MAY 27, 1924. It is the purest, safest and most wonderful skin remedy the _ world bas ever known, Whether it be a cut, burn or scald, a fes- tered, inflamed or poisoned wound, eczema, pimples, rash, ringworm_ boils, ulcers, abscess- es, sprains or swellings--Zam-Buk should be applied with the least possible delay.' Always Soothing & Reliable. The skin readily absorbs this berbal Zam-Buk. It is a rare balm that gets right down into the innermoié tissues, soothing, healing and purifying the skin in a way impossible to fatty salves and ointments. | 1.25, of dealers and Arugeists 0e_bouo 3 Zam-Buk Co , Toronto. Splendid For {LR LOITT Dr. Martel's Female Pills [ERE Simple Way to Get g Rid of Blackheads There is one simple, safe, and sure way that never fails to get rid of black- " heads, that is to dissolve them, To do this, get two ounces of peroxine pow- der from any drug store--sprinkle a little on a hot, wet cloth--rub over the blackheads briskly--wash the parts and| you will be surprised how the black- heads have disappeared. Big black- heads, little blackheads, no matter where they are, simply dissolve and disappear. Blackheads are a mix- ture of dirt and dust and secretions that form in the pores of the skin. The peroxine powder and the water dis- solve the blackheads so they wash right out, leaving the pores free and clean and in their natural condition. > ------ 38 "Find that box? The chance is slim." A "Lost" ad ught it back a rd ors | there!" TOMORROW'S MENU Breakfast Berries Cereal Boiled Eggs Toast Coffe Luncheon Radishes Banana Fritters Wholewheat Bread Tea Jam Cup Custards Dinner Shepherd's Pie with Left-Over Beef and Potatoes Lima Beans Spiced Beet Salad Coffee Lemon Gelatine Answered Letters. M. K.: "Kindly give me recipes for Veal Stew and Yogkshire Pud- ding." Answer: You no doubt saw my i recipe for Veal Stew published in the column yesterday. (If not, buy a back copy of the paper at the Cir- culation Department, or copy it from is the other recipe you wish: Yorkshire Pudding: Mix together one cup of flour, one cup of milk, two lightly-beaten eggs and a pinch of salt; spread this batter one-half inch déep on the bottom of a hot pan which has been greased. Bake in a hot oven for about 20 minutes, bast- ing with roast-beef juices (from pan containing roast of beef) after the Yorkshire Pudding has baked for ten minutes. Serve cut in small squares, Mrs. J.» "Your menus often call for Apple Slump, the recipe for which you published on December 10th, 1923. TI wonder if your read- ers realize that this dish is equally delicious made 'with other fruits? 1 have tried it with canned plums and berries (substituted for the applies) with good results." hn r the back files in our offices.) Here | ADVENTURES OF THE TWINS * By Olive Roberts Barton It was kind of you to this helpful suggestion, know many of us will try. Answer: send up which I A Friend: "Some time ago one of your readers asked for a recipe for the following, which I happen to have: Scotch Haggis: Mix together one and one-half pounds of chopped meat, one chopped raw onion, one cup of oatmeal, and pepper and sait | to season. Steam for two hours in a | greased pan and serve hot." Answer: Thank you for this excel- lent recipe. . "I wonder if for Liver | Interested Reader: | you recejved my recipe | Balls, mailed last week?" | Answer: Yes, and I, shall publish | it very soon. My Reader Friends have | been so kind in sending me their re- | cipes that I now have on hand a number of recipes for the following dishes: Liver | recently-requested | Balls, Potato Pancakes, Pork Fruit | Cake, and Philadelphia Pepper Pot, {to say 'nothing of many splendid | contributed odd recipes for various dishes. I shall publish every one of them, in time, as they are all dif- | ferent, though many of them for the same thing. Every woman has her own special way of cooking a thing and we can't have too many "angles" on the art of cookery. But space limitation prevent my getting these recipes into the column all at once. Tomorrow--Canning the Cherry. All inquiries addressed to Miss Kirkman in care of the "Efficieat Housekeeping" department will he answered in these columns in thair tarn. This . requiras considerable time, however, owing to the graat aumber received. So if a personal or quicker reply is desired, a stamp- »d and self-addressed envelope must be enclosed with the question. Be sure to us. YOUR full name, street number, and the names of your city and state. SG "I don't care whether it's honest or not," declared Mister Crow sour- ly, "but just as soon as Farmer Jones' corn is up, I'm going to take my wife and children to the corn- field on a plonic and eat all the nice Julcy young sprouts of corm I can bold. And I'm going to tell them to eat all they can hold, too. So now 'Shame on you, Mister Crow," sald Mister Bags, the fairy storekeep- er. "Why, pickles and poroupines! It all the birds felt the same as you do, there wouldn't be any corm left to @row up at gil. And there wouldn't be any nice roasting-ears mext fall for the children to eat. And worst of all, there womldn't be any corn to get dry and store away, so that the horses and cows and chickens and pigs and turkeys won't starve to death next winter." "Humph! What do I care!" orled Mister Orow. "You sound exactly like a lecture, Mister amd I don't like lectures. And the cows and chickens may as well starve! as me." "But you won't starve. There are lots and Jots of things for you tu eat, Mister Crow," said Naney. * "You sound just Itke a lec A too!" declared the big blabk bird. didn L £ ister Crow, shoving him You can't blame Cutie for making a face at him behind his back, for the bad manners were all Mister Crow's--nobody else's in the world. More good news awaited Mister Crow upom his arrival home. His wife met him at the door with the words, "What do you think, Chris- topher? To-day as I was sitting on a fence beside the corn field, I though I saw something green sticking up out of the mud. So I flew down and tasted it--and what do you s'pose it was! Corn! It's starting to sprout all over the field. By tomorrow it will be up as plain as day and we can take the children and have a picnic. I ate quite a few grains which came up easily, and they were the most delicious things I ever put in- i] Naturally, the black and white » patterns dA ] Vl Pat ON | 4 } Brena Lighten Your Housework With These Easy-to-Clean Rugs With easily cleaned Gold-Seal Congoleum Art-Rugs to be had for such moderate prices, it 1s not surprising that modem Canadian housekeepers should put an end to the drudgery of sweeping and beating old-fashioned, dust- ollecting rigs and carpets. Gold-Seal Congoleum Art- Rugs offer many practical economies that recommend them at once to thrifty womenfolk. Seamless--Easily Cleaned--No matter how much dust, dirt and grease may collect on their seamless, waterproof surface, a few swishes with a damp mop will make them spotlessly clean. Their rich, fadeless colors withstand any amount of service. Need No Fastening--Congoleum Art-Rugs lie perfectly flat without any framing, The comers never curl up to interfere with doors or trip unwary feet. Patterns for Every Room-- As beautiful as they are practical, Gold-Seal Congoleum Art-Rugs are made in a wide range of handsome, artistic designs and harmonious color combinations. Rich Oriental and tapestry effects, dainty floral designs, as well as a neat and attractive tile pattern, permit selections to harmonize with the furnish- mgs of any room. #Be sure to see these lovely and practical t dealer's. He has a id oe rar Hee Yom CONGOLEUM COMPANY OF CANADA. LIMITED 1270 St. Patrick Street, Montreal, Quebec * reproductions of the oy sed White rpiodacions of the and charm. ha ction shame Congoleum Art- design 2 Which fom ay Blue the 9x6-foot size if costs only $9. 00. m WNRR Rin Look for the Gold Seal The Gold Seal shown above is pasted on the face of all genuine, Money Back." This Gold Seal pro- tects you against substitutes and is your positive assurance that if Con. goleum does not satisfy, your money will be promptly refunded. Note the Low Rug Prices 9x3 £.3450 9x 9 fo. $13.50 Ix44ft. 675 9x 104 fe. 15.75 9x6 ft. 9.00 9x12 fr. 18.00 9x78ft. 11.25 9x13} fr. 2025 9x 15 ft. $22.50 Congoleum By-the- Yard, 85¢c sq. yd. a If your dealer does not carry the genuine Gold-Seal Art-Rugs, we shall be glad to see that you are supplied. Write us for folder, "Modern Rugs for Modern Homes," showing all the beautiful designs. Gold-Seal Congoleum By-the-Yard The same durable, waterproof, easy-to-clean material as the but made in roll form two im wide, for use over the entire floor. Needs no fastening. ' Satisfaction gusnmsed by the Gold Seal. Only 5c a square yard. SEE OUR PRETTY SPRING DESIGNS IN CARPET PATTERNS Kingston's Largest Home Furnishers. Telephone 147. CONQLEMIC NAL STEACY'S LIMITED - ak I CONGOLEUM GOLD SEAL ART RUGS -- BIG STOCK IN ATTRACTIVE PATTERNS 3 R. J REID 230 Princess Street Telephone 577. em, SANITARY, EASY TO CLEAN, CONGOLEUM GOLD SEAL ART RUGS "mer T.F. Harrison Co., House Furnishings Ltd. SUMMER FROCK ¥ Here is &n exquisitessummer frock of sik trepe with embroidered george f . "Where are your ee » front in beige color. smart kid of tie I is worn with brown. og Fred Root. R. Sexsmith spent Stn- day at D. McMillan's, The Walford play, "Cranberry Corners," played in Lee Valley hall, on Friday night, '| was a fine success and the dance af- terward was enjoyed by all. : Mother's Day A hail storm on Wednesday cover- ed the ground. A number from " | They are thinking of goin