12 | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG forgotten. NOT THIS BUT THIS YOUR ROOFING TROUBLES Let us supply you with Shingles or Roof- ing that has a reputation for q-.ality. "Quality" remains long after "price" is ALLAN LUMBER CO. Victoria Street. Duofold's Over-size barrel ends Writer's Cramp Big and Easy to hold, with fingers and mind relaxed Its super-smooth tip costs us $2340 a pound-- Guaranteed 25 years TART the New Year with this fine tool of hand and brain and do bigger things with less exertion. For the Duofold's Over-size Barrel not only holds an extra large supply of ink --it relaxes the mind and the fingers be- cause it's so big and balanced that the hand can hold it without fiercely gripping the shaft, as you would to keep a small light pen from wobbling. Its Chinese lacquer-red color, with smart black tips, flashes your eye a reminder not to forget your pen when you lay it down. All thisin a pen so smooth you can tell the Parker Duofold point from others with your eyes shut! Make this test today at the nearest pen counter--you'll be surprised. This famous point is guaranteed 25 years for mechanical perfection and wear. It needs no "breaking in"--no style of writing can dis- tort it-- hence a pen you can lend, not with fear, buf pride! Strong % Gold Girdle--was $1 extra--now free, due to large production. (Considerably more than a million Parkers were bought last year in Canada and the States.) Any good pen counter will sell you this classic on thirty days' approval --the same in all cities and towns. THE PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN CO, Limited Toronto, Ontario Ask also for Parker Lucky Lock" Pencils "Phone 1042. J nA a, J ~~ | WHEN YOU BUY! The exceptional tone quality in the Weber Piano appeals to the most ascethetic taste. HEAR FOR YOURSELF AND BE CONVINCEU. AT C. W. LINDSAY'S Warerooms, Princess Street { H. McCleod's ! visit | also | laugh visitin | Abrams. | tended the vesper service in Wilton | Carroll | sisted in putting in the | news of the death | No. | and was signed by the reeve. | Westbrook Women's Institute voted | { $20 for 1924. The matter of deal-| | ing with the drain laid over till we | hear the report of | gineer. The treasuver authorized to | sum of $100, the board not having | enough to pay current expences. Geo. { Redden paid $15.50 | township road snow account. Work | done on the | and charged to the County of Fron- From the | Countryside} Frontenac ECHO LAKE. Hicks passe his funeral Che farmers »d away on was June 3.--H Saturday morning; h on Monday, t finishing up their sowing J k.has purchased a new Mr. and Mrs. J. Switzer and Newburgh, motored back to Mr. and Mrs. Holden | Newburgh, motored to Miss N. Cousins spent | Sunday at home Mr. and Mrs. J Cronk also Russell and Wilbert at T Cronk, W. Cronk and are model Ford family, L. Swi and fan Sweque's. A 1e farmers and potatoes Abrams is some- after a severe i ness Miss May Page has returned home improved in health. Miss E Page has gone to New Hamphire te friend Mr. and Mrs Charles | Mr. and Mrs. William McCui- r sister, Mrs. J. N from here at improving F. Mrs Clark's, at Bert | tended the meetings at Fern Emerson Morey at Frank Joseph Rolo and family Page's FLORIDA. A number from here at- June 4 Methodist church on Sunday last in| | charge of the Rotary Club of King- | { was much enjoy-| The serv There was a large in attendance. Mr. and Mrs Hanlan | and Mrs. Baxter Redden at-| tended the funeral of their oul | ston ' 'rowd ed by all. crowd, | | Mrs. Stanley Joffrey, Oak Flats. Mr. and Mrs. Clement Martin and chil- | dren, Westbrook, visited at Edward | | Martin's; Mr. and Mrs. Sperry Red-| Wilton, at Mrs. M Redden's. | den, | Miss Clara Peters has returned home | | after spending a week with her sis- William Shillington, Cole ter. Mrs 2 and Mrs. David Taggart, Lake, Mr. Murvale, at George Redden's; Stuart | Martin, Violet, at Damon Martin's. | OUTLET. June 4 --Seeding is nearly com-) pleted in this section. James Fode; | is still confined to the St. Vincent | de Paul Hospital, Brockvilie. A] number of the kind neighbors of) L. O'Grady, who is still confined to | his bed, joined, on Tuesday and as- | crop. The] well drillers have completed the | drilling of a well at our school. Sev- | eral from here attended a basket | picnic at Mallorytown on the holi- | day. Mrs. John Reed received the sad | of her mother, Mrs. George Bradley, at the home of her daughter, in Lyn. Sunday visi- | tors included: Mr. and Mrs. William | | Marshall at Nelson Fedey's; Mr. and | | Mrs. | FP. O'Grady's; Mr. and Mrs. B. F.| | Leeder, Brockville at | ience's; | Flood and Vincent, | Leonard O'Grady's. Leo Dundon, Brewer's Mills at | Donald. Pat- Mrs. E. J. | Gananoque at and Mr. and Township Councils | KINGSTON. June 2.--Court of Revision, a.m. Members all present. A. H 10] | Fair lowered $5,000 on his assess- ment. Joseph Smith's assessment re- | duced $100. James Hogan's assess- | | ment divided, and amount sold to A. | | H. Fair assessed for $1,600. Baxter | | Redden's assessment lowered $100. | | Felix Keenan's assessment charged ! to A. H. Fair, Felix Keenan to re- | main as tenant. Regular meeting of council at | 1.30 p.m. Members all present. Min- | utes of last meeting adopted. By-law | 156a received three readings The Provincial En- advance School Section No. 16 the as per bill, county road system, amounting to $355.10 to be paid tenac. One half of all bills paid to Cor- | resident of | Montreal, Que. Ritchie, D. W, Sowér. | by-law 512 be amended as requested | of Col. Roads; HERRIOTT AT HIS DESK. This latest portrait of Edouard Herriott shows an outstand- problems. Mrs. Perron Suffered For 4 Years -- Neighbor Recom- mended Tanlac and It Brought Relief. "Tanlac has made life a pleasure to me and I will always praise it," is the grateful statement of Mrs. Evelyn P n, highly esteemed and popular 184 St. Laurent Street, "What I suffered from rheumatism ! my arms and shoulders for four 3 can't be described At times | could 'neither raise my hands to my head, put on my gloves, or write a letter for the pain and swelling. 1 $6.13, Joseph Wise, $4, Mrs s. | Gunning charity, $2.13 for crusher; $26, Alfred Saunders, work on vault Council adjourned until first Monday in July at 1.30 p.m. F. W. SMITH, Acting Clerk STORMINGTON. Sunbury, June 2.--Council met as the court of revision, with members all present. Appeals were heard from The Canada Co., Mr. Clow, Alex. McLean, James Mecliroy; A.| Mary Van- Luven, mostly assessed too many acres and too high value. Canada Co., lot 16, in 8th Con., sold, as- sessed to W¥ Holder. M. Clow's com- plaint his own mistake. Alex Me- Lean's to be reduced from 114 to 95 | acres; value changed from $750 | to $625 on land. James Mecllroy | to be reduced from 610 to 600 acres; | value lowered $15. That no action be | taken on the appeals of G. W. Sow- | | ers, A. Ritchie and Mary VanLuven; | | that the clerk make any adjustments | found necessary in the roll and that the court now adjourn.--Carried. he council went into general business. Minutes of meeting, April 14th and special meeting, May 5th adopted. Bills paid: Thomas Ander-! | son, gravel, $; John Campbell, bonus of 20 rds fence, $3: M. Sweet, team | on grader 2 days, $10; C. Patterson, helping grader 2 days, $5; D. Sleeth, shovelling snow, $9.80; A. McCal- lum, assessor, services and postage, $115. Motion, Mundell and Drader, that Fullerton, superintendent! also that Harvey Sleeth be given a grant of $50 to fix sideroad running west road div. No. ! 19.-- Carried. Motion, Mundell- | Sands, that M. Cochrane receive con- tract for crushing stone at $11 per toise for 1924, and to pay for all gravel that he crushes, and to sign'af contract that will meot 'with the ap- by C. H. | proval of council.--Carried. C. 0. Drader given authority to hire a | man to spread the stone on roads, | he also to keep account of the num- ber of toise of gravel that is crushed, and to sign all accounts be- | fore payment is made. The clerk to receive $5 for preparing and mount- | ing a map of township, showing the roads and school section boundaries, | also one for the use of government. | Motion, Sands-Drader, that council have plans and specifications pre-! pared and call for tenders, for build-| ing a township hall at Sunbury, wad the reeve prepare the plans, and re- | visited a day recently M. Cronk at Secord McCullough's. | IDR figure in French affairs in his office where he threshes out +7 RHEUMATISM GONE T00 SAYS MONTREAL LADY actually dreaded for night to come, for I was 80 nervous and racked with pain that sleep was almost impos- sible. "I was just about to give up hope when a neighbor advised me to try Tanlac, and it has done what nothing else would do. I have not had touch of rheumatism in weeks and my nerves are as steady as nerves can be. In fact, I am feeling so well that I am, indeed, happy that I took Tanlac." Tanlac is for sale by all good drug- gists. Accept no substitute. Over 40 million bottles sold. Tanlac Vegetable Pills for consti-! by pation made and recommended the manufacturers of Tanlac. ceive tenders and submit the same to cogncil.--Carried. Council ad- journed to meet the second Monday in July or at the call of the Reeve. THOS. MAKIN, Township Clerk. JUNETOWN JOTTINGS. Many Visitors in the Place--Teach- er Re-engaged, Junetown, June 4.--Miss Mary Austin, Boston, Mass., who is en- route to visit friends in England, was a recent guest of Mrs, J. D. Bigford. Frank Shaw and John Hutchison were in Brockville for the week-end. | Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Ferguson, Dul- | cemaine, were recent visitors at J. B. Ferguson's. Miss D. Gilbert, Brock- ville, is a visitor at Walter Purvis'. James Ogilvie spent a few days,re- cently at Abel Charlton's, Greenfield. Mrs. Robert Cughan is spending a week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mulvaugh, Cauton, N.Y., and Clinton Avery, Iroquois, were week-end visi- tors at R. Mulvaugh"s. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Ferguson spent a day in Athens | with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hagarman. | Joseph Hudson and Arthur Hudson, Lyn, were recent .callers at Walter Purvis'. Miss Belva Purvis, Pasadena, Cal. in expected soon to arrive to spend the summer with relatives here. Miss Beatrice Avery has been re-engaged | to teach our school for the coming' year, George Brown, Morrisburg, made a business trip through here on Saturday. Mrs. George Green has re- | turned from visiting her sister, Mrs. Alberry, | Maitland, Brockville. Mr. Jones, was a recent guest at Frank Fortune's. Misses Agnes and Virlin with aunt, Mrs. George Davis, McIntosh Mills. Miss Grace McDonald spent Monday with Mrs. Cliff Hodge, Mal- lorytown. Mr. and Mrs. Z. Beaubiah, Rockport, visited Sunday at G. P. Seott"s. Mr. and Mrs. W. Lee, Mal- Green | lorytown, spent a day last week at J. R. McDonald's. Mrs. Hannah Murphy, wife of James Murphy, died in Montreal | General Hospital on June 3rd. Her home was in Belleville. The remains were interred at Tweed. Deceased was, fifty-five years of age. The marriage took place on June 4th, at Outremont, Que., of Miss Ethel Clendenning, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Clen- denning, to Mr. William Brinton Anderson, Belleville. The carat, used as a gem unit, weighs more than three grains. TUESDAY, JUNE 10, 1934. HATCHWAY HATCHWAY We make no extravagant claims about Hatchway but if you're looking for sane downright un. derwear comfort with the added Joy of having no buttons to lose or break, then get yourself in- le a suit of Hatchway you'll be satisfied For Sale in over 1,500 Canadian Stores Woods Underwear Company, Limited Toronto H13 NO BUTTON UNDERWEAR | Cut Softwood Slabs . ........$3.50 per load Cut Hardwood Slabs .. .....$4.00 per load Split Pea Coal ............$10.00 per ton While it lasts. B | mv er ee. Just the fuel for this time of the year. MAKE YOUR WORK EASY Have the Hotpoint Electric Goods in your home. We have everything you may need to bring comfort -- Irons, Toasters, Heaters, etc, Halliday Electric Co. PHONE 04. CORNER KING AND PRINCESS STS. -- FRAME COTTAGE--Stone barn, hen house, 1 acre of land, 1 mile from the city. $1,700.00, with well, cistern and good cellar. terms. FRAME HOUSE--7 terms. M. B. TRUMPOUR 'Phone 704 or 2072w - - rooms, 4 bedrooms, lights, gas, 3 piece bath, good cellar all in good repair. $2,700.00, with terms. FRAME HOUSE--Hen house and barn. Good lot. $900, with - 270 PRINCESS STREET NEW AUTO TOP MANUFACTURING SHOP [| We are now ready to give you prices on a new Auto Top and repair work. Also Cush- fons, Trimmings, Upholstering of all kinds. Your patronage is solicited. I. G. PAUL 392 Princess Street We Can Regrind | Your Cylinders square with the base round and true with a heavy duty cylinder grinding machine, giving perfect work in every respect. Automotive Grinders Limited 225 Wellington Street Willys Knight Canada's Most Popular Car ARTHUR CALLAGHAN Distributors 210-214 Wel lington Street WE SERVE GOOD MEALS Good meals served to your liking. EVENING PARTIES given first class attention. THE VICTORIA CAFE 354 King Street. Shug Lee and Gan Lee, Props. Telephone 762. mn | be tendered A. E. Saunders. | dukes-Weller, that all accounts O. { K'd. by the councillors be paid. Cor- | dukes-Gordon, that council pay Mr. | Marsh, Mr. Kemp and Mr. Welsh, | for the wire to erect fences caused by | tire on consideration that it does not run over half of \last year's taxes. P. Kelly refunded $2 for dog | tax. Dog was owned by Mr. Sands 'An Accepted Standard ¢ 5: Ena It is always good form to serve GURD'S Dry Ginger © | ShiD a few days after it was assess- Ale to your guests--the name GURD is a mark of od high quality and has been favored in the best homes Fred Denyes, drawing gravel to ORDER YOUR SUPPLY OF GURD'S TO-DAY town hall; $9.75, Stewart Babcock, Gurd's Smiling Beverages f bonus on 65 r irc fence; $6 E. DRY GINGER ALE GINGER ALE GINGER BEER C. Donnell, bonus on 40 rod wire SODA APPLE.FLA CREAM VORED NECTAR °0 fence; $13.50, Walter Compton, 1 bonus on 90 rod wire fence; $15, R. E. Harpell, three loads sand town { hall; $8.87, Bell Telephone: $2 B. | Robson, man and team, 4 hours work: $13.20, Thomas Siverbrick, thirty-three hours, man and team | opening road; $5, F. Denyes, putting stone on Brown's forty foot road; $89.81, Henry MacRow, labor and | material repairing plant; $12.08 | Hanson & Edgar, cheque books; A A Bills paid: $23.97, Elgin Staver, supplies Ed. Quich, charity; $3 Headquarters for Gurd's Ginger Ales CRAWFORD'S GROCERY "Phone 26.