FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG CHATEAU Phone. 800 WE NEVER CLOSE Live ér Lead Storage DELCO-LIGHT The compiste Kiectric Light and Fewer plant for every country home | W.C.CANNON - 364 Bazrie Street. Phoue 1139J. General Insurance Fire, burglary Plate Glass, Acci- deat Sickness, Automobile, Pub- sy Fidelity and Guarantee . Bonds and Securities per registered mail, Insure r Bagguge and save when travellin, hal: Ar Connenic and reasonable R.H. Waddell a4, 36. "56 Broek Street. ym PIANO TUNING Piano Tuning, Repairing apd Player Plano Adjusting. Normap H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street, JHONE 134. DENTAL SURGEON Corner of Johnsos and Wellington. Streets. Telephone 368. Moving of For FREIGAT, FURNITURE, SAP ES, | PLANUS, CARTAGK and STORAGE OF | | BVERY DESCRIFTION EVENINGS 2231. N STREET 4 = Dental Surgeon DR. J. C. W. BROOM L.S., DIDS, Welllagton and Brock Streets, Entrance: nN Wellington. 2 y 8p) dots +o "To. WELLINGTV, WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellisgton Street. Floating Specks Before The Eyes Means Liver Trouble When the eyes, 5 specks start to float before when everything seems to tuge black for a few seconds and you feel as if You were going to faint, You can rest assured that your liver is not working properly. The essential thing to do in all cases where the liver 1s slow, lazy or torpid, is to stir ft up by the use of Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills and clear away the accumulated mass of Waste and poisonous matter from the system, id Mr. Chas. Ayland, Ont., writes: -- used.-to be awfully bothered with floating specks before my eyes, headaches and sickness to my stomach. I took just half a vial of your Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills ang ya ince I have felt as well as e a ow I al lp always keep them Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25c. a vial at al] dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. "IRRITATION, BRUISES SARS 30c, & 60c,--TUBES 30¢.--At all Drug Stores AA, if Have It Made For You YOUR NEXT SUIT OR OVERCOAT Best Workmanship-- --Prices Right Owa Cloth made up. Williamson & Wellwood 30 Montreal Street. Phone 2165 NENNANNRRNER RANE Choice Western Meats GROCERIES AND FRESH VEGETABLES, Best 'service, J. T. EVES 171 RAGLAN ROAD Phone 2580. FRERERNNEERRERRLY P. C. LAWSON KINGSTON'S LEADING | W.R McRae & Co.| Golden Lion Block COAL _ You can't tell good coal by the looks of it. All the safe- Susrd you have is the word of oe man who sells it to you. 'e stand 'behind every ton we » with our personal guaran- ab gad as gold. BOOTH & CO. . Whome 13% Grove inn Yards FLORIST Funeral designing and Wed. ding work our specialty. Corner of Brock and Welling. ton Streets. TELEPHONE 770. HARVEY MILNE 272 Bagot Street ; Phone 542. Carpets Cleaned y VACUUM RIDE Hyslop Bros. Bicycles Prices from $35.00 to $48.00 All Kinds of Repairs. Fresh Tomatoes ......... 20c 1h. New Pineapples teresa 28C ea. Home Grown Strawberries bamssana Creamery Butter .,........ 85c. Ib. New Potatoes ......... 6 Ibs. 28¢. Bananas, Special svaves 25c. dozen sess 2 lbs. 28c. 7 Bars Laundry Soap .%...... 49¢c. Barrie and Colborne Streets * Phone 1817. ."We deliver." Meat Store Pork Roast Set errnnesa186 Leg of Pork ............ 28 Loin Pork .....25¢. fresiiissaas 1900 serene vaens 140 Lard (8 Ib. pail) ..50e. sredaas. 8 Ibs. 85c. Frankville, KINGSTON AND DISTRICT. | } On Zion Church Lawn. Social, 'sale and concert, this even- ing from 7 to 10, tickets 15c. Teachers Get Cheques. The teachers in the Collegiate In- stitute and public schools were paid on Thursday, this being their last payment of the term. 4 ---- Married at Balderson rx pretty June wedding was. sol- emnized at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Arch, Stewart, Balder- 80n, when her daughter, Miss Annie, was united in marriage with Walter Burton, Hamilton. -------------- A Great Bargain, * We were lucky to be able to pur- chase a quantity of Boys Bloomers a# a very low price and we are going to pass them on to you as long as they last for $1.00 a pair, sizes 25 to 33 in Dark Grey Tweed.--The Lion Clothing Co. ---------------- Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Jell, Simcoe, announce the engagement of their Youngest daughter, Dorothy Anne, to Richard McCulloch, Picton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard McCulloch, Toronto. The marriage will take place early in July. Sirsa a ma---------- Basis of Union, | 'The basis of union for the two { Carleton Place Presbyterian church- | ©8 was approved with slight amend- | ments at the presbytery of Lanark and Renfrew at a meeting fn Arn- prior. The date for bringing the union into effect will be set at the next meeting 'of presbytery. Wonderful But True. ; Do you know that you can maka sentenced men behind the walls and delicious puddings and. - pies with DU-KO in five minutes, without hav- | Ing to use Sugar, Eggs, or Flavor- ing? Put up in 'handy tins, Three flavors--Lemon, Chocolate and Maple Cream. For sale by all groc: ers. Visiting In The West. Mrs, Edward B. Purtelle, Bloom- field, is enjoying a trip to the coast, spending some time in Vancouver and Victoria. On the return trip Mrs. Purtelle will stay at Lake Louise and Banff, then on to Calgary and south. to Claresholm, before leaving for her home in the East, ---------- Special Sale for Two Days on Young Men's Suits, . We are going to sell for two days only a Limited Quantity of young men sport suits in Smart Grey mix- ed tweeds for $16.50. These were regular $25.00 values, -- The Lion Clothing Co. ------ Taxes Coming in Well, The taxes are coming in well at the city hall. The tax collector's of- fice was well filled at intervals on Thursday and all during this week there has been a steady flow of money-ceming in t6 the pffice, show- ing that the citizens are keeping up with their payments well, Monday next Is the last discount day. ---------- \ Regrets Were Expressed. The Ministeral Association of Brockville tendered a farewell tea to Rev. J. W. McCall, Methodist, leav- ing for Brantford. All of the clergy- men present, referred to the loss which the association would sustain by the departure of the popular past- or of the Methodist church. At the close Mrs, McCall was presented with a bouquet of flowers. Making Tile at Jail. The making of concrete tile at the Jall has always been a lucrative em- ployment for prison labor but the shortage of prisoners this spring 'has delayed the industry almost thee months, But there are now twe ve OUT OUR WAY this week the forms' were rolled out. Last year the manufacturs was be- gun in April and a record number of tlie 'was made totalling over 3,000. Some are still in stock. Cataraqul Cemetery. People having occasion to visit Cataraqui cemetery have been pass- ing many complimentary remarks on the beautiful conditions of all the shrubbery, driveways and lawns. An approach of decorative cactus, with a lake and islet, are some of the im- provements which Superintendent Purdy has inaugurated, Summer Resort Plan, Wagner-Albright Realty Com- pany, Rochester, N.Y., which recent- ly purchased a tract of 100 acres known as Steele's Point. near Clay- ton, N.Y, has begun to divide the land into building lots. It is the intention of the company to build up a high class summer resort on this tract which has a large water front- age and excellent view in all direc- tions, and is easily accessible. by both boat and car, The Bush Purchased. "Gemmill's Bush," historic to Al- monte and Ramsay people has beén purchased by William Thoburn. The rurchase was completed during the lase few days. Col. James D. Gem- mill, the former owner, resides in England. This famous little forest is one hundred acres in extent. It containg many magnificent trees with a good sprinkling of the more valu-! able woods, such as oak, rock elm, tamarack and maples. 80,000 Isiands, Georgian Bay, a stretch of cool | fresh, invigorating water, pleasingly | dotted by 30,000 tree-clad islands, where else in the world can you find | such change of vista, such a spot for | a healthful, happy vacation! There are abundant facilities for | every form of recreation. On land there is tennis, golf, bowling, danc- ing, hiking and pienicing. Water sports embrace canoeing, bathing. motor-boating, and yachting, while in the waters of Georgian Bay ares black bass, large salmon trout and .| record for the year, going at 16 3-4 | | vived by two sons; Frank Valleau, other fish aplenty to please the fish- | erman. ! Splendidly equipped hotels at dif- ferent points cater to the needs of | the vacationist or there are hun- | dreds of splendid sites for campers. | All main points are reached by | Canadian National Railways. any | agent for full information and de- | scriptive literature, eet Cheese Bells at 16 8-4 Cents. Cheese reached its highest price | this year at the Frontenac Cheese Board on Thursday afternoon, the Kreo-Kolored Red-Cedar Shingles Red, Green and Brown shades thor- ° 'oughly stained. These Shingles are Edge- Jl Grain--will not warp. They are 100% perfect and under ordinary conditions. will last twenty-five years, S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Woodwarking Factory, Lumber Yards, Coal Bins, BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO, ' Telephone: Private Branch Exchange, No. 1371. 444 colored cheese boarded, also a cents. The highest price reached | formerly was 16 3-8 cents, on June | 12th. Last week's price was 15 1-2 | cents. The sales were. as follows: | Gibson-Glenburnie, 70; Model, 90; | Hamilton-Wolfe Island, 65; Howe | Island, 40; Smith-St. Lawrence, 45; | Silver Springs, 84; 1,000 Islands, 40. | There was a discussion amongst the | buyers regarding seniority in choos- ing. Mrs. Manly Valleau Passed Away. Death came suddenly to Mrs. Man- ly Valleau, Trenton. Sunday even- | ing she was out motoring with her | husband, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Con- kell. She was at the wheel, and was suddenly seized with an attack of heart trouble, and expired almost instantly. Mr. Vallegu and Mr, Conkell were in the r®r séat, and the latter reached forward and shut SALE OF MEN'S TROUSERS $1.50 Size 42 only. _ Reg. value $3.50 to $5.00. SALE OF MEN'S SHIRTS AT $1.75 Reg. value $2.50 to $3.00, Sizes 14 to 174. | me SREYOSTS |. a a a -------- x off the gas and kept the gar going straight. Mrs. Valleau was taken in- to Mr. Conkell"s home, but life was extinct, The party had returned only a short time before from a visit at Corey Valleau's, near Warkworth. Although Mrs. Valleau had been in good health, she had suffered from a bad attack of heart trouble only two weeks previons.. The late Mrs. Valleau was in her seventieth year, Piano YOU BUY WHEN! The exceptional tone quality in the Weber appeals to the most ascethetic taste, HEAR FOR YOURSELF AND BE CONVINCED, AT C. W. LINDSAY'S Warerooms, Princess Street and besides her husband, she is sur- Trenton Dairy Company, Corey Val- leau, of Northumberland county, and one daughter, Mrs. Ray, Timmins. ------------ Literature is an avenue to glory, ever open for those ingenious men Extremely Popular Sandals who -are deprived of honors or of wealth, RHEUMATISM GONE, SAYS MONTREAL HOTEL MAN =. A. Mongéal Fells How ol Recovered = Strength After Eight Years of Rheumatism. mini, F. A. Mongean, clerk- at the Prince of Wales Hotel, 17 and 19 McGill College Avenue, Montreal, Canada, lends his name to further the cause of Tanlac, ithe treatment that has proved of such great benefit to him. "After all Tanlac has done for me," said Mr. Mongeau, "I just feel like praising it to everybody. Eight years of muscular rheumatism had Just about made a cripple of me. I got to where I simply had to limp around on a cane. My nerves became affected, my sleep unsound and I felt completely knocked out. "Six bottles of Tanlac, gaken eight months ago, made a new man of me and I have had no further trouble with rheumatism, or my health, since. My nerves are steady as a die, I sleep fine and feel the same way. Anyone wanting to know of me what Tanlac will do, Just phone m#¥ here at the hotel." popular. night ! You will need them as soon as the wea- ther changes. ~--Sandals in Suede. --Sandals in Buck. --Sandals in Patent Leather. Many new styles to choose from, The Sawyer Shoe Store gists. Accept no' substitute. Over 40 million bottles sold. Tanlac Vegetable Pills In All Popular Furs For Constipation. Made and Recommended by the Tanlac is for sale by all good drug- 1 Manufacturers of Tanlac. By Williams --_ I ---- igs W. F. Gourdier 78 BROCK STREET "Phone 700. TWEDDELL'S SALE MEN"S SUITS $15.00 to $32.00, $35.00 Indigo Blue Serge Suits on sale for 28.50 . TWEDDELL"S 131 Princess St.