THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1024. ---------------- What the World : THE WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG Is Doi ng As Seen by Popular Mechanics Magazine) Golf Charts Teach Strokes and Standing Positions To check the game of experienced golfers or to teach beginners, a set of six charts, printed with directions and illus trations grips and strokes, and other fine i has been devised. With them, d a lesson in golf technique it at the same time. Printed paper, the charts are to be the floor. Standing over them in hand, the player is able to Hi i i mn correct form. The stroke afford i In the opinion of Carl Pfanstiehl, a Chicago radio engineer, the wave theory of mdio will soon be exploded com- HOOK grip and position end ex- < electron that are sent flying by an elec- tric current. These particles, it is as- sumed, bump into each other, thus trans- mitting energy which is picked up as sound in the receiver. When a stream of radiant energy or particles strikes the antenna, it sets up a very weak current, which is transformed into sound or air waves in the receiving set. The development of this theory, says Mr. Pfanstiehl, has been very rapid and startling, and further investigation of the nature of these particles may explain the mechanism of direct communication and telepathy between minds. Also, through the new principle, wireless transmission of vision may become an accomplished fact. - - * Patching Auto Tops When patching auto tops it is a good plan to place a board across the top bows under the covering to provide a firm sur- face on which to work. After the patch is applied a weight should be placed on it and left until the cement is dry, so that the patch will not curl up at the edges, * = = Serviceable Dandelion Hook Gecasionally the breaking off of a lobe of a hoe renders it unfit for further use and it is then usually thrown away. How- ever, a serviceable tool for the purpose of removing dan- delions can easily be made from i'. The shank of the broken hoe is straightened in line with the handle, and the blade is cut and filed to the shape shown, a V- shaped notch being " cut in the end and 2h filed to a sharp cut- ting edge. One of the points is cut to form a pulling hook, the throat of which is, of course, dull. A tool of this kind is very handy, as it can be used to cut the dandelions at their stems or pull them out entirely. * * 2» One third of the silk usgd in the United States is said to be artificial, SHARP EDOK Portable Garret Step In bungalows where limited space does not permit built-in garret steps, a "fold- ing" stepladder of the kind shown in the drawing has been found very convenient. It is made of 1 by 5-in. lumber, the risers being set between the sides at such an angle that they are perfectly horizontal when the ladder is pulled away from the wall. Two large screweyes fastened to ~ | the top of the ladder are used to hold it ! or the two vertical guide rods, which are 'ermanently attached to the wall; this arrangement allows the ladder to be raised and lowered to the positions indi- | cated. A couple of casters provided on the feet of the ladder f:cilitate the work of pulling it out from the wall and push- ing it back again. . * Can the Skin See, Is Query That human skin has powers of vision which to a great extent have been lost | through years of neglect, isthe theory of a French scientist. A series of experi- ments conducted by him are said to sup- port this belief. The sensitivity of the | skin and underlying tissue with its in- tricate net of nerves is well known, but no one heretofore has supposed them to be capable of picking up light waves in a Manufictured by General Cigar Company Limited, 7 ZN li eo) ELH gl soatl manner comparable with the process of | seeing. ~~. old time favorite MPERIAL TOBACCO COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED, Sole Distributors. Pn ne at the old time price Ne ---- i ,, HAD A FISHING TRIP. | A Tichborne Contingent Were at Crow Lake Dance. | Tichborne, June 6.--The farmers | {are throug iing and planting. | | The st on Friday was welcom- ed by all William Kennedy has al gang of men working on the road. Aid meeting was held | a s. William Steele | on 3 They intend holding a bazaar in the near future. ! Mrg. Moyce is putting on a mission- ary play in the Orange Hali. The stork visited the home of William | { Allison on Sunday last, and left a| wee baby boy Jack Kennedy, Joseph Steele and | George Goodfellow motored to King- ston on Friday Mr. and Mrs. | William Steele and family also Mrs. | Joseph Steele motored to Verona one | evening last week. Ford Swerbrick, | Sydenham, spent the week-end with | {his parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. H.! Swerbrick, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Good- | | fellow, also Mr. and Mrs. Edward | | Hayes spent a day at Crow Lake | | dam fishing. Mr. and Mrs. A. Ken- nedy, Jr., and family at Alfred Steele: | Mrs. William = Swerbrick at her | mother's, Parham. Mrs. John Steele, | Sr., has returned after spending al few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. | { The Ladies' last. { Harold Peters, Napanee, Mrs. A.| { McGregor at Mrs. Alonzo Kennedy's, | | Sr. i | WASN'T STUNG! { No, he isn't a Cossack. He is a bee- keeper. And Frank Bornhofer of To- | basco, O., is just proving honey bees | ever sting. He has over 200 col- of them. his helmet he is wear- | s composed of living members of colonies. And he didn't get! | ir | those stung LEE VALLEY NEWS. | A Cheesemaker Has Been Secured | From Gananoque, | Lee Valley, June 6.--Kenneth | | Armstrong has secured a position in | Espanola paper mills. A party of | young people met at the home of | Mrs. Hunt for a sociable evening Saturday. Clifford Root is helping Thomas Coburn for a few days. Miss Rowse, Miss BeM, Mrs. L. McKnight and childten and Miss M. Root were visiting at Mrs. Volker's, Tuesday. The Lee Valley boys played baseball | for practise on Tuesday. A small | dance at night was well enjoyed. | Mrs. Hicks and Mrs. Adams were | | planting a border In the graveyard, | | Wednesday. W. McKnight has five | | tram drawing lumber to Massey. The | Women's Institute meeting held in| the hall was well attended. Consid- | { erable business was straightened up | and plans made for June 18th when the convention of delegates from the | different branches will meet at Les) Valley. Walter Molleson has returned | | from Little Current for a few days. | { Mr. Hampton has made considerable | improvements om the littlé store. | Mr. Jackson, Gananoque, has been | secured as cheese-maker for Lee! Valley the factory starting Tuesday. | Miss Eleanor + Waram has gone to Espanola to work for Mrs. (Claud Caldwell. Alexander Caldwell is staying at his grandmother's, Pleas- ant Valley. : Mr. and Mrs. Jason Caldwell, Mrs. | Dave Stevens and Myrtle and Miss | Brett motored to Lee Valley and | Birch Leke on Tuesday in Miss Brett's car. Miss Helen Andress is| spending a few days in Espanola. Claud Hampton hes gone to Sudbury. | VILLAGE OF ATHENS. Thirty Years of Dunlop Experience Certainly Tells in Making Tires You cannot go astray in your tire purchases if you buy this kind of experience: -- IEEE EEEN 1894-1924 vm ews DUNLOP TIRES a motor today who was , 30 Years in Canada not born when Dunlop Tires first appeared on the highways of Canada. Thirty years is a long time in the Tire business. It is the very beginning of the industry. 188% saw the world's first pneumatic tire; 1894 saw the industry taking hold in Canada. Money cannot Buy More--Usage cannot Demand More--than what you get with present-day Dunlop Tires. There's a Dunlop Tire for every purpose. --For Every type of Rim-- --For Every Pocketbook. Doesn't it stand to rea- son, in view of the above facts, that we must be better equipped and bet- ter qualified to serve the exacting demands of Tire users? Dunlop Dealers Everywhere Ready to Serve You Knowing the past of the Tire Industry so well, we must have pretty good intuition regarding not only the needs of the present, but the possibili- hs of the future. Also Makers of Dun- lop Rubber Belting, Hose, Packing, etc. Dunlop Rubber Tile Flooring, Dunlop Rub- beroleum. EEEEEEN Dunlop Tire & Rubber Goods Co. Head Office and Factories: TORONTO Branches in the Leading Cities A-202 'Web Cords for a low inflation tire --Because Balloon or Balloon Type Tires are made with fewer layers of cords and the cords are much longer-- because of the great circumference of the tires,--and because the play of the casing with low inflation asit compresses beneath the weight of the car, is much greater, --the value and necessity for the Web Cord process,combined with Sprayed Rubber for the side walls, becomes many times emphasized. HTT ~ ORO . Web Cords marked the greatest advance in building standard cord tires since the cord method was first evolved and this improvement, exclusively used in Canada for Dominion Tires, places Dominion Royal Cord Balloon and Bal- loon Type Tires in a class by themselves. If anything will insure the practical road | : cial Sale Privée' ? De you know that | steed Paces loss Wednentas atl : % success of a low inflation tire, Web Cords and if you don't need the supreme mileage | t 8 . \ ' L . v and road-grip of the All-Weather AOR a Ty HIISE: Wo Sprayed Rubber will do it. These processes are used exclusively in Canada for-- YOU know the quality - of Goodyear Tires -- ac- kaowledged to be the highest. You know that . _ you would et more satisfaction from using year Tires. Do you know equally well the price of Goodyear Tires? Do you know you can buy from a local Goodyear Selected Dealer a genuine Cord, you can buy the Wingfoot Cord | man's Institute auspices, Mrs. Ma- atasaving and get a tire excelled only | coun Campbellford is expected to by the All-Weather? Goodyear builds | address a public meeting here. tires to meet your price requirements Places of business are closed at --whatever they are. But every one {Doon on Wednesdays during June, is full Goodyear quality and yields | July and August. | While riding a bleycle Sunday Dominion Royal Cord Balloon Type Tires,-- heaping value. | night, Frank Robinson, aged ten, Have a talk with a Goodyear Selected to fit all present wheels. {| was struck by an auto, the result . . Dealor in tow comme He | being a tractured leg 'and a de- Dominion Royal Cord Balloon Tires. rth kn . Out of 10,000 tire dealers Canada, ers--! wo! | molishled wheel. . / in 2,500 are ear Selected E. C. Neff, BS.A,, Mrs. Neff and 3 3 Peiinads, gulf 2,500 are Goodyear Sclested Dominion Royal Cord Tires. money eon tires y » : | family have gone to Western On- Goodvear at prices as low or lower by selling economically Dominion U rd Ti : -CO re . | tario to visit friends and attend | some meetings in the interests of are GOOD tires 1 agriculture. BS Aner ar i a DOMINION TIRES | duly observed here on the 1st inst. | One item particularly worthy of SOLD BY 0 ston rar] LIMITED thas meay so-called advertised "Spe- and b valuable service. Goodyear means Good Wear GOOD MADE Ae A A A a A i at a tt rr oe GOODYEAR TIRES FOR SALE AT VANLUVEN BROS. 34 Princess St. Names in the London city direc and dollars than one hole in your + Gotobed, My, Muckle, Whit, coat, Building of a Nation," for the pre- sentation of which our local artist, C. C. Black, prepared an artistic Painting. » On Thursday last at the meeting 5 of the W.M.S. in the Methodist church, Miss Dora Kiyne gave a comprehensive report of the recent | sessions of the Montreal conference | branch Mteting at Ottawa. Another feature was a'song and pageant, "The World's Children for Jesus" by nine Mission Band girls. Members of the Baptist congre- gation are busy preparing for the 4 of their annual association meeting to be held here the third week of June. IN CANADA a ap---- 262 Ar AANA Ae At ets sarin | mention was the pageant, "The TELEPHONE 201w. A off That life is long which auewers | life's great end. Ohno, Cops, Slopper and Looney. y is less difficult to hide a thous: | \ To be proud of learning is the greatest ignorance. He that sips of many arts drinks of none.