v THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1924. 5 _ THE DAILY BRITIS NO MORE WEAK | and DIZZY SPELLS Since She Used MILBURN"S Heart and Nerve Pills Miss Bertha Charrette, Regina, Bask., writes: "I have had a lot Of trouble lately, with what I thought Was heart trouble, and after any un- usual exertion I always felt sick. My doctor advised a complete rest | aud change, but this I was unable to e. P0000 g pm The fag end of the long winter for those secluded times, was sud- denly enlivened by the announce- ment that on March 23rd the Physiognoscospocraphy Society would hold a torchlight procession to visit several newly married out Id and worthy inhabitants of {ingston. : Save perhaps for a small commit- I became interested in Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, so started tak- ing them. I have now taken three! boxes and am so much iraproved I can | £0 about my daily work without feel- . Ing any after ill effects, and have not | tee, the Physiogs were not an actual had any weak or diszy spells for organized society. But from time Some time. Your medicine has done [to time orders would be issued and me more good than anything I have 1arge numbers of men and youths ever taken, and I will gladly recom-| would arrange a parade to chari- Hong Milburn's Heart and Nerve | persons who were considered a ao Any woman who is weak and| have deserved such notoriety. In . {1849 their torchlight Price 50c. per box at all dealers, or | malled direct on receipt of price by | °0 the second night of the a The T. Milbura Co., Limited, Toronto, | Provincial Exhibition had exce Ont. | anything of the kind seen here be- = fore. Only one other procession had been held since, a midnight affair to P * eo D . | "bury" a gentleman who had given some temporary offence to the so- ating, ecorating | ciety On that occasion the entire d P h : countryside flowed into dan aper, anging and crowded the streets along which the procession passed. So the gen- Wall Paper in stock. ol alert which greeted the an- Muresco, Alabastine. jnouncement that another such night Scarfe's Auto Enamel and of pleasure was in store can be Paints. !imagined WwW V E | But hardly were the ,handbills * G. EAL announcing the event in circulation 314 BARRIE STREET when Mayor Counter posted a pro- clamation prohibiting the parade. | There 'was a city by-law which ren- dered it illegal to have processions ty £7) of parties in masquerading costume with disfigured faces, efc. Disap- 3 pointment and indignation filled the {city, and the mayor was assailed {from all sides. Personality is | At a St. Patrick's Day dinner at revealed in the | which he was guest of honor it was discovered that a quorum of the use of good Sula {Council of the Physiogs was pres- stationery. Yau ient, and then and there his worship | was unanimqusly elected a fellow of the proscribed society, apthelososulphuricoso Degree was {administered and he was presented with his diploma. Still he did not relent. On the 20th, three days before the date set for the procession, the | Whig took up the cudgels, showing the harmlessness of the fun, spectability of the society and the popular desire for this procession. "We take it for granted," says the | Whig submissively, "that the Phys- | fogs will see the propriety of obey- {ing the mandate of the mayor, and {abandon all idea of marching on Tuesday next, as all loyally cdnsti- tuted bodies of the people should do. But on the contrary, should a spirit of perverseness actuate the Physi- ogs, inciting them to resist the Law, | what is the mayor to do? With a "The paper that's good to write upon™ Kl bia 3 ay [a | Two Electric Specials Electric Curling * Tongs. Special $1.75. Electric Irons Special $3.00, $4.50. These are real bargains. |1s he to enforce his orders against a whole city?" | Next night there was a council | meeting at which a petition from F{ the Physiogs was presented, prom- ising if they were allowed to walk to maintain the "strictest decorum. The mayor defended his action, {stating that he was bound by oath [to uphold the laws of the city -and | o-- THE PHYSIOGNOSCOSPOCRAPHY SOCIETY. | v=: Lively Nights in Kingston in the Year 1852. of 1852, extraordinarily dull even | wise than he Lad. masquerade | Kingston | {chief constable and four Subs how. shunned, to lonk, soon hem; v bercavemant death was treat- 1 destructive of its nfluence; annoyance and heaped upon some ed with a intended vexation e who shauia the & ety May we not fear effect will be the © sever- those ties which bind man soften the asperities i ? that he could no: have acted other- °f But the council gallantly came to his rescue. The | : i 3 + { petition was copied in the minutes * Moy i {uf the meeting, as a tacit admis- Of Ife? gain, what is th R ie on our youth? What is it but the {sion that the parade was held with | ? : ' | their knowledge and that nothing il. [fst lesson in licentiousness, throw- in 3 reins the necks of those {12 y »d. Counetl- (128 the reins on |! gal was contemplated that the |Who evidently, need the curb for { lor Smythe pointed out Sock | mayor had done his part and that thei pwn 0d Josletys good. i new, { the soctacy Clsubeyed, he Nothing alashed, the graceless would jan Vv A When Mr. | Whig he'd the reverend 'gentleman |Craws rd a G go- (Up to ridicule. "Of what crimes Iclety had mada \3.inswe prepara. {are 'he Fhysiogs accused? ' What thn: and nothias| woulG stop tham [decorum was violated? Whose from walking, there were . "Ilsar, |Sanctified domestic was laid | hear's" from the aldermen and ap- How xis death evi it evi [ plause from the gallery. 80 it was {Th I'hss ognoscospocrap y So=i ' understood. though not asiually Walked in procession past :ho door ? inhi lot aged widower who d e soclet ight pro-|©" an age. ; Hated, that the 3 aid > {40k to ris bosom a fifth wie, and raid a !ike complimen: n- ceed as.icng as the members hehuv- | ed themselves. But the energetic | 123 thomas whe Wai mayor swore in more than afty bo Bs ma ot married rss specials and prepared for trouble, |Wife's sister ere the former Jay we The members assembled in the joe nm rer Bydhph F pre was yard of Phillips and Milo, and at al Bt Vasa Soy cent, w by 9 o'clock came the order to march [it the editor brewed himself a pec down Princess Street. First "came |©f troubles with churchmen gener- troop of heavy dragoods, armad That, { with ponderous broad swords, regu- 3 : 2 lar whiskered pandoors, and cer- | The rector's reply appeared in the tainly no mean imitation of the-real |NOWs. on which the Whig fomments, warriors. Under their escort came | Although Tot 00d letter, it is so the bride and bridegroom, decked | differpnt in style, 'matter and diction in all the attractions of dress suit- |[rom eble to such an interesting occasion. |f®W days ago, that we strongly sus- Then a fullrigged merchantman |POCt for the honor of the cloth, some bearing on his quarterdeck no less |!!terary friend has had it under his than the king of the sca himself, revieion." , ; with his trident, crown and other| -This secon emblems, drawn by five horses with outriders |Physiogs, for we read the next day, in full regalia. After that came a | Inhursday night was a gala night number of appropriate symbols, |[OF Kingston, {amongst which a cradle marked cospocraphy Society was out in full | "British bottoms" attracted much |fOFce ahd fig. A certain gentleman {atien:ion. The brethren of the or- |°fended the society, and the pro- | der, all arrayed in most appropriate | cession was in his honor. {and entertaining costumes followed |, "The mayor went into the body of prior to i the masqueraders, {their favorite symbol, the -cradle | Ore of the oldest saints of the.or- |MaTch, and ordered the parties to | {disperse and go home; and it is |der, St. Duchaum, in his {that oae |ance of to. man levity? ty 0 jally. however, 1s another story. a letter, however, carriage the Chloron-| protected the rear of the brethren, |%a1d got very roughly treated by the | [A carriage from ancient Nineveh-- | PR¥siogs and their horses. 'Satan,' la most ancient and classical looking | Who Was on horseback with a large | objeci--and a troop of Nubian min- | j te hi strels followed by a troop of dra- |28r his worship, who seemed much goons brought up the rear of the [Annoyed at his appearance; aad well-un- procession. The minstrels seemed | Brobably Road by the i [to be 2 great attraction the negro |deTstood antipathy of the devil and the re-| songs which they executed in bur-|the bakers, laid hold of Satan's tail | as LCI RTT ITI PHONE 423. 74 PRINCESS 5t ACID STOMACH IS DANGEROUS Sufferers From Indigestion or - Stomach Trouble . CUT THIS OUT Rl "Stomach trouble, dyspepsia, indiges- tion, sourness, gas, heartburn, food fer- mentation, etc, are caused nine times in Aen by chronic "acid stomach," says a well n authority. | Burning hydrochloric acid develops | in the stomach at an, alarming rate. | The acid Irritates and 1aflamesg the deli. | cate stomach lining and often leads to gastritis accompanied by dangerous stomach ulcers. Don't dose an acid stomach with pepsin or artificial di- jedtenta that only give temporary re. ef from pain by driving the sour, fer. menting food out of the stomach into the intestines. . Instead, neutralize or sweeten your | Acid stomach after meals with a little hot water and Blsurated Magnesia and! not only will the pain vanish but your meals will digest naturally. There is nothing better than Bisurated Magne- ola. to sweeten and settle an acid stom. | h. It ks up the harmful excess! ' Sold much as a sponge or blotting pa. | r might and your stomach Acs and | 8s fine in just a few minutes. Bi- surated Magnesia can be obtained from any reliable druggist in either powder | or tablet form, It is safe, reliable, @4sy and pleasant to use, is not a laxa. tive and is not at all expensive. A er er ro cme, "DON'T EXPERIMENT With Your Eyesight Your éyes are far too valuable and precious to risk wearing Glasses selected at random. The Glasses we furnish will be made to your individual requirements "Tax and Australia will meet will also ride. . "WILD WEST" VISITS JOHN BULL Austin, famed broncho buster from Te Austin are shown arriving in London, where vise the international rodeo at the British FE Wembly when cowboys of Canada, New in competition. | lesque drew a crowd around them. yand attempted to drag him off his | We forgot to mention that light was | horse, and for several minutes it thrown upon the merry scene by | Was literally 'pull devil, pull bak- hundreds of torches, and ever and |°' But usual thc baker had faron a rocket or a blue light was | the worst of it, for he hurt his [let of? by the patron sa'nt of the or- | hands by the sharp wires in Satan's} ider, St. Duchanm." They passed | tail, and was obliged to let go his | | before the door of five pronfinent | Bold. In other. respects his WOr-| gentlemen lately married and two |Ship does not seem to have acted | others who merifed special atten-|Darshly or ill'naturedly. He at- tion and then returned in geod or- | tempted to stop the procession and der to headquarters. failed. He never condescended next | A week luier, when the excite-|48Y to after-claps." ment had died down, came a very First came a numerous body of | warm aud somewhat incoherent Jet- | horsemen in queer costumes and {tor from the Rector of St. James, | Very [fantastically armed, There roundly condemning the affair. "For [followed a platform drawn by Jour jthe sake of amusement, putting the | horses, bearing Belzebub and 'sev-| {charlvari in the best possible light, | eral of his 1mps, occupied -all'the |a crowd was collected of boys, and I [time in letting off a variety of fire- fear children of a larger growth, | Works. There came a mimic ship, who should have had the wisdom of [Manned by old Neptune and his 22m: put'c decorum was viclated; | Tritons, drawn by six horses. At the sanitity of -domes'ic--1fe wastihe yard arm of this vessel was | ~~~ [Bung the effigy of the gentleman | honored. The Physiog band fol- lowed in a car, with a variety of {other carriages in the rear:--one, |the Physiog Saloon, another the { Physiog Minstrels, and a third the | Portsmouth | Notables, all decorated | with flaming torches and driven by { postillions in sundry disguises. The whole followed by a regiment of Physiogs on foot. After perambu- lating the city, and passing before the door of the honored individual, they proceeded to the commons near the Roman Catholic Cathedral, and forming a circle, the effigy was tak- en down from the yard arm where it was hanging and deposited under a temporary gallows, and burned with due solemnity." The papers in surrounding "cities commented at great length upon | these performances, and many were | the lectures administered to King- | ston. Most amusing of all ig the | lament of the "Streetsville Re-| view" which was ordinarily the | second wittiest paper of the time in) Upper Canada. The Whig says: | "The Streetsville Review complains | of the 'people of Kingston for | laughing at the drolleries of the, Physiognoscospocraphy Society, and | scolds the British Whig for its ap- | probation. The following para- graph (which had appeared in the | Whig report) is particularly offen- sive: -- ' "Many of the masqueraders were admirably attired; a devil on horse- back excellent; and the widow, all in black, was capitally executed. rously pathetic and kept the whole city in one roar. of laughter! "Instead of laughing at the devil and the widow, as everyone who saw them did, the Streetsville Review becomes sentimental and thus hreaks out:---- " 'Widow!' Ob, there is a pro- found and most touching tragedy bound up in that sad, tearful little word. . It adumbiates the .om- mencement of the dull, grey, hope- less, sunless twilight of existence! Sons of Moloch! exquisite was your tact in selecting such a theme or yasg and Mrs. "Tex" will super- mpire Exposition at Zealand, South Africa American buecaroos - and accurate in every detail. Ours is a painstaking, dependable optical service. 'R. * \ the stiffness depart. For stiff joints, lame and tension will ease Will Help Your Sore Back : ~~ When Its Lame and Achy You at once--Rub the Its pain-destroying essences will quickly back. lumbago, rheumatism and muscular pain, NERVILINE is a true friend. Geta 35-cent bottle to-day. " ny the purposes' of burlesque! We are somewhat familiar with Kingston, and can testily that its denizens are not absolute monsters vampires--who with the chemistry of hell, could extract pleasure from pain, or be thrown into "one roar of * {laughter" by a ribald parody of .he sink into the cords and muscles. SOTTows of a wife whose ears were on ehess and pain will quickly yet ringing with the ghastly sound of earth falling upon her husband's J colfin-la"." the glare or eyes who | no: { have had the sympathy! } effect { yp-n'| recenily | e one published by him a, Then came the band car |Must have proved too much for the! and the Physiognos-| the | | pair of horns and a long tail, came | Her moans and groans were ludic-| ; H WHIG | The | i | | | | | AMBASSADOR PATTERN [ Orange Spoon | - dinner - you are soon to give HAVE you silverware enough for to give--and for all the other are you trying to get along without many pieces? In "1847 Rogers Bros." it is quite dozens of things to make your silverware complete, The niceties of the well-set table are all here--salad forks, coffee spoons, orange spoons and serving pieces. in price. Yet all possess the beauty endeared "1847 Rogers Bros." to generatio! A sensible scheme is to purchase to most and to add to them as the occasion demands. This is the more feasible because leading dealers all over the carry '1847 Rogers Bros." May we send you a copy of our booklet, "'E tiquette, Enter- taining and Good Sense'? Its illust are authoritative to the last degree. suggestions for successful entertaining. Write for it to-day. Meriden Britannia Co., Limited, Hamilton 1847 ROGERS BROS. STLVERPLATE RYN RN SE KER the dinner you arc soon dinners thereafter? Or of the necessary easy to provide the half- All are reasonable urability that has ns of hostesses. -day the pieces you need and d Dominion rations of table settings You will find it full of » Ontario. rN tt, i mm A li, rt 1847 ROGERS BROS. SILVERPLATE SOLD BY MaAHooD BROS. --Te-- The Late Alexander Ritchie. May 30th the death occurred of Alexander Ritchie at his late 'resi- dence, 79 St. Clair avenue east, To- ronto, after an illness of about six months, due to heart trouble, He Is survived by his widow and two daughters, Mrs. M. Downey and Mrs. I. Gibson, Los Angeles, Cal., and one grandson, Glenn A. Downey, also one brother, George Ritchie, barrister, Toronto, and one sister, Mrs. Silver. The late Mr. Ritchie was born at Inverary seventy-four years ago and lived there until a short time béfore going to Toronto in 1907. He took an active interest in public affairs, having been clerk of the township of Storrington for thirty-one years, also secretary of several organiza- tions. He was a veteran of the Fe- nian Raid of 1866 and the Red River Rebellion of 1870. He was a man of sterling qualities, enjoying the esteem and confidence of all who knew him and was a true Christian In every sense of the word. He was recording secretary of the Methodist Acct SIN church at Inverary and secretary- treasurer of the Sunday school. For the past fourteen years Mr. Ritchie 'had been connected with the Mines Coal Company, Toronto, The interment 'took place at Mount Pleasant cemetery on Saturday af. ternoon. ---------- Some men manage to keep from being 'imposed upon by being dis agreeable, . If a man has a sense of humor he knows when not to get funny. IMPERIAL TOBACCO COMPANY OF Ci M Genera! lenufactured by G Samy ett Distr ibuters > haa ho in any wa Herd which onl Health niversity. / TELEPHONE Ada a 1108 R-3. HEMLOCK _ Clean, pure milk of attendants, Sanitatio supervision of Dr. Miller, We guarantee that Delivery to all parts of Sang Yoherculin tested. rs 2 the Kingston General Hospital, an institution Professor of every the city. 'HEMLOCK PARK STOCK FARM ion, Sterilization, etc., under the bottle is from our own stable. ARK STOCK FARM | pasteurized or steril- Pathology, Queen's