rveresnmprsrrsmrorer IEE. - TUESDAY, MAY 20, 1024. THE,DAILY BRITISH WHIG ¥ "TiS NOT SWEET WITH NIMBLE FEET TO DANCE UPon THE AIR" 1 ant oO Qn Exquisite Joilet Soap The . exquisite quality of Plantol has made it popular among particu. ar people for over a Quarter of a century. Now we've given it a dainty new 'shape and wrapper to sell at a very reasonable price. YOUR ROOFING TROUBLES . t us supply you with Shingles or Roof- ing that has a reputation for quality. "Quality" remains long after "price" is forgotten. ALLAN LUMBER (0. Victoria Street. "Phone 1042. Frey I [2 Soap made only from plant. fruit and SEIS WE SERVE GOOD MEALS Good meals served to your liking. EVENING PARTIES given first class attention, THE VICTORIA CAFE 854 King Street. Slug Lee and Gan Lee, Props. Telephone 762. CHILDREN CRY FOR "CASTORIA" throng, Roy Leona, one of the six Italians to be hanged at Amite, La., is shown in this remarkable picture being led from the New Orleans jail at the beginning of the journey that ended at the scaffold. Note the soldier guards at the left and the peering barefoot boy at the right. 'Leona, before being hanged, wrote a letter to his wife in Brooklyn protesting his innocence. In this he said that he had made a confession because, suffering from tuberculosis and feeling he had not long to live, he decided to shoulder the blame. Below are the last pictures of the hanged men. Guarded by troops, watched by a curious NH bo Quality € Value SMOKE WHITE 01,0 CIGARS S70r 23° Manufactured by General Cigar Co. Limited IMPERIAL TOBACCO CO. OF CANADA LIMITED Sole Distributors A Harmless Substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups -- No Narcotics! S------ Fletcher's Castoria has | sleep without opiates. The genuine to Mother! been in use for over 30 years bears signature of lieve babies und children of Consti- pation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the as- Z 4 4 7877u similation of Food; giving natural roup of typical Tibetans in market square at Darjeeling, India. The Lama priest on the extreme right is holding a prayer wheel peculiar to this region. Taken by the official photographer of Empress of Canada World cruise which will terminate when the Pacific vessel arrives at Vancouver, May 24th. $ ] er ------------ ow A CII * We own and offer PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN 5% Bonds Due April 15th, 1944 Price: 97.25 and interest, to yield 5.22% HIS HIGHNESS HOLDS HIS HAT The Prince of Wales caught by the camera starting on a scenic railway ride at the British Empire Exposition. ---- -------------- -- "If it could speak to us of its Ife, I wonder what it would say?" "I expect," said Winnie, "it would Natural History, Nurse was ill and a temporary nurse took over the charge of the JOHNSTON »WARD ' RIbb's Block, Princess 8t., Kingston. ; | Members: { Fer o™ peenanee = nae eh a rr -------------- na Garden Tools Seeds, Lawn Mowers, Lawn Hose, Poultry We have a full stock of all these at very low prices. Call and see our display before purchasing, Lemmon & Sons 13; Princess St. Fencing, etc. three children. She was told to take them for a walk and tell them a few things on natural history, about which she knew very little. "Now, Winnle, you see that beaut- itul beech tree over there?" she said, say, 'Excuse me, Miss Wilson, but with all due respects, I'm an elm tree.' Hod A A ---- -- Quill pens are still made from the long wing feathers of geese, "The dimunitive William has come back for the Pacific Nozth-West, p original Pullman sleeping car. 1863, man the Fat, Sues For Less "Liberty." Mrs. Alice Liberty, of Washing. ton, Pa., is suing for divorce in Which she seeks less "liberty" and more freedom. In spite of her name, into its own again. toy-like train. And al new Oriental Limijted trains. The caravan will reach Seattle LIMITEDS OF 1863 AND 1924 Crooks, first locomotive ever run Under its own steam; it set out from Chicago, May 16th, ' an antiquated combination coach and ulling A.crew of veteran railroaders, ong with it is travelling one of the Great Northern's ten | May 27th. Mrs. Liberty avers she has been fore- ed to submit to a life of drudgery. Men doff their hats bacause the knight of old dotfed his helmet, PAINT UP TIME Valspar Enamels Carmote Finishes G itine Varnia! HO HTH How the oe Sigh t: oe il an TUNNEL TO LINK ENGLAND Jrobased tunnel will link illiam Lo England and France. chairman of the perliamentary ~n-- "Headaches, Bilious S Ils, Are Now All done" on the Great Northern Railway, old No. 9, the dressed in the uniforms of Beauty Passed Her By. "What sort of looking girl is Miss | De Rocques?" "Well, she has the! sort of face that makes it absolutely necessary for its owner to be Wealthy or a good cook."--Fardr-Life, ---- Banish all compliments but single truth, From every tongue and every shep- herd's heart, Let them use stil] persuading, but Mrs. Joba Ireland, Nobleton, Ont., writes: "I was a great sufferer from severe headaches and bilious spells. | tried a number of reme- dies without obtaining any bene- fit until I was advised to use Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. These completely relieved me, and made me feel like a new I am very grateful to Dr. Chase's Medicines for what they Fn use for me, and you m my letter for the benefit of ZZ, others" Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills 35 cts. a box of 35 pills, Edmanson, Bates & Co., Iad., Toronto no art.--Beaumont and Fl HEMLOCK wich Lo TELEPHONE 1105 R-3. Clean, pire milk Herd Toherculin tested. to the Kingston General Hospital, an institution the best. : : of attendants, Sanitation, St nalsupervision of Dr. Miller, We guarantee that every Delivery to all parts of PARK STOCK FARM | A. H. FAIR, Sole Proprietor. : from healthy cows. Not pasteurized or steril- under the Queen's ilization, etc., logy, bottle is from our own stable. the city. ; : HEMLOCK PARK STOCK FARM Professor of Patho AA A - Ahh " EL SEATING wer,