THE DAILY BRITISH WHIGC STOP YOUR ROOFING TROUBLES _ Let us supply you with Shingles or Roof- ing that has a reputation for quality. = "Quality" remainsJong after "price" is forgotten. ALLAN LUMBER C0. Victoria Street. 'Phone 1042. "MAKE .. Have the Hotpoint Electric Goods in your thome. We have everything you may need to bring comfort -- Irons, Toasters, Heaters, etc, | Halliday Electric Co. PHONE 94. CORNER KING AND PRINCESS STS. -- SEMI-BUNGALOW--Solid brick, 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms, lights, as, 3 piece bath, hot water heating, fireplace, hard wood floors, wall and floor plugs, nice verandah, extra wide lot, 210 feet deep, beau- tiful lawn 60 ft. from house to street. This place can be bought for much less than cost price if taken this week. One of the finest locas tions in city. Please enquire at office for price and location. M. B. TRUMPOUR Cut Softwood Slabs . . . . .....$3.50 per loa | Cut Hardwood Slabs . $4.00 per load 'Small Hard Coal ...........$12.50 per ton Split Pea Coal ....... $10.00 per ton SOWARDS COAL C0. Phone 155 UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. PHONE 811. ICE. CREAM || symbol of wet revolt. Made the better way--pasteurized and homogenized. The purity and delightful flavors of our Ice Cream in- sure satisfaction. Sold, wholesale and retail--in bulk We ship everywhere. GEO. MASOUD 238 Princess Street. "Phone 980. He who is firm in will moulds the world to himself, Virtue 1s like a rich stone, best plain set. 4 - ! J. Carroll Anderson, B.A., son of Rev. T. H. P, Anderson, Selby, was nong the first year Osgoode suc- ms YSKOFFLAW" STATUE SQUELCHED y . =~ < This is the statue of Father Knickerbocker that caused all the trouble. Placed above the Hotel Astor as a welcome sign to Democratic Convention visitors in New York it showed the traditional figure holding a huge stein of beer--real, frothy beer, such as symbolized hospitality in the Knickerbocker era. i But forms of hospitality change and so thousands were shout- ing "skofflaw" as they passed 'the statue. It was declared a Father Knickerbocker said he would rather lose his good right arm than his stein. And so they sawed off his arm, and in place of the stein now stands a formal "Welcome --as the picture shows. THIS HAPPENS ONCE A CENTURY Every hundred years the "Sacred and Immaculate Image of Santa Maria" is carried in solemn procession through streets of Rome. Cardinals, archbishops and patriarchs march in the procession, here shown crossing the Tiber. Pree, ASA imag CAMDEN EAST NEWS, Every Month of Her Y\OUR years an Ontario busi- and' Fre sh ahald Juste aftsrwands, he died. F 3 een months widow For She page regularly each month 2 cheque for $1 : 'would like to If Zotar, or CONFEDERATION LIFE ASSOCIATION A. J. MEIKLEJOHN Cc Manager ' 181 Wellington Street One Hundred Dollars Guaranteed | The Confederation Life Association A Surprise Party That Was Full of Interest. Camden Bast, June 25.--The gardens are growing fine but more rain is needed to help the straw- berries. The stage ranning from Newburgh to Kingston carries a quantity of freight for the stores. A surprise party was given Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Hinch, last Friday evening, at their home. A pleasant evening was spent in dancing. Mrs. George Holland,' Niagara Falls, 1s visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Hannah. Mrs. Greenway returned to her daughter's Mrs. James Macdonald, on Monday, | after spending two weeks with her brother, J. Tipson and his wife and otherifriends. Mrs. Martha Switzer is spending a few days at her daughter's, Mrs, John Bell, and family, Moscow. John McGarvey sports a mew Star auto. George, Skinner, Brownville, N.Y. visitedPhis parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Skinner, for a couple of days, Miss Pearl Oster, student of Notre Dame Convent, is home for Life By Walkerville, On#, is spending his holidays with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Spencer. Mrs. Charlés 'David »e y '| Calgary, Mrs. B. BE. Harrison the holidays. Reginald Spenmcer,| REGRET AT LOSING PASTOK. Rev. Mr. Brethen Has Been Sent to Demonestville. Bonjard's, June 24.--A number here attended the celebration at Adolphustown last week. Much re- gret is felt at losing Rev. Mr. Breth- en who goes to. Demonestville. Mr. Brethen will be succeeded by Rev. Mr. Cafley. Miss Rosa Eaton has returned from Peterboro Normal School and will spend the holidays at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eaton. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. A. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. D. T. McCornock, Picton, at C. B. Pinces; Mr. and Mrs. Allan Harrison at B. Hurlput's, Cressy; Mr. and Mrs. Tackerman and children, Royal street, at H. Hicks'; D. L. Bonjard, Picton, Mrs. A. M. Terrill and Mrs. D. Jackson, and Mrs, H. J. Clark, Waupoos and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Harrison, at Mrs. J. D. Bonjard's. Mrs. 8. C. Wright with relatives in Picton; B. Minaker at B. Pring- le's; Mrs. W. Li. Minaker, Cherry ~r 5 oclock in the Afte SIX-MILE CAMERA FOR JUNGLE. Captain A. W. Stevens, famed aerial photographer and his "'six-mile camera," for long distance shooting which' will be used on the Hamilton Rice expedition which will go 3,000 miles up the Amazon river. Valley, and Miss H. Kingsley, To- As "unkindness has no remedy at Tonto, at Thomas Bonjard's; Mr. and | law" 1ét its avoidance be with you a Mrs. McQuvid at O. W. Hicks; Mr. point of honor, x and Mrs. Ketcheson, Elmbrooke, at Valor consists in the power of self- W. C. McCornock's. _ | recovery. ips ge \ "Thenls, Jimmid © You've made quick time, Fill mine." quick, inviting soda - stands, convenient when, we are out in within k eday reach of office or fac. Delicious and Refreshing The Coca-Cola Company of Canada, Led, Vancouver