THE DAILY BRITISH 'WHIG NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS SAUCE nd always a welcome addition to the meal -- supreme with bacon, cold meats, fish, N sandwiches and cheese. X Zann THIN RN NY TOMORROW'S MENU Breakfast Cantaloupe Cereal "Corned Beef Hash Coffee ; Toast | Two Electric Specials Electric Curling ; ongs. Special $1.75. Electric Irons Special $3.00, $4.50. These are real bargains. Dinner Celery Chicken Fricassee 4 Potatoes Sweet Cora Stuffed, Tomato Salad Coffee Ice Cream Supper Fruit Salad Egg-Olive Sandwich Potato Loaf Cake Coffee Do You Dislike Dishwashing? say: ™I hate to wash dishes," [ know that housekeeper is not a hap- PY woman, Why? Because the ment doesn't mind a pile of soiled dishes; she hurries through them with a song om her lips. 1 bage this statement on my obser- ers. I have invariably found that the contented woman is the one who can perform her irksome duties philosophically. And"I believe that evary woman can find this content- ment which resigns her to her daily burdens. I believe that this rs | Sof as init TH 1 are here! why not make the most delicious jam or jelly you ever tasted? Take full advanta orchard and garden. ce and delicacy t which disappears under long You can now make jam that never would "jell"--the strawberry, pine- apple, cherry, etc. 'Certo, the is pure, concentrated pectin, of fruits. It contains no substance better ellies than the old By union the smallest states thrive by discord the greatest are destroy- e Sou can now convert strawberries into perfect jam or jelly with but one minute's boiling, and can preserve that jellying property of fruif, is the side of one's housework. If you disagree witn me in this contention, just watch the woman onNntains no Ve or acids. t and flaky. N73 al scratch. better results. of the bounty of fresh, fully-ripened Tian or jelly with fruits Se jell y gela- The Certo not ana A Toate varie of one process, but uces cost Use Certo with every fresh Fruit available. Make a lot of jam and jelly this summer. At your grocer's or send 40c direct to Douglas Packing Co., Limited, Cobourg, Ont. i na Con (Stroll) ot oon Cotte Benes i on 8 complete simple directions in the J recipes which goes with every bottle ACR CR GIN RS TE Whenever I hear a housekeeper Tyourself take an interest in some- housekeeper who has found content- vation of a good many housekeep- contentment comes through having | And you and I, too, need some pleas- a gripping interest of some sort out- | ure ahead if we would do our best | who is wrapped up in some big en- terprise such as club work, church work or some particular way she has fcund to make money at home; she rushes through. her dishwashing and cleaning with her mind fixed eagerly on the reward which lies ahead -- the reward of getting, at last, to the interest which gbsorbs her, She hasn't time to grumble about '"'the grind of housework," She is too much absorbed in that bigger inter- est to let her thoughts dwell on the necessary housekeeping duty at hand. "But duppose I can't become in- terested in anything?" I think I hear some of my Reader Friends reply- ing. To which I answer: "Make thing outside of your work! For in- stance, start making one of the old- fashioned hooked rugs. You'll soon find that you won't be able to keep away from that rug-frame. (I have just finished making one my- self, so I know from experience!) You are bound to become absorbed in it, once you start. Or, if yon | prefer, knit or crochet some | garment; it will grow more fascin? | ating as It increases in size. | After all we are still children at | heart. A child will master his school | lessons twice as quickly if promised | the reward of a picnic for so" doing. 0 Breakfast--One-half cantaloupe, 2 thin slices toasted glutten bread, 1 or 2 cups hot water. \ Luncheon--Opne ¢up hot consomme, 1 cup sweetbread and cucumber salad on lettuce, 1 glutten roll, 1 cup skim- med milk. N Dinner--One cup diet creamed dried beef on crisp whole wheat toast, 1 cup casserole of vegetables, 1 cup water- cresses, 2 tablespoons strawberry float, I cup weak tea without sugar or cream. Bedtime--One cup hot skimmed milk. Total calories, 1082, Protein, 256; fat, 261; carbohydrate, 565. Iron, .0201 gram. Sweetbread and Cucumber Salad (Individual) { One-half cup diced sweetbreads, 1 | MENU FOR STOUT AND THIN EAT AND-- | Lose Weight--Gain Weight I | One tablespoonful of PHOSPHO- COD contains @s much iron as half a | pound of Raisins or a quart of Spin- Breakfast--One-half cantaloupe, 1] ach or a quarter of a pound of Car- cup uncooked breakfast food, 1 table- rots. It contains the extract of Cod spoon sugar, '4 cup cream, 4 table-| Livers--the concentrated extract -- spoons asparagus omlet, 2 cornmeal DOt the greasy oil. This extract is muffins; 1 tablespoon bitter, 1 table- | ike the extract of peek. k Sontains ° a- | the essence, the concentrated, nour- Speen marmalade, 1 or 2 cups hot wa ishing par. Cod Livers Fas the rich- oh rip {est of all known substances in vita- Mid-nforning lunch--One large or-| mines, and there is more concentrat- led energy in one tablespoontul---ef PHOSPHO-COD than in three cakes 1 cup sweetbread and cucumber salad}of yeast. In each tablespoonful of with 3 tablespoons cream dressing. 2 PHOSPHO-COD over one third is so- whole wheat rolls, 1 tablespoon butte. | lution of Hypophosphites. Hypophos- 1 tablespoon stray ._preserves, 4 Phites contain other of the salts need. tablespoons po Ege 1|ed by the body, such as lime, so- cup whole milk { dium, potassium and Manganese. Dinner--One veal bird, 4 tablespoons | PHOSPHO-COD contains a liberal creamed potatoes, cw vegetables | Percentage of Glycerine, which has vith 2 tablespoons holland yp "| been proven to be one of the most With 2 tablespoons hollandaise sauce, 1 | healing substances known to science, cup watercress with 2 tablespoons ange, 12 raisins, Luncheon--One cup hot consommng, French dressing .wild cherry tree, acting directly on inflamed or nl-11 | Phospho-Cod The Quickest and Surest Way to Get Your Iron and Vitamines and colds. PHOSPHO-COD contains Wild Cherry extract, a splendid appes. tizing tonic made from the bark of the and it makes the delicate, picky appetite a thing of the past, and gives you g desire for food that is healthy and substantial. PHOSs PHO-OOD contains Pepsin which is the most valuable to all stomach remedies known to medical science, and helps you to digest the food you eat, reduce ing it to a liguid state, so that it can be assimilated into your blood to c&rry nourishment to every part of the NG From your blood your nerve power eS born, and through your nerves comes your happiness, ambition and power to do and to accomplish the full joy of living. PHOSPHO-COD contains ten drops of Port Wine in each tablespoons ful; this is used to keep it from fers menting and also because Port Wine contains nourishment that is valuable in the process of making blood. 058 are a few of the reasons why you should get your Iron and Vitamines | from PHOSPHO-COD in preference to any other way, because it contains more of them and costs you Tel for method, | secure, ' what it gives than any other "HOSPHO-COD at Best's Drug Store, + tablespoens straw- cup diced cucumbers, lemon juice, salt 1} and pepper. berry float, 1 piece chocolate cake, cerated membranes of the stomach, | bowels, kidneys and bladder as it does | J As soon as sweetbreads come from market put into cold water and let stand an hour or until clear. Drain and put into boiling water, salted, and aci- dulated. Simmer, just at the bubbling | on the irritated surface of the skin. | Glycerine and Rose Water as an exter- nal lotion has been used for 8 tions to heal and soften milady' cup weak tea Bedtime--One cup hot whole milk, 2 bran bread and butter sandwiches. | Total calories, 3892. Protein, 453; fat, 1633; carbohydrate, 1816, Iron, | '®ted skin. Internally its action is the same on the bronchial tubes and throat, | enera- | 8 hands | and face, and heal and soothe the irri- | SITS NERVE fr BLOOD 7 ,0229 gram. During the summer months you will | find a glass of orange juice for your | mid-morning lunch refreshing -wmd-ef- | fective. The fruit tends to stimulate | your appetite for luncheon. | Something hot should be provided | for the summer luncheon. If there is point, for 30 minutes. Drain and put into cold water. This process keeps the breads white and firm and is always followed no matter how the breads are finally cooked. | When the sweetbreads are cold cut them into neat dice. Add cucumber and combine with lemon Juice, salt work; the prospect of some interést- | ing occupation awaiting us, tightens | our more !rksome tasks and keeps | us from indulging in that most un-| worthy of all emotions: self-pity. We are tempted to feel sorry for ourselves only when we have no dee) and absorbing interest in our lives; but when we once find such an inter- | est we are only sorry for others| who haven't qne! All inquiries addressed to Miss Kirkman in care of the "Effic'ent Housekeeping" department will be answered in these columns in their| turn, This requires considerable time, however, owing to the great number received. So if a personal or quicker reply is desired, a stamp- ed and self-addressed envelope must be enclosed with the question. Be sure to use YOUR full name, street number, and the name of your city and state, : ~The Editor ---- Every human~ death may be at- tributed to intetference with respira- tion, with the action of the heart or with the nervous system. A proposal has been made to use the first three floors of the Eiffel Tower as a restaurant, a dance hall and a tea room. ---- a3 uf is g BE ~ += 8 Fe wl ik 4 g » i : | i i \ {no hot soup drink your milk hot in-| stead of cold. | If you are a busy woman and per-| spire very freely over your work dur- ing the summer, you may need to in-| crease your calories. Do this with ve- | getables and fresh fruits or more milk. | and pepper. If you rub the knife you use for dicing across a cut onion and rub the bow! in which the salad is inix. ed with the onion you will like the flavor. Protein, 42; fat, Total calorie, 122. 66; carbohydrate, 14. Iron, 0006 gram, AGED PICTON DOCTOR IS IN FAILING HEALTH New Salvation Officers to Be Welcomed--Visitors From Oscboso, Sask. trips to Mississippi this! visited at W. Riddell's, business week and while there. | John D. Millar, Snow Road, road | commissioner for Palmerston, in-! spected some roads under his juris-{ diction on Tuesday ldst in this neigh-| borhood. David MacManus had the| misfortune to have a couple of large | lumber piles upset near his mill and | experienced considerable inconveni-! Picton, July 4.--Dr. and Mrs. | ence. The stork called at the home | Charles Wilson motored from To- ronto and spent a few days at the | home of Mrs. Wilson's brother, E. C. Hadden. They also visited at Indian Point and Napanee, returning to the city on Thursday. of Mr. and Mrs. John Crain, Jr., and presented them with a fine boy. Mrs. John Glenn and Mrs. George Crain, Sr., and daughter, Viola, visit- ed friends in Kingston last week. making it most valuable for coughs! PHOSPHO-COD is for sale by L. T. Best, Druggist, who will be pleased to send a bottle by mail to those unable to call at the store, on receipt of 25 cents additional to pay postage. Regular price $1.25 per pint bottle; 1.50 mailed to any address in Canada. A tt a atin, " a YOU BUY WHEN! The exceptional tone quality in the Weber Piano appeals to the most ascethetic taste, HEAR FOR YOURSELF AND.BE CONVINCEL, AT C. W. LINDSAY'S Warerooms, Princess Street ford has two grandsons from Chie cago visiting her at present. ' Mr. Huffman and his gang of carpenters are repairing the C.P.Rg station. James Palmer, Snow Road, is buying * cattle in this vicinity, Farmers report there will be poor grain crops unless more rain comes shortly. Mr. Frank Lister is spend. . A number from here attended so- ing a few holidays in Smith's Falls. cial and dance at Corvale. Master Week-end visitors: Mr. George Crain, Emery Moss is spending his holidays Sr., at home; Joseph St. Pierre at in Campbellford. Mrs. George Fide home; Peter Tysick at home, Se, Misses Katie Burke and Mona Boles have gone to Sharbot Lake to. write oh their entrance examinations. W. L. Palmer, W. L. Palmer Ltd. Co., Toronto, is loading lumber in this vicinity and stopping at the Hotel Frontenac. Miss May Burke and Earle Kirkham took a trip to Shar- bot Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pine and little daughterg Dr. and Mrs. Gullett and Mr. and 'Ewart Jones have gone into camp at Hickory Park for the summer. Mrs. John Tenny (Gena Brans- combe, the celebrated musical com- poser, of New York) is at the family home on Mary street, owing to the illness of her aged father, Dr. H. W. Branscombe, who has been in failing health for some time. Mrs. Dr. Philp is ill at their sum- mer home at Indian Point. Mr. and Mrs, White and son, of Pennsylvania were callers on Mr. White's sister, Mrs. Richard Had- den, on Tuesday. They were on a motor tour through Canada and were en route from Lindsay, where they had visited Mr. White's parents, to Montreal. Byroa Judson, Lynn, is the guest of his cousin's, Mrs. C. A. McKenzie and Mrs. James Johnson. The new officers for the Salvation Army will be welcomed on Tuesday, July 8th, at eight o'clock. The new officers are Ensign and Mrs. Howa. Until their arrival the army worm is under the direction of Sergt.-Major and Mrs. Lockyer, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Tompsett, of Omaha, Nebraska, have been visiting his mother and sisters, Mrs. J. Sin- claire, and Mrs. Wm. McStephen and renewing vld acquaintances after an absence of several years. Miss Charlotte Smith has return. ed to Picton after a visit with friends ir Kingston. Mr. and 'Mrs. Percy Wannamaker and family of Kitchener have been spending a few days in town. Mrs. Hubbs and Miss Mary Hubbs sail on Saturday on the Doric from Montreal to visit Dr. Donald Hubbs and wife in England. Mrs. Earle Stanhope and Margaret of Hamilton are visiting at the home of Mr. Jack Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cummins, of; Belleville, and Miss Ethel Roblin, of New York, were guests of Mr. ant Mrs. Marshall Maybee and Mayor and Mrs. H. G. Blakely over the week- end. The A.V.P.A. of St. Mary Magda- lene's church held a most enjoyable picnic at Glen Island on Thursday afternoon, going by boat from Hep- bura's dock at two o'clock. + Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Woodburn Reid and two sons, Willard and Gor- don, of Osboso, Sask., arrived by motor for a month's holiday with Mrs. Reid's mother and sister. Mr. Reid has been a resident of the wes! for forty-five years, where he owns extensive properties. CLARENDON NEWS BUDGET. Grain Crops Will Be Poor Unless More Rain Comes, Clarendon, July 3.--An enjoyable picaic was held in Campbell's grove for the school children and = good time was spent by parents as well as children in spite of thunder showers, Mrs. M. M. Appleby, station agent, is spending a pleasant holiday with WA ETE rr -- I of discomfort, friends in Kingston and 'Ottawa. William Lister made a couple of average woman spent at least 1-6th of her time in-a state [REE ceemail coupon below to Ellen |. Buckland, Graduate Nurse Advice from One Woman to Another on a very important hygienic subject q mmaculacy, charm, exquisiteness under circumstances which most women find exceedingly lrymg By ELLEN J. BUCKLAND HIS is a subject which only a THE can understand, and on which only an expert can advise with authority." I speak as both. I, too, experienced the handica which confronts-women in social, busi- ness or professional life. As a practic- ing nurse I know how to lighten it. For science has now perfected a prod- uct which helps women live an active life without interruption. Its conve- nience and efficiency are amazing, for it solves a special problem in a very simple way. THIS NEW PRODUCT IS CALLED "KOTEX™ It was perfected during the war to provide a softer, more absorbent sur- gical dressing. Kotex is five times more absorbent 'han cotton. After the war its makers felt that Kotex would be of infinite value to women--that it would effectuall solve their greatest problem. And it has. Women have only to hear of Kotex to appreciate what it means in comfort, convenience and relief from embarrass- ment. It is being adopted everywhere. A SAMPLE-- FREE : You can secure Kotex at practically all drug and department stores, but want to send you a sample. It will come wrap in a perfectly plain package. All you have to do is to fill 'out and mail the coupon. Don't do yourself thé injustice of overlooking this offer, which is 50 easy to accept. All you have to Jo is to tear out coupon, fill it out and mail it to me. Kotex is on sale at all drug and de- partment stores. Two sizes: Kotexreg- ular and Kotex-Super ir Toromeo, ET Name. SEEEASEN rane eah Ras b hea "rssrsecsrnconne ue