i aie fhe STOP YOUR ROOFING TROUBLES : t us supply you with Shingles or Roof- ing that has a reputation for quality. "Quality" remains long after "price" is forgotten. ALLAN LUMBER (Co. Victoria Street. 'Phone 1042. READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS Know What Is Best Special for Wednesday and Saturday ! FRUIT BREAD Wholewheat Bread Every Day. F. C. HAMBROOK CATERING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES 115 BROCK STREET = - Phone 2519, SEMI-BUNGALOW--Solid brick, 6 rooms, 8 bedrooms, lights, &as, 3 piece bath, hot water heating, fireplace, hard wood floors, wall and floor plugs, nice verandah, extra wide lot, 210 feet deep, beau- tiful lawn 60 ft. from house to street. This place can be bought for much less than cost price if taken this week. One of the finest loca- tions in cit Please enquire at office for price and location. ~. M. B. TRUMPOUR " 270 PRINCESS STREET NYE TT 0 Known for three generations 1s the Perfect Refreshers ALE, LAGER, STOUT E. BEAUPRE, Distributor for Kingston. MAKE YOUR WORK EASY Have the Hotpoint Electric Goods in your home. We have everything you may need to bring comfort--Irons, Toasters, Heaters, etc. HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. CORNER KING AND PRINCESS STS, | WEEK-END EXCURSIONS lL WATERTOWN, N.Y. Connecting with Str. Waubic at Cape Vin- cent, N. Y. Bus leaves Hotel Carlton, near the dock. Fare on other than excursion days 1: Giving 8 hours in Watertown, N.Y., returning home same ay VROOMAN'S BUS LINES | | { | | SAYS MASS EVERY SUNDAY ON KNEE CLOTH . BROIDERED THIRTEEN HUNDRED YEARS AGO. Above, the knee cloth made by Empress Theodora 1300 years ago, now the property of Rev. Dominus Pouvolas, below, * Omaha, Neb., July 8.--Rev. Domi- nus Polvolas, pastor of a struggling Greek Orthodox church here, says mass every Sunday on a knee cloth embroidered 1300 years ago by the Byzantine Empress Theodora. It is worth a fortune. In 1916 the city of Athens offered Father Pou- volas 75,000 francs for it. The central figure, that of Christ, is encrusted with pearls. Existence of the art treasure be- came known outside the little parish during the trial of a suit brought by Arn, N-------- DARKNESS FAILS TO STOP THEM. the priest to collect theft insurance on a hand-written Bible of the seven- teenth century, "mm {This is the first picture actually showing night flying con- ditions on the transcontinental airmail route. Here is a plane being loaded in Omaha at midnight before hopping off on the next lap from New York to San Francisco. Sleeping sickness was the scourge FIRST PAPTIST PICNIC. of the tropics three years ago. SALE Of Odd Lines of |i Men's Suits and Furnishings 23. Homespun Suits | to be sold at . $18.00 10 Donegal Tweed Suits heey $18.50 Miss Sinclair. : Young men, Robert , Harold Brand. Navy Blue Serges Married ladies, Mrs. Blake, Mrs. Sev iia... $25.00 Gee. At Robi 's Point Was a Very Suc- cessful Event. First Baptist Church Sunday school held its annual picnic to Rob- inson's Point on the Front Road on Wednesday afternoon and the event Was a big success. Capt. W. J. Fin- ney, the superintendent, and Rev, J. 8. Laflair, pastor, supervised the sports which resulted as follows: Cradel roll race (babies), and junior primary, all received prizes. Primary girls: Bérbara Adsit, May Pickering: boys, Mack Hitsman annd Douglas Senior. : 8 to 10 years: Girls, Vera Brand, Jean Adsit; boys, Bert Sinclair, Bil- lie Hussey. 10 tor 12 years: Girls, Nellie Sen- for, Frances McColl; boys, Charles Couper, Clarence Pritchard. 12 to 14 years: Girls, Ida Catter- mole, Frances Turnbull; boys, H. Brand, Robert Lawes. Young ladies, Hilda Friendship, Lawes and You will need them as soon as the wea- _ ther changes. --Sandals in Suede. --Sandals in Buck. --Sandals in Patent Leather. {any new styles to choose from. ~The Sawyer Shoe Store | Phone 159, "184 Princess St. O'Grady drill, Mrs. Hussey, Miss Grey Serges $22.50 Dorothy Barth. a Nail driving, Miss Patrick, Harold Good Work Pants ...... $1.75 $1.73 Finney (tied). Sack race, George Laflair, Harold Brand, Balloon race, Marjorie Little. <i Tug-of-war, won by the married ladiés and baseball match for the men won by the single men. , | Lady teachers' race, Miss Phillip, ne " Miss Friendship, Miss Laflair. Straw Sailors, English make Male teachers and officials, Sam- s : $1.25 uel Hitsman, Ken. Pickering. There are other articles we are selling at remarkably low lack of POOm, We cannot men. tion, but we invite you to see where you can save money. Hilda Friendship, Tee avs ens conveyed the forth. : FORMER SCHOOL PUPILS HONOR OLD TEACHER merrymakers back and : . A unique celebration was. held Wi when students and ex- Students of the Welland high school gsthesnd from far and near to renew 0d associations and do 'honor to » & THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Motor cars and Godkin's trucks| PLEATED CREAM SKIRTS With Camisole their old principal, H. M. McCuaig, who, after having acted as principal for the school for thirty-four years, | has resigned from the staff. A large number of former pupils, many of whom now reside long distances from Welland, were in attendance. Principal McCuaig, a former King- stonian, was a son of the late Rev. Findlay McCuaig, pastor of Chal- mers church. He graduated at Queen's in 1884. 'SIMPLE, PLUS STYLE What could be more simple, or OF COOL FABRICS FOR WARM DAYS SATURDAY'S SPECIAL Voile Dresses Ratine Dresses Gingham Dresses 200 ¥, only ® Very specially priced for Saturday. Compare values. We think You'll convince yoursélf that Jackson-Metivier's values can't be equalled. Sizes 34 to 42. SEE WINDOW DISPLAYS ! JACKSONMETTV LIMITED li4 PRINCESS STREET HARRY L. BRANIGAN and GEORGE W. McGLYNN ~ Beg to Announce The OPENING of BRANIGAN'S DRU STORE LIMITED NOW OPEN 268 Princess Street (in former Hydro Shop), one door above the Strand Theatre. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE PHONE 18 PROMPT DELIVERY. SEE OUR DISPLAYS OF RICHARD HUDNUT'S GOODS "SERVICE THAT WILL PLEASE YOU" hy A -- ---------- A man is little better for liking himself if nobody else likes him, There are many echoes in the world, and but few voices. FARMERS OBJECTING TO SERVICE CHARGE Menie Flasidents Thought Schedule Had Been Ar- ranged by Hydro. ' Campbellford, July 11.--Promin- ent farmers in the Menie district who are anxious to secure Hydro power for their farms, appeared before the Seymour council. Those farmers some time ago united in a petition to the Hydro Commission asking for an extension of the line for the Burn- brae community. An engineer was sent to look over the grounds and the necessary number of customers was secured to make the investment pay at schedule prices. These prices were $35 to the cofi- sumer who took one horsepower, $60 to those taking two, and $75 for three. It seems that these figures more French, or more fascinating than this two-piece outfit of beige were satisfactory to the prospective customers, and it was believed by rep with a red ribbon tie and but- tons of bright red? There is a cas- ualness about the ensemble that is' one of the most difficult effects to | achieve and hence Is more desired than the utmost elaboration. This Js what Paris is advocating for fall and winter, them that the arrangement would be carried out. Then the Hydro de- manded a service charge of $50 a year in addition to the above rates, and the farmers felt that this made the proposition excessive. That is the present status of the affair. Township Clerk Hay was instruct- ed to arrange for a meeting of the Chips off the Old Block * IR JUNIORS == Little IRs , The same NR ~in one-third doses, candy-coated. For children and adults, a William A, Céburn, Brockville, has retired oft pension from the office staff of the freight department, Cana- dian Pacific Railway, after forty-five years service. FOUR BOTTLES SERIOUS STOMACH TROUBLE farmers and Hydro officials on the 23rd of July, when an effort will be |g made -to straighten out the differ- ences between the contracting par- CORRECTED | City Dairy Pasteuriz- ed Milk is SAFE for Children, invalids, the aged, for every- one. Just try it. CITY DAIRY 882 PRINCESS STREBT 'Phone 2678. / Before breakfast delivery ment and medicines so long without | that it looked like her casa' ess. But, finally, in 1922, | wife had suffered for 14, ts Tanlac Vegetable Pills, for Constipation. Made and recommended by manufacturers of Tanlac.