i wa . , SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 1034, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ~~ (REE +++ mail coupon below to Ellen J. Buckland, Graduate Nurse SCIENTIFIC FRANKNESS on a subject known as | woman's oldest problem | 4 | Thorough disinfection of homes. Do not allow your tamily to move {Into any room, house or workshop where 'a consumptive has lived, worked | or died without careful disinfection by the Board of Health or your doctor. Stop promiscuous spitting not only: in your own home but in the streets and other public places, iF. [BATTLE AGAINST TUBERCULOSIS | How Can You And Your Family Keep F ing th ow Can 7 Suny Roep From Getting the MOTHER; Fletcher's Castoria is a pleasant, harmless Substi | tute for tor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, prepared for Infants in arms and Children all ages. | wv | Co-- Try and have a little consideration for others, See that light, air and cléanliness predominate in our homes, offices, schools and workshops, ks To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Physicians everywhere recommend it, - b . . | *Proven directions on each package. Care for your body. against disease. A clean, healthy body is your greatest, asset | @ ) cient, Experts came from many cities | Bolingbroke. Deceaséd was a most not only in Canada but the United Sta- | respectable resident and lived to a . { tes to see the wonder, and the inven. | very old age. V. Johnson Watkins, Don't spare them--they are among the | tor' decided to surprise his guests, He | agent, is delayed in this district ow invited them to an "Electrical Ban- ing to the illness of his horse. 4 Soap and water fare cheap. very best preventative measures. Now! Exquisiteness, comfort, immaculacy under all circumstances By ELLEN J. BUCKLAND You can dispose of it easily, without embarrass- ment--a point all women will appreciate. NOW TRY KOTEX FREE i Kotex has become a health habit among all womanhood. And I believe every woman should at least be allowed to try it. So I have appealed to the Kotex laboratory. And they have consented-- for a short time at least -- that I offer women a trial of Kotex, without charge. So do this now: Mail the coupon to me, person- ally. A packet will be sent you postpaid, by return mail--in an absolutely plain, undistin uishable, un- marked wrapper, Tear the coupon off now before you forget. Graduate Nurse THERE is a flew way in personal hygiene. ~ A scientific way that gives women new poise A and peace of mind--new exquisiteness and better health. Although but a recent discovery, 8 in every 10 women of the better classes already have adopted it. It is called Kotex. And this offers you an oppor- tunity to test it--free. Simply mail me the coupon below. FIVE TIMES MORE ABSORBENT Made of Cellucotton--a newly-discovered super- absorbént--Kotex absorbs 16 times its weight in moisture. It has 5 times the absorbency of ordinary cotton "sanitary pads." And, in addition, two other secret advantages which I cannot mention here. Kolex is on sale at all drug and department stoves. Two sizes-- Kotex regular an Kotex-Super., Also dispensed in rest vooms from Kotex cabinets, Watch your children. Infection Through Milk, The germ may also be taken into the body in uncooked cows' milk. Cows frequently have tuberculosis and the germ may get into the milk, sometimes in large numbers. While in grown people this is not a com- mon source of infection it is a com- mon source in little children who drink much uncooked cows' milk. The germs are carried by the milk into the bowels through whose walls they pass and enter the system through the lymphatics, lodging fre- quently in the glands around the roots of the lungs or im those at- tached to the intestines. Therefore, unless one is certain that the cow that supplies the milk is free from tuberculosis the only safe thing is to pasteurize or boil all milk which is used by children. ----n-- Other Sources of Infection. There are a number of other sources of infectiom, but they are not very important and we need only mention a few, such as the kissing of consumptives, the regular use by well peoplg of their unwashed cloth- » Wear clean, warm, light clothing. -- Keep them free from contact with tuberculosis. parents, or relatives, who usually infect the healthy born child in a year 'or two after birth, if their ha- bits are careless. . Even with much care it is difficult to avoid the infec- tion of the children by their tubercu- lous parents. When we see a whole family die of this disease one after another, it does not mean that they inherited it from the parents, but that there was carelessness in the family and that each child in careless parent, brother or sister. However, in families in which there has been much tuberculosis among the parents or grandparents there is at times found a lowered resis- tance to the disease so that the children in such families must be brought up with special care as to their surroundings and life. Latent Tuberculosis. As has already been shown, when this disease is acquired, it does not usually develop at once, but lies latent in the body anywhere from one to twefity years. During this time it may sometimes cause some turn acquired the disease from the ! quet." The visitors who had come to see electric heating were bidden to ap- pear at the Windsor Hotel, Ottawa, one evening in the month of April, 1892. When they arrived they were treated to a dinner, every course of which had been cooked by electricity in an oven built for the purpose. This was the first time in the history of the world that electric cooking had been demonstrated. The oven used resembl- ed a baker's oven, and had been pro- vided with heating grids that could be regulated from the outside. The meal was voted a complete success and from that beginning has grown the numer- ous conveniences that make life easier wherever a electric lighting circuit is provided. Next Article--Calcium Carbide. MAKING DANDELION WINE. -- This is the Order of the Day About Maberly, Maberly, Jyne 3.--Mr. Pringle, Arden, auto sdlesman, paid a visit in this district this week. Allen Dea- con visited friends at Maberly on Sunday. Mrs. E. Deacon, Boling, broke, was buried on Sunday last, au special hot foot bath away. 8. Wing, Westport, has purchased the G. Ayerst store, and has begun his duties now. S. Orser makes his usual calls at the mines here, Mak- ing dandelion wine js the order of the day. The farmers are making use of this fine weather finishing up their seeding and plowing, as the wet weather caused a great delay. J. McVeigh, Sharbot Lake, is as- sisting Mr, Strong with farny duties at present. The roads are much im- proved this week, hut need much re- . pairing vet. \ -------- About 18,000,000 tons oF coal are consumed annually in London. CORNS DISSOLVE IN HOT WATER It's a wonderful combination--the and Putnam's Corn Extractor. You get quick re- lief. The sting dieappears. Your sore toe feels better at once, another application or two and the corn goes Ahy corn that grows on the foot of man can be removed by Put- nam's Painless Corn Extractor. Ree fuse a substitute, 25c., all dealers. symptoms which only a doctor would recognize, and which pass off 80 soon that the patient pays no at- tention to them. Thus people who | Ing, and careless contact with the | pus or other discharges from tuber- | Culous sores. It has been shown | that there can be a danger of infec- |tlon trom the unwashed hands of|,. subject to repeated spells of consumptives, and all such patients "grippe" or colds every winter, 'or should wash their hands, faces and to attacks of pleurisy now and| mouths frequently. again, those who suffer from periods of "rundownness'" or who are habi- FREE SAMPLE Mail this Confidential Coupon ELLEN J. BUCKLAND, O. N. Care of Harold F. Ritchie & Co., Limited 10 McCaul Se., Toronts, Ont. 1 want to accept trial offer made by Jou. with the under- free standing that it is absolutely confide: Name Address ume British Whig, Kingston, 67/24 PA ~~} Hereditary Infection. It is now known that tuberculo- sis is not hereditary, and that it is practically never handed on from the parents to the child before birth. We recognize, on the coutrary, that the infection comes trom tuberculous tually pale and below normal weight or are chronic coughers and spitters, are very apt to be tuberculous, and often unconsciously hand on the disease by their cough to others. (To Be Continued). : PN cr iii iy If you are a master be sometimes blind; if a servant sometimes deaf, rr nny Bann, - The enemies of lite are Postion] A ng narrowness and selfishness, ~ "et bremnn cs on The chief enjoyment of life comes from work. | whatever it may be, will be more Have you tried these famous flours? Each is a product of the finest and most up-to-date mills in the Dominion. Each is supreme for its own purpose. Try them both. You are sure to be satisfied. SAXON FLOUR TheFinest Milled Pastry. Flour An extra fine flour, made from the best: Ontario soft winter wheat. Specially milled for the exacting housewife who likes to use a particu- larly good flour for the baking of her cakes, pies and fancy pastry. Saxon can always be depended on to give you the very best results. Always the Same-Alwags the Best . || "The Old Reliable" --Quaker Flour is the finest all-purpose flour milled. Whether you make bread, rolls, cakes or pastry, your results with Quaker . Flour will always be uniformly good, for every sack of Quaker Flour is of the same unvarying high quality. Your Grocer has both these famous flours in stock __Trya sack of each--your satisfaction is assured. © Products of The Quaker Mills, Peterborough and Saskatoon. No. 5~THE ELECTRIC STOVE. Any alleged connection between the pioneer electric railway and the dainty electric stove of the modern Canadian kitchen will doubtiéss appear to be overdrawn. But the two conveniences are definitely connected in their ori- gin. The electric stove is a product of Canada as the electric railway is. Thomas Ahearn, who was born in Ottawa in 1855, was the genius who gave to the world the comforts of elec- tric cooking. This triumph was not of a sporadic nature, but came from years of experience attacking big jobs and bringing them to a successful conclus- on. bt THOMAS AHEARN Of Ottawa, who gave to the world Ms art ideas of electre heating and cook- ' Thomas Ahearn was born in Ottawa in 1835 and like so many other Cana. dians who have won fame and fortune, he ned to telegraphy as a means of livelihood after graduating from OF tawa University. He did not sit long before the key, however, for in 1880 he was given the management of the first telephone company that was formed in Ottawa. Two years later, in 1882, he formed a partnership with W. Y. So- per, as electrical engineers and con- tractors. The firm built the long distance telephone. lines froms Pembroke to and wired the Maritime Pro. vinces for the long distance land lines of the Atlantic cables. They next con- nected Halifax and Vancouver with telegraph lines, and followed that work by the construction and operation of some of the first hydraulic, electfic generating stations on this continent, -- ian Achievements Q Lyman, B Jackes der that Thomas Ahearn took the pre- sidency of the Ottawa Electric Rail- way Company when it was formed in 1891. He was warned from all sides that the venture would be a failuré owing to the impossibility of heating the cars and operating them in the win- ter. But the secret of electric heating was known only to himself. He had learned that it was .possible to draw certain metals into wires which would offer a high resistance to the passage of the electric current, and turn much of that which did pass, into heat. The Ottawa Electric Railway com- menced to operate gars in the autumn of 1891, and the crifics and wisc-acres shook their heads and smiled while waiting for the thermometer to dip in- to the sub-zero section of the scale and bring the venture to a standstill. Real cold weather did not come to Ottawa until February of 1892, and when the patrons hurried to the cars they found them pleasantly heated, but the heat was not radiating from visible stoves. Upon investigation mysterious little boxes were noted under the seats, These were the electric heaters. They were the first that were ever built, and they were made in Canada by a Cana- dian, The "Electrcal" Banquet" These heaters attracted considerable Attention and Thomas Ahearn was ap- proached with offers for larger heating units. In March, 1892, the foreman's office of the Ottawa Water Works was equipped with a large electric heater which was both economical and effi- Bad Blood Savings easily achi eda strong ally in the shape of a Bank balance. Open THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Capital Paid Up $20 ' . RS wWecb00000 Kingston Branch Ca eved if you have creat. * F.E. Dench, Mansger From the standpoint of / economy it is much cheaper to keep things in ropair and looking weil than allow them to go to do the copecially when a little fixing and a daub of paint will Stevenson & Hunter - 8587 PRINCESS sr. oo