14 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG RIA. Yat Bo - -- r Joint Stiffness Goes, |THE HUMAN ZOO By C. D. Batchelor | jf, Pavia TH. MeCloods; 3. Lo Swellings Disappear, Tp "wy Be - . hme veque at A. Wagar's. Pain is Subdued | : LAKE OPINICON. ; ' i x ooh " May 24.--The cold wet weather is Sn c-- d - 7 0 - a great drawback to the farmers in 'RUB ON "NERVILINE» Ye A | ond amt 7 > ] 1 ; ' . their spring work. Gardens are pro- a k 4 p ' t gressing very slowly. The Ladies' No Liniment Gives Such Uni- : . F WET 2 Aid met at Mrs. A. Darling, on ----------yeorsal Satisfaction. TT ] : " A in / [ Thursday, with a large attendance. j aT fi NN sli . ¢ / ; F. Best and family have Hoved to RENN Na ¢ ER Chaffey's Lock. Mrs. E. mmons PNW slp 4 } spent a few days in Kingston. A. THER nn Darling and family, Perth Road. 5 ON spent Sunday at K. Darling's. Ed- ward Kerr and family, Smith's Fallg, , \ j : spent the week-end with relatives i \ A 7Ff % 1 , here. Mr. and Mrs. M. Hughson, and No liniment | J \ J L > y Mrs. E. Hughson spent Friday at relievin wer | } f s / g i Elgin. fin For iy Minor | / J / : : ea It is the great Penetrating pow. er of Nerviline that makes it so ef- ) { 3 ficient in overcoming swelling, 3 ) y % A 1) stiffness and inflammation. It rubs / / ¢ ol 2 s that arise in ¢ 3 & ; ~ Nerviline should always | f : it 3 ; HARLOWE. RAs an the shall. Us i ¢ d DR) A $ May 26.--A few of the ladies and ; . at ) v,, r - " gentlemen at Harlowe met on Fri- aaisia snd Cotas. 35 vents at oy oy - § p E . x n day to get the Standard church and parsonage in readiness for the new Pastor, Rev. Mr. Hilly, who will be here on or before the first of June to take charge.of the work. The cheese factory is all in readiness for . \ \ | " ' ' § a ~ cheese making and a cheese maker is ® | ) } ] k SE needed very much. Thomas Thomp- oung y alls 0 S See | A+ ; | 2 . - son took the services at Elassenbury { R \ ] ; d rh BEA and Harlowe on Sunday. The frosty ) 4 ) br 1 ! Teg md : zr nights are putting all vegetation | | au f SRE a a back and the last few nights have " ) ! 3 / Ser i : : frozen water. Mr. and Mrs. R. . . % 272 Bagot Street | IN ARIE] ! # 3} 7 { : Cuddy and family were the guests | Miss O'Brien, of Peterboro, Finds Wonderful Re- " ) ; { Fi . | of Mr. and Mrs. J. White. Mrs. J. . : 4 . : Fhous Jin, l | : J 4 ¥ Br £38 3 2 Miller, Mrs. W. Thompson, and Miss Lief From Digestive Disorders n Dreco, the Carpe H EE 1 / ; 3 Anna and Mrs. J. White at T. Con- nc leaned ti & SAN} ; x Bors. Mr and Mr. W. Caddy sat Famous Herb and Root Remedy. Now Has : amily at J. Gray's. Mr. a Mrs. : . . VACUUM N # C. Hiller at W. Scott's. Mr. and Fine Appetite and Sleeps Soundly. -- k | . Mrs. J. Huffman at J. White's, Monty ' RIDE y | i BRS i 3 ff {] Miller, who went to Indiana for p---- MRS. D. O'BRIEN NL J : c J treatment, for spinal trouble,' is re- Hyslop Bros. as \ 8 Ne ; | ported some better. Mrs. D. O'Brien, of 621 St. George Street, Peterboro, tells how Dreco Bicycles Wh \ AR 1 . vo : Tr S-- Is helping her 20 year old daughter regain her wanted health and spirits, Prices from by correcting digestive ailments that were making life a misery, $35.00 to $48.00 a N 2 A Lennox & Addington "For about a year, my daughter, Marguerite, has been suffering from stomach trouble," says Mrs. O'Brien. "Gas would form on her stomach - and she would hare terrible bilious and dizzy spells. Her nerves were SELBY, very bad and her whole left side would tremble. She had a very poor ap- May 26.--Mr. Richmond and Paul petite and, in fact, was afraid to eat because of the suffering afterwards. attended the funeral of the late T. Brandon. L. Hudgin spent a few "She lost weight rapidly and although I must : days in Toronto. Mrs. B. Denison e "She's going to marry John Doe if John can get a divorce from his present wife, and it seems he can, attended the W.C.T.U. convention at have spent hundreds of dollars seeking relief for she wants to marry Dick Roe, whom no one ever remembers except as the third husband of Belleville last week. Miss F. Meo. 108 bev, it was hal. When i discovered Dreco Nina Tread." Cauley returned home from Toronto at improvement commenced. last week. A number attended J. "Three bottles of this grand medicine have - Denison's sale last Thursday. done. wonders for her. She no longer has any TOMATOPLANTS FROZEN Grippe, Influenza, 3 Mr. and Mrs. J. Hall, Morven, trouble with her stomach, has a fine appetite Promptly Relieved From the spent last Thursday at F. L. Amey's. : and sleeps soundly at nights. Dreco has built Misses Doidge and Pringle spent i Monday with friends at Roblin. Mr. up her entire system and she has gained fifteen » . eo » Vavor Treatment is Best ( ountryside and Mrs. F. L. Amey and daughter pounds in weight since starting with it. And the Canning Crop Will Be "rind that vox? 'the Short--Horse Races at chance is slim." Picton. spént Sunday with friends at Bell 4 |r Dreco is a reliable tonic and corrective made Rock. Mr. Miller is opening a store ! = from the pure extracts of herbs, roots, bark and ---------- oe i in Wood's old stand, ! leaves. It contains no mercury, potash or habit Picton, May 28.--At the W.C.T.U. 3 Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Kerr at J. : forming drugs. Everybody needs Just such a convention held in John street Pres- E. Hudgins; Mrs. Hoare at Rev. Mr. tonie to k their system In proper byterian church, Belleville, for the | Frontenac | Anderson's; Miss A. Wood at A. 95s 10 Rexp thelray proper shape, counties of Hastings, Lennor and | } Wood's; Mr. and Mrs. M. Doidge at Dreco Is being specially introduced In Kingston by Mae dington, and Prince Edward, Mrs. W. Doldge's; Mr. and Mrs. Carscal- Ernest Case, Picton, was made an A BUNKER'S HILL. len at G. Richmond's. hood's Drug Store. It Is also sold as follows: Napanee, Wal- honorary president, Mrs. A. D. Way, | May 27.--The weather has been lace & Oo.; Gananoque, W. E. Austin, and by a good drug corresponding secretary, and Miss very cool here of late with plenty of BETHEL. Helen Way, secretary. | rain and as a result the farmers can- May 27.--Congratulations are ex- gist everywhere. THOMAS COPLEY Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown have not do much on the land. A number | tandeq to Dr. Carmen Salisbury, M. ny . Pho 987| removed to Belleville and taken up G ' of men have left here for Kingston, D.C.M.. who has been successful in ter. ne | residence at 162 Church street. an v where they have secured employ. graduating from Queen's University. wa arn _-- oe --aatey Mrs. Alva Williamson is in Toron- ment. Archie Timmerman and fam- Dr. Salisbury's education began in ith oa, hardwood Soors clean- | 10 Visiting her daughter, Miss Reta] . (lly as= home after a holiday trip. | Bethel public school. passing his en- od with our mew Soor cleaning ma-| Williamson. From there she will Preventive measures ure advisaple Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Leeman were | trance examinations at the. ame of Shine. Prosecd NP Ninnijes to visit her sis- Nua so Buch Seivpe in the age. It Js at Verona on Wednesday last. There eleven. Ho then entered Newburgh ter, Mrs..J. J. Smith, y » . t W: B. Purtelle, of Winnipeg, visit- | clear of infectious germs by inhaling | Was frost here last week. High Selioel. Tid to Sucen 5 a a 8 or ed Prince Edward ounty fr®nds last | the balsamic vapor of CATARRH- student in Medicine. He also servea 3 nee = Sounly fin OZONE. By this means you send the LELAND. some time in France and Flanders t 2 week. He is now with his parents, healing and soothing properties of the May 23.--Farmers are busy on | during the war. Mrs. Ira Salsbury, a J omac e | Mr. and Mrs. Edward Purtelle, Osha- famous "Blue Gum" of Australia all their Youd sae more after the re-| Colebrooke, spent Thureday with -- wa. " through the air passages of the head cent rains. L. Young and family |her friend, Mrs. Jaokson. Harry Nine-tenths of all stomach trouble-- Miss "Annie MeGivern, Peterboro, | and throat. it. Mich to | Jackson is visiting. his sister, Mrs indigestion, sourness, gas, pain. heart. Is in town, having been called here| Catarrhozone stops a grippy cold, {have left for = Detroit, Mich., to James Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Shonie SF acre cause iq by an owing to the illness and death of her | it's splendid for irritable throat, re-| spend the summer with their daugh- Joseph Lewis aid baby, Paul. vin. Artificial digestents,' such - sister, Mrs. Slaven. lieves headache and quickly drives ter, Mrs. W. Amoe. T. Young lost ed M aM P ' Alkenbrack bes win? not needed tn such | Nano thousands of tomato plants | Out the germs of Catarrh, Grippe and | a valuable horse recently. Rev, 57. anc Mrs. Perry a ne were frozen in this county last week, | Bronchitis. Get Catarrhozone to-day. James Smith, Calgary, Alta, is!One evening recently. Mr. and Mrs, laying aside au igestive > | Complete outfit $1.00, and lasts two spending a few days here, the guest James Hamilton visited Mr. and ns Deatralize | indicating that the crop for canning months; smaller size, 50c. At all drug- oy iz slew Yay Cumpson. E.| Mrs. Garnet Jeffrey on Sunday. Miss will be short this year. gists, or by mail from The Dr. Ham- Jobtston aud M Convery spent | Olive Salsbury, Stella, spent the The Girl Guides paraded to St.| fiton Pill Co., 311 Notre Dame West, in the eit week-end at her home here. Mry. mneantly sweet. | Mary Magdalene's church on Sunday | Montreal. Thursday in the city. Edgar Salsbury has returned afte tha and. discon" iP? | morning as did also the Sons of Eng- > visiting friends at Wesley. Mrs. Gar. tended m.gests as nature | land. Rev. Frank Vipond, Toronto, : 1 KE. net Jeffrey spent a recent Saturday | . ntenasd™ Fath positive conducted the service. close and well contested. In the 2.30 May ! Hie LR ind rains| in Kingston and visited he home of NVEW RUBBER SUPPL Yoinperts of the U Rev. C. L. Cowan goes to Demor-| class Cowan Bros. won three firsts keep the ground so wet that the far- | Mr. and Mrs. Melville Demmion. Jay 3. Depoar, a Spr utture Joe dipeorsrad tia; Mindanao MOST PEOPLE estville on Friday evening to lecture] with their "Mr. Healy." In the 2.15 mers cannot get their seeding done. | Hamilton and Garnet Jeffrey are £5 adap 2». Sasa of tu or es_The PREFER the The Sky Pilot in B.C." under | class Dr. Benson, Belleville, took lz" pray ts Toy on ans dome. still on the sick list. a Joon be aerdens of Ye Svein mone. Scio Tonos tharor™® Feuple's| Bist user class, Mator Hat own. | 224 family fee maved Yao Nr. Ya ara >a x F " 4 . _ |gar's vacant house a s going to usemen ; Mrs. Gerald Allison and Mrs, C. B.| ed by 8. Bluett, Peterboro, took the willy work the farm. J. Cronk is Springfield, Mass., May 29.--The x Allison motored to Belleville on Sun- winning money. The exhibition of framing timber for H. McCleod. Methodist ban upon amusements, ex-| =~ ey day fo meet Dr, Gerald Allison on | ponies and lady riders in front of the Bessie Erwin spent the week-end at cept these "which cannot be used in Methodist Episcopal general ie] on Sundays and specifying dancing kis return from Montreal where he grand stand was very attractive, home. Mr. and Mrs. Arthar McCleod | the name of the Lord Jesus" was|ence here yesterday. A minority re-| and immoral theatre performances had been called owing to the serious The climax to a splendid day of spent Sunday under the parental [lifted by a five to one vote of thelport forbidding theatre attendance was tabled by 460 votes to 269. accident sustained by his brother-in- | sport was reached on Monday night A, APPA PP lt, TAA AAA A ------ law, Joseph Bolton, when he Was run | at the armouries when the directors down by an automobile. He reports | of the Prince Edward County Agri- Mr. Bolton on the road to recovery. cultural Society were sponsors for a Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Greensides, | dance. Cooper's orchestra was in at- of Toronto, were guests with Mr. and tendance. SAILINGS Mrs. Thomas Kinney over Victoria a i day, SUMMER COTTAGE BUILT. 1 From Montreal and Quebec Miss Myrtle Scott, Toronto, is a\ ' i ! the home of her father, C. P. Scott. [It is at the Picturesque Lake To Belfast-Glasgow Miss Scott was injured by a motor Opinicon. car in the city last July and this is Chaftey's Lock, May 27.--The +~».Marbura || the first she has been able to leave many rain showers and cold weather 24 ..iciiviMetagama || the hospital to conve home since. prevents farmers from seeding and In spite of the cold weather, the planting. Victor Bertin's cottage is Victoria day races in Picton were [completed and adds oné more to the well attended, every seat om the many beautiful cottages on Lake : grand stand being taken. The steam- Opinicon, the most picturesous Lake Sty 3 trevessdsHuntealm er 'Brockville brought an excursion in this vicinity. W. J. Howe, Ottawa, duly 18 / Montelare || from Napanee. All the races were is the guest of J. E. Flemisy. : 2s . The steamer Loretta with party on board spent the week-end here on her way to Kingston. Mrs. WwW. " Whipple, accompanied by her son, = * am 43017 34g Kmbrens of Scotian arrived here, Tharcny wot. fron: == [a @& The superb quality, © * Frem Quebec. A ' Pittsburgh, Pa., where she spent the = I Roseman, Xe ond 0 PNY | Purity and excellence "Nea W IH, Fieming aden NA AY of Player's Navy Cut mond, spent the week-end at King- ut. Does away with dangerous | Su on - = . . poring. Cot Bly t your drag. Sonirnrar past moved bis family to 3 ns = gh Cigarettes have made " ang " . 9. EArt ier. Se ia an . i them the world's lead.- H 1: , Smith" (Wl 3 rt 3 . eh pl Eh <r nil TIF ing brand. : here. . W. H. Fleming has let the con- a a tract for his new house. S. 8. No. ¢ ©BaBIM Is progressing favorable. under the management of Miss F. Regan as 'philanthropists in Toronto y teacher. Miss T. Jordan, Phillips. 000 on initial day of can- Blue-j a ville, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. J. ' 2 a .