I LIFES SOCIAL SIDE ---- -- Editor of Women's Page, Teie- appointed curate of the Church phone 2613. Private 'phone 857w. [the Good Shepherd, Montreal. . *- -. ». . . Miss Kathleen Bibby, Barrie Mrs. T. A. Davidson, Pembroke street, gave a tea and china shower | street, entertained at bridge on on Thursday afternoon for Miss | Thursday afternoon when three Doreen Lavell, a bride of next week. | tables ware in play and the prize The rooms were lovely with the was won by Mrs. R. Bailey. fragrant flowers of early summer and the girls gathered together,| Mrs. E frocked in gay colors, made a gave a small charming picture. The guests includ-| Thursday Mrs. A. Kennedy, Mrs. Jack Day.! daughter, Elizabeth. Miss Clara Farrel, Miss Honora! .-.o Dyde, Miss Lesslie, Miss Margaret| Miss Edna Chown, "Sunnyside," is and Miss Lois Taylor, Miss Helen entertaining at luncheon on Satur- Anglin, Miss Doris McKay, Miss) day for Miss Doreen Lavelle. Helen Tofield, Miss Nevada Best, *« sa R Miss Vivien White, Miss Anna Ma- Miss Honora Dyde, Union street, hood, Miss Catharine and Miss Nora gave a tea and kitchen shower on Minnes and Miss Isabel Minnes, Miss | Wednesday for Miss Doreen Lavell. Phyllis Roughten, Miss Helen Nicol, Mrs. S. W. Dyde made the tea and Miss Edna Chown, Miss Frances Mur-' Miss Chown cut the ices. Many ray, Miss Anella Minnes, Miss Betty good wishes were extended to the Murray, Miss Mary Macgillivary, | bride-elect whose marriage takes Miss Helen Steacy, Miss Margaraot place on Monday evening. Davis, Miss Jessie Mair and Miss $s .% Muriel Carsley (Montreal). Canon Walter M. Loucks, Winni- . 9 eo peg, is with his mother, Mrs. Edwin Miss Anna Beaupre returned to |Loucks, Division street. Toronto today after spending a Miss Marion Laird, Toronto, who month's vacation with her parents, | will be in town for the Sutherland- Mr. and Mrs, P. M, Beaupre, Ports- Lavell wedding, will be with Mr. mouth. On Wednesday evening, land Mrs. J. M. Stewart, Bagot Mrs. Beaupre gave a delightful party |street for her daughter and about twenty-| Mrs. M. Vaughan, Buffalo, N.Y., is five young people gathered at the at the "Y." Beaupre home. Novelties, dancing, Miss Frances Porter has left for and games passed the evening and Brantford to visit her uncle, Mr. 8. birthday party ot) | | se =» . bh H. Young, Gore street, |the express, on | telephone, we will worry along until afternoon in honor of her, it is over, many favors were won by fortunate |H. J, Reid, and Mrs. Reid. guests, A special feature was a Ro * humorous address and PrRsstation Mi Miss Eleanore Lyman came from jo pe. L D, Srusigan, wio Jaye { Montreal to spend several days with A is Wore: cor y. at mid. | her aunts, the Misses Lyman, King ? | t, a 1 night and the merrymakers departed | re left for Oshawa on to their homes about one o'clock. | Miss _-- Shibley, New York Bem ithss were extanie) Lo Miss | vo has been with her sister, Mrs. ima Heaupr y > W. B. Carey, Albert street, has gone . + = { to Toronto. Mrs. .C. S. Sutherland, Amherst, | Mr. George Devendorf, Water- N.8., Is the guest of Judge and Mrs. town, N.Y. and Mr. L. C. Van Burs- Lavell, Earl street. Mr. Sutherland | kirk, Belleville, were the guests of will arrive in tcwn on Sunday for! Mr. and Mrs, J. M. Root, Earl street, the Sutherland-Lavell wedding. | for the ball at the R: M. C. and with Mrs: George Black, the Yukon, Dr. Horace Root, have left for a who has been the guest of Brig.-Gen-| camp near Belleville, eral and Mrs. A. BE. Ross, William | ' Mrs. Slater, London, Ont., is visit- street, returned to Ottawa to-day. | Ing her daughter, Mre. W. G. Minnes, Dr. and Mrs, Alfred Lavell, Miss | Collingwood street. Nora and Miss Mona Lavell, To- | ronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas De- | war and their little daughter, Ot-| tawa, will be with Mrs. G. Y. Chown, "Sunnyside," while in town for the Sutherland-Lavell wedding. Rev, Kenneth Taylor, whose or- dination to the diaconate took place in Christ Church cathedral, Mont- The Editor hears That a good deal of annoyance, in- convenience and loss will be caused by the postal tie up whether it is real, on Trinity Sunday, ha been long or shart, but as long as. we have PA SN ii ( THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG -- | Notice of future events, not In. tended to raise money, 2c. per word, Minimum 50c.; if held to raise money, 4c. per word, minimum $1.00; Reception and Personal Notices 25 words or less, $1.00. Victorlan Order Tag Day, Saturday,| 21st, The V. O N. helps the women | and children of Kingston. Help them. | | | the telegraph and the | Many men who are an- | xious to get work may now find a| job. That if a wife drives a car and | is adjudged negligent, her husband is liable in the same manner if in-| jury is done. This decision of inter- | est to husbands has been handed | down by Judge McDonald, in the case of Mrs. M. S. Kydd, of Port | Coquitlam, B. C., who injured a Younger woman when steering the car. --- That the country looks beautiful just now and the motorists are tak- ing advantage of the wonderful weather of the past week or so to enjoy long drives past the fields of growing grain and woods where the trees are now in full leaf. The scent of the hawthorn is on the air and the snowy trees in full blossom are in many a fence corner. That the first big garden party of the season will be held next week when it is expected that the straw- berries will be ripe. No admission fee will be charged and everyone will be welcome. -- That the children are looking for- ward to the opening of Lake Ontario Park where they can play in the long grass, pick buttercups and daisies and bathe or wade in the water, That Mrs. Stringer, wife of Bishop Stringer, of the Yukon, left with him on his trip from Dawson to Rampart House, thence to Fort McPherson (a journey overland of some 600 miles) from Fort McPherson to Her- schel Island and from there to the new mission at Alklavik. The trip is being made in the interests of the work at the distant points of the Bishop's great diocese, In January alone, this country ex- ported nearly 200,000 pounds of radio apparatus, worth $331,849. All Canadian broadcasting stations are identified by the initial call let- ter C. Big social at Calvary to-night. ¢ PHONE 2009. Special at type to those you would expect at this price. and workmanship is of the highest order. Sizes 15 to 46%. array of pleasing patterns and colors. the dress to slip on to go to town in. collection of styles await your choice. Just received a shipment pensible during the holiday. and White Skirts, to choose COOL SUMMER FROCKS In the Bright Shades for the Well Dressed Cool Voile Frocks $7.95 to $25.00 A host of bright summer shades will greet you the moment you see this range. On careful examination you will find frocks of a far superior Style, quality of material Dresses for the Camp of Gingham, $3.95 These are wonderful value, best quality Ginghams, in a glorious Daintily made, in fact just Sizes 16 to 46%. Ratine Frocks Are Very Popular This Season $7.95 to *22.50 The shades include every wanted shade and a most favorable Sizes range from 15 to 44. of All White Ratines at Sport Silk Frocks . Hold a prominent place in Milady's wardrobe. Jackets, Suits with Yellow Jacket Yellow Crepe de Chene Frocks, with pleated Strappings, over-frills, and many other charming Sport Silk 'PHONE 2009. -. 811.95 tase They are indis- ks $16.95 to $43.00 A"MSNABB Co., LTbp. TOMORROW'S MENU Breakfast Beir: Cereal Coffee Scrambled Eggs Toast } Luncheon Boiled Brown Rice with Sugar and Cream Rolls Dinner Radishes Boiled Potatoes Cole Slaw Raisin Tarts Coffee SOME DELICIOUS POTATO PANCAKES. Reader Friends have kindly sent in following recipes in response to! another reader's request for a rule for | Potato Pancakes: "Constant Reader Pare and grafe six large raw potatoes, | not draining after you grate them. Add | four eggs, one teaspoon of salt, one | large onion grated, and two table- | spoons of flour (or enoush to held the mixture together in irying). Beat well and fry in a hot, greased pan, browning on both sides. This recipe may be changed so thar only two CRES | are used instead of four; but if this | change is made, one lev:l teaspoon of baking powder should be mixad with | the flour." "Mrs. C. L.: Potato Pancakes: Wash | four potatoes, pare, and grate them, adding one tablespoon of salt, one peeled and grated onion, a dash of] pepper and one well-beaten egz. Drop | this mixture by tablespoonfu's into hot fat and fry brown on both sides. Serve with maple syrup, or with a dish of apple sauce." "Mrs. A. C:: Russian Potato Pan- cakes: Grate six large pared potatoes very fine. Mix with two eggs, six tablespoons of flour, one teaspoon of salt and a pinch of pepper, stirring | rr { | Pruncs Tea Corned Beef Beets the Potato Pancakes: JUNE 20, NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS OMING EVENTS), until a smoeth dough is formed. Drop by good-sized tablespoonfuls in hot fat or butter, and fry till golden brown. Serve plain or with preserves. This recipe is enough for = persons." "F. S. W.: Quick Potato Pancakes: Do not make these till ready to serve | them, as they will turn black from standing. Grate one onion and eight pared, medium-sized raw potatoes into a bowl and add five eggs which have been whipped to a thick yellow foam. | Season with a little salt and add en- | ough flour to make a pancake batter (not too thick). Fry at once in hot fat | till a rich brown color. (Never add milk to this recipe, as that makes then soggy)." i "Mrs. C. M.: Potato Pancakes: Pare and grate six large raw potatoes; add two eggs, one pint of sweet milk, a little salt, one tablespoon of sugar, and one pint of flour sifted with one tea- spoon of baking powder. Mix well be- fore dropping by spoonfulls onto a hot, greased griddle as for any pan- cakes. Serve hot with butter and salt, or with stewed fruit." "Mrs. F. K.: Potato Pancakes: Mix together six large, raw, grated potatoes (pour off water after grating), two beaten eggs, one tablespoon of flour, one small onion cut fine, a pinch of salt and milk to moisten. Fry in plenty of fat." Tomorrow--The June Bride's Prob- lem Of Furnishing. All inquiries addressed to Miss Kirkman in care of the 'Efficient Housekeeping" department will he answered in these columns in thair turn. This requiras ccnsiderable time, however, owing to the graat sumber recuived. So if a personal or quicker reply is-desired, a stamp- *d and self-addressed envelope must be enclosed with the question. Be sure to us: YOUR ful! name, street | number, and the names of your ely and state. PINK CREPE FROCK An effective way to use the popu- lar maribou banding is shown on this straightline frock of petal pink crepe. It edges the side panels that are fitted so smoothly about the waist. The use cf long tight sleeves on dinner and evening frocks is in- creasing and the absence of elabor- ate trimming is noticeable. Local Council of Women. Miss Mowat presided at the meet- ing of the Local Council of Women held in the City Council Chamber on Thursday afternoon. lution was passed approving of the' action of the Board of Edu- cation in recommending to the Board of Health that a special official be appointed to assist in stopping the epidemic of scariet fever. A leter received from Mrs. Stead, national convener of mentil hygiene, urged that action be taksn towards finding special form of employment, suited to their cases, for ile fzeble- minded 'after they have lef: taeir A brother's sufferings claim a brother's pity, ARIS PATE --the spicy, delicious and nutritious meat paste, He will enjoy ~---- GALLAGHER'S vice 960 SERVICE DAY AND NIGHT LG RYT WILSON'S aE per Packet at all Druggists, Grocers and General Stores Miss O. S. Allen's Tested Recipes no. L777 Apple Sauce Cake (Miss Allen pronounces this the best apple sauce cake she has ever made. It will keep well) 34 cupful Crisco You Don't Have to Guess About Quality Here--Every Pair is Guaranteed. ie i I Hi i -- SPECIAL BARGAINS In Men's Black and Brown Oxfords, Welt Soles, new French Toe. Sizes 6 to 10. ON SALE $4.48 LOCKETT'S NA Specials for Saturday Children's Fawn Shade Ribbed Lisle Stockings--sizes 6 to 8}--35c¢., 40c., 45c¢. a pair. Women's Silk Lisle Finished Stock- ings in Black, White and Brown-- 50k. a pair. Men's Balbriggan Underwear -- short and long sleeves, for 69c, a gar- ment. Women's Summer Vests no sleeves and short sleeves. Very spe- cial at 25¢. and 35c¢. each. W. N. Linton & Co. "Phone 191. The Waldron Store 1 cupful raisins (or dates) 34 cupful hickory nuts Cream sugar and Crisco, add training institutions. Saveral kinds of work were suggested. This mat- ter will come up at the next meet- ing. -- -- Evelyn Nesbit Divorced. New York, June 20.--Evelyn Nes- bit, former wife of Harry K. Thaw, has been divorced by her second hus- band, an actor and dancer known on the stage' as Jack Clifford. The de- cree, awarded to Vergil James Mon- tani, from Floremce N. Montani, was signed by Supreme Court Jus- tice Wagner, who heard the divorce egg, beat well. Stir in apple sauce, and sada dissolved in hot water. Add flour and last floured raisins and nuts. Bake in loaves. ISCO Made ia Canada testimony two weeks ago. . go Insure Your Records against breakages and scratches by having a place to keep them. If you own a Table Model Phonograph you should most certainly buy one/of those beautiful Record Cabinets such as we 'are displaying in our window at the low price of $9.95 Take 'this opportunity--which is exceptional, "KINGSTON'S MUSIC CENTRE" 121 PRINCESS STREET KINGSTON