20% OFF All Readyto-wear Clothing and Furnishings For MEN AND BOYS COME TO-NIGHT. TO-MORROW, SUNDAY JUNE 15th FATHER'S DAY BUY "DAD A TIE" { LIVINGSTON'S : | 75-79 BROCK _STREET "If Off Your Rout: 1 Pays To Walk" mm yy | ANDERSON'S Quality--Larger Market--Service BRANCH STORE--3888 Princess Street. 'Phone 2431. MAIN STORE--Corner of Princess and Division Streets PHONES--Retail Order Dept. 2600-2601-2602. Business Office Accountant's Office 363J. Wholesale 1767. BLUE BONNET BLEND-- Ceylon Pekoe, strength, fine flavor and good value. One of our most popular Teas. er pound-- 65c, 2 lbs. $1.25 HERSLEY BLEND-- _ Buy this blend with the assurance of re- ceiving a really good tea at a very reason- able price. 60c 1b., 3 Ibs. $1.70 BLUE BONNET GOLDEN TIPPED ORANGE PEKOE-- : This Tea is selected from one of the fin- est gardens in Ceylon, and is noted for its wonderful flavor. % Ib. 50c Important to Our Customers Ordering by Telephone the staff who have to do with the selecting. putting up the orders. Early deliver- ies are not so much crowded, therefore, we would a iate orders being placed the re or early, say any time after ee ------ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 'Brief Items of Interest Picked Up by the Whig Re- porters. | Men's Suits, $14.40 during Living- | ston's Sale, { Reuben Austin, Kingston, is build- ing a cottage at Ivy Lea. W. C. Hodgins will go to Toronto next week to receive his call to the bar. { . Mr. Swaine, plano tuner. Orders {received at 100 Clergy street west, | 'phone 564w. On June 7th, a son was born to | Rev. and Mrs. Binnie Black, Syra- | cuse, N.Y, formerly of Kingston. Archbishop Spratt will be in ! Smith's Falls on Sunday and will ad- { minister the sacrament of confirma- | tion to a large class, { Mothers see our Boys' Suits at | $7.60 during our sale. Livingston's. Prof. B. K. Sandwell, spoke on Thursday night at the annual ban- | guet in Toronto of the Bond Dealers' | Association of Canada. Rev.' George Brown conducted a | Preparatory service in Chalmer's | church Friday night. Two members | were received into the church. | Mrs. Thomas Mack, Detroit, Mich., ane Howard Hiscock, Oshawa, have | arrived for the burial of their sis- [ ter, Miss Reta Hiscock. who died | suddenly Friday afternoon. The council of Lennox and Ad- dington will pay the travelling ex- | Penses of School Inspector Reid, on the same basis as Frontenac county does. 20% ston"s. Dr. W. Gibson, Kingston, district deputy of the Knights of Columbus, and his staff will be in Pembroke, on Monday, to initiate sixty candidates and to exemplify degree work. Two hours of good drill were put in by the PW.O.R. at the Cricket Field Friday night in preparation for Belleville on Monday. There were between 175 and 180 of all ranks on parade under Lt.-Coi. Sparks. Both bands were also pre- sent. off all Furnishings. Living- IN MEMORIAM. The Late James Albert Milligan of Enterprise. Napanee Beaver. The village of Enterprise suffered a great loss on May 29th, when an honored resident, James Albert Mil- ligan, passed to his eternal reward The late Mr. Milligan was born in Moscow, on February 3rd, 1863, the son of the late Horace and Eliza Milligan. For many years he lived in Enterprise. He was married in 1890 to Miss Alice Johnston, of Bath. He was a faithfu] member of the Methodist Church and a most re gular attendant upon all its services. He was a great sufferer during the last few months of his life, but bore his suffering with great patience and Christian fortitude. He was greatly liked by all who came in con- tact with him in business and social life, and his Influence, always on the side of that which was good, did much to raise the maral and spirit- ual lite of his community. He was a member of the Independent Order of Oddfellows, under whose auspices the funeral wag conducted, and was also a member of the Chosen Friends. = He leaves to mourn the loss of a kind husband ang father, his widow, and one daughter, Mrs. Eric Jack- son; also three brothers, Reuben, of Enterprise; Alfred, of Centreville. and Phenicis, of Gladwin, Mich., and one sister, Mrs. Miles Keech, of Vas- Sar, Mich. r ------y | IN MARINE CIROLES | Gna The steamer Waubic stayed in port for about two hours beyond sailing time this morning on account of the heavy fog. The steam yacht Wauketa, of To- ronto, was at Swift's wharf this morning, The steam barge Jeska is unload- ing coal at Soward's wharf, The schooner Mary Daryau was expected to clear today from Booth's. The steamer Kingston, specially chartered by the Knights of Colum- bus of Buffalo, N.Y., was fog-bound off Nine-mile Point this morning for several hours and later cleared down the river for Prescott. -- A Brilliant After a brilliant course at Tor- onto University, where he has just graduated, winning the gold medal in clasiscs, Herbert N. Couch, B.A, will go to the Johns Hopkins Uni- versity to specialize in ¢lassical arch- aeology under the 'distinguished archaeologist, Prof. David Robinson. The clever Toronto graduate is a son of Rev. Isaac Couch, M.A, BD, Strathroy, Ont., who is well known here. . -- Three Suspects Arrested. New York, June 14.--Three men, two of whom the police say are on bail in connection with charges con- cerning holdups, were arrested to- day in connection with the robbery of the pouch containing one hundred thousand dollars worth of Jewelry from a trunk last Tuesday. -------------------- Aged Wolfe Islander Dead. - The death occurred on Saturday MRI AY | The Late Miss Reta Hiscock. | After an {illness of but a little! { nore than g day, death claimed Miss | Reta Hiscock, Collingwood street, on | | Friday afternoon. Miss Hiscock, who | Was a valued teacher in Victoria | | public school, taught her class on | | Wednesday anq was apparently in| £00d health that evening. Next | | morning she felt unwell and was at- | | tended by the family physician. On | Friday morning -an immediate oper- | ation was deemed necessary and this | was performed in the General Hospi- tal, but little hope was held out for her recovery owing to shock and at four o'clock she passed away. Her sister, Miss Grace Hiscock, graduate nurse, had been summoned from De- troit, Mich., and was with her when she died. The news of her passing was heard with great sorrow by her wide circle of friends, and deep sympathy is expressed for her mo- ther, who herself has just recovered from an operation. The late Miss Hiscock was the eldest daughter of the late Joseph SATURDAY, JUNE 14, 1924. Hiscock. She was an arts graduate of Queen's university and also of the faculty of education. After teach- ing for a time in western Ontario, Miss Hiscock returned to Kingston and for some years taught in the Sydenham public school. Latterly she had been teaching in Victoria school, being in charge of the senior fourth class. She had prepared her pupils for the high school entrance and her work wag practically com- plete for the term, as her list of those who would pass the entrance without examination was finished this week. Everything was in order, and for her "school was out." Her pupils were preparing to send flowers tc her sick room in the hospital loved very dearly and who had fur- thered them in their education would be with them no more. Her teacher associates too deeply mourn her passing. In religion Miss Hiscock was a Methodist, a member of Sydenham street church. Besides her mother she is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Thomas Mack (Florence), Detroit, Mich., Miss Grace Hiscock, also of Detroit, and one brother, Howard, when they learned that the one they | Oshawa, . The funeral is to take place at two o'clock on Monday afternoon to Cataraqui cemetery. Salvation Army. Salvation Army, Sunday Services-- 7 am, 11 am. 8 p.m. in City Park. 7 p.m., memorial service for late Mrs. Prouse. tnt DAILY MEMORANDUM. Watch for St. George's Garden Party, June 24th. BIRTHS. ATEMAN---In Kingston, on June 9th, P 1924, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Pateman, 158 Raglan Road, a daughter. MARRIAGES. : BURNS--ROBERTS--In Orlando, Flor- ida, on June 5th, 1924, Lois, young- est daughter of Mr .and Mrs. Ma- thew T. Roberts, Orlando, Florida, to Frank Hughson Burns, Orlando, | youngest son of Mr. and Mrs, Rob- ert J. Burns, Collingwood Street, Kingston. BURCHILL--ROSE--At Picton. on June 10th, Miss Alida Rose, South Marys- burgh township, to John Sidney Burchill, Merrickville DEATHS. DOWLING--In Kingston, on June 13th, 1924, Margaret Dowling. Fu ill take place from her late residefce, Glenburnie, Monday mornleg at 8.45 o'clock (standard th to the church of the Holy Name, Cushendall, where a solemn requiem mass will be sung at 9 o'- clock for the repose of her soul Friends and acquaintances respectfully invited to attend. FINIGAN--In Kingston, on June 14th, 1924. Ann E. Moore, beloved wife of Willlam Finigan, aged 52 years Funeral from his late residence, Front Road. Pittsburgh,' at (Standard Time) Monday, 16th, to Cataraqui Cemetery. Friends and acquaintances respectfully invited to attend. Please omit flowers. GARRETT At Wellington, ne 7th, Matilda Fones, beloved wife of W. H. Garrett, aged $8 years. HISCOCK--In Kingston General Hospi- tal, on June 13th, 1924, Rita . Hiscock, aged 41 years. Funeral from her late residence, 122 Collingwood Street, Monday, June 16th, at 2 p.m. to Cataraqui Ceme- tery. USHER -- At Hamilton, April 27th, Frank Usher, formerly of Picton, in his 67th year. BRUYIERE--At his home, Avon Park. Fla, John Bruyiere, passed from death unto life on Tuesday, June 10th, 1924, in the 84th year of his age. ---- All Is Well I think the gentle soul of him Goes softly in some garden place, With the old smile time may not dim Upon his face. He who was lover of the Spring, With love that never quite forgets, Surely sees roses blossoming And violets. Now that his day of toil is through, I love to think he sits at ease, With some old volumes that he knew Upon his knees. Watching. perha with quiet eyes, he. While Clouds iting Argosy; willght opening flower-wise On land and sea. He who so loved companionship I may not think walks qifte alone, Failing some friendly hand to slip Within his own. ' Those whom he loved a: oretime, still, L3oult not, Begs him pany; mn even laughter may thr Where he may be. Fou n A thought, a fancy--who may tell ? Bets lara ny 4 na 11 i 11 e al : And this I know-- ugh Theat God is gentle to His guest, And, therefore 1 gladly say. (Surely the things he loved the best : Theodomis Garrison, in Boston Laidlaw 's ome o-night! To Laidlaw's and do your shopping where you get the best values. 35 ONLY Ladies' New Style Sweaters The popular, sleeveless style -- 5 button closing. Silk and Wool mix- ture with fancy pattern front and plain back. Very attractive and neat. Shades are Sand and Blue, Sand and Navy, Camel and White, Tomato and ite. VERY SPECIAL TO-NIGHT $2.95 Children's Lisle Hose Neat appearing, fine quality Hose, knitted from selected, high grade Lisle Thread, in fine and wide ribbed styles. White only. Splendid Stock- ings for summer and will give good service. Sizes Ladies' Silk Gloves A very serviceable qual- ity Silk Clove in the 2 ome length. Nicely fin- ished. White in sizes 6-7 --Black in sizes 6 and 6} --Black and White and White and Black in sizes 6 and 64. Regular $1. and $1.25. 6-91. 49c pr. 40c to 69c pr. Girls' "Kiddie" Combinations These light "Kiddie" Combinations, being of fine, White Naincheck, are just right for Summer. In Athletic style for girls from 3 to 8 years. 95c¢ suit Ladies' Summer Combinations 'Warm weather is here and you will appreciate these light weight Knitted Cotton Combinations. Popular styles, include short and sleeveless, lace and tight knee. $1.00 to $1.75 suit Ladies' Ladies' Vests Bloomers You may select these These dainty and well- Summer weight Vests in made Bloomers have either Opera, short sleeve elastic at knees and or sleeveless styles. Good waist. Pink or White quality. shades. Good value. © 25c¢ to 50c 50c¢ Ladies' Silk Hosiery Our Silk Hose are neat appearing and are noted for quality and service. A full range of sizes and "shades always on hand. FROM $1.00 to $1.50-- In Blatk, Brown, Sand, White, Suede, Buff, Log Cabin. FROM $1.75 T\ In Bobolink, Beige, Camel, Dove, Pearl, White, Black, Brown, Russian Calf. . Laidlaw's EE -- SS -- i No of '