SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1924, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIGC Se R. ORWELL TAXI SERVICE Phone House 1315 DELCO- LIGHT 'W.C.CANNON 164 Barrie Street. "Phone 1139J, Fire, Burglary, Plate Glass, Acci- dent and Sickness, Automobile, Pub- lic Laability, Fidelity and Guarantee Bonds. Lionds and Securities per registered maid. Insure your Baggage and save worry when travelling. Reliable Companies and reasonable rates. 'R. H. Waddell 'Phones 326, 596. 86 Brock Street There's nothing much worse than a Lame Back, a Stiff Shoulder or a Swollén Knee or Foot. It aches time and you just can't get it in an easy position. But see what a difference, when you It cases the pain with the first rub. bing; and each succeeding rubbing reduces the swelling, limbers up the sore muscles, and starts up healthy circulation.-- Try it. $1.25 a bottle at most druggists or sent postpaid b y 104 W. F. YOUNG INC. Lyman Building « Montreal. - PHONE 316 | KINGSTON ao DISTRICT 5 Fractured His Arm. William Mitchell, cheese-maker at Harper, had the misfortune to frac- ture his right arm while cranking his auto at the home of his parents on the third concession of Bathurst. Increase in Rates. The Carleton Place Hydro Com- mission has announced an increase in power rates from $44 'to $46.50 per horse power. The domestic light- ing rate remains the :ame but the commercial lighting rates have also been incpeased somewhat. Picton Tax Rate Struck. . Picton tax rate was struck by council at thirty-seven mills for 1924, an Increase of two milis over 1923. The council authorized the public utilities commission to go ahead with a scheme for the brighter lighting of Front strget, by the installation of eighty 400-watt lights. -- ' club from bestowing well known Kingston hospitality on the visitors, says the Oshawa Telegram. After th: Oshawa team had returned to their hotel for dinner, Mayor An-| grove and several of the Ponies ex- ecutive called for the Oshawa boys and took them on a motor car trip around the city, am act of friendli- ness that was much appreciated. Was Badly Injured. Daniel Metcalf, Tincap, unload- ing cans of milk at Brockville, sus- tained painful and sericus injuries. He was standing on the back of the wagon and requested his wife to move the horse ahead slightly. As this 'was done Mr. 'Metcalf was thrown to the pavement and sustain- ed a fracture at the base of the skull; a fracture of the collar-bone and other injuries. He was removed to hospital. i Graduated As Nurses. ple generally may bring about -------- Died at Newberry, Mich. The death is announced at New- berry, Mich., of J. C. Foster, former- ly of Smith's Falls, following a sur- was a prominent hardware merchant and highly esteemed. He was born at Smith's Falls In 1869. Just about a year ago he sent a cheque for $50 as a donation to the swim- ming pool and a beautiful letter in which he said, 'I could not help wanting to help a little financially to procure a pool.for the Smith's Falls kids of to-day; while I do not think they will enjoy it as much as we did the canal, for the excitement of watching for the constable was as great sport as the swimming. I re- main, still a boy from Smith's Falls." sanctuary. Co-operation by the peo- | a similar sanctuary dn Mississippi lake. | gical operation for obstruction of the | bowels and appendicitis. Deceased | Gyproc Board May be used as a Wall Board instead of Lath and Plaster at a saving of time and expense. It is fire proof and can be uséd for Home, Office or Public Buildings, etc. S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards, Coal Bins. BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO, Telephone: Private Branch Exchange, No. 1371. Free Concerts Hints. CLIP AND MAIL Please wend Radio price 'To-night ------4n New York City, Pittsburg, Schnectady, Chicago, Ottawa, and many other cities LISTEN IN! All you need is an easy chair and a C.R.S. Neutrodyne Radio Set. We'll demonstrate in your home and save you money when You buy. WE SELL NOTHING BUT RADIO! You are therefore sure of the finest musical results and Ine telligent Radio Service! Any make of Radio--$30.00 upwards (complete). CANADA RADIO STORES 269%" PRINCESS STRE "PHONE 1207-7. > GODKIN'S LIVERY aids For Bus and Tax! Service, Buggles May Buy Crystal Springs Inn, and Saddle HorSes. The famous old Frontenac Crystal Bus for Cataraqui Cemetery daily ex- | Springs and Crystal Springs inn have Saturday at 145 p.m. | recently changed hands, and it is meses rumored that they will eventually THOMAS COPLEY become a part of the Whistle Pro- ducts corporation. Spring water ter. Phone 987 from these springs is shipped all See ws for all kinds of Carpentry over the country, and the inn, is lo- Work. Estimates given on mew floo Canadian Pacific, City ticket office, 180 Welling- ton street, report the following ar- rivals of their steamships: Empress of Scotland, from Que- bec, arrived Cherbourg and South- ampton, July 9th, and due Hamburg, July 11th, Empress of France, from Ham- burg, Southampton and Cherbourg, Among the graduates of Stamford Hospital, Stamford, Conn., who re- celved their diplomas at the end of this term were Misses Campbell, Cavers, L. Kellough, M. Phillips and Irma Stewart, Carleton Place: Miss- es Frances Cole, Gladys Brokenshire, Dorothy Glover, Jessie Hudson and Muriel Keith, Almonte and Miss Amy Wallace, Arnprior. Miss Irma Stew- PIANO TUNING Piano/ Tuning, Repairing and Player Plano Adjusting. Norman |/ H. Butcher, 27 Pine street. : *PHONE 134. cept Monday. --~-------------- cated inland about three miles, be- DR. A.W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON Corner of Johnson and Wellington Streets. Telephone 368. For Moving of _ FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION EVENINGS 2231. 153 WELLINGTON STREET DR. J. C. W. BROOM L.D.S., Bs. 3 'ellington t Earns: 15s Wellington St venings [ nument, Phone UTS. tt eet sarang | WATTS ios' 177 Wellington Street Fresh Flowers and Plants daily. Funeral designs and wedding bouquets to order. . Phone 1763. 1 laid. Have your hardwood floors el ed with our mew floor cleaning Iias been taken over buh. J. RIGAN, late of the Whitsey Hotel. First class Hotel Service is assured. Good yard and stables in commection. Your patronage is solicited. 119 BROCK ST. PHONE 750. Dr. W. O: Vrooman DENTAL SURGEON Corner of Princess and Barrie Stree Entrance: 3i4 Barrie Street. PHONE "v4J. Office Hours: 5.30 a.m. to ¢ Pm. Dr. Vincent A. Martin DENTIST Evenings by appointment. 272 Princess Street. Phone 2045w. : HEMSTITCHING, PICOT EDGING & PLEATING MRS. H. J. SHALES National Cleaners Phone 2104. Bagot and William Streets GET IT REPAIRED Sewing Machines, Phonographs, Guns, Hides repaired and refitted. Parts supplied. Saws fled, kanives, scissors and edge tosis, round. Lochs repaired. ys fitted to all kinds of locks. All makes of Lawa Mowers saarpened and re- paired. We can repair anything thnt ia repairable. J. M. PATRICK 149 Sydenham Street, Kingston Phone 2050J, COAL * You cent tell good coal by of it. All the safe Anticipate your | wants, 'Lents, Camp - Beds and Cots. Spe- cially low prices this I. Cohen & Co, : 267-278 ONTARIO STRELy . _ PHONES 836 and 837. "ESTABLISHED 171. | QUEENS HOTEL | -| tween Clayton and Cape Vincent. ------------ Very Sudden Death. Carolina Stanzel, relict of the late J. D. Robertson, Carleton Place, passed away after a short illness. Her demise followed an attack of pheumonia. Mrs. Robertson was a daughter of the late Benjamin Stan- zel and was born in Goulbourn fifty- eight years ago. While still quite young she married J. D. Robertson who predeceased her by about twelve years. One daughter, Miss Jenaie, and one son, Eimer, survive. Players Entertained. The defeat administered by the local team to the Kingston Ponies at the Limestone City yesterday did not prevent the official of the home Wall Paper in stock. Muresco, Alabastine. } Scarfe's Auto Enamel ana | Paints, W. G. VEALE 314 BARRIE STREET FOR SALE Down buys desirable 8 room house with all improvements. $4600--8 room brick bungalow, wear Princess Street, 3 bedrooms, 3 » hot air, elec. and Kun, good cellar a warden. x $4300--7 room brick V.. 3 bedrooms, 3 B., slde entrance, good cellar, electric and gas, hot alr, domestic heater, hardwood Sours; South and central. 830007 room brick, 4 bedrooms, 3 p. B., elec. and gas, pot alr, henhouse, central. 825---I'er foot frontage, buys desirable bullding lot on Nelson street, near Jubnson. We have some desirable corner lots. eglect your burglar insurance. Ask for rates. hey are so low that You can't afford to be without them. A large assortment of Bath. ing Caps at reasonable prices. It is good to have two irons in the fire. Or one ad in the Whig's Classified Section, when there is some- thing you want to ac- complish without de- lay. The expense is trifling. Phone 243 to-day! . Copright, 1924, by Basil L. Smith art also received a special prize of fifty dollars in gold and Miss Camp- bell a second prize of twenty-five dollars. ------------ Fine Paternal Care, The following is an example of the paternal care which Governments in the good old days bestowed on cer- tain of their officials: In 1840 an ar- rangement was made for retiring the postmaster of Montreal from duties which were becoming- too onerous for a gentleman of his advanced years. In the absence of a superan- nuation fund, the nephew of thé postmaster, who was the post office surveyor at Kingston, was promoted to the postmastership, with the an- derstanding that his uncle should re- ceive an allowance for life out of the emoluments of his nephew's. new position. Taught School Thirty Years. Miss Annie Young, engaged as teacher in School Section No. 3, Aln- wick township, for the past two years, has re:igned, intending to take a period of rest. She has not decid- ed definitely whether she will give up teaching permanently or not. Miss Young has taught school for over thirty years in the provinces of Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta, having a life certificate in each of the foregoing provinces. She spent the greater part of her Western teaching in Brandon and Miami, Manitoba. She was born near Havelock. ------ Starting A Sanctuary. W. R. Caldwell, Carleton Place, has taken the first steps towards starting a game sanctuary in the vic- inity of his home on the lake shore. The other day he released several wild ducks with one clipped wing, along with a number of tame birds, at his home and hopes through time to add very materially to his brood. This only can be accomplished by the co-operation of the hunters and itis hoped this will be forthcoming. It was in some such small way at this that Jack Miner started his fam- ous preserve and now thousands of ducks and geese find their way to his home every year. The place chosen by Mr. Caldwell is a natural A Form of Public Ownership MUTUAL J fe Insurance is a form of ublic of /mership. The policyholders own e Cor pany and, through its elected directors, cor trol its affairs, subject to Ig, v e lar governy ¢nt audit and inspection. Mutual Lif works on a safe, sound, conser- vative, a¢'uarial basis. Profs derived from the business of the Compar,y are paid back to the policyholders. 'That 'peans that insurance in the Mutual * Life j/ insurance at a minimum cost. ae what Matante cost, on account of the Discuss your insurance needs with our agent, who due Quebec, July 12th. Montlaurier, from Quebec, due Southampton, July 16th and Glas- gow, July 18th. Montcalm, from Montreal, Liverpool, July 12th. Montclare, from Liverpool, Quebec, July 11th. Melita, from Montreal, due Cher- bourg and Southampton, July 17th and Antwerp, July 18th. Minnedosa, fiom Antwerp, Quebec, July 18th. Marburn, from Glasgow and Bel- fast, due Quebec, July 11th. Marloch, from Montreal, due Bel- fast and Glasgow, July 12th. Empress of Asia, from Hong Kong and Yokohama, due Vancouver, July 21st. Empress of Russia, from Van- couver due Yokohama, July 14th and Hong Kong, July 21st. RED HOT JULY DAYS HARD ON THE BABY due due due (Signing off {Il you call) ACROSTIC J. Wilmot guarantees Milk is P ust price and ever varies 2s proved July -- The month of oppressive heat; red hot days and sweltering nights; is extremely hard on little ones. Diarrhoea, dysentery, colic and cholera infantum carry off thousands of precious little lives every summer. The mother must be constantly on her guard to prevent these troubles or if they come on suddenly to fight them. No other medicine is of such aid to mothers during the hot summer as is Baby's Own Tablets. They regulate the bowels and stomach, and an oc- ' |casional dose given to the well child will prevent summer complaint, or if the trouble does come on suddenly will banish it. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. : ------ SEVEN SENTENCE SERMONS A covetous man is fretful because he has not so much as he desires; but a gracious man is thankful because he has more than he deserves.--Secker. There is something sublime in calm endurance.~Longfellow. Who comes to. God an inch, through doubtings dim, In blazing light God will advance a mile to him.--Oriental Provesh | The bread of life is love: the salt of life is work; the water of life is faith.-- Jameson. Cast thy burden upon_the Lord, and he shall sustain thee.--Psa. 53:22, If 1 can lend A strong hand to the fallen or defend ec right against a single envious strain, My life, though bare Perhaps of much that seemeth dear and fair To us on earth, will have not have been in vain.--Browning. Degrees infinite there must always be, but the weakest among us has a gift, however seemingly trival, which is peculiar to him, and which worthily used, will be a gift to his race.~Ruskin ---- The French senate gave a vote of confidence to Herriot following the statement that the role of his gov- | 'ernment was the re-establishment of cordial relations with Great Britain. | Dr. Gilbert White and Finley Laz- ler have leased the office in the Cole Block, Picton, occupied by the Port Milford Canning Company. A preliminary survey of the Upper Ottawa River, above Pembroke, will be made in the interest of Hydro development, amaated a gh cass Mik 0 QUALITY 'Is ideal, th children thrive apoa, Kingston sl arc mad cajoyabl, when sed 0 Phone 2360 ring 14. Orders et © vy best of sence and sure uU R E M I L K wad it mon a test Ichaess recogmized xeellatly prized others say ay wy cading action ind of Satisfaction 2 JHE Good meals served to your liking. NN Ar WE SERVE GOOD MEALS EVENING PARTIES given first class attention. VICTORIA CAFE Siug Lee and Gan Lee, Props. Telephone 762. | Fur Neck Pieces In All Popular Furs W. F. Gourdier 78 BROCK STREET e/v: "Phone 700. MEN'S SUITS Enjoy the warm water while / $15.00 to $32.00, memes ior 2c f) 8 / $35.00 DRUMS and WATERWINGS. / ff rl aad For sale by Indigo Blue Serge Suits on sale for > 'M. R. McColl $28.50 Tr TWEDDELL"S 131 Princess St. HANLE y ~ will explain the Mutual oss ¥ policies. Or write us AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES tial attention given your family ds going te or returning from Old Country. y For full particulars apply or write HANLEY, C.P. & T.A, C.N. Ry : Canadian National Railw Hon, corner Johnson and Ontario pets. Kia ton. Ot. Open day ) Suvucs vo aud 1433, i Alas, how difficult it is to prevent the codulenaice betraying our guilt?