chronic discontent, and so long | Through overwork, worry, grief, colds, Pho bone and other body structure. H. \ in a hospital, but judging from the Te MRS. J. B. CARRUTHERS as we can use the expression "passed | hArdship and neglect you become gen-| tir vaiua pie agus al the essons $ . any evidences of regard. shown Mis; Dr. Arthur W. Pense, house sur ooporary Regent of the aanicipal through," we can go on to tell how Stely yun gown, fail 3 Eel your reg. ox Livers bishared JRr0d 3 manned ? . . se, - * | tl . E., ular , fi . y 0 De pleasant tas Pollock by both patients and sta?t, Memorial Cenotaph on Saturday. we dilcovéred a new interest and a Sleep, find it hard 15 do your worl, 82 to be pleas eral und entirely i ecutive , 8 a y y On Friday evening the execu the more than came up to the :deai| 8800 at the Broad Street Hospital, new zest in life. I have never known | *1d are played out at night. Perhaps agreeable taste usually present in Cod of thé Home and School Club of] perfection. All joined in wishing | NeW York, arrived to-day to visit his | superint2ndent of the General Hos- anyone who had a definite interest | YOU'Te restless, irritable, nervous and| Liver prepatations. These nutfitive fidgety over everything you do. Your| 8l8nents are next combined with the i al School gave a dinner at the appiness mother, Mrs. J. P. Pence, Princcss| pital, were in town for the nurses 1 % Centr B 2 w her every happiness. p i ' in life who was troubled with more | internal organs seem to get out of gear,| Extracts of Malt, Wild Cherries and I anol 10 honor of Dv..and Mrs, W. BeBe: graduation: than fleeting moments of boredom | Stomach fails to digest food forming| Blood Root. to which are then added ~ 8. Lennon who are leaving shortly . 6 9 Dr. and Mrs. McQuade, Trenton, Mr. Colin Macpherson, Bainsville, gas and your heart palpitates. You| Pure Glycerine, Pepsin and delicious "for their new sphere of labor at Sher- Mr. and Mrs. James Lomax, 29 |are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. | is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. and discontent. fave Dean Jutie Leaqaches sometimes Spreliaing 7im Pari rine. This Rew © brooke, Que. The tables were beauti- | Russell street, entertained the mem- | Harper, Nelson street. Macpherson, University avenue. Th A f th ta| cramps in your on or Yors, pedi ea, effective pleasant tasting Tonite mee E fully decorated and everything done | bers of the Christian Endeavor So- Rev. Cyril Bickerselh, head of i . Phat every year 289 © ® oyEbis stipated. Food don't agree, 'won't as- Se Sider of the Rignast phare to make the gathering a happy one. |clety of Bethel Church on Friday] the Community of the Resurrection, Mrs. A. E. Ross, wife of General AT iS ie pa aus Sip ana es A oagieeanle footings strength, purity ay atura oalisnce, } < Mrs. Lennon were presented | evening at their home. The evening | London, Eng., is the guest of 'he oss, M.P., w ste ight- so discoupaged. Appears there's s -| A product which is being rapidly adopte Dr and Mrs. Len p re ER 2 2 Tose ; WES Rostess at & deligy and the class of 1924 had as many | thing ae with the world--whereas, ed and prescribed by Dr de ve with a handsome piece of silverware | was spent in games and music untii| Bishop of Ontario and Mrs. F. J bid- | ful arranged bridge on Thursday at " there's something the matter w physicians every wh b 'r With you. 3 ere because of |t friends and as many flowers as its{ Jiores one of those run-down, worn-| Fellability, efficacy and safety, . by the school club, Miss Ryder mak-| eleven o'clock when refreshmenis| well, "Bishop's Court." | the House of Commons. : ing the presentation. Mrs. Routbard, | were served and adieux were said. Mr. and Mrs. Fairful, stratford.| Mrs. C. E. Taylor, King street, whe predecessors. iin. shattered pepless, frazzled be the club, also Mr. and Mrs. Lomax left on the early ! the parents of Miss Fairful assistant | To- Wags : : an active member of D ) I : p 5 Ss has been visiting her parents in To That commenting that Burbank is When Using Phospho-Cod i T -» ' CATE A nd a -- S----"s -------- nnd | t | ronto has returned home. t hing poppies to stay awake at| You Noti 1 Rad ANATRRALNIMEELNI A (S7ZAz TH & BODY SUNIL. HTT = ul » ! | Prince and. Princess Erik, Count , « | and Countess of Rosenberg, arrivad night, a woman remarks now if he'd First your appetite improves--¥Food + 5% only teach the jazz fiends in the | smells and tastes good -- Next vou in Halifax Thursday and are expect- le . y " | : next flat to go to sleep! 5 ep better, awake refreshed, strength- ed in Ottawa shortly for a few days ened--If you had a cough or cold this : \X/ E ARE IN | HE FIE | D visit with the latter's parents, Mr. To .. | Boon disappears--Digestion is toned-- = ' ft ir | Gas and bloat SU0ps--Tis our- pe , and Mrs. J. Fred Booth before leav- That the tulips that their ished--There's mink. Je SF.ssucs nur. Ts I ari heads even in the rain, although they | goon vou're in the o u Call on your dealer . : : 9 foto ae In ais. and refuse to open their golden or|and the whole on GL ho " y ~ id E Miss Kirkpatrick, Barrie street, left | CTiMeOR cups save for his majesty Put Pink in Your Cheeks; Get In Phospho-Cod is for sale by L. T. ES . on Friday for Ottawa and are spend- the sun, had a pretty compliment |The Pink of Condition Through | Best, Druggist, who will be pleased : ~ . A ing a few days at the Chateau Laur- paid to them on one of the wet days Phosphio-t od Nerve Blood and Body| to send a bottle by mail td" those un- A 187 this week for two girls going hom: | Building Tonic--Nature's Best Assis. able to call at the store, on receipt of : on the car were over heard as fol- | tant. 3 es a . 25 cents additional to pay postage 2 : ..|lows: "Don't the tulips in the park| Laugh and the world laughs with a : Mrs. E. J. Davis, Newmarket, is look nice," said one. "Yes," sald tha | Lik Woop ang Jou an enjoy oo! Regular price $1.25 per pint bottle;! 9 ; with her son, Mr. Elmer Davis, and other, "it does one goqd to see some- | &8 Woman you no doubt sometimes foci] $ 1-00 Mailed to any address in Can- } Mrs. Davis, Sydenham street. thing bright on a day like this. Anna like crying over it and possibly do oc-| ada. G Miss Ruth fioglar of the Toronto did you notice the flowers in the C. jeneral Hospital is spending a short | pp garden? They are simply] FOR SUMMER TRAVELER. !over a sleeveless underdress of bril- : holiday with her parents, Mr. and " lant d > To-day. the doors of our Mrs. W. R. Clugston, Brock street, grand. -- A om Wii wl E Radio Department are open before Sravussion Which iakw place | mpat the country is wonderful just most any figure and the clever use i to the public for the first a rong yor i ont 'who is at.| BOW: The grass is a vivid green and of buttons and the. close fitting col- : time. . te hid del on i ay a a in the meadows great patches of lar make it very youthful fo appear- pe aa hs wil: ii golden marigolds make glorious ance as well as practical, A Su : 3 "| apots of color; the leaves are budd- ---------------- To-day will give to the gui, Ms. au Mrs. Leman A. Guild, { 0" ong the. woods are showing a : Radio enthusiasts of King- Division 'stregte. i misty green with darker tones where : 4 ston a source from which the fir trees are. The birds are nest- ; ' . may be selected t f : Mre. W. Graham, who since her ing and nature showing she is fully Y cled sets o Teturn from Japan where she bare-| ,),v. "1, the duty of producing her proven value. ~ ly escaped with her life, has been is supply on man and beast visiting her parents, Rev. Dr. Sand. " And Their Children . 5 i ers and Mrs. Sanders, Brockville, is = h Marosulphioiie No, IIL. Sold By Us, Fuly or Partially | the guest of her cousin, Mrs, C. C.| 3 : --_--y g Equipped. Nash, Albert street. E \ Miss Alison Maedonell, R.M.C., AUNT HET p who is visiting Miss Francesca Foulkes, Montreal, is returning THIS ANNOUNCEMENT nd oY > A 5 will be received with pleasure hy The first tea of the season is be- ~ our many friends and patrons, and the news that we ing held to-day at the Country Club Intend to place this new department In a class by It. by the executive. self, and keep it there, will be an assurance as to the $8. : quality and selectiveness of the sets we offer for sale. : Miss Hora, Wellington street, gave 3 two pleasant bridge and mah jongg During the past fow months, we have tested all the parties this week, one on Thursday well-known makes with a view to stocking only those Y and one on Friday. which, In our opinion and the opinfom of our expert, ' 1.8 will give the maximum amount of satisfaction, and a . Miss Helen Harvey, Deseronto, ly SE y J demonstration of those we now have wiik confirm our 3 with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harvey, a clan that we sell reliable radio. Alice street, for a visit. When Company Comes. ~~, Mrs. Alerander Laird, who has been One Mother Says: « Every set Installed by us wiil reflect the reputation of at the "Y" for a month, left this Our table and service is so small the House of Lindsay, because we have stopped to con. ' morning for Albany, N.Y. to join| «pa don't never seem to doubt that that when we have guests the chil- sider the importance of selling our patrons only those Miss Hilda Laird who has taken a|p.'s saved except when he has a dren cannot eat with us. Instead exhibiting the highest state of efficiency in the radio , position on the teaching staff of the spell o' cramp colic." of following the, old-fashioned world to-day. 2 / Albany State Library. - method of letting the children waiy ] The Dean of Ontario has returnes : = a for getond table, I serve the chil Easy terms of payment will be arranged. A set will trom Toronto. WOMEN! DYE Here is the type of costume that| dren first. In addition to the des be delivered wpon receipt of 25 P.C. of the purchase . Miss Lilian Fair, West street, has . appeals immediately to the business| sert sacred to the guests I make a | price, the balance will be spread over a period of réturned from Belleville where she : woman or the summer traveler-- | small cake or pie just for the chil- 1 twelve was the guest of Miss Alie# Laazier. ANY GARMENT which includes' womankind pretty | dren, They don't mind eating by | : N\ Miss Shaw and Miss Jennie Shaw generally. themselves and are well out of the ~ - have moved to 41 Union street. It is made of black mohair worn | way when the company comes. i ; * so» | N =i 1 Miss Nora Coey, who has been vis- _- a id : ATION , iting her sister, Mrs. Ross, Living- ~ \ ston, Johnson street, left on Friday . i for her home in Newark, N.J. . he . Mr. Arthur Craig returned to To- Waists Kimonos _ Draperies -ronto to-day after spending a week | Skirts. Dresses Ginghams cu 1 ° : Se in town. Coats tockings i Mrs. 8. C. Taylor, Genanoque, left | Shweaters : St ' For O ~1N1 J t N to-day for a visit in New York ana , Brooklyn. - ™N + ¥ Women's Fine Lis le Thread ck- Mrs. H. W. Richardson, "Alwing- ings--plain and fancy stripes withflare lf When we state that we supply sets fully or partially '| + equipped, we mean to infer that You can purchase Cf Marconiphone No. 8, for Instance according to the following specitications: x Without loop antenna, valves, batteries, or headset 1n.....o.o0i Coin... $250.00 " and Miss Ford, who have been nnipeg with Mr. Jack Richard- a With Joop Sut without valves. batter son, now in Dundas with Mr, and S . : y 3 eries or Mrs. Graham Bertram. ; of * a1 . . headsed io vioe ov onan X coors $275.00 SE i less in R10 Dr Mea th sa and ribbed top, in Black; White, Grey, ties : . any woman can dye or tint any old, Be; d Sand--all si f oh s Dancing Exhibition. worn, faded thing new, even if she Brown, Beige and Sand--all sizes for With loop, valves and Splitdorf headset, but : -- Annual Exhibition, in costume, By never dyéd before. Drug stores . \ L without batteries .............. $321.00 Marconiphone No. IL Sold By pupile of the Florence _Hudo all colors. 50c. a pair. SA Se * Us, Fully or Partially Equipped. School of Daacing,, in Memorial { "~~ . ' A ] With loop, valves, Splitdort headset. 6 volt PRICE COMPLETE Hall, Wednesdsy evading, May 21st, - Children's Black and Brown" Rib- ry 80 - amp.-hour Stora battery and four : "$65.00 tions in Toe, Greek, Aesthetic, bed Cotton and Lisle Stockings. Sizes : . "B" Cis ane ter, Nat 1 and Folk dan ' . . 22 1-2 volt "B" batteries ........ $360.00 5 laste 9 Bugtu a yond rou sacs, 5to 10. Special at 25¢. and 35c. a pair * i : y - Russian Schools of Dancing, New : s : : : re ay : 'Women's Sumnier Vests, no sleev- ( 0 tents will be played by a sel select pr es and short sleeves, elastic ribbed, at . 3 chestra. The music, especially ar- : ee 9 9 Wa ; ---- music, R.C.H.A, wifl be play- Ww. ' . . HEIL FE i De rection with Women's Bloomers in Pink and |." c. ehik White--full large sizes, at 35¢. and = 1 aN . he mission, adults 50c, children 26s, : : : ; : amusement {ax extra. >on \ 121 Princess Street Tiga imnis WB oe g 'ON § W. M. 8. was held at the home of ei KINGST ia Mr. sad Mra. B. J. Vair on Wednes- . 'E RIVE . QUEBEC , May 7th. Ali the officers with ; MH THREE ns |_| one exception wer: re-elected, the ' : § : caly change beinz that Miss Cora Coulter replaces Mics Ruth Bruton 85 strangers' sx:retary. Miss Harriet 2 39c¢. a pair. W. N. Linton & Co. 'Phone 191. ~~ The Waldron Store + S$