» JUNE 12, 1024, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG -- ee ee a ------, YOUR ROOFING TROUBLES Let us supply you with Shingles or Roof- ing that has a reputation for quality. "Quality" remains long after "price" is forgotten, ALLAN LUMBER C0. Victoria Street. . "Phone 1042. WHEN YOU BUY! The exceptional tone quality in the Weber Piano appeals to the most ascethetic taste. HEAR FOR YOURSELF AND BE CTONVINCEU. AT C. W. LINDSAY'S Warerooms, Princess Street ------------ near Attica, Ind. swiped a freight train after crashing through switch, according to railroad officials. * This picture shows two of the cars, from which most of the dead and injured were taken. WHEN TRAINS CRASHED Eleven were killed in this wreck on the Wabash Railroad It occurred when a passenger train side- an unlocked Cut Softwood Slabs . . ....... $3.50 per load Cut Hardwood Slabs $4.00 per load Split Pea Coal $10.00 per ton While it lasts. Just the fuel for this time of the year. SOWARDS COAL CO. Phone 155 CPTOWN OFFICE: McUALL'S CIGAR STORE. IPHONE 811. ETRE _= Prompt, Courteous Service Ed Queen FROST'S Phone 526 | SELECT AUTOMOBILE PAINTING i NEW AUTO TOP MANUFACTURING SHOP We are now ready to give you prices on a new Auto Top and repair work. Also Cush- I ions, Trimmings, Upholstering of all kinds. Your patronage is solicited. I. G. PAUL We Can Regrind Your Cylinders square with the base round and true with a heavy duty cylinder grinding machine, giving perfect work in every respect. Automotive Grinders Limited 225 Wellington Street Knight Canada's Most Popular Car ARTHUR CALLAGHAN Distributors 210-214 Wellington Stree Warm Weather Necessities Refrigerators, Lawn Hose, Lawn Mowers, Garden Rakes, Window Screens and Screen Doors--to be had at LEMMON & SONS Telephone 840 187 Princess St. - - Ee WE SERVE GOOD MEALS Good meals sevved to your liking, EVENING PARTIES giver first class attention. THE VICTORIA CAFE 854 King Street. {Bie Lem nad Gas Lee, Props. Telephone 762. § es cen on. rd oan 1 my a ot ETH STOTT CTA | PAINT UP TIME From the standpeint of ecvuomy it is much cheaper to keep things in repair and looking well than allow them to go to waste, cspecially when a little fixing and a daub of paint will do the trick. Floglaze Finishes. Maple Leaf Paints. Flat Wall Paints Alabastine Wall Finish Stevenson & Hunter HS and PLUMBERS - 83-87 PRINCESS ST. Valspar Varnish Valspar Enamels Carmote Finishes Granitine Varnish. ERRATA "IN; T e train wrecked at Attica, Ind. was almost turned over. heveled appearance. Here is a closcup of the cars of the Wabash passenger One of the cars, it will be seen, mn, BACK TO CIVILIZATION. Remarkable exclusive picture showing, Major Frederiek Martin and Sergeant Alva Harvey, United States aviators, ex- actly as they appeared after they had fought their way through mountain passes aftér trailing a mirage and smashing into a mountain side. Note the beard on Martin and the dis- SPECIAL! CREDITORS' AUCTION DAL THE ENTIRE LARGE STOCK AND FIXTURES OF G. W. LYONS, Jeweler, Kingston 244 PRINCESS STREET for a few days only. Forced to sell out the entire stock and fixtures to satisfy the creditors. Every article will positively be sold without limit or reserve. Auction Sale will start on Thursday Night, June 12th, at 7.30 p.m. And will continue every afternoon at 2.30, and nights at 7.30 p.m., Every article will be sold with a positive guarantee and must be as represented by the Auctioneer or the money refunded. G. W. LYONS, Jeweler 244 PRINCESS STREET, KINGSTON Sale under the personal management of S. Howard Lyon Pomme pe ~~ -- -- Pn ox bo5 YEP, THE DUKE ADMITS TEACHING IS ROYAL FUN _ Once the greatest swimmer in the world, The Duke, Mr. Kahanamoku to be formal, is now a swimming instructor in the Golden West, and a very competent one, if you must know. You see him here giving a none-too-hard-to-look-at pupil a few ins and outs about the science of aquatics. Thinking is the talking of the soul Your fate is but the common fate WEDDING AT MISSISSIPPL An Interesting Event Took Place on June 4th, Mississippi, June 9.--Thomas Dewdell visited with friends at Bol- ingbrooke and Westport last week. Bradford Gibson has purchased a car. Miss Ethel Olmstead and Mrs. E. Olmstead spent last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. John Kirkham, of Clarendon. Mrs. William Steele spent a few days in Kingston last week. A quiet wedding took place on Wednesday, June 4th, at the bride's home when Rev. Mr. Little united in marriage Miss Alice Hanna, daugh- ter of Mrs. D. Hanna, Mississippi, to Frederick St. Pierre, QGlarendon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Angus St. Pierre, Clarendon. G. A. Geddes has gone to Toronto for his new car. A number from here attended the dance at Snow Road, last Saturday night, William Riddell, Whithy, spent the week-end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gibson and family spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mec- Dougall, Elphin, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Benedict and family spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Steele. He .that knows himself knows others; and\ he that is ignorant of himself could not write a very pro- found lecture on other men's heads. If a man talks unusually loud it isn't necessary to clear a space for him to act in. 1 mh nd Grape-Nuts! grocer. : itself. of all, 2) III Tt in every way! EVER a day--never an hour of the day passes but the average person calls upon stored-up energy, mental or physical. There is a constant wear- ing out of body tissue and brain cells, of muscles, of blood, of energy and strength. These need replenish- ment that you may be alert in every way. Grape-Nuts is a food which contributes in heaping measure to the general up-keep of the body. phosphorus and iron build and repair tissues and muscles; its sugar and starches store up and supply energy--and these starches are largely pre-digested in the process by which Grape-Nuts is made. Its It is a perfect food in every way. Perfectly balanced; easily digested; quickly assimilated; soundly nour- ishing and' economical because each package con- tains so many helpings. Ready to serve--right from the package, with cream or milk. Order from your "There's a Reason" Grape-Nuts Made in Canada CANADIAN POSTUM CEREAL CO., LIMITED Head Office: Toronto . Pe Factory: Windsor GRAPE-NUTS SURPRISE SALAD 1 ¢ Grape - Nuts, 1% cups finely-cut celery, 1% cups raw cabbage shred- ded, 1 teaspoon salt, % cup French or Mayon naise dressing. Soak cabbage in salted ice water twenty minutes, drajn tiorop hly. lis wi celery, ape-Nuts, salt and dressing. Arrange in heaps on young curved cabbage leaves. Place in a nest of lettuce, pour dressing on top and with and pimento. This recipe makes four to six por- tions.