NAAT y » ° THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG mn RR RR MONDAY, JUNE 2 et NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS . Editor of Women's Page, Teie- phone 2618. Private 'phone » - - The Junior Woman's Institute of | Frontenac entertained at the tea kour on Saturday in the fine assem- Bly hall of the «Kingston Dairy School, still gay with the rose-color- ed decorations which were so effec- | tive at their dance. Before tea was served, Miss Marguerite Carr-Hartis of the provincial department tive talk on "General Health," Miss Emily Guest, of the provincial de- partment of agriculture, spoke on "Girls," Miss Pearl Spence, the pre- sident of the Junior W. I., and Mrs. A. W. Sirett received the guests amongst whom were president of the Local Council of Women, and Miss Muckleston, 'hon, LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE || | TW. | of | health, gave a useful and construc-| Miss Mowat, | ] | Lieut.-Col. the Rev. A. H. McGreer, principal of Bishop's College, Len-| { noxville, performed the ceremony, | assisted by Major the Rev. Alfred | W. Buckland. A recention at But. | ternut farm followgd the ceremony. | Mr. James W. Graham, Ottawa, was | best man and the bride was attended | by her sister, Mifs Winnifred Kirby. Mr. and Mrs. Eric MecGreer will spend their honeymoon at the Rideau Lakes and wiil later take up.their| residence at 15 Lower Albert street, Kingston, * . . | A bright lot of little girls known |as the Rainbow Club of the Y.W.C. | A. gave a tea and sale on Saturday |afternoon in the clubroom to make some money towards defraying the expenses of a holiday at U-auto | Camp. Miss Gladys Bateman, the The Best Tea earns the greatest sale. [ "SALADA" TE .A ms16 is rewarded by having the largest sale in North America. Have you tried it? Smart Shoes For ~ The Holiday SANDALS ARE THE SELLERS viee-president. During the tea hour | president, was in charge of the prete Miss Ursula Sproule sang and Miss [ty hagketry and neatly made fancy Margaret Grass and Miss Lane play- | work, Miss Helen Moore presided at Grey, Patent, White TOMORROW'S MENU Chocolate Ice Cream: Beat two! Breakfast ed several piano numbers, poured by Mrs. J. L. F. Sproule and Mrs. A. W. Sirett. The visitors were taken down stairs to the dairy and were delighted with the spotiess- ness of the butter making plant and 'most grateful to Mr. L. A. Zufelt for his kindness in showing them all the latest contrivances for producing good butter. The Military Tournament and Horse Show on Saturday evening under the auspices of the Montreal Hunt Club and the Royal Military - College Club, attracted a notable ga- thering of Montreal society. Not a single seat remained vacant at the evening performance in either the boxes or on the promenade. The Arena was in gala array with flags and bunting, and many colorful eve- ning gowns and wraps were if evi- denge, which greatly added to the brilliance of the spectacle. An addi- tional feature was the programme of selections rendered by the band of the Fifth Royal Highlanders. The display was held under the distingu- ished patronage of His Excellency the Governor-General, His Honor the Lieutenant-Governor of Quebec, and the Hon. E. M. Macdonald, Minister of National Defence. Among those present in the vice- regal hox, to whom the salute was given in the march past, were the Hon. E. M. Macdonald and Mrs. Mac- donald, Sir Archibald Macdonell, of the RM.C., Miss Alison Macdonell, -and Brig.-Gen. and Madame E. deB. Panet. . * * At St. Peter's church, Cookshire, Que., on June 2nd, at twelve o'clock, the marriage took place quietly of Miss Frances Vera Kirby, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Edward Kirby, of Cookshire, to Mr. Eric D. MeGreer, third son of Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher McGreer, Lorne Crescent, Montreal. The groom's cousin, TN ET - - Kiddie Clothes can be washed again and again in the gentle Lux suds, and each time will regain their original freshness and beauty. The thin Lux flakes dis- solve instantly into a rich cleansing suds, free from any particle of solid soap that might damage deli- <ate threads. ' Lux is as harmless to fine fabrics as pure water itself, LLIX lois papi Tea was | } { the guest of Miss Ross Malcolm, the candy table and Miss Alice Bate- man at the homemade table, Mrs. | Calvert Carruthers, who has taught | - se clever little ids WILL WED COUNT these clever littl maids to make Helen T. Marye, daughter of George basketry, poured tea. After the visi- | 1 Marye, ex-US. ambassador to Rut- tors had gone Miss Gladys Bateman | 3a has sent word back from dbroad of Pp D i - presented Mrs. Carruthers on behalf | No het and 4DPrOATMING Wed. of the club with a siiver eversharp | berto Negri Arnoldi, scion of a weal: pencil, and the members of the club | thy and influential Roman family. The count is 22 Miss Marye is 17. wished her bon voyage and safe re- | mem em turn to Kingsfon. She sails for | ber , VT S, Wi England to join Dr. Carruthers | bers whom, he wrongly declares, wa J 6th on | compared to Indians. Just why wo Be OM $i . | were at first at a loss to understand. Following the Military Tourna-! Then we saw he had only glanced at oy | 80 item in this column and rushed ment and Horse BROW on Saturday to the defence of the veterans who evening, the R.M.C. Club of Montreal are celebrating their diamond jub entertained at an informal dance at | os g x 086. Jui» the Grenadier Guards Armory, Es- lee in Montreal and receiving all Planade avenue. The armoury was | honor from their own and d¢ther wo- ¥ t | men's missionary societies. A con- effectively decorated for the occasion | with flags and bunting, and a volun. | densed Montreal despatch referred | to the recollections of these iadies leer orchestra played Jor dancing. | o, were foremost in sending the Iho guests ware received by Col. | cospel to the west in the days when Gilbert Stairs, commandant of the | Indians BEI Bowtie 1 oa] : aw Grenadier Guards, and Mrs. Stairs, of eid 2a thriving hot a Brigden, ang Ns. C3 Armatrius| spoke of the romance of missionary Ss : 5e v d 'late In the Ve. ) effort in the early days. We thank SUppey N38 36rve rs | our youthful correspondent for his ning upstairs in the officers' mess. A large number of the younger set | Mizelpe oy oe Ms Sonions in Whe were present during the evening. (Tr 80! Path and for his in erest in 8 o z what the editor of the Woman's Mr. R. H. Gere, Syracuse, N. Y.,| Pa8¢ hears. and his daughter, Mrs. John Sanford, | > Sunday the Kingston of New York City, who have been the guests of Miss Sexsmith, Alfreq | General Hospital appealed through the churches for funds to carry on , 0 \ : ) street, motored ls Syracuse today | th d work and for the & I't of Miss E. Peters and staff entertain- | the public, especially for th new ed on Friday afternoon in honor ot | Isolation building which is the pro- Miss Mabel Van Order of Glenvale | PeTtY of the citizens. onth. a bride of next mouth . That through a typographical er- Miss Betty Roblin has returned to| Tor: ©" Saturanys a ora o- Kingston after spending the week- ih tors enfl in. Toronto. in Teference to the causes of the Miss Laura Lemmon, Barrie | ®MPY pew. street, accompanied by her mother, ~~ 3 left today for two weeks' vacation | That the big Kiwanian Karnival : is the event of this week and every 3 | J In Chicago ald St. Payl. 2 should be there. The service lubs that help under-privileged boys Mr. Mrs. F. P. Ge . Joi S ville, were visitors 1a town 'on Sat. | 270 Eis the old Deopie and the less serving of all aaid in their attempts to secure funds, That there are more than one hundred playing members in the lad- ies' golf club. Pretty good for King- ston. These sports women will lunch together on Thursday. Sn Se-- urday. \ Miss Thelma Bogart, Kingston, is | Ottawa. | Mrs. C. W. Jeffrey, Powell avenue, Ottawa, will be a visitor to Kingston and Buffalo during the months of | July and August. i = - - Mr. George McKay, manager of | the Bank of Toronto, Kitchener, and {his sons, are in the city for a few | days. | © Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Gray and her daughter, Peggy, London, are in | Brockville for the marriage, on Tues- day, of Miss May Flint and Mr. Jack McArthur, AUNT MET { Dr. and Mrs, C. Coulter and their | children who have been the guests { of Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Nash, Alfred | street, have returned to their home in Malone, N.Y. Prof. and Mrs. John Matheson left to-day by motor for Owen Sound, | where Prof. Matheson will attead | the Gemeral Assembly of the Pres- | byterian church. | Rev. W. T. G. Brown, pastor of { Dominion Methodist Church, Ottawa | and Mrs. Brown will leave next week | to sail for England. They will spend the summer abroad. » > » Dr. and Mrs. Etherington, Univer- sity avenue, left teday for Fetter- | cain to spend the summer. Mrs. W. Norton-Taylor, Brock- ville, is with Mrs. J. B. Carruthers, "Annandale." | Mr. and Mrs. George Wilkinson | and their "children, who spent the week-end with Mrs. Henry Wilkin- son, Bagot street, returned to Ro- chester, N.Y., today. Mrs. Frank Mann, Windsor, Ont, is with her daughter, Mrs. Noel Lee, Villa St. Clare apartments. Mr. W. J. Fair, King street," went to Montreal to see the military tour nament put on by the Royal Military College cadets, amongst whom were bis two sons, Cadet Howard Fair and Cadet Peter Fair. "When Pa is poutin' at me about something he always says grace like he was mad at the Lord." - | WOMAN'S INSTITUTE. ------ Battersea. On May 28th, in the Orange Temple, Battersea, an open meeting of the Woman's Institute was héld when Miss E. C. Guest, was the spe- cial speaker. Miss Guest has had much experience in institute work, both in this country and in the motherland, where at the time of the war she lectured for the British Board of Agriculture on good pro- duction and ' conservation. Her Subject on Wednesday evening was "How to Make an Efficieficy udy of Yourself and Your Comm Me Efficiency of oneself was dealt with under the heads of health, life work, recreation and returns for work done. In each case Miss Guest showed what efficiency meant, how I ------------------------------------ . hi | The Editor hears That some Kfugston men read the Whig's Women's Page. On Saturday We received a letter from one who admits it, but who seemed not to have read it correctly. We will ask him to take another look at Friday's paper. He is, he says, "a staunch Presbyterian" an admirer of the W. M. §., especially of the veteran mem- it could be more nearly attained. How, to study personal efficiency was then broadened to include community' efficiency. The chief factor in secur- ing community efficiency is co-opera- tion among the members. It ig in this way that the institutes every- where have accomplished and are accomplishing such wonderful re- sults) In addition to the jecture Bananas Cereal Boiled Eggs Toast Coifee Luncheon Fried Cornmeal Mush With Maple Sirup Wholewheat Bread Tea Celery Jam Dinner Braised Beef Boiled Potatoes Stewed Tomatoes French Dressing Apple Pie Lettuce Coffee Dishes in This Week's Menus: Braised®* Beef: Dice two slices of fat, salt pork and fry these till almost melted, then add to the frying pan four pounds of beef cut from the lower part of the round or from the face of the rump, which you have sprinkled with salt and pepper and then dredged with flour. Turn this piece of meat, as it fries, so that it is well browned on all sides, then re- move it from the pan, place it in a deep pot, surround it with one-half cup each of diced turnips, onions, carrots and celery, and pour around it three cups of boiling water. Put on pot-cover tightly and let the meat roast in a moderate oven for four or five hours, adding a little more hot water if necessary. (Keep the liquid at boiling point throughout this pef- fod of roasting, and the pot cover on.) . Maitre d'Hotel Butter for Broiled | Halibut Steaks: Work one-half cup of butter with a wood spoon till creamy, then add to it one-half tea- spoon each of salt and chopped pars- ley, a pinch of pepper and one-half eggs slightly and add to them ome- half cup of flour, one cup of sugar. and two cups of sweet milk. Turn the mixture into the top of a double | boiler and let cook for 20 minutes, stirring constantly during the first | tén minutes and occasionally after that. In the meantime melt two | squares of unsweetened chocolate, add to this chocolate two tablespoons | of sugar and two tablespoons of boil- ing water and let the mixture cook | till glossy in a small saucepan (stir-| ring constantly). When the egg-mix- | ture in the double boiler has cooked | 20 minutes, add to it this chocolate | sirup, let all cook together for a | moment longer, then remove from | fire, cool and chill. When very cold, Stir into it a pinch of salt, one table- spoon of vanilla, and two thin cream. Turn into a freezer can, not filling can more than three- fourths full, and freeze as any cream. ! Serve with the following: | Marshmallow Sauce for Chocolate | Ice Cream: Cut one-half pound of| marshmallows into small bits and | melt these in the top of a double | boiler. Dissolve two cups of confec- | tioners' sugar in two-thirds of a cup | of boiling waer and add this to the melted marshmallows. Stir till blended, remove from range and cool | before serving on the ice cream. ---- All inquiries addressed to Miss! Kirkman in care of the "Efficient Housekeeping" department will be | answered in theese columns in thair | tarn. This requir2s ccnsiderabic time, however, owing to the graat aumber received. So if a personal or quicker reply is desired, a stamp- | »d and self-addressed envelope must | be enclosed with the question. Be sure to us. YOUR ful! name, street | number, and the names of your city | and state. | tablespoon of lemon juice. | there were several musical numbers | given by local talent. They added much to the enjoyment of the eve- ning. Refreshment were served at the conclusion of the meeting. FOR BRIDE'S TROUSSEAU The white satin dinnergown is; i fashion's whim at the moment and the June bride can find them as sim- ple or as elaborate as she wishes. This one strikes a happy medium of absolute simplicity as to line with a floral design of beads in shades of red at the left front. There is, I believe, such a thing as showing proper resentment too often. Be sure that assumption is all that is claimed for it before you are fully satisfied. Some people enjoy the dog's life because their inclinations take them that way. The most ardent convert in the re- | vival meetings may be the first one | to backslide, but do mot hold the! Lord responsible for the act. Coffee Costs Only 3 Cents to Remove Your Wrinkles Defying public opinion is usually mighty risky business. Better than massage for removing wrinkles and age lines, far less expen- sive and bothersome, is a simple tark- root mixture which any woman can Tepare and apply in a Jiffy. Almost mediately after spreading this over the face there is a pleasant, soothing Sensation and the mirfor shows the id age lines and "sags" disappear- 1hiee e a less than 0 teen as smooth and firm As a schoolgirls. Seems almost too to be true, but the actual experi- iekly 1 doubt. and apply wi of ree, is perfect) It is washed oe y refuvenated, with = BeTitby ot a . An the cost of such treatment 1s conn and Airdale Buck San- dals, $3.00 to $6.00. Our Sandals are different. They are carefully selected from the best manufacturers and although better cost no more. LOCKETT'S cups of |# TIME NOW FOR Summer Underwear Our stock is complete with the best makes in Cotton, Lisle and Silk, for Men, Women and Children. Separate garments and combina- tions in all the wanted styles at very at- tractive prices. See our new Sleeveless Sweaters in Silk and Silk and Wool--all exclusive styles. . W. N. Linton & Co. "Phone 191. The Waldron Store The Month of Marriages Is Drawing Near The home of one's youth is the ideal of most Brides and Grooms to be and they set forth to obtain one as nearas possible to that ideal. As a general rule, the old home has boasted many things that have secretly made it the ideal and principally among them --a Piano. If one were to concentrate on this oblect, what innumerable hours of delight would be credited to its existence -- AND THEREBY ACCOUNT FOR THE NECESSITY OF SUCH AN INSTRUMENT FOR HOMES IN THE MAKING, Visit our salons in your search for a Plano of the better class. EASY TERMS OF PAYME ARRANGED. "KINGSTON'S MUSIC CENTRE" 121 PRINCESS STREET ' KINGSTON