THE ns DAILY BRITISH WHIG MONDAY, JUNE 80, 194% STOP YOUR ROOFING TROUBLES Let ussupply you with Shingles or Roof- - ing that has a reputation for quality. ~~ "Quality" remains long after "price" is forgotten, ALLAN LUMBER C0. . Victoria Street. *Phone 1042. ' fl TEER a "YOU BUY WHEN! The exceptional tone quality in the Weber Piano appeals to the most ascethetic taste. HEAR FOR YOURSELF AND BE CONVINCED, 'AT C. W. LINDSAY'S Warerooms, Princess Street SEMI-BUNGALOW--Solid brick, 6 rooms, 8 bedrooms, lights, gas, 8 plece bath, hot water heating, fireplace, hard wood floors, wall and floor plugs, nice verandah, extra wide lot, 210 feet deep, beau- tiful lawn 60 ft. from house to stroet. This place can be bought for much less than cost price if taken this week. One of the finest loca- ] "tions in city. Please enquire at office for price and location. ~ M. B. TRUMPOUR "Phone 704 or 2072w - . - 270 PRINCESS STREET Cut Softwood Slabs . . . . . ... . . $3.50 per load 'Cut Hardwood Slabs . . . .. . . $4.00 per load Small Hard Coal ......... .. ..... $12.50 per ton Split Pea Coal seine ssens $310.00 per ton SOWARDS COAL C0. Phone 155 McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. PHONE 811. "MAKE YOUR WORK EASY Have the Hotpoint Electric Goods in your home. We have everything you may need to, bring comfort -- Irons, Toasters, Heaters, etc, | Halliday Electric Co. CORNER KING AND PRINCESS STS. i morning. {led from-8t. Vincent de Paul Hos- ll | pital, Brockville, much improved in | | health. From the Countryside Frontenac FINDLEY STATION Rev. 8. Doggett will preach his farewell sermon at Woodburn on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Bert. Don- sldson fis with her mother, Mrs. Greenigan, Front Road, whois ser- fously ill. Miss M. Mullen visited friends at Cape Vincent, recently. Mr. and Mrs. H. McLean and little daughter, Front Road, visited at Rohert Donaldson's, William Wil- son is erecting an implement shed. Misses Beatrice Bedore and Myrtle Sidley spent the week-end at James Mullen's Mrs. James Wilson is vis- iting her daughter, Mrs. H. Brash, Pittsferry. MOUNTAIN GROVE. June 27.--The sale at George Somers, on Wednesday, was well at- tended and everything sold at a fair price. The executive of the W. I. went to Harrowsmith, on Thursday, to attend the district meeting. Several people motored to OCarjeton Place, on Wednesday, to attend the Gorr- White wedding. H. Loyst and son have opened up their new general store. The "Bee" on Friday did much to improve the appearance of the cemetery. J. French has moved to Forrest Mills. Miss Trotter, Mountain Vale, spent the week-end at J. Price's. Mr. and Mrs. © A. Thompson and Kitson motored to Battersea, on Thursday. Rev. Mr. Flindall is at D. McDonald's. Leeds LOMBARDY. June 24.--Frank Dermady return- ed to Watertown, N.Y., on Monday, accompanied by the former's father, Stephen Dermady. George Houze had one of his fingers so badly jam- med in the spring of his car that amputation was necessary. Repairs have been in progress on the rural telephone line. Miss Anna Gleeson, Almonte, is visiting relatives here. Mrs, M. Dooker called on friends here recently. Miss 8. O'Meara and | Miss Rosella O'Meara left on Sunday for Ottawa. Im-- WARBURTON. June 24.--A severe electric storm passed over this vicinity Saturday James Fodey has return- Benjamin Cook motored to ||ing after a serious illness. i | Vanderburgh | | Thursday. il | has returned home from Ottawa ICE CREAM Made the better way--pasteurized and homogenized. The purity and delightful flavors of our Ice Cream in- sure satisfaction. ' Sold, wholesale and retail--in bulk and brick. 5 We ship everywhere. GEO. MASOUD 238 Princess Street. "Phone 980. You will need them as soon as the wea ther changes. : : : --Sandals in Suede. --Sandals in Buck. --Sandals in Patent Leather. Many new styles to choose from. Smith's Falls on Wednesday. A deer has been seen in the neighbor- hood. Leonard O'Grady is improv- attended the .chéese board meeting, at Brockville, on Miss Vera Vanderburgh normal school. James Moorehead is much better, after a serious illness. The' late rains have proved a great benefit to the crops after a long dry period. STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. Cattle Killed And A House Was Damaged. Lyndhurst, June 24.--A severe electrical storm passed over this vie- inity, on Friday night, causing much damage to telephone lines and kill- ing a number of cattle. Lightning struck A. B. White's house, setting it afire but the neighbors were called and the fire was put out before it had gained much headway. Mrs. BE. E. Green has been con- fined to her bed for the past few days but is able to be around again. Mrs. William Webster is improving Ww. 6. BEFORE BARRIER GOES DOWN ! ' Shiploads of Japanese, with their newly wedded wives, are rushing into Pacific coast ports before the gates go down. Under the exclusion clause in the new immigration act, they are the last who may enter the United States. The picture at the top shows a group of the brides ready to disembark. At the lower left one of them is getting her first view of the "pro- mised land." American soil. On the lower right one is about to set foot on RE Hagin Na "Sm ; far CHINE) rye » qrven A CHINESE RAILWAY DISP int control of the of a Washington Con S00 ool, H=541 rad S UT E~chir Chinese Lastern Rail ference Jrea mn apparent disregard which made China Trustee of The road forylhe United Stites ond others holding notes agaist if for millions of dollars.! ©THE INTERNATIONAL SYNDICATE. very slowly. Morgan Berry and family, Oshawa, have been visiting friends and relatives for the past few days. The annual Camp Meeting is be- ing held at Singleton Lake. The heavy rain, which fell on Friday night, was a great benefit to the crops throughout the country. Goats eat old mewspapers. DIRECTS PAYMENTS. Of Certain Sums of the A. J. Small Estate. Toronto, June 30.---Justice Len- nox has adjourned tg Oct. 15th, a motion to confirnj the acts of the committee appointed to administer the estate of A. J. Small, and for their discharge. Justice Lennox directs the follow- ing payments: To Mrs. Theresa Small, $60,000; to Gideon Grant, K.C., and A. G. Slaght, K.C., $30,- 000 juintly; to Florence and Ger- trude Small, $5,000 each. Costs are reserved. Justice Lennox also dismisses the nmiotion by the Misses Gertrude and Florence Small for an order to com- pel Mrs. Small to pay over to them money claimed due under the settle- ment reached before Justice Logie. William G. McAdoo must be the Democratic president nominee or organized labor will support the third party movement. OUT By Williams . Counteract Your Tendency toward Acid Mouth . . . By letting WRICLEY'S give you relief, lasting joy and benefit. It removes the food particles that lodge in the teeth and cause fer- mentation and decay. It WASHES the mouth and teeth, counteracting the acidity that does so much damage. after every meal is prescribed by dentis\. and doctors: Says one dentist: "If chewing gum is used regularly it will result in a noticeable benefit to the teeth." benefit today. ' NOTE: "Tests show that of the when we chew. Ths fluid from ese glands neu. tralizes the acid in the mouth and washes it away." « so » --From a College Professor. Several flavors Wrigley quality = Sealed in the Get your WRIGLEY Flier Exceeds 112 Miles Per Hour With 1,100 Pounds of Deadweight. Dayton, Ohio, June 30.--R. G. Lockwood, civilian filler of McCook fleld, Saturday established a new world speed record for aergplanes, carrying 1,100 pounds eo dead weight, when he piloted an obs¥rva- tion plane over Wilbur field at a speed of 112.4 miles per hour. Thaw Buys Virginia Estate. Winchester, Va., June 30.--Harry K. Thaw has made the first payment on Kennilworth, an estate five miles trom Winchester, where he told friends he would retire to devote himself to fruit growing. A New York architect has been engaged ito determine improvements on the old mansion and the farm of 104 acres. Dr. LH. Guest, Labor member of the House of Commons, has been been chosen British Ambassador to Soviet Russia. Machines, Phonographs, Guns, repal and refitted. Parts supplied. Saws filed, knives, selesors and tools - Locks repaired. Keys fiited to all kinds of locks. All makes of and re~ J. M. PATRICK 149 Sydemham Street, Kingston Phone 20004. A despatch from The Hague re- ports the sudden death of Sir Henry Deterding, director-general of the Royal Dutch Petroleum: Company. Death occurred while, Sir Henry was watching a film. Italy expects a balanced budget fog the country by next Jaauary, with & sufficient surplus to 'begin reductiol of the floating debt, but without ime creased revenues, tl 9, °? oll its own. Jack ~Yes, you bet § GURD'S is always good. Guard Co. have been making high clues serated flores i Waters for over fifty years. Quality has always ORDER YOUR SUPPLY OF GURD'S TO-i oN eo Gurd's + "wor "Heard at the Club House" [Ed.~This Gurd's Ginger Ale seems to have a satisfying flavor ° 0 Pe%0% ° = Headquarters for Gurd's Ginger Ales CRAWFORD'S GROCERY a 'Phone 26.