THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG = JACK DAW'S ADVENTURES | ST | | 3, , Under the Circus Tent Right in the main pathway of the big tent was a great mattress. And at one end of it stood several barrels. As soon as the circus dogs saw this amen age | A Wonderfully Tempting Dainty! . Soaking takes the I Sl pa A | ~ Grape-Nuts Cookies place of rubbing --_-- 3 aA : 7 : ERE'S a cooky dainty you'll find won- 3 = ! on derfully delicious for any occasion. UST by soaking the clothes in the suds "iY i ' Grape-Nuts Cookies! of this new soap, dirt is gently loosened A> 4 Delightfully distinctive in flavor -- whole- and dissolved. 3 ; WES some and nourishing. Easily and readily : , ; ? ! A. a made by the recipe given here. Simply take Even the din tat 3s round at Neth iY To Ra : some of the Grape-Nuts you use for your yands anc. cuf-ecges yields to 'a light wel 2 morning cereal, or get a package from your rubbing with dry Rinso. Not a thread Te: rer a 20g tal wade the Tomy anther parvel wis grocer, and make a batch of cookies with a CRADENUTS . . : ac me at every og a made 3 Jum another w . . ' is weakened. The mild Rinso suds work added. Finally ene of the dogs missed the jump. He landed on top of temptingly different flavor from any you've COOKIES thoroughly through and through the the barrel, instead of clearing it, and he fell toward the ground. The dog ever had. 7 1 egg, 1 cup sugar, ¥ cup clothes without injury to a single fabric. man rushed out and caught him so he was not hurt. * This dog stopped Grape-Nuts Cookies are proving popular in many shortening, % cup Grape- jumping. places. R. W. Maddell, baker lin Norwich, Ontario, Nuts, % su one milk, t : : . says that they are his largest sellers, outselling all : J Rinso is made by the makers of Lux. For the family Sp. a Ley ie le are ots pn h yenilia. 2% cups flour (good wash it is as wonderful as Lux is for fine things. : : gi 1381 Main St. East, Hamilton, is enthusiastic after Break ots Hits ud L cI A J the first time he offered them to his customers: Bors 38 a ite Bowl, r i " . : YR a "Completely sold out in a short time. A fine line-- ening, and beat again; add All grocers and department stores sell Rinses Bo \ vo rn aa ink, an) beat ian; aa Your family will enjoy these cookies just as well as 20u Silk, Yili, ud 4oda R-4-M 2 : = hundreds of others do. Fill the cooky jar with them thin and cut with small, " often. Grape-Nuts Cookies are particularly nourish- fancy cutter. Sprinkle with SSUES Set. wy were on - $ . ing, because in them you get the concentrated nour- sugar, with raisins or scat- ishment which makes Grape-Nuts so valuable a food. {ii of GrapeNums 28 $95, WHEN YOU BUY! Ho mt : \ Tow Most folks know how Seticions and suinoniical lowes he ind finish on i ) (because it is so highly concentrated) a cereal Grape- kil phy glans ig : The exceptional tone quality in the Weber : a Nuts is. Now try Grape-Nuts in this recipe. Order Pedr hal : pe enty- Piano appeals to the most ascethetic taste. ; / N Grape-Nuts with your other groceries. five Cookie. HEAR FOR YOURSELF AND BE CONVINCEU. Ve Jemplag Tasted for some time, AT C. W. LINDSAY'S Warerooms, was the best jumper of them all. Then the dog man told Jack to have Flip CANADIAN POSTUM CEREAL Co, LIMITED . try the jump. "Oh, you'll have to take some of the barrels off," said Fags Princess Street Jack. So the pile was made smaller and Jack took Flip back a ways. (Con- Head Office: Toronto - Factory: Windsor tinued.) ?, LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO € ' '» ADVENTURES OF THE TWINS There's a Reason Seeds, Lawn Mowers, Lawn Hose, Poultry Garden Took |--rse-- | Grape=Nuts Fencing, etc. We have a full stock of all : these at very low prices. Call and see our Made in Canada display before purchasing. Lemmon & Sons 187 Princess §t SPECIAL PRICES ON gs posted DINING ROOM FURNITURE Wheeee! Whirrrr! went the big horn, All the Green Woods people were Wheeee! Whirrrr! Squecce--eee-- Hl lid dressed up in their Sunday best al|eee--rattle--rattie--rattle! went the I} I 1 i | Mister Coon's party. big horn, or rather, they were the It was a most fashionable party, | sounds that came out of it. and Nancy and Nick and the little "My!" said Mrs. Muskrat to Mrs. | - fairyman were proud of the coon | Groundhog. "They do, have queer I J\ i i i 1 A gentleman and his new radio set. voices in New York, don't they, Mrs. al Il | ya Pa \ Oh, yes, it was Mister Coon"s new | Groundhog?" {35 2 i I H ] ' 0 radio set that the party was about. "It isn't just right yet," said Mis- RL y Everybody had come to hear a con- | ter Coon. "The air isn't right." cert "No, I'd say it wasn't exactly | | Es "Ladies and gentlemen," said | right," grinned Mister Bunny nudg- --_-- Mister Coon importantly, getting up | ing Old Daddy Cracknuts. "I've ° in the middle of the floor where a| heard a good many airs but none ex- F f t little square box with a big horn | actly like that." or young owing ee was sitting on a table, "I will now Mr. Coon pulled out some more tune in. We shall hear a concert that | knobs and pushed in some other oO test is so hard on footwear as is going on in New York." knobs and the little lights went : : Everybody clapped and Mister | blink, and suddenly there was 'a the wear and Mesr that active, Walnut Sui $128.00 to $450.00 Coon bowed and then he pushed in| shriek like the - 9 o'clock eurfew romping feet of children give to shoes. alnut Duites ...... . to y some knobs and pulled out some | whistle. +3 ; : knobs and turned a thingamadodger.| "Oh, oh, oh!" shrieked the Green _ And no summer footwear Sver nade Oak Suites ..... ....$ 95.00 to $300.00 5 .| Wood ladies, covering up their ears, is so durable and economical, at the There's a difference in rubber Keep Throat Free That must be Grand Opera! Such same time so comfortable and health- OakFinish........... $75.00 up of Catarrh Germs/| 0"? 5i"8ins makes us deaf. Do they ful for young, growing feet, as Fleet 45 always sing that way in New York, % LR Mister Coon?" Foot. The Infection-Killing Vapor of . Mister Coon blushed. "There is With porous canvas uppers and Genuine Kenwood IE Catarrhozone , Se A i eSplaited tough, flexible rubber soles, Fleet Foot nervously. "Sometimes it's a little . . 1s the Best Treatment hard to make it work right." gives ventilated freedom to the young, Blankets 4 0) Fd The Twins and the fairyman tried active, growing foot muscles -- bare- If there is a tender or weak spot to help him fix things. ** fo . . : gs. "I think it's ri of in your throat, that is where disease | i "CF MU LX tRASL OH Tey to footed lightness without the risks { 1 A : germs are sure to lodge. Prompt All t he leading ; treatment is necessary to keep the | 8et some other place, Mister Coon. bare feet. > ; i in plain, germs from spreading through the "I will tune in on Chicago," said Leading doctors and school nurses stamped on the shoe hs your assurance of the genuine Fleet breathing organs. 4 - il Do Ike a tai Dioathe: On Daun, "and We wal buar ul approve and recommend Fleet Foot Sauce 9 Be ne em tarrhozone that it is so sure to reach " , "" the trouble. Catarrhozone goes wher- That's peta whispered Daddy ever the air you breathe can go, and | Cracknuts. It Won't split our ear- it's healing influence extends to all' drums. the delicate linings of the throat and, So Mister Coon pulled. another bronchial tubes. § handle and instantly a voice came By inhaling Catarrhozone, youl out of the horn, saying, "Once upon prevent Cold, Sore Throat, Bronchitis 0--sSquesee--squeees-- and Catarrh from developing. Get Ca- : Hime Ae a Jeoee tarrhozone to-day. Complete outfit|"% 3quaece Jar. ao $1.00; small size 50 cents. At all | WRITITr--whoop--eeee! i ~ ® , dealers or The Dr. Hamilton Pill Co.,| "MY goodness!" exclaimed Grand- 311 Notre Dame St., West, Montreal. | ma Frog. "I should think thai 0 ® eo el : : . - g Would waken up all the babies this IA: side of Canada. That's a most re- Leading Undertaker, Ambulance Phone 577. IY markable bedtime story!" | . " "Yes, isn't it," remarked Mrs. |" x ; Chipmunk. "Oh, there! Listen, now."| 'My, my! I'd hate to send my, night, Mister Coon. "We've all had set began to behave itself beauty The voice in the horn went on: ~ |<hild to that school," sald Mrs.|a nice time at your party." And] fully. The Twine and the fairyman Practice what you preach, but be| It often happens that the mischief : "And one day he went to school | Groundhog. out they went--all of them. stayed and heard ten pieces played ~ Sure what kind of a text you take for | maker between two people gets the and--bang, whang, squeal, roar,| "Its very late and we'll have to| But they hadn't any more than|by a circus band. . 'the sermon : most injury, shriek!" it finished with a wail. ! be going," eald Mrs. Bunny. "Good-¥ turned the corner when the radio (To Be Continued) a U ,