MONDAY, MAY 10, 1924. rm New Arial Shirt Specials In colors Gray, Tan and Mauve, with colors to match. These are exceptionally good quality. Special price .......$3.00 Other lines for ........$2.25 and $2.50. with Collars to match. George VanHorne's' Phone 362w. and What It Means | It means the ability to do close work for reasonable lengths of time, and to see well in the distance without any un- due strain on the eyes. Free- dom from eye strain means freédom "from headaches and many other ills that come as a result of it, so that eye com- 4 . fort means more than freedom anteed good time from pains in the eyes. If you keepers. No two tha need eye attention, my service . awalts you. same, W. D, R 0. Prices reduced 25 to 33 1-39. Successor to J. J. Stewart Kinnear & d'Esterre || JEWELERS, Princess Street, Kingston ICS SOON ORO Oe Crown Ducal Ware. Just received a new stock of this ware, and the colourings, shapes and designs are" more wonderful than ever. Salad Sets, Fruit Sets, Bowls, Cake Plates, Bread Trays, Candle Sticks, Vases, Flower Bowls, Cups and Saucers, etc., all moderately priced, open stock patterns. Come and see it. Royal Doulton "Old Leeds Spray," this is also complete. SPECIAL SALE These are all import- ed Clocks and guar- Dr. Waugh DENTIST 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. BRICK, STONE, PLASTERING AND TILE SETTING DOUGLAS & McILQUHAM CONTRACTORS JOBBING WORK A SPECIALTY. PHONES 226TF--938W, 400 ALBERT STREET ~-- "Beautiful Cut Glass for Gifts" Robertson's Limited 73 Princess St. SHOES OF STYLE For 55. 00 women The new Gore Side Slippers, in Patou, Black Suede, Brown Suede and Grey Suede with fancy cutout lattice fronts and elastic gussett sides. Made in Baby Spanish and Baby Louis Heels. See our many other new models. SHOE STORE THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG -- JUBILEE ANNIVERSARY | or the Bethel Congregational | Church Was Celebrated on Sunday. | Sunday, May 18th was the jubilee anniversary of Bethel Congregation | al church, it being organized in 1874, J giving to the people & half cen- ury of continuous service. Rev. Fowl A. MacKenzie, Stratford, a | former pastor was the special preach- | ar and gave two very helpful ser- | mons to large congregations during | the day. [ At the morning service, Mr. Mac- Kenzie took as his subject, "A God- ly Poet's Restrospect of Life," taking | his text from Psalm 121, "I will lift | up mine eyes unto the hills, from ) whence cometh my help. My help | cometh from the Lord, which made | heaven and earth." Mr. MacKenzie | told of the safety of the godly who | trust in the Lord. How He watcheth | over their going out and thelr com- ing in. He commented.on the ser- vice! rendered by Bethel church in the past fifty years and urged those who served to-day to give of their best to God as did those who in ear- lier days carried on the work of the church. We need to-day mome than | even a people that will stand out for | God and who are not afraid to ack- nowledge him in word and deed. In the evening Mr. MacKenzie took as his subject "A Touching In- based his message on Christ healing | the man at the Pool of Bethsada, as recorded in the fifth chapter of St. John. "Christ asked this man" said the speaker, "Wilt thou we made whole, and he is asking us each day | the same question. Christ is the only {one that can make us whole. He | makes a thorough job of it and there | 1s no relapse. It ie instantaneous, | and we are able hereafter to walk in | his ways. May we have that desire { to be made whole, and hear the Sav- | four say, 'Behold, thou art made | whole; sin no more.' | Special music was rendered during | the day in keeping with the anniver- | sary. In the evening the choir rend- ered two anthems, "Worship the King" and "The Earth is the Lords." | Dr. A. B. Haffner sang very feeling- | ly "Beyond the Dawn." The male quartette composed of Dr. Haffner, | F. A. Haffner, F. J. Wilson and Wil- Ham Thompson also rendered a | beautiful selection. In the evening the choir sang "Hark, Hark My Soul," and the male quartette gave two numbers. Dr, Haffner sang two: splos 'The Ninety and Nine," and "Lead Me All The Way." The anniversary services will con- | tinue until Thursday night, with the supper and concert on Monday even- ing, and special addresses by Rev. George A. MacKenzie on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings. & | GANANOQUE May 19.--The Canadian Club held their annual meeting at the Brophy house last Friday evening when George Black, M.P.,, of the Yukon was the guest of honor, and gave a very interesting address. Mr. Black was introduced by H. A, Stewart, M.P. for Leeds. Rev, Father Hanley was introduced by T. D. O'Connor and made an honorary member of the Club. The presid: Ww. J. wil. son, Secretary, CLiff ' Sine and Treasurer, F. W. Bell gave splendid reports on the year's work. Tne same officers were re-elected for an- other year, viz: Honorary presidents, Charles Macdonald, J. C. Linklater; president, Mayor W. J. Wilson; vice- president, Andrew Bdwards, J. T. Green; secretary, Clifford Sine; treasurer, F.' W. Bell; executive, Dr. Stedman, Aubrey Lott, R. B. Gllbert. The vote of thanks to Mr. Clark was moved by Father Han- ley and seconded by J. Arthur Jack- son. Practically everyone present re- newed membership for another year. Mrs. C. Dniscoll and daughter, Brockville, are the guests of Mr, and Mrs. Sanford Delaney. ./ Among the graduating nurses at the Hotel Dieu hospital, Kingston, next Thursday will be Misses Vera Se Ideal for Woollens The finest woollens can be laundered re- peatedly way. The thin satin-like flakes of Lux dissolve instantly into - & bubbling lather, 20 pure It cannot injure the wool fibre, : Children's garments, washed in Lux, retain their soft, fluffy charm, Sold only in sealed packets--dustproof! cident in the Life of our Lord." He | Bovis, Violet Amo and Ethel O'- Hearn of Gananoque. Several will go up from here for the exercises. Wilfrid Ellis, Ottawa, was in town over the week-end. Bruce Hall, Otiawa, was in town over Sunday. George S. Worwell, Toronto, spent | the week-end here with friends. Mr. and Mrs. James Currie, Lynd- hurst, epent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Webster, Mr. MacGregor, gq Ottawa, is the guest of Mr. angle. William Arm- strong. Dr. Howard and Cecil Tierney, Kingston, spent Sunday here with friends. Mies Mary Jeroy of the Hote: Dieu staff, Kingston, visited her par- ents here on Saturday. Miss Gill, Kingston, was in town on Saturday. : The junior Orphans baseball team are holding a concert in the lecture room of Grace church tomorrow evening. un iy op Maxson i LOST AND FOUND Department. James Low--There is a poem writ- ten by a sailor about "Break, wild waves" or something like that. Do you know what I mean? Dear Jim: The only poem we know was written not by a gob, but by a guy who had just paid his income tax. It breaks as follows: J '"Break, oh, break, thou angry ses" From Alaska's shores to Siam; But however hard you break, Ah me! You won't be as broke as I am. T. Sims--Can some one give me that selection containing: 'When the sands of the desert grow cold,--" Dear Brother Simms: Some Sheik has come across with this cold com- fort for you: When the sands of the desert grow cold, and when A sailor's always sober, I shall then have hopes of getting that ten You borrowed last October, Sayings of Little Socrates. Papa never lies to mamma; thinks he does. " S------ The Eleventh Commandment. An aspiring young flapper wrote to a physician: "Doctor, will bobbing my hair make me stronger?" "Yes, miss," replied the doctor, "stronger with the boys if it's bobbed --otherwise not." --Roy A. Brenner, -- CPPS PEL2200000 20 Jingle-Jangles, : Any funny, nonsensical 3 «hyme that will make Fun Shop # readers laugh is a Jingle- Jangle. It must be in two lines. For example: he * 1 After winter comes the spring; Tonsils hurt like everything. 2 Cows have horns and sheep have wool; Dentists have a lot to pull. You will undoubtedly eontri- bute funnier Jingle-Jangles than these, Address them sep- arately to Jingle-Jangle Depart- ment, The Fun Shop, 110 West 40th street, New icy City. PROP EP FL PEP POS D hd ddd PEELE ILEIISER SL SEPPPP22990 000000 The Value of a College Education. A Harvard chap was on his way home to spend his vacation with his folks in the Middle West. The oncoming train was but a hun- dred feet away! What did the Harvard lad do? Did he clutch the child in his power- ful arms and carry it to safety? No! He was from Harvard! He tackled the train and threw it for a loss! ~Bernard Eisenstein. Make It Barber: hair cut?" Customer: » "In silence." --Ernest Bold. Natural ms, "Mother," said little Elsie, don't feel very well." "That's too bad, dear," said moth- er very sympathetically, "Where do you feel the worst?" "In school, mother." --Marion E. Jyg. Far be it from us to encourage elopements--but it is much better to run away with the "right one" than to walk away with the "wrong one." or ------ (Copyright, 1924. Reproduction forbidden.) 'How do you want your Carcass, yearlings, 1b. epigrame, (or Readers bute. All "Ramo humorous oles, Ron ri and "Bught be crema! cep on from accord | RADIO BROADCASTING | The following is a list of radio stations and their broadcasting pro- grammes which may be heard locally on Tuesday: KDKA-- (826) --Pittsburgh, Pa. 11.15 a.m.--Organ recital. 2.15 p.m.--Baseball scores, by in- nings. 5.30 p.m.--Dinner concer 6.30 p.m.--Children's pepiod. 8 p.m.--Cholir concert. : 16.30 p.m.--Special concert. KQV-- (860) --Pittsburgh, Pa. 11 a.m.--Music, 1 p.m.--Musie. 3.45 p.m.--Music. 5 p.m.--Music. WBZ-- (887) --Springfield, Mass, 5 p.m.--Dinner concert. 5.30 p.m.--Dinner dance. 6.30 p.m.--Bedtime story. WGI (860) Medford Hillside, Mass. 12.45 p.m.--Closing report on farmers' produce. 7.30 p.m.--Address on 'Africa from Cape Town to the Congo." 5 WGY-- (880) --Schenectady. 1 p.m.--Music and address. 5.30 p.m.--Dinner music. 7.40 p.m.--Addresses. 8 p.m.--Programme clubs. by musical WJIZ-- (455) --New York Oity. 8.30 p.m.--Concert, 8.55 p.m.---Piano recital. 10 p.m.--Short talks and songs. 10.30 p.m.--~Dance orchestra, folk WLW (300) --Cincinnati. 4 p.m.--Topics of interest to wo- 'men. 5.15 p.m.--Baseball results. 10 p.m.--8pecial programme. Also midnight programme with orchestra, Complete radio programmes sold at Canada Radio Stores. PRODUCE MARKETS Napanee Retall Market. Napanee, May 19. Apples, pk . . «eo «+ 15-680 Apples, Golden Ruseets, Pk ....00 Apples, choice spys, pk., ....60-75 Maple Syrup, gal .. ..$1.50-$1.750 Maple Sugar, I. . Lettuce, leaf, bunch. . Lettuce, head .. Celery, bunch.. Cabbage, head. . Strawberries, box ... Green onions, bunch Rhubard, bunch. . Asparagus, bunch.. .. .. ,. .. Onions, domestic, pk... Potatoes, bag.. .. .. ..$2.00-§2.25 Potatoes, pk.. .. .33 Butter, creamery, 1b... +.32-36 Butter( dairy, Ib... .. .... ..30-33 Cheese, new, b.. .. .... ,.28-25 Cheese, old, 1b. Eggs, fresh, doz. Lard, Ib. . ; Sugar, granulated, ewt .. Shorts, cwt.. .. Straw, baled, cwt. Wheat, western, bus. .. Wheat, local, bus Bran, ton.. .. . Buckwheat, bus. . Corn, feed, cwt.... Corn, car lots, cwt. Hay, baled cwt, ceanssedss 18 Hay, loose, ton .. .... o. $7-$12 Oats, western, bus.. .. .. ..66-70 Oats, local, bus soles +.60-65 Young pigs, pair......... ..$6-§7 Beet: > Roast Beef 1b...... Steak, porterhouse, 1b. Steak, round, Ib, Bolling cuts Ib. . 'Stewing cuts, 1b. .... Beef, western, ¢Wt, ........10-14 Beef, hinds, owt. ...ce....13-17 Beef, local, db. .usevenc.... 8-12 Veal, 1b. .eosoeeseq 10-12 Pork: Loin Roasts, 1b. ......... faves Hogs, live weight, cwt. . Chops, Ib. ve oo +.10-20 ..16-26 «.156-25 ve se ma ses ce meeeli ce ae "oe $1. 75-32. 00 seeel $1.85 we eras seeea.14-23 seeeea23-25 ..18-20 een. 9-12 tessa ne Bacon, breakfast, 1b.... Bacon, Pea-meal, I.. .. .. ..28-40 Roast pork, sliced, Iv. ........80 Ham, cooked, 1b. .. .. ., .. 50-60 Ham, smoked, 1b. ..........35-40 Plenlc. Ham, Ib.. .. .. ....18-25 Hinds, Ib. ... .18-20 Pork sausages, 1b. 20-28 Sausage, beef and pork, 1b. ..10-15 Lamb: 15-17 22-25 16-20 26-30 20-25 80-32 18-20 .12-16 Carcass, spring 1b. .. Hinas yearlings, 1b. Hinds, spring, Ib .. .. Forequarter, spring, 1b .. .. TAmb chops =. .. vs u's. Mutton chops, Ib .. .. .., .. Mutton ,carcass, 1b, ... Poultry: FOWL. ID.. os om ov un 2ar Chickens, Ib «. .. .... ....28-28 Chickens, crate fatted, iY .ea30 Chickens, dressed, each ..90-$1.50 Hides, etc. Deacon skins, each .. Horse Bites "een Hides, ™.. .. Sheep skins, fresh, each $1.00-$1.50 Veal skins,' ib «se.10-12 "ars 20-25 ..76-§1.00 -$2.00-83.00 "+ se ws a fe oa Brown Calf Leather Oxfords Sizes 5to 7} ......$1.50 Sizes 8 to 104 .....$1.75 Sizes Il to2 ......$2.00 "Wear well and look sporty." ABERNETHY'S SHOE STORE ° of sl durable, drop side with mattress "Phone V47 for Service. REALIZING HOW IMPORTANT OF BABY'S CARE No HeHiher b of 1 the family needs the kindly help of SIMMONB--makers _ eep--more than Baby. A SIMMONS' Crib does not rattle nor 2 Simmons' JAMES REID The Leading Undertaker quiver and vibrate. Strong and -- one of the 12 1 FRUIT CATERING IN 115 BROCK STREET Special for Wednesday and Saturday ! BREAD Wholewheat Bread Every Day. F. C. HAMBROOK ALL ITS BRANCHES ll Cut Softwood Slabs . .... ... $3. 50 per load Cut Hardwood Slabs . Split Pea Coal ...... While it lasts. SOWARDS COAL «++ +.- $4.00 per load ......$10.00 per ton Just' the fuel for this time of the year. C0. Phone 155 UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. PHONE 811. WHEN YOU BUY! _ The ex ap HEAR FOR YOURSELF tional tone quality in the Weber to the most ascethetic taste, AND BE CONVINCED. AT C. W. LINDSAY'S Warerooms, : Princess Street Wool, washed, Ib... .. ... ..25-30 Wool, unwashed.. .. .... ..22-35 AS -- Home and School Olub. The annual meeting of the Duff- I erin Home and School Club was held on May 7th when reports for the year were received and qfficers elected. The new offidars are: Hon. president, Mrs. P. Hogan, Sr.; pre- sident, Mrs. J. B. Quinn; first vice- ent, Mrs, A. C. Thompson; second vice-president, Mrs. W. Cor- key; treasurer, Mrs. C. Cowan; cor- responding secretary, Mrs. W. Ger- dis; secretary, Mrs. V. Redmond; convenors for fruit and flowers, Mrs. W. Farqueharson. The meeting Jclosed with a social hour when dainty refreshments were served. C. P. R. Agent Retires. William F. Ritchie, C.P.R. station agent at Renfrew for several years past, has been placed on the superan- nuated list. He has been for over forty years in the service of the com- pany, most of the time at Kempt- Renfrew in 1912. His we mered Charles Whyte, Josaville,