MAY 23, 1924. Be -- Me "CROSSED FISH" SARDINES IN PURE OLIVF OIL--THE BEST PACKED. Anything You Like and Not Have HEARTBURN ASK YOUR GROCER. | In all cases of heartburn there is al gy -------------- DELCO-LIGHT The complete Electric Light and Power plant for every country home. W.C. CANNON 1864 Buirie direed. Phone 113804. away, ea xy my INSURE Mr. Joseph H. MacDonald, Christ- | No one wants a fire, but re | nas Island, Ns, writes: -- "Two | Somes when least expetied. Property]... 3° suffered all the time from | 13 destroyed and financial loss often |p... 50° I took one vial of Mil- | follows. The wise man carries suffi- burn's Laxa-Liver Pills and have Cieut insurance. ; never been troubled since. All forms of Property Policies is- It is very nice to be able to eat Sued, in reliable companies. anything you like and not have heart- Let me quote you rates on any | burn any more." line of insurauce you may be Inter} Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25c¢. ested in. a vial at all dealers, or mailed di- rect on receipt of price by The T.| K. H Waddell Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. ------------ nin wl Phones suv, sos. 56 Brock Street } Prine : "FEEL IT HEAL | Bnawing and burning pain in the | Stomach attended by a disturbed ap- petite, as when too much food is taken into the stomach it is liable | pto ferment and become extremely sour, vomiting occurs, and what is | thrown up is generally sour and bit- | ter. When you are in this condition | | you will find that Mil | | Liver Pills will give you relief right] | on PIANO TUNING Piano Tuning, Repairing and Player Plano Adjusting. Normay | H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street, i PHONE 134. | DR. A.W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON | | Corner of Johnsoa and Wellington. Streets." Telephone 863, TIRED FEET SKIN-IRRITATION, BRUISES JARS 30c. & 60. --TUBES $0c,--At all Drug Stores - (BRITISH AMERICAN : HOTEL In Public Service Since 1784, M. BOHAN, PROPRIETOR, KINGSTON, rr PHONE 316 GODKIN'S LIVERY For Bus and Taxi Service, Buggies and Saddle Horses | Pus starts for Cataraqul cemetery on | Sunday, Apri) 20th, at 1.45 p.m. Queea St. oPposite St. Paul's church tte For Moving eof FREIGAT, FURNITURE, SAFES, PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF EVERY DESCRIFTION Kingston Transfer Co. PHONG 37 VENINGS 223:. | 1 0 KE 53 WELLINGTON STREET Dental Surgeon DR, J. C. W. BROOM L.D.S, D.D.S, » Brock Streets, a. io Welllagton ae y appelutmen ON a eer ee THOMAS COPLEY ter. Phone 987 WAITS People's Florist 177 Wellington Street. Fresh Flowers and. Plants daily. Funeral and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1768. Residence 1187. oors clean. new floor cleaning ma. KINGSTON"S LEADING Funeral designing and Weg. ding work our specialty. Corner of Brock and Welling. ton Streets. TELEPHONE 770, S| ARRON r Till Saturday night only, | Hotel, Room 2. 9 p.m. The marriage of burns Laxa-| Saur, daughter of Mr. Willlam G. Saur, to Mr. Nathan §, | Horton, son of Mr. Horton, Brockville, will take place | row an extensive evangelistic cam- John the Evangelist, Montreal. . 'DU-KO wins in every test, Used in Pudding, Tart or Pie, Cheapest is now always best, Think this over then you buy." Only takes five minutes to prepare Leman, Chocolate or Maple Cream flavors. For sale by all grocers. ) Mr. and Mrs. John | | Perth, | | their daughter Elizabeth Allan | Mr. | and Mrs. Archie Coutts, Perth, marriage to part of May. The Ladies' Aid, Conecon, at its | Prescott, annual meeting chose these President, Mrs. vice-president, Mrs. Wolfrain; | ond vice-president, Mrs. Fred Ward | recording | Barr; treasurer, Mrs. Harry Chase; | May 29th. planist, Mrs. Walter Locie; assistant, | Mrs. Eldon Wait. The mew officers of the Carleton Place One Hundred club are: Presi- dent, R. A. Patchell; dent, W. W. Taber: -- | president, W. P. Pattie; cm can. THE DAILY BRITISH ~ ws o. WHIG KINGSTON. aD DISTRICT Scientific Palmist Here, | F. A. J. Davis; secretary, F. C. Mc- | the United States. He retires from Randolph | Diarmid; directors, J. W. Patterson, | active work. 10 a.m. to | FY Chadwick, C. F. Burgess, J. T. | -------- | Terms, $1. | Willlams; chairman of boost com- | To Take Up Farming. ] I ---------------- | mittee, W. P. Pattie. It is an orga-| Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blyth, both | To Be Married in Montreal. | lization formed for mrtual help, bas- aged forty-four Years, accompanied | Miss Olive E. | ed on the'Golden Rule, | by their thirteen children, whose | and Mrs. | ages range from twenty-four to three | | years have arrived at Quebec. They | Will occupy a fine farm at Brighton, | | located in the best farming section | | Paign in a big tent is to be under- | of the province, | taken during summer months in] ---------- | Leeds district and Perth is included | Remembered a Veteran. | | Hours, ---- een Evangelistic Campaign. and Mrs. 8. C.| According to the Westport Mir- May 31st, at the Church of St. -------- The Best is the Cheapest. | in the slate. A splendid band of H. J. Parliament, Mountain View, | singers and evangelists representing | Ameliasburg, has Just celebrated his | five or six denominations have been | eightieth birthday anniversary. The secured for the campaign, Methodist church people presented him with a framed address, printed on satin. Scores of congratulatory indus- | addresses were read from old friends. Mrs. Parliament was presented with a beautiful bouquet. Favor Summer Time, A canvass of the lead of trial concerns located in Pembroke | already shows a large majority in | favor of adopting daylight saving | time from June 1st to August 31st. ----. Engagement Announced, --_------ » McLean, | Tablet Erected. announce the engagement of | Jt yg stated that the employees of all In memory of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. to | the large concerns have also express- | Allan and their son, H. Travers Al- ed themselves as desirous of enjoy- | lan, who was murdered in the Valley ing the privileges of daylight saving of the Kings, near Luxor, Egypt, in during the summer months. January, 1923, a.bfonze stablet has -------- beer erected in St. Peter's church, Leaving For Ireland, Brockville, by Miss Matilda I. Allan, Belvidere," and Mrs. Edythe M, and Mrs. Thomas Scott, Routled i of the | M will accompany Mrs. Ben- | ROUtledge, sisters ® late Mr. James Earl Coutts, son of Mr. the | take place the latter | ---------------- Officers of Ladies' Aid. Rev. [nett (Mrs. Scott's mother) on her re- | turn to Ireland and will spend the summer visiting friends and rela- AD Ring Curfew Bell. b ; | tives. They have arranged to sail on | yaw to Preveat Shildren be. & Quebec on | ing on the street after nightfall ex- cept under proper guardianship was introduced in the Smith's Falls coun- --------------ta, 1 il. This includes ali aildren- under ti } : Rie From Adive Wank has | 16. The curfew V.iH be rung shortly just closed a pastorate of nine years | before nine as a warning. Mr. Millar at Colborne and Lakeport. The | OPPosed the by-law, say he did not day of his resignatio: also marked | rant any body of men dictating to the conclusion of forty years in the | Me chilq, 2 he was sure eryone ministry, which time he occupied im- | ©15¢ Was of the same op.nion. The by- portant charges both in Canada and | 12W. however, passed. officers; first sec- H. German; Secretary, Mrs. Adam |the SS. Carmania leavin -------- The Officers Chosen. first vice-presi- second vice- treasurer, | ------ Bishop's Mills is a Discourager. | Declaring that the Bishop's Mills | field is one of the most discouraging | under heaven and would take the heart out of any man. Rev. G. W, McCall, chairman, at the Brockville District meeting of the Methodist , Church stated that neither the Pres. | byteriams, nor Methodists upon the ! circuit would agree to union so long | as the mission boards of both church- | es are foolish enough to send money CRATERS OF THE MOON NATIONAL MONUMENT on | | IF YOU NEED ANYTHING in the line of Lumber, Woodwork, Build- ers' Supplies or any other merchandise or products in our line, we will count it a plea- sure to give you any' information in our power, : S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Woodworking Factory, Lu mber Yards, Coal Bins BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO, Telephone: Private Branch Exchange, No. 1571. | -- more for Hatchway BE I a k of the adde J Sale in over 1,500 Canadien tores WOODS UNDERWEAR MPANY, LIMITED . oR oNTO Hi HATCHWAY HATCHWAY Better Value For Less Money MEN'S SUITS made to your measure -- light and dark Grey Worsted. Regular value $50.00. Special Price $38.50 You than for their maintenance. ---- Big Event at Chaumont, N.Y, The big event of the year at the | Crescent Yacht Oiub of Watertown, N.Y., will be the George cup races for the Class R yachts at Chaumont during the week of July 27th. The week after that the yachtsmen from all of the competing clubs will sail to Sodus Bay, N.Y., sear Rochester for the annual regatta of the Lake Yacht Racing association and inter- national organization comprising all of the active yacht clubs on both sides of Lake Ontario. -------- eee A Very Good Train to New York. New daily train service has been inaugurated between Toronto and i NEW NATIONAL MONUMEN T= ander 7 preserve iis natural scemc wonders Lresident Coolidge hos the Crafers of the Moon Natrona! Mose, n feho. bout 39 square miles of ci cones and forme fons, appearing like a Telescopic view of the moon. Orne inTernarionat sywoicare. Choice Western Meats GROCERIES AND VEGETABLES. Best service. J. T. EVES 171 RAGLAN ROAD Phone 2580, ~ ROO 'Smith's Special : "All Sales for Choice Seedlcss Raisins { Large, Juicy Prunes | Sun-Kist Seedless Oranges .... y | Large Bananas, reg. 45c¢., for . .83c. Pineapples, No. 24s, +. 10c, Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon, sliced sud Windsor Bacon--"lean," sliced 83c. Jello--any flavor--3 pkgs. | 7 Ib. sack ! W.R. McRae & Co. Golden Lion Block I, COAL You can't tell good coal by the looks of it. All the safe- guard you have is the word of the man who sells it to you. We stand behind every ton we sell, with our personal guaran- tee--as good as gold. BOOTH & CO. 'Phone 138. Grove inn Yards ssveees. 10c, ge pkg. Bins 1 pkg. Chipso, 1 pkg. Gold st and 1 bar Toilet Soap--value 850 : All for 28¢, Saturday ONLY. ulated Sugar, with «++i. 10 lbs, 98¢, Save the Difference at SMITHS and Colborne Streets 7. We deliver, -- ESTABLISHED 1373, HANLEY'S AGENCY FOR ALL + OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES, Special attention given your or friends going to or returuing from the Old Country. Passports arranged. : For tull particulars apply or write J. P. HANLKY, C.P.& T.A, C. N. Ry Office: Canadian National Railway Ba corner Johnson and Ontario eos, on, Ont. n aod night. Phones 99 and, 147 Barrie "Phone 131 Meat Store Opp. YM.CAA. Phone 1876. EE -------------------------------------- 3 New York via Canadian National-Le- high Valley Railways, leaving To- ronto 5.30 p.m., standard time, ar- riving New York 8.26 a.m. at Penn- sylvania depot, which is located in the heart of the shopping district. Returning you can leave New York at 6.15 p.m., arriving Toronto, 8.53 a.m. standard time, In addition to regular car equipment, there is room-Compartment Car, also Dining Car service. For full particulars apply to J. P. Hanley, C.P. & T. A., Kingston, Ont., or any Canadian Nationa] Rallway | agent, ---------- The death occurred at the family home, Seeley"s Bay, on May 16th, of Mrs. Thomas Dier after a brief 111- ness of pneumonia. Mrs. Dier was a woman of very lovable quaMties en- dowed with a high sense of duty both as wife, mother and neighbor. Be- sides her sorrowing husband, she leaves to mourn her loss four sons, William, Wilfrid, Joseph and Geo- tge, and one daughter, Nora, who is ot present a nurse-in-training in a hospital in Ogdensburg, N.Y. There are also six sisters and two brothers: Mrs. N. Moran and Mrs. B. Noonan, Brockville; Mrs. Daniel Judge, Flint, Michigan; Mrs. Fred McDon- ald, Lanedowne; Mrs. James Keyes, Sheatown; Mies Mary Shea, Athens, and Patrick Shea, Sheatown, and John Shea, Athens, The funeral was held on Monday morning to Brewer's Mills church, where a solemn re quiem mass was celebrated by Rev. Father Crawley, after which the re- mains were taken to Lansdowne and interred in St. o° ¢ ORDER YOUR HOLIDAY SUPPLY OF GURD'S TO-DAY Dt Gurd"s Smiling Beverages: -- ® '0 attending the above conference, the Candlian National Railways are op- erating special train from Torodto to Owen Sound on Wednesday, June 4th, leaving Union Station at 12.30 DRY GINGER ALE GINGER ALE GINGER BEER re Anticipate your wants. Tents, Camp Beds and Cots. Low Accommodation of the very best has been arranged for the comfort and convenience of the delegates. Train will have standard 'Canadian National Railway equipment high NA J. "Phone 26. prices this month class vestibule coaches, dining and only. L Cohen & Co. 267-275 ONTARIO STRER PHONES 836 and 837. PHONE 1876-1877 Japan bas a 60,000,000. Population of nearly parior cars. For full particulars apply to J. P. Hanley, C.P. & TA, Kingston, Ont., or any Canadian National Ticket Agent. -- The wisest man is generally he! who thinks himself the jeast so, A WE HAVE IT -------- GURD'S GINGER ALE SODA WATERS, ETC. HIGH CLASS BEVERAGES OF ALL KINDS HENDERSON'S GROCERY TELEPHONE 279. ESTABLISHED 186s. PREVOST'S Phone 508). Gents' Furnishings and Clothing. B55 Brock St. Special for Wednesday and Saturday | FRUIT BREAD Wholewheat Bread Every Day. F. C. HAMBROOK ' CATERING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES 113 BROCK STREET . Phone 2519, W.F. Gourdier 78 BROCK STREET "Phone 700, NEW SPRING STYLES Suits and Topcoats $20.00, $22.00 $25.00, $28.00 SPECIAL VALUE! INDIGO BLUE SERGE SUITS 25.00 TWEDDELL'S = hima o My