Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Jul 1924, p. 11

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_THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG . "The Classified Section Is A Veritable Nest Of Opportunities For Everyone BIRTHS. Announcement -- - 7] Financial | Merchandise | Real Estate For Sale h, 1924, -- { Mr. at aay: aig Sh (nee Lost and Found Money to Loan 40 Radio Equipment 62a Farms and Lands for Sale. 83 Dgtite Simmons), = Appleton] : FRONTENAC -- Loa, FAY * ? ? born). 5 yiviston St., A -- a and Investment| GOING AWAY *--Touring? Camping? FARM, 208 ACRES--For sale or to ren + & daughter (still born) TWO 310 BILLE---1ont. on Dlyision Sts y 0 Society incorporated 1861. " Prealdent,| or any other place? Then you'll want of choice farm land adjoining vil % : ' MARRIAGES. : University. Finder please return te - A. B. : A. | a Crosley Portable with you. A two! of Bath. The house, which can 3) h of | this office and receive reward. +7 to loan on City| tube guaranteed radio set for $69.50, divided for two families, is situated in DOLAN--VANKHORN--At the -home of s Se Their comfortable, Smoothly running automobiles are properties, vestments Shmplete. Only at Canada Radio the village Yith concrete walk § . and ho. xT > ; 3 - ores. reg? Rev. W. I Dolan, Brock. IEE bn Bro: oan TaT + & symbol of the ease which marks their journey through Seived ang interest 1d on mi iy from hurohr Ypublte' nt to Vv. W. F. Dolan, od poe life . monthly nce. artwright, Wanted--To Buy 66! tion schools: blacksmith shop and Albert Street. h ' 3 p v 5 manager, §7 Clarence Street, King- st " YDRY--COLE---At Napanee, on SUM OF MONEY--Found, on Princess Effortless acquisition of the things worth while is ston. ' other Dulling daca the ---- Irs Cer an | BL oy iY Found, on Princess theirs-- He Pe 37 200N- Ruvver rea.| Fhrve Muna jessie in widiy "tnd . rederic . S sO 3 est, . Stoc to 37 ncess Stree quarter le: , 80 tha rms . Ils Juanita Cole, Deseronto. Je broverty AL 32 Clergy Street wes Simply because they regularly read the Whig's A-B-C ind ! nearly 2 fauare Block. There are two 269 . neve TTT JAMES REID Classified columns and keep constantly in touch with the Poultry and Supplies ond] TTT ere to buy: must be in| asa renin iy Old Firm of Undertakers Automobiles most profitable opportunities there are. HENS-- A number of yearling White Sod Fttion. hous 1528J or ap- 254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET ST The largest per cent. of them get the very cars, in a ndcties, J. 5 Mardin strain Sith . Phone 147 for Automobiles for Sale, 11 whi 10 June 30th ier mt has nov. 1 1883. | re: wide, in good 4 Ambulance ch they roll so comfortably, from the Automotive to June oes, 1p2e-0t 115 aon: also a | "oondition. Apply Box R-12, Whig Of- ' CHEVROLET TOURING -- Five pas- Columns of the classified section. But these cars are far "Phone. 23187. 7 Chicks. 234 Bar st | fou : or some time. You ROBERT J. RElv senger, In first class condition. 'This : . ould really' have to see the farm to The Leading Undertaker syear's license. A bargain. Apply W. from being the only things they get. Merchandise ANTED -- Complete set of Dumas,| appreciate its value. Ww 877. . 230 Princess Street | Young, 94 Rideay Street, The A-B-C Ads find good positions for them--or real small foot stool. Melodeon. Apply sonable, as | am 8 E : ke T 51 'phone 975. Dusiness. Apply to estate bargains--or household articles at iow prices-- Articles For Sale orth person to R. : 4 ? mile east of Bath on front road, M. P. KEYES CARS FOR SALE oF profitable business opportunities--and any number of A1 MOTOR BOAT--AD brass trimmed. Rooms For Rent ont TOM 49 PUNERAL STREET 1922 Mode! McLaughlin Six. other things which they need in their daily lives. 5% horse power, 18 feet long, 6 feet Rooms Without Board 68 Houses For Sale 2 wide; carries 10 life preservers, an- § i 1839 D-45 McLaughlin Six and other cars. You may enjoy the sa. Vv hor, flag. Will sell cheap, for $200. BEAUTIFUL STONE DWELLING-- AMBULANCE PHONE . y enjoy me advantages--if you will read choz, flag. or ROOMS-- Mile and a half above Col- west end of city. Beautifully decorated -- JOHN CORNELIUS E. LAWRENSON the classified section daily} ont us, APPIY Floya = THM") Tlin's Bay, close to water. ADSly ton throughout. Will sell at 'reascaen Undertaker and Embalmer 0 Saundercook on premises. rive to uick Layer. Apply to Rives 387 PRINCESS STREE - BEE SUPPLIES -- A large uantity, Ston Agencies Ltd, 67 Clarence Street. svar GAIT int 57 Sm SAE Toe Pe eres) HA LJ. acConnell, en; , Ont. wv Mrs. J Onell, Sydenham, On ROOMS--Furnished or unfurnished, for| FRAME HOUSE--Bagot street, $1,200, U d C f r Sale ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY. BRICK--Hard and soft, an quantity.| light housekeeping. Apply 217 Stuart FRAME--Markland Street, $1,300, Pay, se ars Io ! Apply E. E. Wathen, 127 Nelson Street. | Street. as rent. E | FPnones 1391J or 618. (Agent for Baker 2 SOLID BRICK--University Ave, all One McLaughlin, Ki5, § passenger n-- Brick). ROOMIS--Two or more, furnished, con- improvements, $8,000. Plone 856w. 238-240 Bagot Street | Touring. First class mechanical condi- | -- venient for Might housekeeping. elec- BRICK--7 Sots. University Ave., all tion, new tires, new t and side cur-| BUFFETS--DIining Chairs, Tables, Two| tric Mght, gas Tor cooking. Apply 208] im rovements, ,300. Calls Night and Day Promptly Attended taind. Lately painted and varniohot | Business Services Business Serv 5 or Beds, Mattresses, etc. We| University Avenue. Phone 311 SOLID BRICK--U niversity Avenue, all ; H. J. KNIGHT One Ford One Ton Passenger . Insurance 23 ONN 8 buy furniture and 8ood clothes. J improvements, $9, i 2X EMBALMER > Employmen: Thompson, 833 Princess Street. Tele- Real Estate For Rent Cor. Barrie and OS ONNOR, f PARLORS. Sydeabans. Yarker, binding 5 Ford One Ton Truck with flat FIRE--Auiomublie anu Casualty Insur- Help Wan PF 9 3) pine 160w. Apartments and Flats 7 7 ro Phone Les, +. __ Sud Battersea, Ambulance 'phone 33. platform and drivers cab. ance. R. M. Crumley, 430 Ear] Street. | CEDARSTRIP SKIFF--Painted, qual. A Hseven joomed brick, all cone $ Anhouncements One Reo 134 ton 'speed wagon. | Ynone 1782M. CHAMBERMAIDS-- Apply Hotel Ran- 11 Be soet lone. aah am, 17 TO LET--In Sydenbam A Toonte two A OWior edgatlon on [Brock mT One Chevrolet Four Door Sedan, new- | INSURANCE--Only wne most reliabie| 40/PB- Spoon Oars, new. Apply H. J. Thom. Suites, rach Jour BUA pha bath gain 033800. Eusy terms. "Apply Personals 9 J Caimted if ished; Hood Hires Sompanies represented. Strange & son Co, Sharbot Lake. tiled; clothes closets, kitchen equip. ZS Fula Office « ; * Strange, established in 1860. Office: 95 | MAID---For, general housework. No CE nd! ment, Stove, refrigerator and gas MODERN CK HOU --- -- Hair, Moles, Bovd'" Ltd Clarence Street, ubponile Fost ORise. | washing or reer Apply 32 Earl] GyJirAnd wood reduced to the e | Sires. ester. Apply 63 Brook Street. | 'Street Went oly extra lot ion oyd s Garage, . Street. . Street. house. - Real snap. Apply Kingston SKIN BLEMISHES arts, ks, Skin Cancers - - pita; ote, removed permanent. \ J. B. COOKE--Life, Fire, Accident and ------ee ] ) tisfacto, las 129 Brock St Phone 201w. in reliable companies, dis- Business Places For Rent, 75 pene oh 1d, 67 Clarence Street. extra for splitting. Clinkers ry Glasses fitted and Sickness, 3 ished after others have Janed trict manager, pmperial Life. Phones: NURSE--Experienced, children's nurse, e without Spstation, 31 Office 503w. Res. 1731m. Sood wages. Apply Box T-12, Whig| Cinders $1.00. wo Braton, 290 Wel-| NEW ETORE--10 Princess Stréet, will 1K a an eB . . . . wis ~ lington Street. 'Phone ow. complete to suit tenants. Also store State an nsurance Broker, od Phat Sit went 10ts | Something Special In Autos] °5% somes as Acoiage sui Eo pm -- & 3 Erinsess Sureul" Topiy I Cliten| | Johteon sd 1 isto g, Broken treet Phone 3 = ¥ daff $575.00 Automobile Insurance at low rates. E.| SALESLADY Temporary. Experience GooL PRYING JuTrir Huy ars] SS Sompany. Phone ssw, See advs, Page 8. 4 1323 muaer Fora Seda id. = Y \ 3 Lr : Seven years old; ru er tired runa- Lost and Found 10 11 1523 model Ford Seiad $550.00 »Wliliams, 2 Couper Street. 114 Prinses \hPlY ~ Jackson-Metivier,| ,50v°R ¥ harness; all in A-1 condi. Farms For Rent 76| SUMMER COTTAGE -- On Lough. : 114 Princess Street. ' 3 borough Lake, rage and bo - es Both are as good as new. Movi Truc - 5 tion. Apply J. E. Mullen, Monument : ,» BArage an at house. 1 K d oh Sun vin, ruckin, Storge 2 mee 3 c Al > MOBILE CRANK-SYound on Sun. Also two or three other real bargains 8 8 y Help Wantea--Male 33 Dealer, 357 Frontenac street. 108 ACRES Possession March 1st, 1925, Apply 170 Earl Street. rest. * BI UE G A R A GES [ / ABHES--Cleaned out of cellars and GARDEN HOSE Window Screens, Jal plowing Jone; Boing west soon. td. tin hi aon. ; Aron, S67een Doors and Perfection Oll Stoves on Sherman tartan Doras B CUNNINGHAM BICYCLE PUMP--Found. Owner may | COfmer uf Bagot and Queen Streets, 24 Itussell Street. Phone 3256. BOY--To learn o tical business. Apply| at reduced prices, at Taylor & Hamil- a . Real Kstate, oun | 0. | - Imperial Optica ton's, 89 Princess Street. Phone 418. Insurance and Loans. have at the ig Office. | TWO GOOD BARGAINS -- Chevrolet| STORAGE--For furniture, ciean, dary, Houses for tient 7 7 Carers. Street touring in eplendid shape. Gray Dort| Sry rooms and Spuces; your own lock GATES--Fences, Arches -- everything , o| Special touring. Robinson Motor| and key. Frost's City Storage, 299- EXPERIENCED MAN--Single or mar. for the garden and cemetery. Part:| DWELLING -- Over Willlams Drug BATHING eg una, and BR pales, Blue Garages. 'Phone 567, 305 Queen St. Phone 626. Rea. 939w. ried, for farm work. Good wages. Ap- ldge Wire and Iron Works, King Store, Beas, Separate pn, aay Lots for Bal fantaining um ot 'phone 2361 r 3. j= Sa : rr P Pa on ot - ply Empioymen ce, Clarence St. Street West. 'Phone 380. and electric liohy: Apply to C. Living " ° Tre re uto Accessories--Tires--, alnting, Papering, Decorating MAKE MONEY AT HOME--$1 to $3| GREEN JMIARDWOOD -- Dry mixed | Ston & Bro. Brock Street. aoa, BUILDING LOT -- FOr p --. Found, . i! fu an hour for your spare tim writ! also hard and soft sla - ------ acing Victoria Park. Pr ER ry Re Se rr frv ER a | lotiifor of hm To fe nthe 4, Sh | SORE Net wren momen tng | [ang Visti Be Pcs oh same at um ftreet. Canada = Maxotire Co. distributors,| in stock, A Anderson, 13 Wellington | instruct and supply you with work.| Shingles oUSAIN . H. Talbot, rd, Es EE ---- 5 . 3 Onta vd ' : . ; West-Angus Showcard Service, 17 Col-| § St. Catherine Street. Yard on Con-| APPly J. D. Boya, Eastylew R. R. No. 1. MERCHANDISE COATEE--Lost, lady's grey wool, and Suen and Ontario Streets. 'Phone| Street Phone 1948 borne Building, Toronto. gession Street near Division. 'Phope| 'Phone 1103 r 42. Al lady's pale blue pullover sweater, at a Shas 2302w. ---- CathoMc picnie, Brophy's Point, July Ritelnces © = INTING--J. 8. Robi SCHOOL BOY--One that woulq like to : HOUSES--257 and_269 Rideau St. and -- 10th. Return to Whig Office. Business Service Bama aING.- Oe Tea ns rasal he that Noldays. Age INDIGO SERGE SNITS--Made to your| 01 snd 69 Queen Street, six rooms, all . 3 thor over. Apply to Mr. Fred Thoms,| order, $30. Easy terms of payment.| improvements. Number of gingle gar- 00 toves . 1 Business Services Offered 18 teres | Odl0sSa, Ont. Best valye in Can 'Phone 2206w.| ages at 69 Queen Street. Apply 185 CHILD'S RING--Found. Owner apply J. FLANAGAN--Painter, Paperhanger J. G. Patterson, 120 Johnson Street. Queen Street. 'Phone 958w. With and without tanks, to 22 Sixth Street. and Decorator. Estimates submitted. \ Al Square Heaters, J AUCTIONEER--For courtesy and hon- [Phone 1432. 247 Montreal Street, LUMBER --- Quantity of second hand 18 MAIN STREET--Near Colborne, cen- cheay, te * TCH Found, at| ©St dealing, W. A. Twigg, 192 Barrie Kingston. Sample books in stock, inch lumber. E. BE, Wathen, 127 Nel- trally. Jocated, frame dwelling, six » . AN'S WA Sool ou Wil-| Street. Phone 8204, he = -- Son street. 'Phone '1391J. or 618. rooms, gas, electric light. Rent ° Jngston Mills. Owner apply to AGENCY MANAGER WANTED LOA BRR a -------------------- moderate; immediate possession. Ap- | urk Qe . a McKane, Kingston Mills. . Chiropractic 28¢. LUMBER--2" x 8" and 2" x 10" Joists,| ply evenings to Miss Baird, 12 Main W- Al PIN--Lost, in vicinity of Expert Plano Tuning. A company internationally 1 x and 16 It. long at bargain prices.| Street. GOLD - I . . McNamee, 345 Alfred Street. * Ge Hospital. Rewdrd for return Player-Plano Adjusting. HE YAU. F. aha sennle A.. Chiro known, of highest rating and Teléphone 2292w. 4 Office and Desk Room 78 PHONE 705. Tie! % Whig Office. Phone' 1544 -jractie Hireot Phosistered] largest manufacturers of EE -------------------------------- -- A al ce > on Prayer, found, #-12 a.m., 1 to §, and § te 7.30 their kind in the world, has a OFFICE--136 Wellington Street, suit- BUSINESS SERVICE Hymn OK Comme Jn. Prayer. nd, C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED p.m. Sunday and other hours by ap-| few terror open to men who bd ton Cement Br.2| &ble for doctor or dentist. Apply 136 pointmant. Consultation Wellington street. - wells, the oldest, the largest, the onl; BY us hone ith gold Miied top moit other 10st | (ohithry "well ® drifters Best, the only Hob aYeDr. W. G. 182 Welling-| ments. phons 730w. Summer Homes For Rent so] | \W. KENT MA th gold filled top, self locker. In-| g08 Lennox and Addington. The most Hours 9-13, 15. 6°, Such men will be required to MY NEW FALL PRICES--Are exceed. - INSURANCE BROKER White Ivory silk lining and one e ment. Phone £570. Lads" 'tendant. prove that they can sell a high ingly low on threshers, tractors, hay| AT EASTVIEW PARK -- Furnished g NCH ollar bill. Finder please return to rot grade specialty to business presses, silo fillers, plows. Write me bungalows, six or seven rooms, large Writing Fire, Life, Automobile, Ae. "Whig Office. \ Dental 28d executi hat th 1 i. C. Smith, 199 Colborne Street. Sh ened verandahs and fireplaces. AM. cident, Sickness, . Plate Glass ang | -- WUSICAL, INSTRUMENTS -- Foss: el: So He at 1 hey are ook PRS py to J. heyy e, Eastview R. R. No.| | other lines of lneu =~ Repaired. "155 ection .. | MEN'S de te order, good va- . one T. PH PURSE--Apply 84 Pine Street. David J. Coates, 393 Division treet. ARKS & SPARKS -- Dentists, 159 and that they have the ability riety of Spring samples. hood $24 33 BROCK ST. PHONE 585w. + O. F. ellington street. corner of Brock. -- ; | ausio, © F-Telgmann Scuool of| Wellingto to hire and train a sales force to | WB. Nom Sownd pressing... "Suits| 0, CRAGSMERE FOR 4 a cover their territory. Robertson, 278 Bagot Street. GOOD MEAL-- i TCHET PARP--On Princess Street. Ladies' Hair Parlor 21a KENAPP--Dr. A. E., Dentist. Office: 258 A real salesman from 30 to ner can have same at Whig Office. Princess Street. "Phone 652w. Open } Cor, lth motor wheel. one Excel-| OF for & week end. Good fish- . evenings by appointment. 40 years of age, who is willing sior, one Briggs and Strachan Motor. Ing. boating, bathing. very best PUP--Tost, will person who-picked u . to work hard and who has been ler i - of meals served. ¢ Lea '® fox terrier, bitch pup, white wiih| French Marcel, Bob Curling, Round Legal 28. successful in sales work can NP Siaaulier a, Bloyels' Yorks, 311 Road. For further acu Black earn, on Tork Sheer Saturday | Ourl, Shampooing, Singeing, Scalp > make from $4,000 to $7000 8pply to Theodore Billington: Afternoon, return same to 41 York St. | treatments by Miss E. Hawke. The CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers y ° $7, 8 SUMMER STUDENTS-- Get your Sta. Prop, Lansdowne, Ont. 4 one harboring same after this date Boyish Bob is an urt and requires | $A Solicitel, 8 oS lirense Strest, year tionery at Elder's, one gor aio a Will be prosecuted. an artist. It must not be entrusted og an it. ny Yor ake Stating. iy Strand Theatre. SUMMER COTTAGE--On Lake fromecae|| For Immediate delivery several Y--Lost, rolled in elas- |} ced men. ye di d » ® ollin's Bay, semj-r ished. . ween Vit.eo And 330.00; | and vorraess Med: We do ft DARAND DEVELLE "Barristers ano carningy: "a Past and present | SCALES--an or chay Terns "iotogs| sbi renal for' remainder of 'sess Se week. Find ease re- a solicitors, I ee ng- earnings. » Pply Kingston A i Clar- barhyot Murphy, Portsmouth, or| Phone 1818). for appointment. ston A. E. Day, Airis x inevelle nished will be. eonmation Yur. Beals Con Lid, 209 Pringess St. King-| once Sans "Ph Sen! oy Ltd, 67 Clar Motor Boats Le . origuges anged. eo ice. Reward ; FRANK J. ROBBS, otaies. Ba So $onidential, x Aphlieation is SUMMER COTTAGES--Furnisheq, on . Left on waggon on the 185 Wellington Street 2 38 Clarilister and Solicit. vorably considered an inter- SET OF LAWN BOWLS -- With net,| tamouth: or oyndy Murton, J E Renay. Wesony. Oper id to SPR hes ait Tense treat. Over View V taartnged. . ity $7.00. Apply 432 Princess Street. Portémuuth, or 'phone 1103 r 12. an ngines FRENCH MARCEL EYNOLDS--J. C. Barrister ana so.| 32 Front Stree West, Toronss' Ly acuun CLEANERS w To : 32/] Both new ana second hand. We Lanter Wave, qu istrdrensing, | ICRODED Brock Street. Money to loen| OBt. Strations in your home "phone 32617 ver aie ra ant rnihod onf] shall be pleased to give particu- es' a > 2 % on, Facial and Scaip Tresimen rs in, TENTS--To sell or rent. Canvas, ali| house in city with porch. State terms lars and quote prices. dyein, a specialty, SHEA--Ambross, B.A. Barrister . and . sizes, to Saver Trucks or Binders. Can- and location, Reply to Box U-14, Whig pecialty. 4 MRS. WILKINSON, 360 Frontenac licitor. OT of Ki vas Folder Beds. Everything for the = e Street. Phone 1080J. for BPoas Holletor. a Roca aer Moc S x gamp. Apply A. Shapiro, 45 Princess ee ee 'The twelve volumes standing on| mest to loan. Phone 1999, Sol Street. Real Estate For Sale DAVIS DRY .DOCK Co. shell are lettered -- not num. : (ors, Canvassers, Agents 35 WOOD--Dry tara map ary boas] "Poot Wellington Strest + As they now stand, they |TADIES TRANSFORMATIONS-- [lob- Repairing 29 | SALESMAN--To represent a thriving| soft wood, hardwdod slabs, kindle, Farms and Lands For Sale 8s 00 f apell three words: pony, lace, dice, | bed curls, switches shampooing. Canadian Company in Kingston dis-| cut and delivered; liv: Prices. J. , . Box singelng, curling, Ladies' and Ci NITURE FINISHI 1 k trict. = Apply, "statin fications| Peters & Son, corner Brock ang Toron- - Can you rearrange the books in a as hair cutting. Mrs. Cunningham, FURS and see W. D Ron 5 John ahd ex rience, .P. 313, King-| to Streets. Phone 885. Cane 1ochted oa tung about z : r 1 Ee .- Pow so they will spell what the | 6 Bay Street, Kingston, Phone 1613W.| street. Phone 206F. ston. On Highway, about twelve real WALNUT BUFFETS -- Walnut side yighwar, Shout he t Volumes really are? Hemstitching 21b| ANTIQUE FURNITURE REPAIRED er Raliable. for anceps: tables walnui and mahogany chests Fons of Weath, 2k. and (THERE I8 NOTHING more haiptul ers Street Phone 2610. Sion tne 1-73 Clarence Street, CLASSIFIED ADS are surprisingly Sar AOBNT.. Go. All kinds; first class work uaranteed. PP. PICOT "EDGING -- Homatitching.| Jackson & Timms. 'Fhone lige FrULt and Dene argos fo ore ot] Shop, 507 Princess, ston, On successful salesmen Pleating, work guaranteed. Mrs. Sell for a Nursery, not f, bbe. - : id, 363 Barrie Street, near Princess| UPHOLSTERING--New or used furnl s Tite: Petar | WE--Will rent you & new plano at six -- ---- Seer. Phone 2433. Successor to Mra. ure: work guaranteed. Cail or Sine 3 LALLY oa 4 NC oraatul. Write: Pelham | "dollars monthly and In event of you i Card. W. J. Gavine, 216 Bagot purchasing, at end of six months, we : : : T UPHOLSTERING--ARa &eneral repair. w Da Y imitear Traeg paid. se. SUMMER RICES NOW \ Hat Cleaners Rie | AOISTER orders at or drop a curd / Kingston. - tapout Your Panama or Straw.| {9 JF. Wo Harold, 104 Clergy Street. oH fa 34,55 P. GASOLINE ENGINE with HAVE YOUR COAL DELIVERED NOW. gear is . Geol th ter; - Re Peis JIS, JFntne 1333, 'Next Yeror to Tarwng 1heng 107 Pumping: 16" wood ER OSSURED OF THE LOWEST PRICE AND AVOID 'THE r x $d same at Whig Office. WELL DRILLING -- Sanitary water can re up to our require- ducts ¥actory, 69 Patrick Street. Tele- ---- . Ww. on, The Bank of Nova Sco : rT F.| some tools. Apply evenings. 346 Uni- FALL R _ UPHOLSTERING TIS, secreta R. <| versity Avenue. HE WORLD'S FINEST COAL--RIGHT OFF THE CARS -- Insurance '28 'we d Protes Se eee | GB RIRKPATRICE 3% Cares. | MI Kinde of Banoince Wat we do ER ~Qualif WASHING MACHINE -- Electri CAREFULLY F REE Bumber 496 is a "perfect num- | Si Mgh e, Fire, Accident and| "6" Estimates given. * Sertificate. Salary ic and ioteoond class| wringer. Only used a short time, $70. 00. Duties to] Apply 216 Union Street. 'Phone 1504w. adpply Thos. > i $850. i d, 1924, ta divisors are 1, 3, 4, 8, frigmoihe Toatuaet Clas Agen: Frontenac Mattress Co. | 2 Fone ® Gaenaque. --L_(, YOU WILL like the orderly ar- James Swift & Co | imited ¥. total he. lied > G, HUNTER OGILVIE -- Representing] © <#x1NG ST. = - FONE Jie; tuations Wanted--Mal RE Arr sou sailied ade. prob- : Se hs 0 flr of three figures, inodicn or Bree ding tad acing sock ENGINEER position A EVERY BOnY pied ding "classified Foot oft Johnson Street ence . So J ores for economy--classified ads. : Tates on Foxes. 38 U gettin, r share of, Box WV Street. Phone 668J. the a arg, Aur , ! Whig Office, 00 t riot Hubbard Ayer" Lemon mre---- 1 S---- 'at Gibson's. : gare 693.498 words 1 we| BRINGING UP FATHER gs 3: Cestan and 181,253 in the 7 -- : Basiament, making 774,746 in THIS IDEA OF GOR TO A Bath Salt" Gibson's. Hover, ALFOR A REST 15 force of gravity on the moon 2.6900 STUNT BUT THE of what it is on the TROUBLE 1%: THESE earth. . ea Doc TORS Always "Black Narcissus Face Powder." LIKE YO FinD SOME Gibson's. ; CT Teng Tee MATTER Don't be so polite that your so- ~-- WATMYoU- . ®lety will be tiresome to other people. ~ Men of good sense usually avoid "I's" In thelr conversation. "lee Cream Bricks." Gibson's. It you humor habit it will, in a »

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